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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 412 KB, 612x318, originsplus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9763946 No.9763946 [Reply] [Original]

You are adding Sonic Origins Plus to your collection, right? They added playable Amy and twelve Game Gear games.

>> No.9763956

I didn't realize there were 12 Sonic games just on the Game Gear, that's something.

>> No.9763978

Most of them are not very good

>> No.9763979

>Playable Amy
And how is this going to work?

Regardless, I still have much better options for when I get in a retro Sonic mood, so not interested.

>> No.9763981

Yeah, I probably will. No idea if I'll get a physical copy, but maybe. I don't know.

>> No.9763982

Some are alright but I'd avoid the spinoff stuff like Sonic Labyrinth or Sonic Blast.

Never tried the Tails games.

>> No.9763986

>gamegear beans

>> No.9763996

No, I'm not going to give them money for ports that are worse than the decomps/AIR that already exist. Especially not when they still have many bugs and absolute dung tier music replacements.

I like that they added Amy! I wonder if she has her Advance gimmick (not being able to spin) or if they went with something more boring?

>> No.9764002

last i hear sega pissed off the dev team by rushing this out the door, were they able to patch it more?

>> No.9764043

THIS was their big plan? Mid Game Gear games you can emulate on a toaster and an Amy romhack modders already did better years ago?
Hell no, I'm not giving them a penny.
They weren't, SEGA actually forbid them from making even a single patch, even after they offered to keep working on it for fucking free. The main Headcannon guy went into it on Twitter but that was a while back, I think they probably opted to have 'improvements' be in the Plus version so they could nicklel and dime fans some more. This whole Origins thing has been such a disaster from start to finish.

>> No.9764057

M2 is doing the Game Gear emulation.
Also the Yuzo Koshiro one and Triple Trouble were excellent.

>> No.9764067

That's good and all, M2 are reliable, but I really hadn't considered the Game Gear emulation would ever be bad lmao, even SADX played the games fine and that was nearly 20 years ago

>> No.9764076
File: 22 KB, 456x352, CE42AD83-40DB-4AB2-9E2E-F74B364FACB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell a shill thread and OP's the marketer...

>> No.9764085
File: 175 KB, 1400x1050, gg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M2 did those Game Gear minis a while back.

>> No.9764092
File: 75 KB, 640x204, AD2D7DB5-447D-4179-8B02-F22BA948CDFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're responding to a crossposting marketer.

>> No.9764104

No, I'm just reminding him.

>> No.9764105

>The main Headcannon guy went into it on Twitter but that was a while back, I think they probably opted to have 'improvements' be in the Plus version so they could nicklel and dime fans some more
citation needed

>> No.9764117

>advertise feature
>remove said feature
>sell it a year later
also holy fuck that amy sprite is so bad lmao

>> No.9764123

it's still crazy they didn't make a bigger, usable version of this--even if it wasn't 1:1. if they got the screen scaling and aspect ratio right it would sell gangbusters, and it could be used as a game gear and game boy

>> No.9764128

I still wonder why M2 opted for all Game Gear conversions instead of porting the few Master System versions that were made. Wasn’t Sonic 2 GG harder than the Master System version because they didn’t scale all the assets properly like they did for Sonic 1 8-bit?

>> No.9764129

I'll think of it, is it a lrg release? My game gear needs new caps, so that and sonic CD are a nice package.

>> No.9764136

They already had a Game Gear emulator in that Aleste collection that never got a US release, M2 is just reusing that.

>> No.9764154

Here, it was in fact on Stealth's personal twitter. Reading it back now, the "we don't know if this is happening" (regarding patches) probably meant they were saving them until DLC was confirmed but, again, the game coming out will give evidence one way or another.

