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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 181 KB, 238x599, 238px-Megaplay2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9761051 No.9761051 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have strange childhood memories about games you can't remember, or things that don't make sense?

When I was a kid, I remember playing an arcade game in a movie theater lobby, and one of the games was a shmup that had a boss who made you roll a dice, and it took place in an industrial area, with a grassy field and a cow in the background. Later on I found out it was Gunstar Heroes, but there was no arcade version so I considered it my own Mandela schizo memory.

Much later, I found out that there WAS an arcade version, on something called a Sega Mega Play cabinet. It was collection of Sega games in one cabinet but it was never released in America. So I have no idea how this thing got put into a movie theater in backwoods bumfuck New Jersey.

>> No.9761085

I remember renting some game on the NES that had a weird chicken theme. We brought it home but found we couldn’t play it because it required some special controller or accessory so we had to bring it back. I still have no idea what this game was or why we couldn’t play it.

I also have vague memories of some caveman game with a single screen and overhead layout kind of like digdug 2.

One other was some weird castle game where you’re free to explore in any direction but I only have vague mental images of it. Lots of brownish red bricks. Don’t think it was Milton’s secret castle but could have been

>> No.9761093
File: 74 KB, 672x546, 7-28-2014 11-24-13 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The castle game may have been Castlequest actually. It's a closer fit to what I'm thinking about but still not a perfect match for my memories

>> No.9761142

Was the last one Deadly Towers?

>> No.9761242
File: 9 KB, 400x300, gamegame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. I remember it being a side-scroller. Here's a shitty mockup I did from what I think was the first screen. iirc you start outside and go into the castle where the background goes to black like Castlequest.

>> No.9761293

Honestly I've probably just mixed up a few different side-scroller adventure games in my head. Legacy of the Wizard, Castlequest, Faxanadu, Zelda 2. Still, there's this game in my head that might never have existed which feels weird.

>> No.9761594

Are you sure you didn't accidentally rent something like the Master System version of The New Zealand Story? I could very easily imagine a rental place making the NES and Master System boxes similar enough that parents can't tell the difference. Then they get it home, see that it doesn't fit in the NES, then assume they just didn't have the right adapter for it.

>> No.9761818

Importing cabinets was a thing I believe
Very possible. I had some memories about Best of Windows Entertainment pack, I swear Chip's Challenge had a weird high score table, but I probably made that up or mixed it with another game

>> No.9761916

>One other was some weird castle game where you’re free to explore in any direction but I only have vague mental images of it. Lots of brownish red bricks. Don’t think it was Milton’s secret castle but could have been

Was it maybe Legacy of the Wizard?

>> No.9762218

its normal for arcadefags to import stuff
the collecting scene is filled with people with more money than sense

the business owner probably intended to keep the machine after rotating it out of the public lineup

look at completed ebay listings even for loose jamma pcb - some of them go for thousands of dollars

you are competing with business owners and people with far more liquid capital than your typical normie

importing a cab or two - especially if you have multiple business owners all shipping together is nothing to them

>> No.9762240

It's MUCH more likely it was a bootleg.

>> No.9762245
File: 36 KB, 612x490, istockphoto-975099086-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been tearing my hair out trying to find this old game I played on PC back in the late '90s. I just remember being this old farmer guy with a gun standing on a grassy hill with a bunch of cows. Aliens would pop up and try to kill the cows and you had to shoot them. The one thing that sticks out is the death scene where a UFO looking thing would fly across the screen and cut your head off. Your head would fly and land on the grass with the hat still on it or something like that. Whether this was DOS, a weird early internet game, or what have you is beyond me. It's my white whale and I swear I'll find it one day.

>> No.9762252
File: 24 KB, 235x214, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also have vague memories of some caveman game with a single screen and overhead layout kind of like digdug 2.
sounds like trog

>> No.9762275

usa made bootleg huh?
yes bootlegs are everywhere
and some of them still go for unreasonable prices kek depending on the title

>> No.9762336

>When I was a kid, I remember playing an arcade game in a movie theater lobby, and one of the games was a shmup that had a boss who made you roll a dice, and it took place in an industrial area, with a grassy field and a cow in the background. Later on I found out it was Gunstar Heroes, but there was no arcade version so I considered it my own Mandela schizo memory.
>Much later, I found out that there WAS an arcade version, on something called a Sega Mega Play cabinet. It was collection of Sega games in one cabinet but it was never released in America. So I have no idea how this thing got put into a movie theater in backwoods bumfuck New Jersey

Movie theater or arcade owner probably imported the machine themselves. Then chose the games they wanted in it that would make them the most money.

ilImports and unofficial Arcade bootlegs were a thing back in the day.

