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File: 98 KB, 810x800, gba_astroboy_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9743659 No.9743659 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude, what if we took Rocket Knight Adventures, but replaced the fun platforming parts with shitty, monotonous beat 'em up gameplay instead? Oh yeah, and you have to search for characters to save to upgrade the progression system and bosses have massive slowdowns because we suck dick at programming

Yea, I'm thinking it's overrated.

>> No.9743667

>shitty, monotonous
Unironically filtered

>> No.9743682

It's ironic how all the really worthwhile licensed games Japs made were based on western IPs

>> No.9743736

this game was fucking awesome and beating the shit out of jobber robots was fun

>> No.9743738

Game is a masterpiece. The only thing it does badly is platforming, and of course you wanted a platformer like a tasteless retard.

>> No.9743753


>> No.9743964

Like based McDonalds, Treasure's only good game?

>> No.9743969

Does the GBA have anything good

>> No.9743998

Summon Night is sick.

>> No.9744004

Try not to pat yourself on the back too much.

>> No.9744130

Ninja Five-O was really fucking good, basically the proper successor to Shinobi as the series went to shit after the Sega Genesis days.

>> No.9744338

It has an amazing library. Though typically not great music.

>> No.9744864

Yeah... not sure what Nintendo were thinking not giving GBA its own sound chip. Made all games for the thing sound like fucking shit.

>> No.9745479
File: 142 KB, 256x256, Danny Phantom GBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ho boy, can we redo this as some watered down shit for murrican market?
> Yep, just slap some random cartoon superhero on it and voila.

>> No.9745570
File: 194 KB, 853x839, Konami Krazy Racers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninja Five-O
Godzilla Domination
Hajime no Ippo
Guardian Heroes Advance
Double Dragon Advance
Super GnG (has unique content from the SNES version)
Konami Krazy Racers
Drill Dozer
F-Zero Climax
Rivercity Ransom EX
Gradius Galaxies
Final Fight One

>> No.9745796

Based KonamiKrazyKartzposter.

>> No.9746005

Been looking for more obscure GBA recommendations. So many peoples' top 25 lists for the GBA are the same shit, but I've put a lot more hours in weird games like Bookworm.

>> No.9746236

Why was Treasure so shit during 6th gen?

>> No.9746341

Some of the semi-obscure games I enjoyed were Bomberman Tournament, Bomberman Jetters: Densetsu no Bomberman (a tie-in to the Bomberman Jetters anime, and a semi-sequel to Tournament), the Densetsu no Stafy trilogy (especially 3), Game & Watch Gallery 4, and the Hamtaro games (haven't played Ham-Ham Games, but Ham-Ham Heartbreak is one of my favorite games on the system).
I know not all of these are super obscure, but they're barely mentioned (all you hear about is Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Metroid, Castlevania, Mother 3 and various other jrpgs/SNES ports).

>> No.9746836 [DELETED] 

Sixth gen?
Mate, Trashure was never good. Always has been the dregs of Konami, always will be.

>> No.9747349 [DELETED] 

Because that's when they started to go back on their philosophy of "no sequels". They paid the price for their hypocrisy and churned out such garbage as Ikaruga (shite compared to Silvergun), Guardian Heroes Advanced (shite compared to the Saturn version), and Gunstar Future Heroes (shite compared to the Mega Drive version). Perhaps they wouldn't have fallen from grace if they'd just stuck to their original vision... but, alas...

>> No.9747359

You acknowledge that a core aspect of the game is bad, but chastise someone for wanting it to be good?

>> No.9747474 [DELETED] 

What happened Auster? mods started 30-day banning you with your new meme attempt?
Don't worry, it wasn't funny and it wasn't gonna work anyway, as always.

>> No.9747549

not really, its just filled with bland platformers and bland "racing" games

>> No.9747551

>F-Zero Climax
thats not a good game

>> No.9747872 [DELETED] 

Don't forget all the inferiour Snezz ports.

>> No.9747880 [DELETED] 

What's your endgame, auster? You will obviouslty never achieve what you want (to convince people to stop liking the Super Nintendo), so why do you do it?
inb4 you're actually the biggest Super Nintendo fanboy and you're doing this to make anti-Super Nintendo people seem low IQ.

>> No.9748047

Megaman Battle Network

>> No.9748181

Yep, sounds like audial aids.