>> No.9764161
File: 39 KB, 956x808, 2oZzg4P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the Knuckles sprite

>> No.9764164

That Tweet doesn't say that. Also:

>To address a misunderstanding regarding Headcannon's involvement in #SonicOrigins- We DID NOT work on Origins itself, nor did we do any additional work on Sonic 1, 2, or CD

>> No.9764175

I think the games in the collection were remade with the Sonic Mania engine so they could easily add in other characters

>> No.9764178

Okay you're making it pretty transpent that you're a PR guy like that anon caught, you should probably fuck off cause nobody's falling for this shit. Yes, Headcannon worked on 3, as a separate project, which was then (sloppily) incorporated into Origins complete with new bugs. All the semantics in the world won't change that it was a mess and it was 100% on SEGA, hard to defend having devs publically shit on you but goddamn you're trying.

>> No.9764181

It WAS a mess and it was on Sega, but there is zero proof Headcannon did anything but the S3&K port for Sega. That's what I'm saying, you fucking dipshit retard. I'm not defending Sega because the shit for Plus should have been in release from the beginning. Eat my ass, you dumb illiterate fuckwad.

>> No.9764189
File: 970 KB, 1200x675, laforge-nah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying /vr/ collections on modern hardware

>> No.9764190
File: 16 KB, 217x232, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i-instant buy... if they include the michael jackson music

>> No.9764195

I never said they did, fuckface, just that they very publically stated they couldn't patch the game (relevant because S3&K is the most broken in the collection) and didn't know if one was ever coming. How or why you've gotten your panties in a bunch over this simple fact that's right there in black and white I have no idea but you should probably touch grass.

>> No.9764197
File: 45 KB, 492x492, geordi-yah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying /vr/ collections on /vr/ hardware

>> No.9764201

Bruh, fucking Rockstar can't licence his shit

>> No.9764207

jackson doesn't have his name on the game (even though his voice is clearly present in miniboss 1). the real issue is that they would have to pay brad buxer and buxer has not so subtly implied that he wants to fuck sega up the ass if they ever try to sell sonic 3 with his music again. it won't ever happen. maybe after buxer is fucking dead.

>> No.9764209

I remember someone gave me a Gamegear with a Sonic game in it and it sucked major ass.

>> No.9764214
File: 3 KB, 256x192, S2_sms_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 2 SMS also runs slower. Still it's better than GG given you can see where you are going.

>> No.9764223 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.05 MB, 1370x1352, DNPGk4B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is the best official nood sonic and knuckles design

>> No.9764231

>I play my games in 50HZ.

>> No.9764238

>no Chaotix
>no 3D Blast
Why? I mean they were obviously going for all pre-Adventure platformers. Also Tails Skypatrol would be nice. Obviously not buying it but still

>> No.9764240

Only Sonic 2 SMS.

>> No.9764241

I think the Wii VC version of Sonic 2 SMS is 60 hz

>> No.9764243

Master System is region free and SMS Sonic 2 doesn't have the same issues as Power Strike 2.

>> No.9764247


>> No.9764248

Oh I remember it wrong then sorry.

>> No.9764249
File: 784 KB, 450x344, tumblr_inline_mzi7f5AOma1rzas5e540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mean bean
>no thanks

>> No.9764272

What a stupid novelty, even if they had made them twice that size, they would have been fucking tiny, yet big enough that you could actually kinda play them properly.

>> No.9764274

Wait, are the game gear games being emulated? I thought the whole point of the collection was that these were native ports

>> No.9764281

Should've been keychains desu

>> No.9764293

I'm fine with replacements for the jackson songs, but carnival night and ice cap are the worst songs on the soundtrack even in the prototype. they would have stood out even if the games launched with them. they should have gone back to the drawing board instead of using the prototype compositions.

>> No.9764325

I remember reading GBA micro became popular again in Japan in recent years. I think they made it because of that.
Yeah that would have made sense

>> No.9764350

Odds are Amy will play like in Advance 2 as a total clone of Sonic, and the only unique thing she'll have is a hammer swing attack with no practical use at all.

>> No.9764362

Sonic 2 Master System > Sonic 2 Genesis
Sonic 1 Master System > Sonic 1 Genesis
Sonic Chaos is also good

>> No.9764368

Not true.

>> No.9764415

Will it come with the real music this time?