You were probably playing a rare imported machine with custom games.

>> No.9762350

>Importing cabinets was a thing I believe
Yeah, who knows how or why some of these things wound up where they did. One of my Japanese candy cabs was apparently used at some church around the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.

>> No.9762383

Yeah the arcade scene is funny that way. A buddy of mine used to play a Wizard Fire machine at the local army base, and those are apparently rare as hens' teeth.

>> No.9762385
File: 143 KB, 800x600, wot_03b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a kid I played this game on my older friend's PC. The level was some kind of castle and it was constantly raining, you played outside of the castle, even on the roof sometimes.
I remember there being monsters, like gargoyles or something.
It had a free roam camera I think, so maybe it was an online game.

I don't remember much from it, but it has stuck in my mind as "that one game I played as a kid and absolutely can't find anything about."

>> No.9762403

>Yeah, who knows how or why some of these things wound up where they did.
Shipping cabinets is expensive. So arcade cabinets generally stay in the area of where they were originally.

If an arcade shuts down, then they sell their cabinets to ANYONE in the area who is willing to pay and come get them. It wouldn't surprise me if a Church staff member bought some cabinets for couple hundred bucks each for their church lounge. Same with military bases.

Then the process repeats when these places close down. It gets resold to other businesses in the area, private collectors, shoved in a warehouse, or they get scrapped. Every year, fewer and fewer arcade machines survive.

>> No.9762441

Usually, the wackier stuff finds its way to the states through arcade dealers. They have avenues to import machines in bulk cheaper than most people can, so they'll occasionally grab random shit they get cheap from Japanese dealers since they know they can resell it. If you ever run into an import that makes you go "why the hell would anyone bother to import this?", that's probably the story behind it.

>> No.9762446

The Wizard Fire machine came out in '92 and was on that base in the early 90s, so it was probably purchased direct somehow rather than second-hand.
Arcade database says less than 100 pcbs were printed before Data East pulled the plug (probably due to the financial troubles I remember they were in at the time, they cancelled a lot of things around '92) and the machine was either withdrawn or never went into regular production, being only available as a handful of first-run prototype machines. It also says that 6 machines are owned by DB members, and it's rarity is rated as 3/100, with 1 being the rarest. Neat!

>> No.9762473

Aplenty. Mostly old DOS/Windows 3.x shareware games.
1.Some elaborate DOS Tetris clone that took place in a tower/dungeon room and there were colored blocks that were moving all the way left (or right, or diagonally) after landing, pairs of blocks that annihilated each other, special block that annihilated every other block...
2. Some Arkanoid clone (with Doom hints) in 3D. I remember that passwords to levels were names of elements.
3. Some Mini Golf (for Windows) that took place in a kitchen and had thematic obstacles. (I think toasts were jumping of toaster when you scored a hole. Or perhaps it was when you were turning off game?)
4. (Your question really triggered some really old memories) 2D platformer game. You had yoyo-like device that would cling into certain surfaces and drag you there. You were collecting special letters and I swear they were forming BOGUS. Not BONUS, but BOGUS.
5. Another platform game. This time you were in a submarine, had to control level of oxygen and collected parts or special weapon.
6. YET another platform game. You were a pirate? and boss was... crucified???
7. Some very early 3d game. All I remember visuals were shit (even for an early PC 3d game) and you were using some bizarre ammo (either eggs or chickens.)
8. Some other (no idea how to classify it) game where you were a ball in a labyrinth and had to pass through colored points. If you passed through a puddle, controls were temporarily turning into shit.
9. One more game. This time you were a spaceship-like thingy that flew straight through blocky course. (Very, very, early 3d, most likely DOS.)
10. Some futuristic hovercraft hockey. You might buy upgrades like mines or a special pole that swerved a trajectory of a puck.
11. Shitload of logical/puzzle games where I remember only random details like: there were moving arrow blocks and blocks that were changing their direction and you had to rearrange them to make flying blocks to get to a certain point on a level...

