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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9757449 No.9757449 [Reply] [Original]

You guys should tell me what the top ten Sega CD games are, and I'll play them. I trust you randoms more than clickbait internet articles.

>> No.9757460

Sonic CD
Final Fight
Snatcher, for the novelty of the only English version
Uhh, that's all of it I guess. A great library it has not.

>> No.9757461

There's lots of shmups of you're into that

>> No.9757573

Oddchrist is still the best mega drive cd game.

>> No.9757575

>normalfaggot doesn't know anything but normalfaggot games
>thinks he's qualified to judge a console's library
Lunar is the best game on the platform.

>> No.9757607

Android Assault
Keio Flying Squadron

>> No.9757629

Different take:
Surgical Strike
3 Ninjas Kick Back
Bram Stoker's Dracula

>> No.9757637

>Final Fight
Final Fight CD is kinda fucking terrible when you take into consideration the fact that the Genesis without the CD addon had Streets of Rage 2. Otherwise I agree with the other two choices being good, even though Sonic 1, 2, 3&K are better than CD which is kinda the same issue

>> No.9757639

Hit up Popful Mail and delight in the 90s voice acting, but make sure you use a restoration patch to restore the original Japanese difficulty.

>> No.9757693

Eye of the beholder (with mouse)
Final Fight
Sonic CD
Shining Force CD
Rise of the dragon
Android Assault

>> No.9757976

Popful Mail
Final Fight CD
Android Assault
Lunar: Eternal Blue
Dark Wizard
Lords of Thunder
Shining Force CD
Spider-Man vs the Kingpin

>> No.9757991

There was a spider man sega cd game?

>> No.9758012
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>> No.9758074

In no particular order:

Final Fight CD - Best home port by far.
Shining Force CD - Remake of the GG games plus an extra chapter.
Lunar: The Silver Star - More charming than the 32-bit remakes
Sonic CD - JP and US have different soundtracks, so pick one.
Ecco the Dolphin - Soundtrack is god-tier.
Heart of the Alien - Another World sequel, includes the first game.
Silpheed - Awesome shooter.
Starblade - Another awesome shooter.
Third World War - Underrated strategy game.
SoulStar - Graphically impressive shooter.

>> No.9758086

I prefer it over the arcade version since the difficulty is way more balanced. Good soundtrack remixes too.

>> No.9758107

No one mentioned Robo Aleste yet, this makes me sad

>> No.9759293
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I only got Dennin Aleste, Silpheed, Keio Yuugekitai, Soulstar, Bari-Arm, and Sol-Feace. Even if you add in Lords of Thunder, that's still just 7, which I wouldn't say is a lot, but rather few but great.

>> No.9759303
File: 2.36 MB, 1415x1404, Lords_of_Thunder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO the PC Engine OST of Lords of Thunder is better

>> No.9759315

I've only played Sonic CD and The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin, but both of them were excellent and I can't recommend them enough.

>> No.9759849

Expanded version of the Genesis game, yeah

>> No.9759890
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As far as FMV games go, I don't really like them, but I thought Wirehead was pretty fun actually.

>> No.9760624
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It's too bad Road Rash on Sega CD is such an insufferable 90s grunge aesthetic pile of garbage. It could have been so much better. Literally any of the first three on Genesis blow it out of the water in terms of game play and music. Even the frame rate seems worse.

>> No.9760679
File: 102 KB, 1600x1600, 61Waaye5QRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic CD
Just understand that the game is dependent on exploration rather than getting to the finish.
Really great adventure game. Awesome music and good plot if you like Kojimbo games.
>Popful Mail
The Sega CD release is the nicest looking version of the game.
>Lunar 1 and 2
Great RPGs, get the un-Worked Designs versions to unfuck the stats.
>Rise of the Dragon
Point-and-click adventure that borrows almost as heavily to cyberpunk and sci-fi as Snatcher.
>Lords of Thunder
Amazing horizontal shooter with awesome metal music
>Keio Flying Squadron
Goofy shoot 'em up, reminds me a lot of Parodius
>Shining Force CD
Remade the two Game Gear games with an extra scenario unlocked after you beat the first 2. You need a RAM cart for this game if you're playing on hardware.
>Space Adventure Cobra
The sequel to a Japanese-only game on the PC Engine CD. It's another adventure game like Snatcher, only a few steps down. Still not bad.
>Final Fight CD
You get CD quality sound, all 3 characters and 2-player co-op.

>> No.9760813
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Make sure you add this to the list. If only they got Ayrton Senna in.

>> No.9761981

I remember getting this on Sega Saturn after loving the Mega Drive games, I was disappointed because it wasn't bad, but it wasn't nearly as fun.

>> No.9762205
File: 629 KB, 1428x1409, Shining Force CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding everyone who mentioned Shining Force CD.
I really enjoyed it, and it's a great followup to the original Shining Force on Mega Drive. It picks up following that storyline with the children of the original Shining Force.
Excellent use of CD quality sound for the OST and some voice acting for story.

