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9764353 No.9764353 [Reply] [Original]

>Let's make every room twice as bigger
>Let's make them more vertical too
>But no hub or teleport system, because we need players to backtrack the whole fucking map all the fucking time because turns out we have several new areas for the player to go but the player will only figure out which one if there are not blocks of 5 or 6 different types blocking his way
>Let's bloat the game with pointless damage, jump and speed upgrades that were all part of other upgrades before
>Let's make every boss have a gimmick, instead of just shooting them
It's funny how many rom hackers and fangames seems to struggle with this, they don't understand how game design works, they just think more is better.

And... fuck the zelda music, keep your gay elf fetish out of my franchise.

>> No.9764392

Is this the Metroid where Samus is an agent for zionist lobbies in the USA?

>> No.9764398

Have no idea what the plot is, didn't care, don't care, real games have no plot.

>> No.9764403

I played the whole thing, 10 hours completion. Pretty good hack. The bosses are like that because they can't be changed past a certain point.
>fuck the zelda music
I agree 100%, I played those sections on mute.

>> No.9764413

>Hacks that make you appreciate the original game design

literally every metroid hack i've ever tried, except rogue dawn for the first one, which was actually good. all SM hacks are tryhard trash that always make me wish i had just started another rr0awvjun on the original instead

>> No.9764439

>zelda music
What Zelda music? There was Castlevania music but i don't recall Danny Zelda.
Also, Subversion is better than anything you will ever do, make or say, lmao

>> No.9764443

You don't even know songs you retard

>> No.9764445

Majora's Mask, two different songs. Water temple and Stone Tower. The Stone Tower one is really really really fucking annoying.

>> No.9764447

It doesn't even fit the theme,

>> No.9764458

I agree completely. The water temple one might have worked if they took out the main melody, but no they wanted to make sure you could here the Zelda music in a Metroid game.

>> No.9764462

Oh. Never played MM cuz i didn't like OoT. I disliked the Castlevania music in it, tho. Felt very much it of place so i guess if the Zelda music is giving you the same feeling the Cv music stuff to me, i can understand the gripe.

Listening now, homie. Gimme a sec.

>> No.9764464

I’m pretty sure on the third level you introduce the 1964 immigration act to congress.

>> No.9764467

Oh. I actually liked that in there. Again, tho, if you got the same feeling from it i did from the Castlevania music, i can understand what you mean.

>> No.9764504

I look at the megaman x corrupted fangame and I have similar feelings when I actually read the game descriptions, feels like they are trying to make megaman X3-2 by making sure you have a billion things instead of just focusing on the gameplay

>> No.9764543

I suspected the other music was from somewhere else but I'm not that familiar with Castlevania so I didn't know.
Guess they couldn't find anyone to just make new music for it.

>> No.9764554

Pretty weird the Galactic Federation has so many connections to space pirates in this hack... why do they lower the bounty if you ask about it?

>> No.9764559

They couldn't even bother to pick something from metroid prime

>> No.9764574

This is the track https://youtube.com/watch?v=oyk4Qso7rpM

>> No.9764591

Sounds just like Metroid

>> No.9764640

Not even remotely.

>> No.9764686

Every single time I've played a "rebalance" hack for a game, it's actually a Extreme Difficulty mode that expects you to know exactly how to exploit the game's systems. Or grind.

>> No.9764743

Rogue Dawn is so fucking good it inspired me to make a Doom mod revolving around Metroid 1's combat.

>> No.9764745

which area uses great bay temple music? i don't think i'm there yet

>> No.9764751

I like RD a LOT but goddamn do i get lost playing through it, even with the mapping feature

>> No.9764770

It still blows my mind how they managed to get wall jumping in. Gorgeous hack too. I can see why you'd get lost though, it doesn't help there's a few areas that have fucked up warp mazes.

>> No.9764783

>fucked up warp mazes.
Fucking right.

>> No.9764786

Did you find the fun secret rooms? There's a Metroid made of the current area's tiles in every zone. There's also the phantom picker and the really big secret on the federation ship

>> No.9764815

I liked it, but I agree: it feels bloated at times.
The space jump needing power ups to work as intended annoyed me as a concept.
Thinking more is better however is a common mistake among developers, look at games like mega man x5.

>> No.9764819

A few, but I'm sure not all. It really has a LOT to fucking do, man considering its limitations. I've gotta get at it again.

>> No.9764830

>zelda music
thanks for the warning, I'm staying the fuck away from this thing

>> No.9764839 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 256x240, Metroid Rogue Dawn_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought turning the reserve tanks into refill tanks was pretty brilliant though.

