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File: 38 KB, 376x185, dc vs gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9741806 No.9741806 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this once and for all, who has the worst d-pad ever?

>> No.9741813

The Xbox 360
>not retro
The Xbox

>> No.9741820

I remember using the GC pad and liking it. Maybe I'm just stupid, I dunno.
I think I kind of like how it's small and stiff, which seems to be what everyone else hates about it.

>> No.9741827

Hosiden Dualshocks.
I love the Alps Dualshocks. Their dpads are among my favourites. But there's just something wrong with every H Dualschock both DS1 and DS2 that I own.
Maybe that's why some people fucking hate Dualshocks? They've just never had a good one

>> No.9741860

DC because for one you barely use the d-pad in GC game and more importantly it doesn't fucking cut your thumb

>> No.9741887
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>> No.9741910

Came in here to post this.
Thank fuck they figured out how to do a d-pad with Xbone.

>> No.9741942
File: 219 KB, 500x500, gba-209.png-500x500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's fine too. It feels very similar to the GBA d-pad.

>> No.9741973

Yeah, I think if anything that's what I like when it comes to D-pad form factor. I like to plant my thumb in the middle, and roll the thing around, as opposed to doing specific presses.

>> No.9741975

The 360 is pretty objectively the worst ever. It doesn't work.
>press left
>pad registers up

>> No.9742005

Of those two? Tough one, but I think DC has it worse

>> No.9742007

It feels pretty small. Playing Game Boy Advance games on the Game Boy Player sucks with it. It's not bad for minor use in GameCube games though.

>> No.9742009
File: 241 KB, 1500x1047, KqhFxVeZiPRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro don't care. The Switch dpad is fucking awful. I don't know how Nintendo fucked it up hard considering the Wii U dpad was good. Switch feels like every input does a diagonal move too. I've tried other Switch controllers like the Splatoon 2 and 3 colors, the Xenoblade color, and a new 2022 version of the controller and it's still bad. The 360 dpad sucked but the Switch dpad easily wins the argument for worst dpad.

>> No.9742014

Get a Gulikit King Kong 2. It's the better Switch controller.

>> No.9742016

have you considered that maybe you just suck? Because I never had that problem with the 360 pad. Sure, it was pretty wonky, but it neither of my two pads were like that (one bought at launch, the other ten years later).

>> No.9742020

That was a very common complaint at the time. The design is borked.

>> No.9742029

GC d-pad is leagues worse.

>> No.9742031

Nah I remember it too and it's pretty inherent that it happens with the build it has, the whole d-pad is just a single chunk of plastic floating over a void. Hitting left and hitting like...up left or down left feels the same and equally unsatisfying. I always assumed it was this way due to patent bullshit but they managed to sort it out by the Xbone so who knows.

>> No.9742159

xbox 360
daily reminder that the GC dpad is literally the same as the GBA. The issue isn't the dpad itself, but the placement

>> No.9742161

This one definitively, it's incredibly unreliable. The Genesis controller ain't excellent either

>> No.9742163

The goddamn Switch Pro controller D-Pad has this design flaw with it's huge d-pag and it drives me nuts. Pressed left but just a little up? Left + Up. Apparently gotta open it and put scotch tape

>> No.9742171
File: 212 KB, 1058x900, Atari-Jaguar-Controller-Flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is 100% a user error issue. The dpad was disliked because it was closer to a joystick in feel, not because of you pressing the wrong direction with your autism hands.

SMS or Atari Jaguar are the worst. No competition. Contacts are poorly set up on Jaguar. The only controller that actually has this issue. Otherwise mostly every other controller is usable and works every press.

>> No.9742183

Dreamcast. Gamecube is not great, but at least it does not hurt when playing a fighting game.

>> No.9742207

No, it was definitely a recognised thing.
About two seconds of google searching got me this https://c0d3h4x0r.wordpress.com/2008/12/22/xbox360-d-pad-design-flaws-and-fix/

>Like many gamers, I have major complaints about the D-pad on Microsoft’s Xbox360 wireless controllers:

>It sometimes fails to recognize that you are pushing it in a given direction.
>It sometimes thinks you are pushing it in a direction that you are not.
>It feels stiff — too much force required to operate it.

I'm sure you could find people bitching about this all over old message boards.

>> No.9742216

I went from NES, Genesis to 64 to wageslaving at 16 so I could buy a ps2/Xbox/GC. Never had such an atrocious d-pad it’s the only one I remember me and my entire friend group going, wtf is this? I can’t even taunt in smash bros reliably not sure what else it could be used for. I’m also not sure why it’s so bad when Nintendo had been doing this for almost 2 decades and seen tons of competitors come and go. Xbox d-pad isn’t much better desu but at least it goes generally in the direction I press.