>> No.9764609

No I’m not. I don’t buy tr00n shit

>> No.9764613

Romhacks are better

>> No.9764637

No, because it wouldn't be Sonic Advance 1 Amy.
They also had SMS emulator there for the first Aleste game and Power Strike II.

>> No.9764673


>> No.9764674

>No, because it wouldn't be Sonic Advance 1 Amy.

>> No.9764858

Blast kinda sucks, Labyrinth is good unless you're missing half if your brain or are just gay.

>> No.9764928

I enjoy retro collections like the recent Atari and TMNT ones where there was a lot of effort put into them, Origins should have had every game that was in the older Mega and Gems collection plus more like Chaotix.
This is not M2.

>> No.9764957

The Game Gear emulator on this is from M2, they already made it for the Aleste collection that never got a North American release.

>> No.9764994


>> No.9765307
File: 600 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_p1szwbDbVo1w1kerio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only sonic collection worth owning

>> No.9765308

sonic games suck

>> No.9765551


Doesn't hammer swing give you more air on bumpers when timed right?

>> No.9765578
File: 633 KB, 1200x1200, sonic_3_air_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing there's other way to get the Sonic 3 you wanted.

All hail the emulation/mod master race!

>> No.9765639

How many times has Sega resold Sonic 1/2?

>> No.9765785

>And how is this going to work?
They ve put a pink wig on sanic.

>> No.9766229
File: 12 KB, 250x315, 942CB8AA-2AE5-48F8-9714-51E2C00BF61D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, let me get this straight...
>Includes Amy, who was supposed to be part of the original version at launch but got cut due to rushed production
>All of the Mega Drive games are using the mobile engine, meaning they're inferior versions with changed physics which literally ruins the level designs as many combos and moves intended by devs are no longer possible
>Includes an art book, but it's only 20 pages so it's really just pamphlet
>Includes emulated Game Gear games, which is fine
>The music in 3 is still changed
>physical version
>Did they ever even fix the bugs?
This is so bad lmao. All of this should have been there at launch, there shouldn't be a Plus edition.

I already have all of these games on original hardware which is the best versions. If I want them on the go I can just use my Retroid. The only thing that makes this remotely appealing is those animations and the artbook but they really cheaped out on the artbook and I can just watch the animations on YouTube probably... I might get it if it's only like $30 but wtf Sega. Glad I didn't buy the original.

But hey, I like that this will introduce more people to the Game Gear games, those are good. But this really should have included Chaotix, 3D Blast, and the Mega Drive versions of Spin Ball and Mean Bean.

>> No.9766274

This is what Origins should have had.
>Sonic 1, 2, 3, CD and Chaotix in Widescreen and Original 4:3
>Option to pick the PC or new soundtrack for Sonic 3
>3D Blast: Genesis, Saturn and the directors cut hack.
>Sonic R
>The Fighters
>Advance Trilogy
>Pocket Adventure
>All the SMS and GG titles
>Sonic World style hub from Jam acting as a digital Sonic Museum
>Extra modes from M2 Sega Ages releases
>Playable alpha, betas and even unreleased titles like Sonic Crackers and X-Treme, I don't mean finished or anything just what is there.
>A selection of fan made hacks and roms, Nerve did this for their recent Doom 1 & 2 re-releases so why not.

>> No.9766285

And SegaSonic and that one astro fighter game.

>> No.9766307

I just can’t buy this without the original sonic three music. I mean think about it, that would be like Nintendo releasing super Mario world on the switch SNES VC, but a third of every level has different music. Music is such a big part of Sonic’s presentation; changing it effectively changes the way the game feels overall.

>> No.9766319

>No 3D blast
>No Chaotix
>No MeanBean Machine
>No Spinball

What kind of collection is this

>> No.9766324

I understand what you're saying but Mario World is Abad comparison, that game only has like 1 song and the different levels just play a variation of it.

And while I agree with you about the music in Sonic 3, it's worth noting that the PC release from the 90s also had the tracks used in Origins.

>> No.9766327

>No MeanBean Machine
>No Spinball
They're both included, but only the Game Gear versions

>> No.9766429

I would have been content with 1, 2, 3, K, and CD all playable with Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Mighty, and Ray.