>> No.9748445 [DELETED] 

~ Top 10 Trashiest Treasure Games ~

#10: Alien Soldier (Treasure's boss-rushiest gimmick game, the little level design it does have is pretty much a complete joke; controls are fucking garbage)
#9: Sin & Punishment (gimmickily turns into a sidescroller on the final level; gimmicky bosses like the Tetris one or Missile Command one; tries to incorporate jumping in a rail shooter but the platforming designs blow dick)
#8: Astro Boy - Omega Factor (basic bitch bmup gameplay which has to be expanded via a lame collectathon gimmick; boring filler shmup gimmick segments almost break up the inane bmup monotony)
#7: Silhouette Mirage (polarity system makes the game feel too contrived leading to some of the most annoyingly gimmicky boss / level designs in Trashure history)
#6: Radiant Silvergun (scoring system makes it feel too much like a puzzler, punishing you for killing an enemy that isn't the right colour; cringey jarpig elements; like Alien Soldier, too many bosses and too little worthwhile level designs)
#5: Ikaruga (combine RSG's gimmicky scoring with SilMir's gimmicky polarity shield, double your gimmicks double your fun!... if only you COULD have fun playing a Trashure title...)
#4: Dynamite Headdy (over half the Scenes in the game flat-out suck, lacking proper level designs that focus not on platforming but instead on fighting bosses or shitty gimmicks like turning into a shmup or showing off a 3D floor; also the shittiest bonus rounds conceived for a scotformer)
#3: Gunstar Heroes (Dice Palace consists of braindead puzzles and worthless mini-bosses; second to last level turns into yet another terrible shmup gimmick section; final level isn't a real level, but just another lousy boss rush)
#2: Gunstar Super Heroes (takes Gunstar but makes everything about it shittier, most notably the inclusion of horrible "homages" to several SEGA classics)
#1: Mischief Makers (Olympics is a marathon of retarded mini-games, plus many more shitty gimmicks in this overrated kusoge)

>> No.9748646 [DELETED] 

what about that DS sequel to Bangai-O! that made tim rogers and the selectbutton crowd jizz in their collective pants?

>> No.9749016 [DELETED] 

Iirc, the DS one has way worse stage designs, preferring to be more puzzle-y and "bitesize" for the handheld audience.
Also it goes with the N64's gameplay mechanics, which aren't as good as the Dreamcast version's.
Also the artstyle is way shittier, the characters look much more soulless.

>> No.9749307 [DELETED] 

trannyjanny status = triggered as fuck

>> No.9749314

All he sees is someone attacking treasure and their maiden honor must be defended.

>> No.9749319 [DELETED] 

trannyjanny status = triggered as fuck

it ain't gonna dilate itself, sweety ;D

>> No.9750005

based and fuckTreasurepilled.

>> No.9750069

I'd include Super Dodge Ball Advance. The Kunio-Kun ver just filters me somehow, but this game, this game was the shit. Once you learn how to do the super moves, it's all smooth from there

>> No.9750084

There is a single platforming level in Astro Boy, so I'm not acknowledging a core aspect of the game is bad. But you sure are acknowledging you didn't play it.

>> No.9750137

He's not saying the platforming that's in Omega Fagtor is bad, he's saying the game would've been better as a platformer, instead of what the game ended up being like, fighting the same robot and bee enemy over and over, but scaled to different sizes and re-coloured. That's just inexcusably lazy game design.

>> No.9750196

so you just dislike beat 'em ups, got it

>> No.9750246

No, I like beat 'em ups with actually interesting and varied enemy design.

Ninja Warriors shits all over Asstroboy in terms of bmup game design.

>> No.9750308

>replying to australiakun

>> No.9750334

So you don't like the game because it has recolored grunts? What about the game systems (like meter management and the various special attacks) and complex bosses that makes up most of the game?
That's a really fucking stupid opinion.

>> No.9750692

I think you should >take your meds

>> No.9750721

>So you don't like the game because it has recolored grunts?
Pretty much. Treasure overcompensates with boss fights whilst neglecting to design good stages, every single one of their kusoges suffers from this, very overrated dev.

>What about the game systems (like meter management and the various special attacks)
What about it? Spamming laser and punch on braindead, boring, over-rehashed enemies is interesting gameplay to you? Lmao...

>> No.9750727

Lmao indeed, you fucking muppet.
You're not intellectualy fit to speak about video game and should take a tripcode once for all so we can filter you.

>> No.9750731


>> No.9750856

Astro Boy

>> No.9750945


>> No.9750982

Explain why

>> No.9751835

The bmup/shmup stages are nothing special, and are rather unsatisfying to go through.

The bosses are cool, but not Treasure's best.

Overall I give the game a 5/10. Decent effort but I expect much better from Treasure.

>> No.9752242
File: 103 KB, 790x800, 6184482-dragon-ball-advanced-adventure-game-boy-advance-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the superior anime-licensed GBA action-sidescroller
Heh, nothin' personnel, Treasurecucks.

>> No.9753073
File: 2.07 MB, 3140x1638, 1533677527875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GBA's reputation was somewhat stained by shitty SNES ports but outside of those it has arguably the strongest library out of any handheld ever

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Mother 3
Wario Land 4
Advance Wars 1 & 2
Gunstar Super Heroes
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Ninja Five-O
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town

>> No.9753080

Also Pokemon

>> No.9753274


>> No.9753367


>> No.9753398
File: 273 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I remember is all the horrid blown up sprites

>> No.9753454
File: 951 KB, 480x320, omegaf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Treasure game on a Nintendo system making australia-kun seethe the whole week.
Which will it be next week? Mischief Makers again?