>> No.9742217

This, who the fuck designed that crap.

>> No.9742232

I played all of those RE games on GV with the D-pad and it seemed fine then. I don't know. Maybe I just had no standards.

>> No.9742234

I’d say Dreamcast only by virtue of more games require you to use it as a dpad. Most GameCube games I can think of that use the dpad at all only use it as extra buttons and not movement.
SMS is the worst one I have used too.

>> No.9742237
File: 282 KB, 1554x1310, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third party but yeah

>> No.9742238

Nope. I sold them for a living for fifteen years when the 360 was released and it was the number one complaint about the 360 (after the red ring of death obviously, but that’s a tech fault and not just shoddy design).

>> No.9742240

>you're holding it wrong!

>> No.9742254

>The issue isn't the dpad itself, but the placement
This. All the Xbox-layout controllers (with the analog stick in the "main" position and the d-pad in the "secondary" position) have d-pads that are difficult to use because of the placement, not necessarily because of the quality of the d-pad.

>> No.9742264

We’ll I can’t play 2-d fighters on anything but a ps2/ps1 dpad so to me, all dpads have been shit after. This is probably the reason I noticed it so much because the games become unplayable to me. I’m a diehard 64 fag so not some anti Nintendo ranter here, GameCubes dpad is legitimately non functional. I did manage to beat some roms on my modded Xbox but it wasn’t easy w how awful the dpad is but functioned enough to complete games. Maybe not a metal slug type game but I’ll test Mario 3 again today just to confirm it’s at least playable.

>> No.9742312

The dreamcast dpad has a nice rocking feel to it. The GameCube dpad is a stiff, horribly positioned piece of shit.
Not even close.

>> No.9742314 [DELETED] 

Dreamcast deserves to win this just for being such a colossal fall from grace. How do you throw away with Saturn design for that?

>> No.9742319

Cube. Dreamcast was serviceable bit a step down from the Saturn. I never thought it was sharp or some other gay shit

>> No.9742320

Dreamcast deserves to win this just for being such a colossal fall from grace. How do you throw away the Saturn design for that?

>> No.9742321

gc, the dc one may feel weird but at least its in real proportion

>> No.9742327

>saturn pad autist at it again
they didn't throw away anything retard, you're don't understand how business works. it's basically the same controller with a better analog stick, better dpad and 2 fewer buttons (because 4 buttons was the standard on every single device of the era barring N64 and paying additional manufacturing costs for 2 extra buttons that 99% of games won't even use is stupid). then they included the VMU feature in place of the 3D pad's wasted empty space (which further increases manufacturing costs). you're basically mad that they released the same controller with better build quality and VMU support in place of 2 buttons that no game needed. you're dumb.

>> No.9742336

>two buttons no game needed
You actually like playing fighting games with triggers?

>> No.9742340

you actually use a regular controller for fighting games?

>> No.9742346
File: 258 KB, 900x687, xbox-360-wireless-d-pad-001-4155136399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm not the biggest fan of 360's dpad, it's problems are exaggerated. It doesn't hurt your thumb when played for long periods of time. For platformer shmups it's not the worst choice. Unintentional up register is mainly an issue on fighting games but you can develop a technique to make sure that doesn't happen. Obviously not ideal, doesn't even work always.
I still prefer 360's dpad to PS3's dpad because it hurts your finger less when played longer. PS3's dpad really hurts my thumb for some reason. Diagonals are also easier.

>> No.9742348

As long as it's a saturn style pad yes
>muh fight stick
Don't care, a middle ground where a good pad exists is preferable to buying a stick. I'm like fighting games but I'm not practicing for the annual faggot tourney.

>> No.9742380

Between those two, easily the gamecube

>> No.9742381

>Don't care, a middle ground where a good pad exists
it does, and it's called the DC pad. either you don't care about fighters enough for the 2 missing buttons to bother you, or you care enough that you buy a stick in the first place. you can't have your cake and shove it in your anus too.

>> No.9742383

Agreed. I played hundreds of hours of Street Fighter IV with the 360 dpad and was able to get very consistent with it.
When I got Super Street Fighter IV for PS3 instead, I tried playing with the PS dpad and it felt horrid. Switched to a fightstick after that.

>> No.9742405

Damn chief you worked at Best Buy or some shit for 15 years? lmao

>> No.9742410

I think it actually is the GBA pad, like same part and everything. Probably made it easier to manufacture for Nintendo.

>> No.9742435

I think the DC one is worse here but I don't know if the GC one is even used that much outside of item use
however >>9741887 is the worst dpad ever, bar none

>> No.9742437

I used the DC dpad for fighting games for years with no problem.

