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9749805 No.9749805 [Reply] [Original]

PlayStation controllers work on the PlayStation 2, not just for backwards compatible games, but also for PS2 only titles. I somehow never knew that - was going to get another PS2 controller so that I could play Melty Blood with a friend, but I guess I don't need to now. Jesus is looking out for me.

>> No.9749817

Doesn't work all games though. Some titles check what type of controller you got hooked up and require a DS2, usually for analog button support but sometimes for seemingly no valid reason.
Fighting games are pretty good about this since you'd likely use an arcade stick and there's no real differences between PS1 and PS2 sticks due to both being entirely digital.

>> No.9749820

i guarantee you 99% of ps2 titles require the dualshock 2, i think it's an implemented check at some point early in the ps2's life because i've not played a single ps2 game in all my years that accepted PS1.

>> No.9749825

Fighting games usually take DS1s.

>> No.9749830

That's funny, because I don't think I've come across a PS2 game that didn't work with the original PS dualshock. Fucking Zill O'll Infinite worked with it.

>> No.9749861 [SPOILER] 
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Playstation could play laserdisc.

>> No.9749872

Off the top of my head the only game that refused to work with one was TXR:D2.

>> No.9749879

They work also on PS3 but:
You need a USB converter
Non in all games
You could need to remap the buttons

>> No.9749881

The Bouncer was the first to refuse to work with DS1. I don't know other examples.

>> No.9749949

There's definitely more, I remember having issue with a "big" game, either one of the SHs or MGS. Granted I doubt you would've wanted to play MGS with a DS1 regardless.

>> No.9749981

theres potatoe written inside of the vmus

>> No.9749990

You can watch dvd movies and could use netflix on ps2

>> No.9750004

I didn't know that all face buttons were pressure sensitive on the dualshock 2, I thought it was only square and x since those are the ones that games seemed to care about.
I also didn't know that the dualshock 3 also has pressure sensitive face buttons on it, but for some reason ps3 games never took advantage of it

>> No.9750007

shoulder buttons too, also the original xbox had pressure sensitive buttons.

I liked this because it meant early on I didn't need a second ps2 controller, could just re-use my ps1 controllers. I also used the standard PS1 controllers in a lot of games because I liked the d-pad.

>> No.9750014

Its more like 2% require DS2. Off the top of my head Ace Combat 5 & 0 due to the insane idea to have pressure sensitive button for thrust, Star Ocean 3 for seemingly no reason.

You're better off using a DualShock 1 when you can since it has a better dpad. The pressure sensitive buttons make the PS2 dpad mushy.

>> No.9750016

the d-pads in dualshock 1 and 2's are basically the same, keep in mind there's numerous revisions and manufacturers

>> No.9750180
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This is related somewhat, and something I have been curious about for a long time. I am sure it's common knowledge, but it wasn't for me. Using the PS2 DVD remote with the power on / off button, you can put your PS2 (slim and the fat models that have a RF sensor) into standby mode. I think it officially makes it the first console to be able to do that, if I am not mistaken. I assume the first console to able to open up the disc tray with a remote. It's a pretty great feature.

>> No.9750203

Embarrassing since it was an advertised feature. What's more impressive is that the DS2s work on the PS1.

>> No.9750245

Weird thing about the remote I remember was my CKY DVD would play in black and white on a stock PAL fat PS2, but would play in colour after you saved the firmware file from the disc that comes with the remote onto your memory card.
Unfortunately it was a pretty big file.

>> No.9750273
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I think the original remote came with the firmware on the disc, not the RF only one in the picture. It's interesting how the updated firmware corrected that. It must of been some error or bug.

>> No.9750348

I know Star Wars Battlefront will cry if you're not using a Dualshock 2

>> No.9750360

>You're better off using a DualShock 1 when you can since it has a better dpad
Opposite in my experience. Well, the DS1 dpad probably has better input registry, but the DS2 dpad feels way nicer to depress

>> No.9750379

No it didn't, that was the 360.

>> No.9750461

I have one still in the box, thought about using it for rpgs.

>> No.9750484

Fun Fact: Dualshock 2 works on PS1 consoles.

>> No.9750502

OG Xbox has pressure sensitive face buttons. Xbox 360 and later have no pressure sensitive buttons at all.
Pretty much the only games to make use of this were the Dead Or Alive games as an alternate control scheme. DoA Volleyball is quite likely the only title in the entire library to require it for some minigames, hence why it's not officially back compat on 360 or One.