>> No.9753463

Torneko Mystery Dungeon 3

>> No.9753479

I'm thinking...
Bangai-O N64 vs. Dreamcast console warring.

>> No.9753812

He tried that multiple times, but when confronted with the fact both versions are actually pretty different, and N64 actually has a lot of good things going for it (one of them is being more challening and having a deeper score system) he just tries to go "lalalalal I dont hear anything nintendo sucks" until he leaves the thread.

>> No.9753989

Yeah, but only one can be better... and that's Bangai-O for the Sayguh Dreamcast.

>> No.9754543

that one's also overrated and shares a lot of the same issues.

>> No.9754827

It's not more challenging though, you can upgrade the mech via the shop and become just as powerful as you are in the Dreamcast version. They just got rid of the tedium, which shouldn't be confused with challenge.
The ONLY advantage of N64 Bangai-O is the marginally more interesting scoring mechanics, but when the game looks worse, sounds worse, suffers from way more slowdowns, and features less content than Dreamcast, the definitive version is obvious.

>> No.9755418

>you can upgrade the mech via the shop and become just as powerful as you are in the Dreamcast version.
Yeah but in order to upgrade, you need to make combos. The higher the combos, the more you can upgrade. Also, NOT upgrading actually increases your score a lot, so if you want an even higher score, you won't want to upgrade too much, if at all. Anyway most levels can be done without upgrading, some will be very tough, though.
>They just got rid of the tedium
You think using the bomb mechanic to combo is tedium? But that's like the funnest part of the game!
>The ONLY advantage of N64 Bangai-O is the marginally more interesting scoring mechanics
Well, the same way you have bias and say that's "marginally" more interesting, the same way I could say that DC version only has "marginally" better graphics, sound and less slowdown.
Personally, I do like the more blocky, retro graphics of the N64 version. The DC looks great too, though, but at the same time it gives off a kind of modern 2D game aesthetic, maybe reminiscent of Flash 2D games, while the N64 looks more like a 16 bit game. Also, some parts of the visual design I like better on N64 for sure, such as Bangai O's sprite itself (how when you use the bomb attack, you see many missile panels coming out of the robot all around its body, legs, arms, etc. On DC, it's only 2 panels coming out). Many background pictures I also think look much better on N64.
Only extra content the DC has is a few extra bosses (but bosses in Bangai O aren't the main part of the game, unlike in many other Treasure games. In fact, it has many joke/parody bosses). it's cool that the DC version has extra bosses, but it's not a reason that makes the N64 obsolete, at all. Sound-wise, both games have different music, and both are good, none is better than the other. DC has more voice samples but, in my opinion, they can get a bit annoying after a while.
IMO, a real Bangai O fan will want to play both, as they're actually very different.

>> No.9757113 [DELETED] 


>> No.9757138

I definitely didn't get the game. After beating it you get to play it again on a harder difficulty? A game has to impress me on the first playthrough if it wants me to play it again and Astro Boy didn't. The best thing I could say about the game is that it controls decent enough and looks pretty cool when you shoot your finger laser. It doesn't feel like a full game but a bonus extra found when completing another game. Selling it as a full priced game feels like theft. It is overrated but not a bad game, just lacking.

>> No.9757147

No, when you beat it the first time, Phoenix sends you to the past, and you have to find secrets in the levels, unlock some new sections and bosses, etc. I liked it, 100%ing it blind was a great experience.
Hard mode is just hard mode, the whole game, but much harder. Great challenge. I was disappointed when I lent the cart to my friend, and he played it on easy.

>> No.9757174

You inspired me to try the N64 version this weekend, anon.

>> No.9757332

Don't bother, it's just a shitty beta release that would later get perfected on Dreamcast.

>> No.9757603

You always lose, auster.

>> No.9758334
File: 66 KB, 500x500, tinytoons_bbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'member when Treasure could release GOOD prototypes like the Mcdonalds game and not abject trash like pic related?
What went wrong?

>> No.9758458

You have shit taste

>> No.9760118

Auster is always Right. Hence why Nincels cry about him whenever he truthposts about Nintendo, Treasure, the list goes on.

>> No.9760168

Bangai O being better on Dreamcast is absolutely correct

>> No.9760202

all I know from interviews is that Warner Bros contracted Treasure to make the game because they knew that Treasure did action games well. The design process was really quick, and the other thing I remember is that the background artist wasn't up to the task and quit right after the game was released.

>> No.9760938

Why do you speak in 3rd person, old man?
It would be "better" if it was the exact same game except with better performance, but both versions are different, and as I already exemplified, the N64 has a lot of things going for it. Real Bangai O fans will want to play both (DC for beginners, N64 if you want more challenge), only console warriors/mentally ill shitposters will think one versions outclasses the other.
I know it bothers you that the game is on a Nintendo system, but try to stop thinking in terms of company wars for a second.