I tried using the GC dpad for CVS2 for a long time before giving up. Too spall, hurts, bad positioning, no positives.

>> No.9742445

congrats, you're the first retard in existence to claim the DC dpad is better than the Saturn's

>> No.9742446
File: 120 KB, 573x800, 326619-shonen-jump-s-naruto-clash-of-ninja-gamecube-front-cover-3482288896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder whether the reason you can't use dpad on this game is because of how terrible dpad is. Unlike other anime fighters this doesn't feel like stick is necessary.

>> No.9742472

>hey, abloo bloo
a transexual's opinion means nothing to me, please die in a trash fire

>> No.9742479

GC is terrible, but it's just a GBA one (horribly-placed too).
The Dreamcast will destroy your thumb as if it was a cheese grater. Anyone who played a fighting game on this thing will remember the pain.

>> No.9742485

>All these soft hand babies being physically hurt by their controllers
What the fuck is going on, a controller has never caused me pain

>> No.9742487

Most other dpads feel uncomfortable after long periods of use. The GC pad is soft enough that I do not have that problem. It is also really easy to make diagonals with it, unlike the Switch joycons for example.

>> No.9742490

lmao this

>> No.9742493

Funny cuz I used to play Atari with that controller

>> No.9742520

Having used both and even grown up with the Gamecube, the Gamecube's d-pad.
I don't think it can even be used practically (compared to the Dreamcast, which is slightly more usable and some games actually expect you to use it as the primary movement option)

>> No.9742536
File: 2.70 MB, 2980x2660, Xbox-s-controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gamecube one wouldn't have been that bad if it wasn't concave. The dreamcast one was alright, never had a problem with fighting games.
Now this piece of shit, it can go fuck itself.

>> No.9742539
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 800px-Ms_sidewinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Duke and every mircosoft pad before it

>> No.9742546

Never an issue for me

>> No.9742557

Fuck, I also had that one. Emulating SNES games with it was horrible.

>> No.9742559

You don't matter.

>> No.9742739

I don't get this meme.I see this posted all the time on /vr/ but I find it honestly super comfy - way better than the NES one that fucking impales your thumbs.

>> No.9742752

The Dreamcast, if only because I very rarely have to use the dpad on the GameCube controller. The dpad on every Dreamcast controller I've used is way too mushy and imprecise for my liking.
This is the controller I grew up playing GBA and SNES games on, so I have a soft spot for it.

>> No.9742757

I have a Master System. It and the Genesis's round pad thing are kind of unreliable

>> No.9742813

People are not used to how mushy it feels. I think it's good enough for simple inputs, it's not like you're going to do pretzel motions on the fucking Master System.
It's obviously better than the NES controller because it's not shaped like a fucking brick.

>> No.9742815

>you can't have a decent pad with the proper amount of face buttons you can only spend hundreds an autism stick or cheap out with a pad where important immediate functions are mapped to trigger buttons
Sorry, I'm not retarded, six face buttons > four

>> No.9742824

Nintoddlers with cognitive dissonance, if the DC pad were as bad as they day they'd be shitting on the NES pad.

>> No.9742827

>Genesis's round pad thing are kind of unreliable
Ask how it's obvious you never used either.

>> No.9742867

I always thought the dreamcast had a great D-pad and wished controllers had a D-pad like it today. Gamecube's one is incredibly shitty

>> No.9742880

I have one and the controller is all sorts of fucked
Even my 25+ years of intense used Snes D-pad where I have to press hard doesn't fuck me this way

>> No.9742889

Bro the fucking Wii has more buttons than the Dreamcast.

>> No.9742906

Due to the horrendous manufacturing inconsistency of Xbox 360 controllers, on like 50-75% of them the d-pad hits the edge of the d-pad housing instead of bottoming out on one side, which will help lever it on to a diagonal.

>> No.9742910
File: 53 KB, 500x375, 171AD503-4A17-4C09-B579-7EAC27ADCD38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All d-pads are terrible. Imagine using tactile buttons to move your character.

>> No.9742929

GC d-pad is too small for its placement, but very VERY few games use it for anything more than item keys, like switching weapons in timesplitters or visors in metroid prime. Really it's only a big issue for gameboy player, which also has other issues like using analogue GC triggers in place of digital shoulder inputs

DC d-pad is... okay. It's perfectly servicable, but it's just a big step down compared to how great the genesis and saturn d-pads were. Not to mention all the arcade-style games on DC that actually used the d-pad as a primary input

>> No.9742948


>> No.9742951

>more means better
nah yeah you're retarded

>> No.9743152

grandia 3

>> No.9743295


>> No.9743450

It's the the shape of the plastic of the GC controller that dooms the d-pad. The Smash Wii U GC controller dpad I use feels precise and responsive. It's just uncomfortable to use longer than a few minutes.