>> No.9750685

Using a tv remote to play RPGs? Why?

>> No.9750710

Not him, but I assume they want to try it out for game play reasons. The remote has input delay and I am sure it wouldn't hinder turn based RPG's too badly. It honestly seems kind of fun.

>> No.9750935

>It honestly seems kind of fun.
It's not

>> No.9751003

Other games used it as well
>DoA Volleyball is quite likely the only title in the entire library to require it for some minigames,
Nope. You can turn it off in settings.
>hence why it's not officially back compat on 360 or One.
I think it's because it's 2023. I can't see any reason for it not being added. Hell they didn't even add DOA 1-4 for the longest time.

>> No.9751184

what does the DVD remote for the PS2 need a memory card for?

I remember having one and it didn't work, if it didn't work because it needed update software or something and I just never had the disk I might be kind of pissed.

>> No.9751307

>what does the DVD remote for the PS2 need a memory card for?
It doesn't need a memory card. It came with an RF senor to use it on the original release. The software update was for features on the remote, from what I understand. That's a shame it didn't work at all for you. I wouldn't know to be honest. I have only ever used it on my slim model, and that was the last one they made. I have the remote that didn't come with the sensor dongle.

>> No.9751347

They did, but not games that used pressure-sensitive buttons like MGS2. I carried over one of my controllers to the PS2 when it came out.

>> No.9751413

the PS2 version of Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction doesn't let you use a PS1 controller. I'm still pissed off about it to this day

>> No.9751515
File: 10 KB, 255x238, Power button.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't need the remote for that, though. You could just hold in the power button.

>> No.9751553

Not something I learned, but I showed a friend the rotatable PS logo on his PS2 for vertical use and he nearly fell off his chair. We're both in our 30s.

>> No.9751587

No the PS2 has more modes than that. off (red), standby (orange), and on (green)

>> No.9751991

I wasn't claiming you did, but I did say it was an interesting feature for a console in the early 2000's

>> No.9752104

I just went and got a dualshock from hardoff just for ape escape

>> No.9752579

The slim already came with the updated DVD player built in, so you didn't need a memory card. Older PS2 models came with an older version of the dvd player, so you needed to install a new version of the DVD player to the memory card to enable IR support.

Fun fact: on the Japanese launch model of the PS2, you need a memory card to watch dvds at all, as the console doesn't have the DVD player software built in. It came with a disc to install it to the memory card, before you did that any attempt to play a DVD would give a "DVD player not set up" error.

The ability for the PS2 to automatically run programs from the memory card allowed Free MCBoot to be made: programs have to have a digital signature with MagicGage encryption to prove it's legit software approved by Sony, but it was discovered that the checker didn't do any checksumming of the program to make sure it hasn't been tampered with , so it is possible to attach a signature from a legit program like the dvd player to your own program, and have it run on boot.

>> No.9752710

>the console doesn't have the DVD player software built in
Seems to kinda defeat the whole genius plan of selling a $300 console as a cheaper alternative to a DVD player that cost half that.

>> No.9752716

I'm pretty sure they came with both the install disc and a memory card to install it onto, so they still came with everything you needed to play DVDs. Sucks if you bought one second hand without a memory card or the disc though.

>> No.9752874

It teh memory cards that don't werk vica versa

>> No.9753110

vica werk werk?

>> No.9753137

DS2 works on PS1 too, right? I think I read it somewhere. Bros I need some advice, a guy is offering me a FAT PS2 with a game and cables for $15. He says it works but the screen is only black and white, I've done some research and it may be related to the TV or cable. Should I buy it or pass?

>> No.9753165

I never knew the NES was the greatest console ever made

>> No.9753230
File: 21 KB, 500x398, 419NE+OpSrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the info. I wasn't sure if the older remote with the disc, installed the software update in the bios or on the memory card. I figured it was installed in the PS2's bios but I have never done it before myself. I don't own a fat PS2 with an RF sensor, the original DVD remote or the disc. The only time I have seen an update for PS2 software (expect Final Fantasy XI) was Killzone. It took up the whole memory card.

I really do like how you can use the DVD remote to turn your console on and off. It's a really nice feature "ahead of its time" all things considered. It seems like a feature that would of sold the remote a little more if people knew about it.

>> No.9753912

>RF sensor
Is that RF?