>> No.9762234


>> No.9762258
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nice, paperanon
cheeseball recs:
any of the make my videos
corpse killer
night trap
time gal

actual recs:
dark wizard
lords of thunder
lunar series
mansion of hidden souls
sonic cd
robo aleste
road avenger
popful mail

>> No.9762269
File: 276 KB, 87x126, buffalien.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hearing the uncompressed soundtrack in Streets of Rage for the first time
>hearing the uncompressed girl scream in Streets of Rage for the first time

>> No.9762281

keep in mind this list is not comprehensive
i skipped all non-cd exclusives
mortal kombat, pitfall, mickey, out of this world, etc

>> No.9762870


>> No.9762905

lurkmoar newfriendo

>> No.9763232

Wasn't the sound balancing better on the Sega CD version?

>> No.9763652

the pc engine cd audio generally is a bit quieter than it should be imo (for background music)
the mister and most pc emulators let you 2x or 4x it so you can bump the rockin OST

im not well versed on the differences between the two versions though, and i can barely clear a stage or two before getting shitted on

>> No.9763657

I like Ground Zero Texas, Jurassic Park. Terminator. The CD is a shit console in general.

>> No.9763670

>The CD is a shit console in general.
i would say not recommended
for the hardcore sega fan?
kinda worth it for the deepcuts

>> No.9763715

I want to fuck all our of these girls.

>> No.9763893

How? Do you mean the Sega CD does that to Genesis games when it’s attached to it?

>> No.9763904

Go play the Sega Classics Arcade Collection on Sega CD and then come back.

>> No.9764014


>> No.9764992

Ha! I just played the first level and the sound is amazing! You CAN tell the the screams are better and maybe even the music.

>> No.9765118
File: 370 KB, 720x480, FATHER.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Columns title theme in this compilation sounds like a cut track from CD-i Zelda soundtracks

>> No.9765128

I really liked Flashback on Sega CD.

>> No.9765139

the top 20 is forever stuck in japan

>> No.9765898

I found my model 2 Genesis/Sega CD combo, another model 2 Sega CD, and another model 1 Sega CD. And a high frequency controller to go with it. Life is looking hopeful again, boys!

>> No.9766510
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I only have the PCE release of Winds of Thunder, so I am unable to directly compare.

... on fun games that appeal to me.

Greetings to the one which others call floweranon.


>> No.9766647

is ninja hayate any good?
i've been meaning to check it out

>> No.9766650

what is the difference between it and the cart version? or jaguar version?
i dont feel like they changed the visuals much anon

>> No.9767616

The Sega CD version has better music and higher quality cut scenes because they actually took advantage of the CD.

>> No.9767638

One of the few FMV games on the SCD that are full screen, it looks best on a really small CRT though.

>> No.9768880

android assault is a must play. its basically the sega cd's answer to gate of thunder

>> No.9768891

Shining Force CD
Lunar: The Silver Star
Sonic CD
Lunar: Eternal Blue
Night Trap
Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side
Earthworm Jim: Special Edition
Dark Wizard

>> No.9770528

Dumb question. Was the Sega CD more successful in Japan?

>> No.9770635

There were around 5 million Mega Drives and slightly below a million Mega CDs sold in Japan. In North America there were 20 million Geneses and 1.5 million Sega CDs sold. While Sega CD sold better in America, it had a much higher attach rate in Japan due to Mega Drive itself being a niche console there (it was lagging behind Super Famicom and PC Engine). It was more likely in Japan that the audience which chose to stick with Sega would continue to support their platform of choice.

>> No.9770693

Interesting, I asked because the PC engine CD was successful in Japan. It's still pretty crazy to me that the megadrive was a niche console in Japan.

>> No.9771397

Penn and Teller's Smoke and Mirrors
Kids on Site

>> No.9771415
File: 20 KB, 600x542, 1664983475212498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic CD is terrible.
Why do people keep recommending it?
Have any of you actually played that goddamn game?

>> No.9771418
File: 45 KB, 441x558, 1412627687117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn do I miss this breed of artstyles.
The flaws are obvious but also an indelible part of the charm.

>> No.9771505

I wouldn't say it's terrible at all. It's definitely not as good as 1, 2, or 3&K, but it's still a decent time if you go for the good ending. The Sega CD isn't exactly full of incredible games, so Sonic CD is going to get recommended in every one of these threads seeing as it's one of the better ones. If you want a terrible Sonic game, play Labyrinth or Blast on the Game Gear.
The "flaws" are honestly subjective, I don't really see that art as flawed. Most 80s and 90s anime looks better in terms of style than the majority of stuff that's come out since

>> No.9771809

Wow, you must suck at it. I love Sonic CD.

>> No.9773849

>Penn and Teller's Smoke and Mirrors
is that the fucking bus game?
where you just drive the fucking bus???

>> No.9773873

It's one of the games, but yes.

>> No.9773897
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>> No.9773918

Bridge return.
Bridge return.
Bridge return.
Because they have autism. They don't need actual gameplay just something to soothe their autistic stirrings.

>> No.9773925
File: 355 KB, 1410x1406, Gate-of-Thunder-cover-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a bad game, but I always liked Gate of Thunder better