>> No.9743528
File: 121 KB, 1200x676, Sega-Genesis-Controllers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6-Button Genesis D-pad is excellent, much like the revised Saturn controller. The 3-Button, not so much.

>> No.9743809

Objectively the switch pads are the worst things ever made

Wii u was beautifully designed. That giant behemoth wii u tablet pad had superb ergonomics (probably influenced the steam deck)

Sega megadrive 6 button controller is the best pad ever

>> No.9743818

>Wii u was beautifully designed. That giant behemoth wii u tablet pad had superb ergonomics
It is surprisingly great. Also having quick access to the inventory and swapping items on the fly with the touch screen makes the HD versions of Windwaker and Twilight Princess my favourite way to play those games, even if they are uglier (especially Wind Waker).

>> No.9743907

You mean the Series X, but they fucked up the buttoms forever, too stiff, dont register unless you mash them dead center and not button mashing friendly.

>> No.9743910

The Wii U tablet has the best dpad

>> No.9743920

It wven has retarded amounts of input lag and desync issues, i played MM11 last year at my broinlaw's house and when i pressed the pad in the opposite direction, my character got stock walking forward and jumpin has a half a second delay.

There's input lag and there's suffering, and i wasnt playing docked.

>> No.9743935
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>> No.9743945
File: 1.42 MB, 2580x1908, 20230315_201810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you explain the Snes controller then?

I am pretty sure during development it was meant to only have B, A and the new buttons were D & C, since it already up the Genesis one with 2 buttons if you count Select, even when SMW used the shoulders it felt like too much and overly complex, when most early games only used 3 buttons.

Nintendo didnt have foresight of SF2 coming out and being like, the big thing for like 2 years for that many buttons it used.

And another thing, i missed the soft but friendly buttons on older consolesm

>> No.9743954

what an odd thing to say
shoulder buttons are there because it's more intuitive to press shoulders than 6 face buttons
press L and B on a SNES controller then try the same on the MD pad with A and C

>> No.9743967
File: 33 KB, 500x332, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hated this d-pad too. Oddly I was one of the very few who felt the screw-on joystick option really helped. Still, I'll always fucking hate any disc-based dpad.

>> No.9743980

I know how trash that one is but the 6 button MD and Sega Saturn model 2 are some of the best ever made

>> No.9744002

I liked the GameCube dpad

>> No.9744083

I bought an xbox recently for doa3 and the d pad is horrible, the worst part is that you can emulate arcade games on it and the dpad is trash for it

>> No.9744093

You only played halo shit or other shooter trash

>> No.9744094

xbox and it isnt even close

>> No.9744283

>projectiles are bad game design because, err....

>> No.9744293
File: 238 KB, 2000x1800, 71awaPbHxvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never did like the clickiness of picrel. Just didn't feel good.
I play most Switch games with a PDP Little Wireless Controller instead. The wider D-pad takes some getting used to but I prefer it over the Pro Controller any day.

>> No.9744294

>who has the worst d-pad ever?
literally ALMOST ANY china handheld in those handheld threads

hot garbage
buyers remorse and paid shills

>> No.9744295

The gamecube dpad is fine. Just a bit small. Dreamcast dpad sucks shit.

>> No.9744297

this one is literal common sense anon

>> No.9744325

The six face buttons actually shit. You can't have full leverage over all the buttons with just your thumb. You have to rest it on your lap with a claw grip on the dpad and your fingers over the dpad. It's just a bootleg arcade controller at that point.

>> No.9744327

*over the buttons

>> No.9744486

GC. It's like the Dreamcast pad but somehow even worse by making it so tiny. Though at least by the time of the Cube barely any games were utilizing it as much. GC controller is dogshit in general really.

>> No.9744615

NES dogbone controller is the best with the D-pad membrane from a Wii controller (the SNES one but with analog sticks)
Seriously, try it.

>> No.9744784

It isn’t exaggerated. When I switched to a DS4 after using X360 for years, it was like finally being free of a years-long curse.

>> No.9744793
File: 1.60 MB, 300x200, 4f5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to say this.

Dreamcast unironically has one of my favorite d-pads of all time. It's small and tight but has a good pivot rock, I could do double half circles and orochinagi motions on it easier than anything else.

Aside from the 360 one which is nonsensically bad, my most hated d-pads by far are the ones on Sony controllers. They work decently for most things, but after an hour of fighting games it feels like the skin on my thumb is going to just tear right off.