>> No.9753921

>Jesus is looking out for me
Sure is. Some games won't work though anon, think mainly racing games? Basically anything that reads how hard you're pressing the buttons. Majority of games, including fighting games like Tekken etc. work just fine though. And last I checked PSX pads were cheaper than PS2 ones too. Should be good for the majority of your multiplayer needs though.

>> No.9753949

This shit rather confusing....they should've just made new port style of PS2 and kept PS1 port style for PS1 games on console though it cost more be less of a fucking mess.

>> No.9753958

you're utterly wrong
lmao at your wrongness

>> No.9753962

PS2 controllers work on the PS1.

>> No.9753971

>He says it works but the screen is only black and white

do you know what cables? If they're composite cables there's probably some kind of problem with the system causing it to output only in black in white, but they could also just be busted S-Video cables, or a perfectly good set of component cables that he's just an idiot and plugging into a composite port.

For 15$ might as well buy it and find out.

>> No.9753984

I'd buy it for that price. Scored myself a PS2 slim recently for ten bucks, dude claimed it doesn't work - all it needed was a new power plug. If you're buying it from some normie and not a hardcore tech autist, chances are there's nothing wrong with it. I'm guessing it's the cable in your case. Obviously can't be sure, but my gut tells me it'll work just fine.

>> No.9753986

Should be fine. For 15 dollars it's worth the risk. Free mcboot it, install a 1tb hard drive with a cheap sata adapter and you're set.

>> No.9753996

It's not really a big deal. The number of games that actually reject DS1s is pretty small and you're not likely to have a PS2 without a DS2.

>> No.9754731

Hotswapping controllers afterwards fixes at least some games, the check only happens once. I do this all the time to use a stickless SCPH-1010
>Load up THPS whatever
>this game requires a DS2
>unplug stickless & plug in DS2
>message goes away
>unplug DS2 & plug in stickless
>continue playing

>> No.9755117

Okay now that I've read that that was definitely the problem I had, I must have thought it would just work like a normal controller.

>> No.9755120

PS2 controller works on PS1 too.

If you want to play PS1 games on the PS2 you can't save on the ps2 memcard in any way, you need a PS1 memcard.

>> No.9755179

you can back up PS1 saves to a PS2 memory card by the way which is actually a pretty convenient way of doing it

>> No.9755195

How would that even work?

>> No.9755220

Posts like this make me really reflect on the fact that loads of people here are just mentally ill or complete mongs saying whatever they want. This is, literally, the opposite of the truth.
I used a PS1 controller for the entire lifespan of my PS2, and the only game I EVER encountered which demanded a DS2 was Kingdom Hearts 1.

>> No.9755247
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using the laserdisk addon of course

>> No.9755293

My grandfather welded a laser disc player to my childhood PS1

>> No.9756237

To be honest, I would have guessed that PS2 games don't support PS1 controllers, but never would have even tested it since most PS2 games use the analogue sticks. I know there was the dual shock 1, but I literally never even saw one of those IRL growing up, the only PS1 controllers anybody I knew ever had were the non-analogue ones.

>> No.9757340

Posts like yours are proof of that fact. Honestly, if your story were true, holding up your experience of having only played a handful of PS2 games as proof of anything would be more embarrassing than the larp.

>> No.9757641

doesn't Black require a DS2 or am i misremembering?
i'm in bed and i don't wanna check

>> No.9757651

who doesn't know about dvd movies? people including me bought it in part for it.
the only time Sony failed a big format was PS4 pro not taking UHDs

>> No.9757997

Dual Shock 1 was provided with the PS1 for a large chunk of its lifespan in Europe, so a lot of people here had them.

Except every single reply said the same thing I did. Hope you can get the help you need.

>> No.9758132

>Except every single
zoom zoom
>said the same
>I did
A strange game
The only winning move is to mock it for the zoomie cope it is

>> No.9758137

>recommend someone gets help
>instant schizo meltdown
Every time lmao

>> No.9758789

Sorry, I meant to type IR sensor

>> No.9758984
File: 109 KB, 1600x1071, s-l1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Little things you somehow never knew
I didn't learn any of these *recently* but:

the PS2 supports Linux

several early PS2 games were printed on CDs rather than DVDs; they are distinguishable by their dark bottoms

the PS2 supports standard USB keyboards and mice and there were a couple games that supported them like PC games, such as Half-Life and Unreal Tournament

The dualshock 2 has an analog d-pad; I don't know any other console that does this besides PS3

