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9747092 No.9747092 [Reply] [Original]

Luv this game. Just beat it and don't get why it's seen as the black sheep of the PS1 trilogy.
Let's start with how fucking cool Raccoon City is in this game: in RE2 you spend like 5 minutes out there but here half the game is the ruinous streets. It nails the fuckness of Raccoon City 100% and then outdoes itself with its amazing variety: the streets, the clock tower, the hospital, the graveyard, the factory—all this cool shit and (unlike 2) not once does it feel like a shameless rehash of RE1.

It's more survival-horror than RE2 cause you got limited resources (sure there's gunpowder, but it's wise to save em til the end) and you're prioritising running past enemies instead of engaging them. It's just a lot harder than RE2 as well so I saved way more often, and DAMN are the puzzles really good. In RE2 most puzzles amounted to "put this object you just found on the wall right next to it" but 3 has heaps of cool puzzles, holy shit they're so cool.

What didn't I like about the game?
It functions more like a parry in that you can't arbitrarily dodge; you can only dodge when the game decides you can. Most of my dodges were by complete accident and most of my attempts to dodge resulted in aiming my gun and taking a dumb hit.
Forgettable save for 2 pieces. Real step down from the last two games.
The story isn't as ambitious as 1 or 2 and doesn't move the plot, but at least it's not retarded like 2's.
Pretty underwhelming and doesn't deserve to have his name as the subtitle. I do like his silly rocket launcher though, it hearkens back to the B-movie horror of RE1.
>No G-virus
RE2 is guilty of this as well but we didn't see diddly-squat of the G-virus outbreak
>Save rooms
Like RE2, there's just too many of them
>No Carlos story
It's most likely why RE3 isn't as remembered; there was no second story to incentivise you to go back and fully appreciate the game.

All in all, great game. I will now brace myself for Cope Veronica.

>> No.9747124

if RE3 was released as "Resident Evil: Nemesis" and advertised as a spin-off or side game for seeing what Jill was up to during the events of RE2, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

>> No.9747125

>No Carlos story
There are slightly different cutscenes and events depending on the order you do things and what options you choose but they are so inconsequential in 3 that it's not worth it. IIRC 2 is completely linear and has nothing like that other than A/B order. I don't think CV has many forks either, although I could've sworn I had to drill the hex/square in the opposite order the first time I played it and never again since. The original is the best in this regard with branches that result in different outcomes for a total of 4 different endings per character.

>> No.9747168

I don't really like the multiple endings of RE1, it's not like you'd want to get the bad ending. The conditions for Jill's good ending are completely retarded too

>> No.9747228
File: 101 KB, 1200x628, lu36clzl9at41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I wanted to say no wonder people hate the Remake if it's different from the original, cause the original is real good

>> No.9747259

>play as jill
>wait for barry
>get to the lab
>collect the system disks
>find chris locked in his cell
>cell door is locked
>I'm so glad to see you jill
>don't worry chris
>I'll be back to rescue you
>go fight tyrant
>self destruct system active
>let's gtfo of here
>jill and barry make their grand escape
>get in the helicopter
>realise I completely forgot about chris
>mansion goes kaboom
>oh well
>start a new playthrough as chris
>rescue rebecca
>don't interact with jill in any way

>> No.9747503

Gunpowder is meant to add to the replay value, this way you can craft ammo for whatever weapon you prefer.
I'm autistic and I really like the custom handgun that Nemesis drops and I tend to use that alone for like 80% of the game, including all Nemesis fights.

As far as dodging goes, its not the most polished mechanic but it does kinda work, you are supposed to just tap R1 or R2 at the exact moment the enemies lunge at you.

Code Veronica is good but it has none of the QoL gameplay stuff that RE3 had, no gunpowder, no dodging, animations are slower, running is slower etc. It was developed at the same time as RE3. CV is also roughly twice as long. Its still good. Protip: use multiple save files in case you fuck yourself over so that you can revert back. CV also has better soundtrack.

>> No.9747714

>What didn't I like about the game?
Oh yeah didn't have room to say but the final battle with Nemesis where you gotta push those batteries? The collision on those batteries is fucked. I tried pushing them but they didn't move, so I assumed there was something else I had to do so I wasted a fuckton of time trying to figure it out, when I never had any issues with pushing objects thus far in these games. When I got off the elevator, the timer said something a bit over 0036400, so with the timer going down by 7102 a second, this meant I beat the game with 5 seconds to spare lol. I DEFINITELY did not choose to finish off Nemesis.