>> No.9762543

I remember playing an arcade motocross game, I think it was in 3D with 2D sprites for objects and the bikes
I remember the track being a muddy road with obstacles like dust devils that would send you flying ifmo you touched them
The cabinet had a bike shaped seat and handle controls
Never been able to find it again

>> No.9762598

My local nothing arcade had a DDR Solo 2000 cabinet which was a Japan only import, and a second one they kept just for parts in the back. Imports were/are definitely a thing. You should import one yourself anon

>> No.9762649

>Arcade database says less than 100 pcbs were printed before Data East pulled the plug (probably due to the financial troubles I remember they were in at the time, they cancelled a lot of things around '92) and the machine was either withdrawn or never went into regular production, being only available as a handful of first-run prototype machines. It also says that 6 machines are owned by DB members, and it's rarity is rated as 3/100, with 1 being the rarest. Neat!

Keep in mind that sites like arcade database and arcade museum are only estimates. They don't actually know how many machines were truly made. It's all estimates. Only the manufacturers know the numbers made.

The way it works is that there's a few thousand registered arcade collectors on those arcade sites. Then they "estimate" how rare a machine is based on how many people own it among their registered users.

>> No.9762669

Survival Kids pokemon romhack

some nes hack/mario fan game where game over = all stars mario giving you the middle finger

>> No.9762853

Holy shit I think it was. Thanks anon, want me to suck your dick or something? Not sure why I never found that when fucking about with romsets over the years.

>> No.9762854
File: 511 KB, 601x448, 1525194208104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what game this is? Could've sworn it was a SNES game.

>> No.9762857

I got the top score on a time crisis cabinet, I tried to enter my name as DDD and a bunch of sirens and red lights turned on with a repeating voice yelling deez nuts over and over. I got scared and embarrassed so left.

>> No.9762894

i vaguely remember playing Donkey Kong Country 1 or 2 at a Cardi's Furniture store in massachusetts when I was around 5-6 years old but I don't know if this actually happened or not

>> No.9762934

jeezus, I vaguely remember a game my parents rented for me at an old mom and pop video store when i was little. This thread made me look it up and sure enough it exists.

Baby Boomer by Color Dreams

>> No.9763584

There's a Genesis right next to it along with the E swat box
And it's literally the first 3 seconds
Fucking hell anon. I never heard of this game either

>> No.9763597

For the longest time, I thought there was an Easter egg in RE4 where you could blow up Ada's helicopter at the end. I remember seeing on a YouTube as a kid and even reme.ber doing it. I've never heard anyone else being it up, so i just assumed it was really secret and that it even got removed for every port after the GC. I recently dug out my GC copy of RE4 to replay it before the remake, and after beating it, I still wasn't able to blow up Ada's helicopter. I went fucning crazy rematching the final boss over and over, seeing that maybe I needed to beat him in a special way to unlock it. After 5 attempts, I gave up and decided to find the youtube video from all those years ago to get to the bottom of this. Eventually I did found it and boy was I fucking embarrassed. The video was clearly edited to make it look like a Leon was blowing up the helicopter by recycling footage for earlier in the game.
Tldr: I spent almost 17 years believing in an obvious faked Easter egg and even had false memories of doing it.

>> No.9763730

i remember being a kid and going to a chevron gas station. some shit head owned it and they rented nes games. i went everywhere to rent games then. they had.. that weegee board game for nes. thought it might be neat. just stupid as all hell. and it was basically satan worshipping in a box. i took it back and said let me trade this. its not a game. they was like uh yea it is. i said no its not you click a card it shows it to you thats not a game. fucking just cause i clicked and it showed me the card doesnt make this a game. he was fairly reluctant and i was like your an asshole what a shitty game to put on a shelf for akid to rent. fuck it whateve ri didnt say that but he was an asshole and i was like wtf is this shit on nintendo for?

>> No.9763741

Taboo: The Sixth Sense?

>> No.9763747

yea that.. piece of shit
couldn't believe they rented it and had any problem when i brought it back. pretty sure the shithead satan worshipping asshole behind the counter new exaclty what it was

>> No.9763750

i remember playing this game on Atari. I loved it, fun as hell. you were going through like ..caverns, y0ou8 were in the middle of the screen, caverns all around you, you were going up at least in these boards. and you could shoot in every direction, fighting your way through it. not a very vague memory, had trouble finding what it was one time again. found out, forgot again. could probably pick it out from some names. one of the funnest atari games i remembered playing. would play it over at my uncles when my aunt would babysit me.

>> No.9763760

There was a more innocent time on the Internet where obviously fake shit was "real". Tourettes Guy, The Irate Gamer, etc thinking a bunch of these people were for real

>> No.9764208

There was a sort of samurai game with guns on ps2 that ends with fighting a boss in a field of flowers. I've been looking for it for like 15 years, never found what it was.