>> No.9744961

Not retro but I fucking hate the 3ds dpad. Awful position, extremely fucking small (and I have small hands even). Just the fucking worst

>> No.9745043

A pleb who's only ever owned mainstream consoles/handhelds itt, came here to post this >>9741813
I'm playing RPG Maker games rn (therefore retro) and I can confidently say that 360's d-pad is shit. SHIT!
Absolutely no problems with DualShock types here (DS2, DS3, PS Classic, PSP).
3DS's is indeed bad, but not this >>9744961
bad (I have 3DS XL though).

>> No.9745085

I challenge to play any 2D fighter using a 360 gamepad.

>> No.9745131

see >>9742346
It's better for other genres. Fighting games are better on arcade stick, hitbox and even keyboard. It's stupid to making them into a top priority them for dpad.

>> No.9745134

Not him but I do find the 360 pad is serviceable for games that aren't fighters, even platformers it was fine in my experience. But yeah, fighters it's almost unusable. In the early days I actually took a controller apart and jerry rigged a Dreamcast pad into the slot. It wasn't great, but it was a step up at least. The only real option was getting a dedicated fighting controller.

>> No.9745143
File: 3.15 MB, 3040x2280, Sony_Ericsson_Xperia_Play_open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting actual pads that are usable
Step aside amateurs. Here's a "d-pad" so bad it's only really usable for turn-based games like RPGs. I played Twisted Metal 2 on this shit and beat it on Normal with Axel, but I wouldn't recommend it at all.

>> No.9745205

What genres benefit from random diagonals? It's not even good as a weapon selector for 3D games because it would register a different cardinal as you release it and double swap. It sucked even for menus. If you want to cope, any 2D game is "better" on stick, keyboard, or some unholy combination of them.

Yeah I'm sure you can just about use it for a game where up and down don't do anything. But otherwise anyone saying trying to say it was okay or god forbid preferable to anything else is just telling us they didn't have access to any other controller so they Stockholm syndromed themselves into liking it.

>> No.9745206

Too mushy, too clicky, too hard, what was the issue with it?

>> No.9745215

individual buttons make up the d pad

>> No.9745224

It's honestly never too bad as long as they keys are close together.
t. Emulated a lot on a keyboard

>> No.9745232

Never taken one apart? The 360s d-pad is basically a cover they put over a third analog stick. The d-pad on the Dualshock 3 has raised edges, that's probably why it hurts your thumbs.

>> No.9745234

Has Nintendo ever made a good stock home console controller

>> No.9745241

I loved that phone. Shame Sony is retarded and never supports any of their systems. That would have made an amazing portable PS1 emulator.

>> No.9745242

I like the snes controller. It may not be perfect, but it’s perfectly fine.

>> No.9745249

Classic controller/+
Uh, Wii U's?

>> No.9745293
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 360guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>360s d-pad is basically a cover they put over a third analog stick
Sticks and dpad work completely different.

>> No.9745295

NES, don't care for the mushy snes buttons and 64 is a monster, gc is awkward and out of touch

>> No.9745298

Huh, what controller was I thinking of then? Did I have some shitty third party controller?

>> No.9745303

I can't think of any controllers that work the way you described, you just might be misinformed on it.

>> No.9745309

Circle dpad feels better than cross. That's the main reason.
>any 2D game is "better" on stick, keyboard, or some unholy combination of them.
No they feel worse. Fighting games hurts thumb pretty bad. That's why pad isn't a good choice for them.

>> No.9745316

There was rumor like that about 360's dpad. People thought that's why it wasn't precise. It was obviously wrong.

>> No.9745324

My bad then

>> No.9745335

>nobody's said the Playstation controller yet
/vr/ has fallen...

No idea how anyone can like those shitty gaps in Sony's D-pad design.

>> No.9745343
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, dsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda did. I know 360 doesn't have the best dpad but even that's better than DS1/2/3/4/5. I think they made it like that because of some patent but patent expired years ago. That's why Xbox One controller was able to use cross.

>> No.9745371
File: 130 KB, 480x864, New D-Pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has a super long pivot distance so it moves like a joystick but it's still using button contacts. Like putting aside multiple other problems with the design, fundamentally a lot of the issue is that you have so much leverage that you get directions just sliding back and forth with barely any downward force, but the shape and texture of the pad is also not good for intentionally using it that way either. So the most common issue is you try to press downwards on the right, you don't hit it dead straight from above because hands aren't shaped that way, it also applies a lateral force towards the top of the controller, and with so little resistance to the latter you get an up right.

You may as well be complaining about the circle in the middle of most Nintendo d-pads, it's irrelevant unless you're 3 years old and trying to use the d-pad with your pinky.

>> No.9745378

But the PSP is already a perfect portable PS1 emulator.

>> No.9745390

>You may as well be complaining about the circle in the middle of most Nintendo d-pads, it's irrelevant unless you're 3 years old and trying to use the d-pad with your pinky.