>> No.9747729

The only qte choice that matters is with Nemesis is on the bridge outside of death factory. Depending on the choice you get Barry in the ending cutscene

Also I hope you didnt play the easy mode. You can replay the game to unlock the epilogue files... Or just google the images.

>> No.9747739

Ye ye I played on hard mode. Fucking Nemesis rocked my shit in the courtyard fight because of the finicky dodge mechanic. Oh, I can't dodge Nemesis's rocket because, err, I don't fucking know? Jill just decides that attempting to move out of the way isn't the right course of action when I pressed the dodge button and instead points her gun?? What's the opportunity cost for her to so much as try to get out of the way?

>> No.9747741

And ye I jumped off the bridge so I saw Barry in the end.
>You can replay the game to unlock the epilogue files... Or just google the images.
Googled them lol

>> No.9747920

She is poised to shoot that rocket right out of the air. Dodge rockets, pffft. We’re talking about Jill fucking Valentine here.

>> No.9748003

>people STILL don't understand how the dodge mechanic works in RE3
The timing window for pulling off a dodge from the front is extremely tight. Literally a few frames. The timing window is much larger and easier to hit when being attacked from behind. It's not luck, it's not the game deciding you can dodge, it's hitting the timing window. It's not designed to be a "I fucked up and let zombies run up into my face, plz make me invincible" button, it's for dodging attacks from behind. If you feel the need to force a dodge, walk backwards into the enemy so you have the larger timing window.

>> No.9748870

If I fuck up the timing then I should dodge anyway but fail to get out of the way in time

>> No.9748914
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Love it. Just wish the dodge had more than a 1 frame window to pull off. I've done multiple no save S ranks runs and Jill's Diary runs. I'll eventually try my hand at a knife only playthrough.

>> No.9748967
File: 48 KB, 1319x760, Item Boxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Save rooms
>Like RE2, there's just too many of them
RE2 actually only has one more item box in the station than RE1 has in the mansion. The problem is that the longer you look at the maps, the more you realize RE2's map is actually much smaller and simpler than RE1's. It wouldn't have felt excessive if the map was at least as big as RE1's. For example, there are literally two item boxes connected directly to the main hall, only separated by a ladder.

>> No.9748983
File: 53 KB, 750x932, 1673288848388857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just wish the dodge had more than a 1 frame window to pull off
You have to understand how the dodge works. It's not about pressing the aim button exactly when the enemy attacks you. The way it works is the enemy has to land it's attack during the animation where you raise your weapon. So for example the attack has to hit you between the moment you press the aim button and the moment Jill's gun is completely raised.

>> No.9749074

Yeah but both games are bigger than just the station ans the ma soon. iirc RE1 has 7 typewriters throughout whereas RE2 has double

>> No.9749078

>The way it works is the enemy has to land it's attack during the animation where you raise your weapon
You have to pre-empt Nemesis firing his rocket to dodge it. No matter how far you are from him, no matter whether you could theoretically jump out the way irl, if you press dodge on the frame he fires, you won't dodge

>> No.9749563

It's better not to count on dodge against Nemesis, you are bound to get grabbed that way. Which brings me to my earlier point about the handgun you get from beating Nemesis twice being the best weapon against him. And the regular handgun too for those first two boss fights.

It takes ~60 handgun rounds to take him down. what you want is to run away from him just enough so that there is distance but not too much so that he starts running at you. Fire 2 or 3 shots, then run to the opposite corner, fire 2-3 shots, run. Make a mental note of his dominant arm that he uses to grab you and make sure you run past his other arm, that way you are safe. Rinse repeat. Shotgun is shit against Nemesis because it fires too slowly and its animations take forever.

The STI handgun fires fast as fuck which really makes everything easy when you get the above tactics right. You can also glitch Nemesis in couple of areas, like the second encounter in the RPD when he crashes throug the window. You can run into the next room and get into the small office where the safe is. Nemesis will get in but he will get stuck in front of the book shelf. You can easily unload half the damage needed onto him before he unfucks himself.

>> No.9751754

Is any of this in the remake lol, probably not

>> No.9751857

No, RE3 remake is a poster game of the modern slop you're supposed to consume and be happy with.