>> No.9764237

i think i played an atari game where there was a space ship in a tunnel and you had to avoid colliding with the walls or something, but i always crashed.

i tried searching for moonbase or something but it wasnt that game.

i want to remember that the crude graphics were black and white but im not sure.

>> No.9764279
File: 23 KB, 266x374, Samurai_Western.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samurai Western?

>> No.9764440

I wonder how far they got before they lost the Robocop license, instead of getting blown apart !Murphy just gets promoted into a robot suit

>> No.9764845

Nah it had a much more asian setting

>> No.9764901

Wild guess, but, Samurai Champloo: Sidetracked? Isn't that how the anime ends? It's been a long ass time

>> No.9764902

Sea World had snes arcade machines during the early mid-90's.

Though they must've rigged them themselves because they had protruding controllers (e.g. wal-mart and toys r us displays) and the games weren't all nintendo.

>> No.9764926

I remember a friend would always bring a cdrom of a game that was like pitfall mixed with spelunky where you just wandered around picking up gems and treasure while avoiding traps.

>> No.9764943
File: 1.31 MB, 1559x1175, kokiri waterfal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we didn't get OoT until awhile after release and I originally played it as my cousin's place with my sister a lot.
I have a completely solid memory of there being another exit in Zora Fountain where you'd follow a winding river with a few logs similar to the one next to Jabu as well as a Zora NPC and at the end you'd spawn at the top of this waterfall.
What's extra strange though is that my sister remembers it too.

>> No.9765082

Nah I would remember if it was samurai champloo. Also the game kinda had that square enix aesthetic to it, although i dont think it was made by them, if that makes any sense

>> No.9765964

Are you thinking of Majora's Mask?

>> No.9766596

>things that don't make sense?
It was somewhere in 1997-98. I had a bunch of tiny games of my PC: one with Daffy Duck, one with Taz, one with some cobalt blue hedgehog, there was also a tetris clone with little blobs (and if you connected them, little blobls were fallling on your opponent...) Today I know I was playing emulated Sega Game Gear games on my PC (oh, I also know that blue hedgehog's name is Sonic.) The question HOW did I 25 years ago get a Game Gear emulator and bunch of ROMs on my PC remains unanswered.

>> No.9766626

Once when I was like 12 I was playing PS2 in my bedroom. Out of the blue I got a really strong urge to save my game, which I did. Like five minutes later the power went out. Always thought that was strange.

>> No.9766643
File: 517 KB, 500x438, Twin_Pack_Sega_Smash_Pack_1_262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you were emulating? Because a bunch of Genesis games did get PC ports around that time.

>> No.9766960
File: 183 KB, 413x604, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a vivid memory from when I was 8 or so
i was playing on my dads laptop (Compaq Armada 4100)
and it was a game with Sonic the Hedgehog in it, with waterfalls around, but when I idled Sonic made a "ssshhhhh" gesture like on pic related
it was NOT: sonic 1/2/3/K/CD
i vividly remember the old blurry CSTN screen of that laptop...
i could never find that game.

>> No.9767029

reminds me of Dragon's Lair, but you'd probably remember if it had been that

>> No.9767071


Sounds like Vanguard? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewQDKtc1i-4
(watch for about three minutes to see a couple of vertical sections)

>> No.9767103

There was an arcade game in my local Pizza Hut in the early-mid 90s that was a sort of fps where you had a few different weapons including a knife that would change color and lose damage as you used it. You fought ninja looking guys and guys with monocles that threw nets at you, and the setting was sort of like an office corridor.

That's all I really remember about it. I'm certain it existed but I haven't the slightest idea what the game actually is.

>> No.9768023

i remember playing the pc demo to this game.
isometric and, i swear, the characters were polygon-based. i think it was called a "diablo-killer" at the time because all isometric arpgs were calling themselves diablo-killers.
anyway, there's a guy standing outside of a tent. he's got round glasses, wears a vest and says "groovy, dude!" whenever you talk to him. he's a merchant of some kind and, i think, he sold potions. it's meant to be anachronistic and i think the game was medieval in nature and this guy looks like he's from the 1960s hippie era.

to this day, i have no idea what the game is. it bugs the heck out of me.

>> No.9768053

you might be thinking of this


>> No.9768207

Holy fuck that's it thank you Anon