Not him, but it sounds like you haven't tried to play fighting games for an extended period of time on a Sony pad. They are accurate which is nice, but when you're doing fighting inputs as quickly as needed, those gaps become a real issue.

>> No.9745397

Launch 3DS > Dreamcast > Gamecube > 360

>> No.9745403

The Dual Shock d-pad is the best d-pad. Are you trolling?

>> No.9745410

I think you're just pushing down really hard for no reason or you had a really stiff variant.

The pre-DualShock d-pad is pretty directly better unless you're pressing down on the sharper outside edges.

>> No.9745413

It is, yeah, but having a phone that also doubles as a modded PSP would be even better.

>> No.9745435

>mobile network functionality drains battery life
>getting a phone call during gameplay interrupts you
Nah, I like separating video game devices from telecommunications.

>> No.9745453
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be a braindead consolewars fag to even think the Playstation's d-pad is anywhere near the worst d-pads.
It has a mushy d-pad, and it may not be to the like of people who like clicky buttons, but the tactile feedback and precision have always been top notch.

>> No.9745493

>Are you trolling?
Trolling? Many hate it since forever.
Why are people only focusing on fighting games for dpad? If you use controller for fighting games you will eventually develop Dequervain's tenosynovitis . It's not the ideal method. Controller only makes sense for anime fighters.
For precision requiring genres like rhythm games Saturn, Xbox controllers work great.

>> No.9745516

The problem I have with PlayStation's d-pads is the variability. I have two official PS2 controllers. The d-pad feels mushy and shitty on the later one while the earlier one feels great.

>> No.9745540

There's 4 different d-pad manufacturers at the time of the PS2, so it can vary a bunch. I've talked to a few Tekken players and they prefer the Mitsumi PS1 (not Dualshock) or the Mitsumi DS2.

>> No.9745651
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As much as I love this controller over the joycons, the D-pad issue is so bad that Tetris 99 had to include additional options for hard drop because players were accidentally hard dropping pieces just from moving left and right. Seems like the issue is the membrane is too sensitive to the circuit board. Someone made a fix by putting scotch tape on half the inner area of the four contacts on the circuit board. I haven't bothered to do this myself and there seems to be other ways to reduce the sensitivity. Oh, and the pro controller also can get analog drift, but it's mostly just needs to be air blasted and cleaned with wd-40 contact cleaner.

>> No.9745676

The later 3 button one is good, too.
The early ones are hard plastic, the later feel rubberized.

>> No.9745680

OG 360 is legit the worst dpad I've ever used on a first party controller.
And I bought that shit for emulation as a kid. What a mistake. It's still sitting in one of my moving boxes 8 years later.

>> No.9745731

Pushing down hard doesn't matter so much, you don't have the time to carefully press each direction input, your thumb has to quickly slide around pressing say f,df,d,db,b,bd,d,df,f fast enough to make the move come out exactly when you need it to quickly becomes torture.

>> No.9745892
File: 1.32 MB, 2620x2280, PSX-Original-Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what were they thinking?

>> No.9745989

1) nothing anyone plays uses that input
2) if you're sliding across rather than rocking and it hurts that has almost nothing to do with the gap, and everything to do with being a + shape

>> No.9746039

tank controls

>> No.9746043

"we're selling a 100 million units"

>> No.9746214

Saturn pad has best rolling directional inputs of all time.
The dreamcast controller is just a 3d saturn abortion somehow made even worse. The stick is worse. The dpad is worse. The face buttons are worse. The triggers are the best thing going for it and they're a wash.
The nostalgiac screech from the vmu is the only good thing about Dreamcast controller.

>> No.9746228


What is wrong with this? It's a simple and flawlessly functional design. Buttons have good feel and it's comfortable in your hand.

As soon as they added the thumbsticks it became the best controller design of all time. I still regularly use DS2 for emulators and fightan games.

They also built the sumbitches to last back then, I still have an original Dual Shock sat in the drawer next to me that I think my mom bought for me in like 1998.

>> No.9746259

Who was the asshole who thought putting the pause button on the console instead of the actual controller was a good design choice?

>> No.9746289

>What is wrong with this
Buttons aren't evenly spaced out. It simply shows that they didn't give it much of a thought. (I actually realized this as a kid when looking at controller closely). Still good buttons.
Dpad is terrible.
Ergonomics is bad but main issue becomes after sticks.
Shoulder buttons are a bit weird to press.
>As soon as they added the thumbsticks it became the best controller design of all time. I still regularly use DS2 for emulators and fightan games.
What are you talking about anon? That's when ergonomics have gone to shit. Original design had you gripping handles with triple fingers. You can't do that here. It is the only controller to be designed (not really designed but tacked on) with both fingers on shoulder buttons. That's the reason there are people who put both index and middle fingers on bumper and triggers.
On top of it Sony in their genius made that way of holding controller impossible for long periods of time for games like DMC. (It's fine for small periods like driving and shooting and shit like that) I held 360 controller like that for sometime in the beginning and still play DMC like that with other Xbox controllers without much pain between middle and ring finger.