PS2 supported two different types of LAN, the first used some weird connector called i-Link and the second used normal ethernet. Gran Turismo 3 and 4 are examples of games that supported one type and then the other

PS2 supported 1080i via an early version of 'checkerboard' rendering, a technique that was really popular on the PS4 to achieve fake 4k. Gran Turismo 4 and Tourist Trophy are the only games I know that supported this on PS2

Early PS2 dualshock 2 controllers have a noticeable sparkly flake in the black plastic, which is actually glass fiber embedded into the plastic to reinforce it. Later dualshock 2s cheaped out and lacked this sparkle and were a flat black, and the lack of the reinforcement made the plastic much flimsier and lighter. I have owned both and you can easily tell the difference in strength by twisting the controller lightly

Unlike the PS1 and PS3, there was supposedly only one official controller for the PS2 - the dualshock 2. However, I've opened many DS2s and there were *at least* 5 revisions which have completely incompatible boards and other parts.

In the late 2000s, Sony released a Dualshock 2 for the PS2 that did not have any rumble. I believe these were sold exclusively through Walmart (in the US at least) and were a budget option rather than a result of the rumble lawsuit Sony was dealing with for the DS3

the startup screen on the PS2 shows block towers that correspond directly to the save files you have on the memory card in the system. no card = no towers

>> No.9759013

>OG Xbox has pressure sensitive face buttons. Xbox 360 and later have no pressure sensitive buttons at all.
>Pretty much the only games to make use of this were the Dead Or Alive games as an alternate control scheme.
NFS Hot Pursuit 2 uses pressure sensitive face buttons for gas/brake. Which is bizarre because the controller had triggers...

He is right though. The DS1 is accepted on the vast majority of PS2 games.

>> No.9759061

most ps2 racing driving games used that. GTAs took advantage the most as there we no abs in them. braking with a pressure-sensitive button is better in every way. it's more precise and more realistic. accelerator, on the other hand... you should take that pun literally and use trigger for that.
believe me, i didn't even had ps2 in it's time, i got used to xbox triggers earlier.
it's fucking sad they stopped making those. even turning with a pressure-sensitive dpad should be more precise, if the game were designed for that. different (and lighter) steering assist is required because for pressure-sensitive the neutral position is medium force touch as opposed to stick where pushing it fully is much easier that any other position apart from zero.

>> No.9759069

cool fact, there's an abs flag in gta sa handling.cfg file, it doesn't seem to work for me and it's disabled for almost all the vehicles.

>> No.9759114

Because playing dvds was a last second 11th hour addition. After the Dreamcast specs was leaked by 3dfx, Sony thought they were on par or behind the Dreamcast in specs, but Sega couldn’t afford adding dvd playback so Sony added that extremely late to one-up Sega on features.
Funny how that turns out. If 3dfx wasn’t financially fucked and leaked their prototype to gain investors, the PS2 wouldn’t have been able to playback dvds.

>> No.9759120

It could also playback VCD’s at one point.

>> No.9759137
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>> No.9759153

The NES has an expansion port on its underside that's covered by a plastic plate you'd need to cut off from the housing if it ever got any official peripherals.

>> No.9759181

I really want to get one of those PSP docks with a video out that lets you pair a PS3 controller with the system so you can play it on a TV but they go for a fucking fortune and they're also really pointless when the PSTV exists.

>> No.9759183

They are still very neat. Really wanted one back in the day. It’s sad Sony didn’t utilize interconnection between the psp and the ps3.

>> No.9759184

>several early PS2 games were printed on CDs rather than DVDs; they are distinguishable by their dark bottoms
some games were printed on CDs throughout its life, it was just early ones that used black discs like PS1 games. later they used blue discs.

>> No.9759201

You can tell if a PS2 game is on CD by the fact that it says CD on the disc label
The color of the disc bottom is basically meaningless. PS1 discs used to be black and PS2 CDs were blue but both were dropped around 2007.
Later PS2 CDs, mostly shovelware and reprints got printed on to just regular silver discs. Similarly very late PS1 discs, notably the re-releases of Square games sold at the Square Enix online store, were also printed on silver discs.

>> No.9759295
File: 88 KB, 812x1080, ridge_racer_v_playstation_2_ps_1677803853_fc3b6c02_progressive[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was just early ones that used black discs like PS1 games. later they used blue discs.
they were blue at launch, e.g. ridge racer V

>> No.9759369

That's a fact that most gamers already knew even back then (including myself). It's only boomers at stores that lied about the opposite like the ones who sold me PS2 and tried to convince me buying an extra controller.