Amy would have made it a great deal.

All of the above, PLUS Chaotix and those characters, would've made it a masterpiece.

>> No.9766430

I gladly ate this segaslop

>> No.9766432
File: 140 KB, 1080x834, IInHQ8GW-dA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3D Blast: Genesis, Saturn and the directors cut hack.
>>Sonic R
>>The Fighters
>>Pocket Adventure
>>All the SMS and GG titles
Those aren't even good
>>Advance Trilogy
>>Playable alpha, betas and even unreleased titles like Sonic Crackers and X-Treme, I don't mean finished or anything just what is there.
>>A selection of fan made hacks and roms, Nerve did this for their recent Doom 1 & 2 re-releases so why not.
Diving deep into that dumpster, huh?

>> No.9766507

And how many people do you think believe that the PC version is the definitive version of Sonic 3? What percentage played that instead of the Genesis version? 5%? MAYBE 10% is in being incredibly generous?

>> No.9766515

actually 58.008%

>> No.9766565

Calm down, pocket adventure is good.
I would defend 1 on sms/gg, but pocket adventure is legit a great game.

>> No.9766623

How much money are they adding to the price of this shit for a bunch of Game Gear roms and adding a playable Amy hack

>> No.9766639

Here you go anons

>Those aren't even good
Not relevant, Origins on its own isn't any good - the least they can do is bring as many games to it, and thus to different platforms, as they can.

>> No.9766753

No, I'm not paying 300 reais in some games I can play in my toaster.

You kids are so stupid you think the consumer will pay for emulator games, or recycled content.

There's something wrong with management, they don't seem to know anything about games.

>> No.9766768

>pay for MORE garbage
Nah, thanks

>> No.9766929
File: 126 KB, 545x536, nuSonic_the_Sludgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic 1 Forever and Sonic 2 Absolute
>not Sonic 1 Decomp and Sonic 2 Community's Cut
Dude, stop posting this.

>> No.9766937

what is the difference?

>> No.9766942

>Amy curls into a ball and the hammer just makes the hitbox bigger

yes, i am upset.

>> No.9766956
File: 44 KB, 391x275, Screenshot_36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children on reddit ask for unnecessary additions
>they're poorly designed

>> No.9766979

Literally just the Insta-Shield/Double Spin from S3&K.

>> No.9766997
File: 364 KB, 640x480, dadi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy looks implemented lazily. She also looks like easy mode (well, even easier than the shame that is merging widescreen with no-life mode). What was wrong with the Advance-era Amy?
These are probably the same exact ROMs included in 2003's Sonic Adventure DX. Are they not at least including the Master System versions as alternatives at least? They're all better (except Blast and arguably Spinball).
Got nothing against Knuckles in Sonic CD in theory, which should've been done the first time. But like Knuckles in Sonic 1, there's already hacks for that. Tails, too (I checked).
No, sir. I'll be saving my rings, thank you. But I will be keeping an eye out in case they fix any of the core issues (yeah right).

>> No.9767013

>no-life mode
if you're bad at the game you'll have less tedium
if you're good at the game you don't spend lives

>> No.9767019

but what if you're bad and having limited lives helps you become good

>> No.9767035

>What was wrong with the Advance-era Amy?
Requiring a second separate button when part of the appeal of the Genesis games is that you only need one for everything. Easier to just make her a Sonic reskin with no unique functions than make her a new character who requires a more technical playstyle

>> No.9767038

While I think the idea of a single button game is kind of cool, does anyone really consider that a staple element of the series?

>> No.9767045

For the Genesis and Game Gear games, yes.

>> No.9767053
File: 484 KB, 1920x1080, Amy_Sonic3_SkySunctuary_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like they're keeping the attack button though?

>> No.9767065

No, it's just padding.

>> No.9767098

>All of the Mega Drive games are using the mobile engine, meaning they're inferior versions with changed physics which literally ruins the level designs as many combos and moves intended by devs are no longer possible.
Nothing you said is true.
Again, Nothing you said is true.
M2 is doing the emulation.