>> No.9746290

>On top of it Sony in their genius made that way of holding controller impossible
With DS4

>> No.9746324

I don't even like smart phones, so it's non issue for me. Just think it was a waste of a good idea, but that's Sony in a nutshell isn't it? They come up with a good idea and then do fuck all with it.

>> No.9746348


Nigga you plain wrong.

>> No.9746352

The tape fix works better if you tape the outer portion of the contacts. Taping the inner portion makes the entire dpad harder to input any direction. Taping the outer doesn't change the sensitivity but prevents accidental diagonals.

>> No.9746364

You are a mutant, apparently.

>> No.9746490

This, I have 0 problems with ANY other d-pad but the ps one just sucks donkey dick.

>> No.9746769


>> No.9746952
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>> No.9747014

I hate this because its recessed, I feel like I have to press them harder

>> No.9747058

I’ve never seen this piece of shit before but I immediately want to huck it against a wall

>> No.9747065

How are d-pads so consistently fucked up? It seems like such a simple thing that all the engineering behind it should be solved by now.

>> No.9747143
File: 256 KB, 304x224, OrochiLeona1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) King of Fighters has plenty of inputs that complex and more
2) No other common D-pad causes anywhere near the pain after a few hours that the Sony ones do.

>> No.9747147

ITT: fatties exposing themselves

>> No.9747160
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Lol I had 1 of those, then got 2 of these with their awful dpad and chintzy sticks

>> No.9747253
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Is this the first time you heard someone held controller with both fingers on shoulder button like pic's r1/r2 ? Genius design of Dualshock 1-3 is responsible for that. There is no comfortable way to hold that controller. Also given it has dome sticks (which I don't mind normally) it gives you least amount of grip in any controller.

>> No.9747627

I've seen that grip before, and even after having owned dualshocks 1-4 I cannot understand why any freak would do that. Just fucking move your index fingers!

>> No.9747642

Based retard.

>> No.9747656

The DC d-pad is actually pretty good even though it obviously sucks compared to it's predecessor's. The d-pad on the GC controller is basically a vestigial organ.

>> No.9747658 [DELETED] 

No it's the first time I've heard anyone insane enough to not only claim it's more comfortable on a controller with dinky little bumpers and narrow long throw triggers that pivot in different directions, but their own schizoid head canon that nobody does it because of that, you idiot. I praise Jesus every day I only had to play one Armored Core game on Xbox 360.

SCPH-1080 was designed to have two fingers on top in the middle and rock back and forth between the first and second row (you can see this with how they slope down towards each other), the DualShock was fucking designed for 4 fingers on top with the long R2/L2 to give extra room.

KoF has QCF, HCB, and 2xHCF/B not HCF, HCB. Not even Raging Storm requires that many continuous inputs outside of a 360.

It's still doable on DS4 but it took me years to get used to having to hook R2/L2 instead of fingertip them.

>> No.9747738

Definitely the 360 for me, yeah. The d-pad was basically worthless. It's funny, because the current xbox controller has basically the best d-pad I've ever used.

>> No.9747856

Nintendo made the original design that lead to the standard, but they patented it so everyone else went to make something similar but had to make them different enough to get around it which is rarely as effective.

>> No.9747891

Problem is backside of DS1-3 isn't a comfortable place to rest your middle finger unlike SNES/Genesis/Saturn. Some DS also has a ridge for sticker/etching there which feels uncomfortable for long periods.
I switched to using just index fingers soon after getting a 360. I believe people who use it like that mainly do it as a habit from DS1-3. Nowadays back button makes it completely obsolete.
I saw some Japanese with that grip even with other controllers. Maybe that's a bigger thing there.

>> No.9747931

You are retarded

>> No.9747936

Because it hurts my finger?

>> No.9748080

Not him, but I never found the shoulder buttons on the dual shock very ergonomic either, but I don't like the controller much in general.

>> No.9748201

played loads of mk9 on the twist dpad. worked well till one match it was falling apart mid match

>> No.9748247
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MK 9 (as is all MK) is designed to have easy to pull off moves ( direction button wise) and do6 include diagonals to make it activate. So you'll notice that an "SF" style fireball move is just d,f not d,df,f which makes things work well on a pad like the 360. I don't say this as an insult as I love MK and 9 especially, but you can play MK9 much better on some like a default 360 pad than a KoF or even Street Fighter.