There's also a hidden word search. Also I misremembered, he's called the GRIM PICKER. Don't open this if you want to find him yourself, he's in the first area you visit when you beam down from the ship.

>> No.9764864

git gud, this hack is the real deal, a bonefide Super Metroid 2, the Majora's Mask to SM's Ocarina of Time.


>> No.9764872

There's that famous megaman one. I watched someone play it live and he was gleaming the entire time.

>> No.9764882

>Don't open this if you want to find him yourself,
Thanks for the warning. I won't.
This. This is why /VR/is the best board.

Don't. It's good. You should play it

>> No.9764913

>It's funny how many rom hackers and fangames seems to struggle with this, they don't understand how game design works, they just think more is better.
This also describes every modern Doom wad.

>> No.9765545

I just don't get this mentality, some people seems to really think a giant map is good, kinda remember of Zelda TP that has a big map full of... nothing.

>> No.9765572

Is Subversion as bad as lets say, Parallel Worlds?

>> No.9765584

It's not a bad hack, but it also isn't good, it honestly shows how bad the super metroid mechanics work with anything that depends on more complex or precise movements, needs to make a sudden turn? Hope you didn't hit down by accident because you are going to get crouchstuck.

>> No.9765835

Not in the slightest, I also disagree with what that other guy said, I consider it one of the better Super Metroid ROM hacks. It actually succeeded in surprising me several times.

>> No.9765978

>they don't understand how game design works, they just think more is better.
yeah this is kind of the universal problem with romhacks. even the best Super Mario 64 hacks struggle with this.

>> No.9767285

I never even heard of this hack before but now, thanks to you OP, I hate it

>> No.9767345

You shouldn't. It's good.

>> No.9768534


>> No.9768536
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>> No.9768537
File: 2.58 MB, 512x448, $R653R3Q.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9768540
File: 2.79 MB, 512x448, $R18JKXX.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9768772

it's an excellent hack, albeit a little bit obtuse at times. still really good though
some very interesting new mechanics

>> No.9768905

>zelda music
>it's stone tower
hell fucking yeah you guys are faggots, im playing this after am2r

>> No.9768952


Sorry, I've just skimmed the webms above and now I hate it even more. I mean it's fine, I don't want it erased from existence or anything, but yeah I'm not gonna try it.

>> No.9769296

sorry retard but subversion is peak super metroid. only metroid super zero mission comes close in terms of level design.

>> No.9769303

parallel worlds is unplayable (as a non-speedtrannyrunner) subversion is doable, my normie friends all finished the hack and the last time they played super metroid was probably 25 years ago on the snes.

>> No.9769549
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>> No.9769820

That's okay. What's hacks have to liked, then?

>> No.9769857

No need for a review, the name alone implies it's shit.

>> No.9769864


I don't normally play them and haven't tried many. I like translations when those are needed, of course, and I like randomizers and such for certain games that I really love but find too easy anymore. Otherwise I haven't played any that I like a lot. In theory a hacked game could be better than the original of course, but it does seem that actual hackers aren't very good at redesigning games and can't be trusted to add new things that live up to and refrain from clashing with the old things. I suppose it's too much to ask: Somebody working for free on a project that'll only ever have a niche audience, while also being required to possess substantial technical ability for messing around with hacking tools and brittle old assembly-language code, is probably not going to have the mental resources left over, once all that's been accounted for, to produce high-quality art.

>> No.9769879

Fair enough. I still say you ought to give it a try. I'm sure it'll—ahem—subvert you're expectations, despite it's absolutely awful name.

Yeah, the name is terribad for sure, but the game itself is really very good. Highly recommend.

>> No.9769948

>Even with the bounty money she had to take out a loan to make repairs to her suit and ship.

>> No.9770242


I hate it when anybody (professional developer or hacker) adds text to a Metroid game, especially one that's so impressively unreliant on words as Super Metroid, and I hate it when anybody (again, professional or hacker) uses music from other games in a Metroid game. I'm sorry, I acknowledge that it might be awesome, but I cannot accept Subversion (or Metroid Prime, for that matter, since it does all of the above). It is a religious matter. I will try something else instead.

>> No.9770458

Keedoke. I agree with you on the adding text bullshit. Main reason i STRONGLY dislike Metroid Fusion. But at least on this one, the text is relegated exclusively to the status screen in a submenu specifically for Samus' personal log. You could play the whole game through and literally never read any of it.