>> No.9767117

And likely will not be of any use beyond a silly novelty since Amy can spin and roll and thus attack without losing momentum.

>> No.9767221

expanding the cast to more than three characters goes against the appeal of the genesis games anyway because the three that exist cover all the bases (easy/medium/hard). amy shouldn't be made to be less unique just to fit her into an irrelevant paradigm.

>> No.9767225

Is it just me, or does her palette look off? Almost like she was a leftover from Sonic Mania?

>> No.9767227

I didn't ask you a yes or no question.

>> No.9767230

anyone is going to look off in sonic 3 because sonic 3 has a different art style. i do agree that the shading on her is weird though, it would stand out even in CD.

>> No.9767237

i think its a staple element of playing as SONIC, yes, but i think that once we get into playable character number 5+ it's fine to expand into other buttons. if you want a pick up and play character you can always just choose sonic/tails/knux

>> No.9767257

It's just padding.

>> No.9767267

i learned skills that i otherwise wouldnt have if it were not present. it would be a lesser experience overall.

>> No.9767275

I'm tired of this argument I've seen going around to defend the proto tracks
>did you know that the replacement tracks are actually the ORIGINAL MUSIC??? It's better this way!
These mongs are defending proto music that got replaced precisely because it was deemed not good enough and unfitting for the game in the first place. The music sticks out like a sore thumb among the rest of the soundtrack.

>> No.9767312

Good. But if you died at any point in the game you didn't beat it.

>> No.9767315

it is only because i died that i became able to truly beat it

>> No.9767867

none of this is true

>> No.9767985
File: 96 KB, 1170x860, mediocrity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pink Sonic reskin with a permanent instashield, 12 games that were included as a bonus free with another game over a decade ago, and not even the games that fans have been clamouring for like Chaotix or Flickies Island, for more money on top of what fans already paid for. Cool. Nice fucking effort there, Sonic Team.
Amy without her Advance 1 moveset is practically worthless in any case but count on consumers to have fucking standards as opposed to PLAYABLE CLASSIC AMYYY COOOOOM

>no emulated versions of the MD originals for those that want them
>no separate S3 and S&K
>no being able to play in widescreen with lives instead of coins
>broken resolution scaling
>poor collision and physics (especially 3K)
>no ultrawide support (Android versions have this so there's no excuse)
>Denuvo still present
>the previous Steam releases that have Steam Workshop support and a more active modding scene, both of which Origins lacks, still delisted

>> No.9768067
File: 73 KB, 1200x960, 1679446657327242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9768079

>presents no arguments

>> No.9768864

at this point there are more sonic collections than there are classic mainline games

>> No.9769054

Fuck, all I really want is for shitga to
>fix the physics
>customization menu to toggle lives/coins, drop dash, elemental shields, etc.
>replace those shitty replacement tracks with the real proto tracks that were used in that leaked build or bring Tee Lopes to remaster the entire sonic 3k music tracks
>have an option to switch between the original genesis tracks and the remastered ones
>remove the ugly blur
>restore Sonic’s voice clips in CD
>1,2, and CD to have the S3K file menu instead of that dumb character menu that doesn’t let you level select

I don’t give a rats ass about some game gear roms.

>> No.9769078

>Sonic 1 Forever
>Sonic 2 Absolute
>Sonic 3 AIR
>Sonic CD & Knuckles
This is all you need.

>> No.9769143

The Sonic 1 Decomp is what Sonic 1 Forever uses as a base.
Sonic 2 Community's Cut seems interesting though. Using the Sonic 2 REV01 rom with Genesis Plus GX Wide for something similar to 2 Absolute but also slightly different and running on original emulated hardware. I wanna give it a play now.

>> No.9769149

Not unless it runs better than AIR. You can toss all the bells and whistles you want but if the game still runs like shit then it's shit.

>> No.9769298

>bring Tee Lopes to remaster the entire sonic 3k music tracks
Tee Lopes probably has a chance of getting involved, but I really like Leila Wilson's full rhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHciCzqGxO4eplacement tracks as a third option (maybe not her Carnival Night).