>> No.9759370

That makes more sense. Can you post the IR codes? Just the ones specific to that remote.

>> No.9759372
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maybe it has something to do with the Pressure sensitive buttons present only on the dualshock 2
leave that apart, DS2 is the same controller as the DS

>> No.9759534

you sure that's the reason? i'm thinking more of licensing fees or taxes

>> No.9759672

I didn't know that Japanese ps1 games had black discs. All of mine (moved here from the UK) had pretty normal dvd-looking discs

>> No.9760229

This is a really long con, isn't it? Well played Anon

>> No.9760237


>> No.9760460

UK PS1 discs are all black too. Are you sure you didn't have bootlegs and a chipped console? They were fairly common here.

>> No.9760569

Oh. I thought you actually had it. My bad.

>> No.9760641

What really? They were always black? Maybe it's just the Mandela effect, I had both bootleg and nonbootleg. Got it chipped towards the end and maybe that's why I'm only remembering those

>> No.9760672

All my UK discs are black. I only have two JP games and they're not black (IIRC they're silvery like normal CDs). I was surprised by this when I got them as this isn't something that's generally talked about. I'd also be surprised if there were black JP discs too. I have no idea what they were like in US/Canada.

>> No.9760789

There is a Mandela Effect that the PS1 was always called PSX

>> No.9760798
File: 254 KB, 916x1200, 1679427765108249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a mandela effect in your mind that you are not retarded

>> No.9760858

>There is a Mandela Effect that the PS1 was always called PSX
No, that's just zoomers. People who grew up with PS1 know that magazines and such called it PSX very commonly. Never listen to zoomers about anything.

>> No.9760868

Square continued to print PS1 games even after Sony stopped - they could be bought from their online store. These were 100% valid PS1 games with the security wobble groove but they were on regular silver CDs. If you've been buying up certain games from online auctions it's possible you've been getting these "special" versions.
Before that I'm not aware of even a single PS1 game from any region being anything other than black to the point that people believed the black color was actually part of the copy protection and sought out black CD-Rs to "trick" the laser (kek.)

>> No.9761023

There's a reprint of Metal Gear Solid on silver discs from around 2008. I'm sure there's some other games too but noone has bothered to catalog this kinda stuff.
Not a whole lot of PS1 games being made after PS3 launched.
Silver PS2 CDs are much more common since the console was still alive and supported with new games by then.

>> No.9761659
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>There's a reprint of Metal Gear Solid on silver discs from around 2008.
Are you sure? The 2008 essential collection had black PS1 discs

>> No.9761994

you could un-delete things from your ps1 memory card

>> No.9762181

I might be misremembering, but didn't one of the BIOSes have a hidden input for doing that? A bunch of PS2 homebrew could do it.

It's pretty much how most file systems works. This is an oversimplification, but when you delete something it only gets marked as deleted so the OS is free to overwrite it when it needs the space. If it doesn't get overwritten any time soon it can be recovered by special software. It's common for people to accidentally delete something important so this actually comes up a lot.

>> No.9763823
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You need to use three Playstations at once.

>> No.9765668

Jack off with other hand

>> No.9765994

>Early PS2 dualshock 2 controllers have a noticeable sparkly flake in the black plastic,
Always thought that was just a soulful artistic touch.

>> No.9766603


>> No.9768262

They were blue.

>> No.9768367

Now that you mention it I have the MGS The Essential Collection version of MGS1 and never even thought about it.

...DVD case and PS2 style manual which is weird, but nope, still black CDs.

>> No.9768372

Square had some new ps1 games up until 5-6 years ago. Stuff like ff origins

>> No.9768475

>Little things you somehow never knew
>PlayStation controllers work on the PlayStation 2
zoomfag spotted

>> No.9769341

Sup, lil zoomie?

>> No.9770516

It took me until like last fucking year for me to realize that PS1 games played on a PSP don't emulate analog controls

Really dumb that it doesn't honestly, fuck all used twin stick analogs anyway

>> No.9771015

How did it work and what was the killzone update?

>> No.9771104

Dont those kind of suck? I wish there was some homebrew by now to pair a ps3 controller to psp, i have the normal cables for it, but they are way too short.

>> No.9771113

I recently got an ntsc monster rancher and its a weird color. Not as black as normal discs, more lighter in color, kinda shiny. Im thinking maybe it was just a weird production batch that didn't use enough ink.