>> No.9770512

mentally ill autist. also no one cares. lol

>> No.9770547
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>real games have no plot.
based and truthpilled

>> No.9770548

meh I'm ok with a handful of blurbs, I always enjoyed that aspect in old horror games.

>> No.9770571
File: 31 KB, 347x395, 0C1D89F5-C346-4ED6-A675-228CAE928039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t.dumbfuck grug with barely any reading comprehension beyond the basic rote repetition and memorization.

>> No.9770642

System Shock Infinite and Deus Ex: Revision come to mind. I couldn't stand either one of them enough to play more than 30 minutes or so, despite the originals being two of my all-time favorites.

>> No.9770808

They all got plot of some kind with the exception of like, Tetris. Even if it's the most basic barebones stuff of "You have to save the world because this bad man is gonna destroy it" or "You have to save the girl because Satan cockblocked you", that's still plot.

>> No.9770852

I agree, I couldn't care less about your headcanon hacker kun, and for fucks sake, Subversion has Castlevania, Donkey Kong and fucking Zelda Majora Mask music, as if there are any other music they could have added from other fucking 2D metroid Games.

About Metroid Prime I agree, the 3D series is very good, but it's the 3D series, I really dislike the prime sound effects in 2 remake and Dread.

>> No.9771073


>> No.9771102

So by this logic, there's no real games other than Tetris or Pong.

>> No.9771108


>> No.9771119

Please provide a game you consider to be a real game. Otherwise we can just drop this here because it's just gonna us running around in a circle.

>> No.9771126

OP here, you know exactly what I meant retard, there is Doom you get a text at the end of the episode explaining the plot that no one ever read and you have B movies with some inputs like uncharted

>> No.9771131

That's still plot. You can disregard it all you want, but it's still plot.

>> No.9771148

Yes you retard, I didn't literally meant absolute zero plot, even Pong has a premise, but I just play games to press the buttons, the first thing I do with any new game is press the buttons, change the diffcult to the hardest and press the buttons again, any intro I will either skip or press the fast forward button, nothing makes me fucking happier than QOL patches that reduce any time you lose with text on the screen, I am not reading a book or watching a movie, just let me press the buttons.

>> No.9771152

Shit, then vanilla Super Metroid is a failure then due to the unskippable text crawl at the start. Move on and play a different game.

>> No.9771161

I just don't read it retard, but yes I wish it was skippable.

>> No.9771173

I agree with this.
fuck cutscenes, fuck dialogue, fuck the story
Even SMB has too much of that if you think about it.

>> No.9771180

SMB even has toad giving you the finger while they show the text on screen

>> No.9771196

You're under the impression that I'm >>9770547
I'm not.
I'm >>9770458 (among other posts) though >>9771073 is my first in this discussion. All I'm trying to get across is that plot/story ought to be secondary to gameplay.
I asked "and?" because i want to know why you care about the story at all or it's your would were the gameplay rubbish.
And i think we may have misunderstood each other when i said "no" in >>9771108

I wasn't saying "no, there aren't." I was saying "no, those aren't the only real games."

>> No.9771202

>it's your would
If you would^^

>> No.9771221
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Yeah there's another dude lumped into this conversation. For what it's worth I prefer it when story doesn't get in the way of the game. Subversion handles text well seeing as it's all optional stuff in a pause menu and you're free to explore and kill shit at your own leisure.
You're being civil about this so I might as well return the favor.

>> No.9771247

>I prefer it when story doesn't get in the way of the game.
I agree completely.

>You're being civil
When there is no need to be otherwise, civility should be the default, you stupid fucking cunt. : )

Back on story vs game, i was playing Tekken 2 with a buddy some time back and absolutely demolishing him with literally every character (he forced me to stop using Jun so i cycled through the others). He started talking at me about the story, shocked that i didn't know this plot point or that (i don't even remember the ones he was bringing up; something about someone being a spy or something, idfk, and whatshisface having some gene that makes him a demon or whatever the shit).
He said that i don't really like the game because i don't care about the story. I thought the opposite, that he didn't really like the game because it seemed he cared more about the plot than the gameplay.
I find it odd that story is so important to so many people that they'll play literal Press A To Win games like jRPGs just to read the next plot point. I think it's bizarre behaviour.

>> No.9771252

>Get Hyper Beam and Plasma
>Kills Draygon, Ridley and not Mother Brain with 10 or so charged shots
I don't get it.

>> No.9771253

90% of the time the story those guys like is trivia mixed with their own headcanon