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File: 197 KB, 396x552, Fear_firts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9737959 No.9737959 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9737969

Just like your thread.

>> No.9737975

00's bland shooter

>> No.9737981
File: 207 KB, 750x559, FLASHLIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but it's still pretty unique and also fun

>> No.9737991

>that .jpg

":O He threw a grenade", right?

>> No.9737997


>> No.9738013

the funny thing is when they do that line I don't think they've ever moved towards the source of the light.
That shit always scares the bejeezus out of me though.

>> No.9738019

This is one of those games that is genuinely fun but so many people treat it like some kind of forgotten masterpiece. I don't understand. It's an FPS that has a slow motion mechanic, which totally busts the game, and a ton of particle effects. The horror elements are an afterthought, and the selection of guns is really lame. Why worship this thing?

>> No.9738021

Yeah it just alerts the group. They don't engage until they see the player.

>> No.9738027

ask /v/tards

>> No.9738028

It's a game I recognize as impressive but I have zero desire to ever go through the whole thing again.

>> No.9738037

It's a solid shooter, but the A.I is nowhere near as good as fanboys say it is. No, they're not flanking you, they barked a sound clip saying they were about to flank. Actually pay attention next time.

>> No.9738065

Maybe you are right but that’s what devs themselves said. It would be fun to reverse engineer it to see what’s actually going on.

>> No.9738072

They are capable of flanking. The audio cues don't always match up, that is true.

>> No.9738078

It would be nice to finally have a definitive answer. They might actually be intelligent for all I know, and maybe the reason they do the occasional stupid maneuver might be for balance reasons.

>> No.9738081

But they can get behind you. Are you saying they aren't flanking because they don't do it in a coordinated way?

>> No.9738086
File: 986 KB, 1440x810, 1600971211050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shooting felt good, really fucked up the room you were in. Campaign had a nice feel and was okay, most of my time with the game ended up online.
>not standing perfectly still behind a corner, to an area with enemies that has only one entrance
>"He's trying to flank!!!"

>> No.9738096

no one cares. the AI makes for fun and challenging encounters, and the chatter make you feel more immersed.

great game. 9/10

>> No.9738103

There's an entire presentation on the AI for FEAR that the devs did. Watch or read it and find out.

>> No.9738257

Preprogrammed routes

>> No.9738260

lol you think that means anything? All AI uses pathing to navigate environments.

>> No.9738519

It's a little one-note, but it's a pretty good note.

>> No.9738561
File: 80 KB, 1000x1448, house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FEAR's only issue for me is it looks a but bland, like if they took FEAR gameplay but leaned HARDER into Japanese horror it might be perfect.

>> No.9738575

>you think that means anything?
It means it's not special for doing what AI in games have been doing for years before FEAR did, just because it plays a sound byte to tell the player about it.

>> No.9738609

Oh is that what that means lol

>> No.9739145

Why was sequel so inferior in every way bros

>> No.9739180

I replayed this so many times when it was new I eventually did a playthrough on hardest difficulty without using the slowmo once.
I also really enjoyed using a single pistol because I watching a lot of 24 at the time.

>> No.9739185

Handgun is a great weapon, its a one hit kill if you score a headshot, and it's particularly satisfying when you catch enemies standing still and unaware. I carry the handgun in every playthrough for as long as possible, also since I really hate the SMG in this game. It lacks punch, it fires too fast and you can't even one-tap it, even on a single click of the mouse button it fires a random amount of bullets.

Speaking of 24, the 24 game on ps2 was pretty good for a licensed game.

>> No.9739194
File: 39 KB, 299x462, 121785980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I just preferred a standard pistol/rifle combo. I'm remembering a more accurate semi-auto rifle right now.
Paxton Fettel was also a kino villain. Really good story mode. Immersive, lots of lore to uncover for those interested.

>> No.9739206 [DELETED] 

Not retro

>> No.9739209


>> No.9739235

Dude you can gib entire human beings with the fucking shotgun on close range, that shit is insane

>> No.9739237

For me its setting up elaborate ambushes with remote/proximity mines in the expansion packs

>> No.9739248

My most kino FEAR moment was in a multiplayer deathmatch where I did the bicycle-kick thing and killed 2 players at once. Probably lag I dunno.

>> No.9739290

>I replayed this so many times when it was new I eventually did a playthrough on hardest difficulty without using the slowmo once.
I just play the game like this. I've never used it aside from the initial time to try it out.
Replayed the games a good number of times too.
I understand how it could be fun for others, but the sheer doorkicking fast action gameplay is way too fun to slowdown

>> No.9739291

Honestly, the shotgun is overrated.
I really liked the submachine gun, but it gets outclassed fairly easily

>> No.9740023

Poor man's Half Life

>> No.9740056


>> No.9740062

>has a slow motion mechanic which totally busts the game

Are you retarded or stupid? Oh, wait, you haven't played the game so you have no idea what you're talking about since you can easily die even with the slow motion mechanic because it's not infinite, and you can still be ambushed.

>> No.9740063

Good game, too long, not mediocre by any stretch.

>> No.9740064

Doesn't play anything like half-life, but please, continue posting useless opinions.