>> No.9748273

smart on them to appeal to wider market instead of expecting everyone to own more than 1 fightstick just to enjoy your game.
but the twist d pad was nice to have over the default controller. Jax resets were a breeze, Kabal, millena and kitana spam was almost fightstick tier.
Maining Kano would likely fuck that dpad really quickly im sure

>> No.9748291

GC has the worst controller of all time. Fight me.

>> No.9748303

That was Mortal Kombat from the get go. Simple inputs and everyone having very similar normals compared to Street Fighter made it a much more 'pick up and play' style game which I think is at least a such the reason it caught on in addition to the blood.

I have never used the twist pad though so can't comment on that. I tried to switch to a hori stick for a while, but have been playing probably 99% fighters on a pad since SF2 and relearning all that muscle memory never felt worth it. I'm pad for life, though I don't know when I'll have time again to be serious about fighters. Feels like it's been forever.

>> No.9748307

Describe how it's worse than the N64 monstrosity to start. I don't love the GC controller, but at least it's not that much of a clusterfuck.

>> No.9748309

what's bad about the n64 controller

>> No.9748413

The button layout is bad, the d-pad is tiny and hard to use, the analog stick is both shitty when new and complete garbage after very little use. I honestly can't think of another 1st party controller that is worse, or even close to as bad?

>> No.9748427

N64 is uncharted territory and they had to come up with something new for 3D games, yet you can easily press the buttons you need, it works well enough in games where you need a separate camera control which was never a thing before and it's functional enough in fps games, which again Nintendo never considered, it also has a decent dpad and a stick that worked fine for all the 3D platformers. The GC controller was literally a step down when they had something to work on. Bad and hard to reach trigger buttons, buttons oversized and not matching which is terrible and has never been used since, hard to use button combinations, terrible tiny dpad, stick no better than the 64, it's just plain rubbish.

>> No.9748896
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>> No.9748971

What matters is that zoomers cry about KoF inputs being hard and it was all joysticks.

>> No.9749007

We have already talked about this. Many people suffer from Dequervain's tenosynovitis. Controllers will hurt your thumbs permanently when used for fighting games. This is an unfortunate reality. I know a few people who had surgery. Given that, performance in fighting games means nothing regarding in regards to how good a controller is, unless we develop a cure for Dequervain's tenosynovitis that is. It is for the best more people are informed about this.

>> No.9749359

Mine's sitting in pieces as I wait around to order replacement button switches, as the buttons on mine get 'stuck' on a fairly often basis. the kind of stuck that greatly impairs my enjoyment of the controller. I'd otherwise agree, and feel like it should've come with a special passthrough charging thing for the gulikit charging pad, or at least one specific for it.

>> No.9749689

I don't want to come off sounding like I'm defending the GC controller, but I don't think it's nearly as bad as the N64 one. The button layouts on both suck, at least the GC is only meant to be held in one uncomfortable way instead of two and it's analog stick doesn't get worn out to shit after a week of use.

>> No.9749695

Most telling is 11 of the 19 PS users were playing MK which has no directional inputs.

>> No.9749827

Three button Genesis pads are a toss up. Some of them are stiff as hell, some of them have the best d-pads I've ever used in my life.

>> No.9749840

Playstation, never liked that it wasnt a single button. The GC one is also a good candidate because of how retardedly small it is.

>> No.9749998

It act is a single button, but the case covers most of it. If you take one apart, it's not 4 individual buttons, it's a d-pad that looks similar to most others but the direction bits are elevated more and the controller case goes around them. At least that was the case with the original designs. I haven't owned and thus had the need to take apart any of their controllers after the PS2. The bits I've played with newer PS pads at friends places, they don't feel quite as horrible as the old ones so there may have been re-designs.

>> No.9750072
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Problem is those ridges in case hurts your hand.

>> No.9750098
File: 80 KB, 1000x1000, whythe360dpadisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they exaggerated?
You have unidirectional ghost inputs, and the center can be pressed down making the problem worse.

And bingo.

>> No.9750116

Exactly. It's how high up they are, doing moves quickly for any period of time it just hurts like fuck compared to any other d-pad. If each was it's own button it might actually be better.

All this said, I have a friend I have played fighters with since the original PS days and has always liked their controllers.

>> No.9750121
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It's still less hurtful overall and you can sorta control it so ghost input isn't a big issue.
btw you posted transforming 360 dpad. It fixes those issues you mentioned. It wasn't popular at all though. So I'm not using that as an argument for 360's dpad.

>> No.9751487
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>> No.9751786

Holy shit that's a lot of hitboxes

>> No.9751794

I know it's been said and discussed a million time now, but what the hell happened to d-pads over the years? What made them become worse and worse?

>> No.9751892

You meant to post the Duke controller right?