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9753527 No.9753527 [Reply] [Original]

How have I never heard of Guardian Heroes before? Looks cool. Looks like an action RPG beat em up kinda thing.

>> No.9753545

Because it was exclusive to Saturn and only ported once (to 360 XBLA). If it was ported to current gen/PC, it'd probably be way more popular.

>> No.9753563

There's also more action-oriented sequel called Advanced Guardian Heroes for GBA. Both games are very good in terms of gameplay.

>> No.9753672

because tendies ecelebs talk too much about their shitty console with shitty 3d games and the other better games on better consoles like the saturn are overlooked
happened to me with other games that are really good but I never heard about
this how you now whos a normie and who knows real vr stuff

>> No.9753689

I love N64 and Guardian Heroes (and Saturn in general). Introduced my friend to the game on his 360 at his birthday party. Good times.

>> No.9753923

>tendies ecelebs
>talk about Nintendo consoles
All of Tendiedom allows for a lot more content for a much bigger audience, which in-turn gives Nintendo games even more attention. Sounds like you've got an untapped market if you want to do something other than bitch.

>> No.9754029

It's VERY cool. The beat 'em up mechanics are great, immensely satisfying. The music is awesome and it has a good story with branching paths.... Plus a six player mode with dozens of usable characters. And TRANSPARENCIES! yes the Saturn CAN do TRANSPARENCY, fuck you Sony cocksuckers

>> No.9754132

Prized piece of my saturn collection. Haven't beaten it yet thpugh

>> No.9754140

Years are passing off so quickly, finish it before you die.

>> No.9754272

I will anon. Its been one I've been playing more lately

>> No.9754287

>tfw played it since I was a kid a few months back
>stumbled through all the paths randomly
>beat final boss on first try
Feels good beating a game you couldn’t as a kid

>> No.9754512

Do you unlock some of them?

>> No.9754675

>Advanced Guardian Heroes for GBA
Fuck this game. It made the worst ending the canon one.

>> No.9754683

Your shit console has no games, it is a shit port machine

>> No.9754691

>How have I never heard of Guardian Heroes before?
You're an idiot.

>> No.9754694
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>shitty ports that run at 5 fps with bad res/vasiline and shitty sound
>literaly no games
you mean the n64?

>> No.9754698

Great game but nicole is busted

>> No.9754708

Not him, but I hate n64 because it’s underutilized in terms of the hardware and in creating a library of games at least equal to what the Saturn has that are worth playing. In contrast, we have the GameCube that is far better in both respects when compared to n64.
>I’m taking a break from the Saturn and am playing regular old Genesis because it does what Nintendon’t

>> No.9754709

People still play and talk about several N64 games. No one knows of or plays any of those Saturn games except a few losers (including me). Don't be a delusional retard.

>> No.9755471

>zoom zoom thinks the internet was the same in the mid 90s as it is today

>> No.9755661

Yes, monsters and things that you fight in the game become accessible in vs. mode

The game has branching paths and you need to explore all the paths to get all the monsters