>> No.9769592

I’m happy they are all getting some form of a physical release, but the “new features” are pretty darn tame if you play rom hacks. A playable Amy doesn’t mean much when she has been full fleshed out and playable for years.
Still, I’ll pick it up just for the sake of having a physical collection.

>> No.9769826

>>All of the Mega Drive games are using the mobile engine, meaning they're inferior versions with changed physics which literally ruins the level designs as many combos and moves intended by devs are no longer possible.
>Nothing you said is true.
It's half-true. Sonic CD is easily the weakest of the Taxman remasters, and that's probably because it's the only Stealth wasn't involved in. A lot of the physics and time-travel nuances were changed up for no good reason, plus there's that random glitch that was never fixed where you still get a bad future when you should get a good future (this doesn't seem to affect the ending requirements but still). Hoping Knuckles in Sonic CD means Stealth finally polishes it up.

>> No.9769968

Do segafags ever wish for a game besides the same 3 sonic games, holy shit

>> No.9769987

>buying roms
Kill yourself
>still no word on fixing the numerous glitches
If you buy this you really should unironically kill yourself.

>> No.9770124

What's different about that Sonic CD from the old steam release? All I see are some music remixes which just bloats the folder.

>> No.9770186

Not true.

>> No.9770307

>& Knuckles Collection
>Mega Collection
>Mega Collection Plus
>Gems Collection
>Classic Collection
>Origins Plus
For a total of nine (9). There should be no question at this point that Sonic is the most whored-out vidya franchise.

>> No.9770319

I have a schizo theory they keep failing to release a definitive compilation on purpose, riddling them with bugs and half ass effort so that they can continue to keep “attempting” to release one and thus infinitely milk sonicfags, which they deserve

>> No.9770328

Not 'schizo' at all, it should be obvious by now. Though I can't imagine even Sonicfags would stoop so low as to buy even half of those.

>> No.9770331

Releasing old games on newer hardware is a common practice, they're mostly shit because they would rather put money/effort into a new game than re-releasing old ones

>> No.9770336

Yes but the rate at which sega cranks these out is unusual, even Nintendo doesn’t seem to crank out this many (although their dog shit emulated rereleases are also embarrassing)

>> No.9770362
File: 93 KB, 500x400, sonic3air_sage2019logo_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks, I've already gotten my fill >>9769078
Fuck Sega. You want me to pay for this shit, get it right the first time, they have no excuses. No reason to pay for this overpriced slop when you can just download ROMs and source ports.

>> No.9770449

What you just said is 100% fake.

>> No.9770476

I might pirate it at some point but I don't really care.

>> No.9770502

Wrong, Segabot-kun.

>> No.9770504

>Sonic CD & Knuckles
>a mod based on the Sonic CD 2011, which is included in Origins
>Sonic 2 Absolute, a mod based on the android version of Sonic 2, which is included in Sonic Origins

I seriously dont know what people are whining about when it comes to this and KEX Engine games and everything Tango Project has been doing. This is /vr/, dont we prefer games being faithfully recreated versus remade or emulated?

>> No.9770517

No, right.

>> No.9770527

Why would you pay money for a collection when you can play them individually with fewer glitches and more options? You should consider killing yourself instead of shilling ROMS for pennies on a Cambodian sheep skinning forum.

>> No.9770545

Not on Switch.

>> No.9770562

Yes they are, you lying sack of shit.

>> No.9770583

Not in the way of Sonic 3 A.I.R.

>> No.9770590

Both Sonic 1 Forever and Sonic 2 Absolute have nros right on the main website. Die.

>> No.9770591

because the ports of sonic 2 and cd included in origins were not handled by the original developers of those ports (origins ports were done by sonic team) and have issues? where exactly is this "faithful" recreation you're speaking of?

>> No.9770601

Homebrew doesn't count.

>> No.9770613

Shitty goyim collections don't count. End your own life.

>> No.9770632

The people who made them are not Jewish, and Sonic Origins (Plus) is licensed by Nintendo so it counts.
Unlike the better homebrew efforts which don't as they were NOT licensed by Nintendo.

>> No.9770638

I remember when Sega promised Saturn and Dreamcast games on the Switch as part of their Sega Ages lineup. Instead they want us to buy yet another Sonic collection, amazing. Honestly I couldn't care less about Taxman's ending because the original games are just fine to me

>> No.9770640

Whatever, continue being a slave morality redditor. I get the sense that you're just lonely and shitposting, but if you aren't, please just die.

>> No.9770641

I meant engine

>> No.9770656

You're delusional, seek help.
Sonic sells and M2 never did Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

>> No.9770669
File: 145 KB, 162x252, 1657643774895951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you respond to this thread after this post, you are knowingly helping a paid SEGA shill keep this advertisement bumped through disingenuous circular arguments. Stop the cycle, don't let these subhuman faggots sell any more slop.

>> No.9770692

Well people been wanting taxman versions of these games (including S3K) to be ported for years, but Sega ended up being incompetent as usual and fucking up what could have easily been the definitive way to play these games on console.

>> No.9770704

Bros I need the Dreamcast and Saturn mini we need to bump the thread more ….

>> No.9770831

They also made a SMS emulator for Power Strike 2 and Aleste MS.

>> No.9770834


>> No.9770838

I typically buy these Retro ROM collections but the first reason of origins was piss poor so I'm gonna hold out on it.

"You can emulate them!" Yeah no shit, I just like supporting these Retro collections so we can keep getting them. I've beaten all the Castlevania games, still bought the Collection.

>> No.9770967

I remember playing an amy in sonic 1 rom hack, she doesn't curl up in a ball when she jumps. instead you have to rely on the hammer. there were also
special jumps that utuilized the hammer. It was her sonic advance 1 moveset.
I'm basically saying it looked more interesting.

>> No.9770975

Adding to the reply count.

>> No.9772079

what are the best collections of games ever made? sonic gems collection and kirby's 20th anniversary collection were miles better than this

>> No.9772537

It looked more interesting, but nobody liked it and so Advance 2 dumbed her down to be a total Sonic reskin with a melee attack. That seems to be the preferred standard for playable Amys now.

>> No.9772553

Sonic Mega Collection Plus

>> No.9772567
File: 9 KB, 512x448, 1639318571743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for Sonic ROMs with DRM

>> No.9772573

Anyone who pays for these on this board should be permad for being a huge faggot

>> No.9772672

>even though his voice is clearly present in miniboss 1

>> No.9773051

Midway arcade treasures vol 1+2 are dope, Namco anniversaries are solid, atari anthology is cool. Taito vol 1+2 and Capcom collections 1+2. These are my favorites, I'm sure someone will tell me I'm awful but that's fine.

>> No.9773097 [DELETED] 

If PS2 version of a game is decompiled, could that be used for decompilining OG Xbox and GameCube versions and finding differences between them? Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time isn't being used to decompile DS, 3DS versions of those games. I'm guessing the reason that doesn't work there is because they are closer to remake. How would it work for games like Need for Speed 1-5 console and PC versions?

>> No.9774116

>frontiers uses the muffled S3k tracks from origins
Fuck, this pretty much confirms that we’re stuck with the low quality music.

>> No.9774553

I will buy if they remove denuvo.

>> No.9774580

I’m not good at any 2D Sonic game. I always get stuck underwater as soon as water is introduced in any level and I can never make my way back up. I think I’d probably like it if I understood it, yet in my pathetic 27 years of existence, I haven’t figured these fucking games out. I prefer the 3D games only because I don’t suck at them. I wish I understood the hype.

>> No.9774584

>I’m not good at any 2D Sonic game. I always get stuck underwater as soon as water is introduced in any level and I can never make my way back up. I think I’d probably like it if I understood it, yet in my pathetic 27 years of existence, I haven’t figured these fucking games out. I prefer the 3D games only because I don’t suck at them. I wish I understood the hype.
you go to the right.