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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9737631 No.9737631 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think half life is a flawed game?

>> No.9737647

Half-Life feels like a retelling of Quake.

>> No.9737648

All games have flaws, it doesn't make them flawed games.

Half-Life is an excellent game and one of the best games ever made. The low gravity and fall control of Xen are the only true annoyances (as they often cause deaths to occur) with everything else being intentionally made awkward to bring the player into the game more (ex: crouch-jumping, barely squeezing past around insta-gib fans, having to duck under water to avoid heat damage from the satchel in the pipe system, etc).

>> No.9737651 [DELETED] 

Hi alf

>> No.9737654

No, not really

>> No.9737692


>> No.9737742
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, noah gervais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His best video

>> No.9737747

Xen is overhated. Black Mesa's rendition of Interloper is worse than original

>> No.9737757

its flaw is not being self contained. specifically the unsatisfactory ending that leads to a sequel which also has a shit ending.

>> No.9737759
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I've owned this game since getting CS in 2002 and I still have not made it outside of Black Mesa. It's so boring. Feel like I could go take a shit and a grab a snack and come back and still have to sit through a portion of the unskippable intro.

>> No.9737762

the platforming and the "puzzles" sucked ass
and hl2 is even worse in that aspect

>> No.9737764 [DELETED] 

Do your fucking job janny

>> No.9737797
File: 719 KB, 1920x2160, gl_overbright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alf Life thread.

>> No.9737831

HL1 has the worst item physics I've ever seen
You just touch a wooden box and it slides to the other end of the room at mach speeds

>> No.9737861 [DELETED] 

>phoneposter thread

>> No.9737871

I slogged my way through and am at the final boss. This game had such a mystique and it’s one of the few I refused to push on w a guide. Then I gave it a proper go last year (did use a guide twice unfortunately) and it’s just awful. This is only my opinion and I understand that this is a holy grail type game, but it’s how I feel. I do see the groundwork for games that I really love like FEAR and appreciate it for that and glad I ran through it but, I’ll never do it again.

>> No.9737879 [DELETED] 

overrated by /v/edditors

>> No.9738007

hl was amazing and it still is, wish valve would care more abt their games.

>> No.9738012

the only real concrete problem I have with it is the difficulty balance kind of missing the mark a bit. Aliens/zombies really struggle to be a threat on normal, and on hard HECU are absurdly spongey. more subjectively I think the middle portion of the game is kind of a dull slog, on the rail goes on forever followed by very uninteresting industrial environments.

>> No.9738025 [DELETED] 
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>same thread deleted on /v/ but not here
i don't get it

>> No.9738134

Go back and play the Steam release of Black Mesa. They neutered the entire game to match the terrible new Xen sections.

All it is now is an actual prequel to Half-Life 2 since Eli, Kleiner and some Combine tech actually has a presence in the game.

>> No.9738139

Yeah, I always get bored around when the hgrunts show up. The game is a fucking slog.

>> No.9738149

Filtered zoomer

>> No.9738160


I enjoyed it when it came out, and still enjoy playing it now. It's aged, sure, and it was never perfect, but it pushed the envelope in terms of what we expected with FPSs, and games generally.

I also don't remember it having major bugs when it came out in single player mode, but I'm sure it didn't gel with some setups.

>> No.9738709

>All games have flaws, it doesn't make them flawed games.
dude things that have flaws are flawed, come on now

anyway, Half-Life is cool
gonarch did nothing wrong

>> No.9738761

HL1 is a fantastic game and much better than Black Mesa, but playing it on Hard is as fun as sticking a rusted nail down your cock. Normal is much better.

Also, I guess it's kinda hard to figure out how to kill Nihilanth the first time.

>> No.9739460

>he needed a guide for Half-Life
holy shit dude

>> No.9739464


>> No.9739514

It's not even a good game.

>> No.9739517

i thought i was the only person on this board who thought half-life is a slog. I consider it a start to shitty 'cinematic' platformers. Why focus on action when you can show off your engine every 5 seconds. I do find the enemy AI and the way they can gather etc interesting but completely underutilized. I also find the whole g-man appearing in the background and not really giving you an ending to be pretty ballsy for an FPS, but the game is just not fun.
>walk down a hallway
>cupboard falls
>you get instakilled
i can see why he would want to use a guide

>> No.9739606

That doesn’t change the fact that I was bored almost the entire time, and I’m sorry, did we actually not have the time to map one or two extra faces to the scientists? Shit even Goldeneye had more variation.

One of the two times I used a guide was a hallway completely covered in debris AND fire where the game gives u jnsta deaths all the time. Apparently u are supposed to 180 and crawl right into/by it in this tiny ass hole. Nothing else like this in the game and it comes at a time where you are in a massive area w lots of back tracking. I can’t remember if the hall blows up in front of u or not but the game already taught u not to walk into hazardous shit.

Also the AI was supposed to be some big huge thing for this game. After pushing through I looked at old reviews and previews w the AI being touted. It’s awful. Most everything just appears on top of you or is slow moving walking toward you. Not until later in the game are u even facing enemies w any kind of AI. The environment is way more dangerous then any enemy because it’s full of these insta deaths.

>> No.9739782

Yeah. It puts the emphasis on gimmicky level traversal (zzzzz) and world building instead of combat, and the combat itself really sucks. Dunno why nobody calls out HL's combat, it's so bad. The Black Mesa remake hugely improved the combat but the level design was much worse.

>> No.9740019

Lmao filtered zoomer

>> No.9740051

I love how op has to samefag and make up flaws just to bump his shitty after everyone else disagreed and moved on.
Truly an obsessed creature.

>> No.9740110
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Hi alf

>> No.9740113
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>> No.9740114

based spite the schizo

>> No.9740116
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>> No.9740118
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>> No.9740123
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>> No.9740124
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>> No.9740126
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>> No.9740127
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>> No.9740128
File: 423 KB, 1152x774, Bigmomma_wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740129
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>> No.9740131
File: 30 KB, 155x190, Bm37.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740134
File: 174 KB, 632x478, Bullchicken_white_scientist_run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740136
File: 48 KB, 192x144, C1A0_FLIPSIGN6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740138
File: 83 KB, 275x764, Civ_coat_scientist_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740140
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>> No.9740141
File: 82 KB, 320x640, Dm_scientist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740143
File: 132 KB, 800x600, Early_sci_laboratory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740146
File: 131 KB, 499x373, Einstein_old_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740147
File: 7 KB, 96x97, Face1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740148
File: 142 KB, 348x827, Gordon_blue_shift_model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740149
File: 77 KB, 293x782, Gordon_blue_shift_model_hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740151
File: 123 KB, 338x825, Gordon_op4_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740152
File: 89 KB, 1024x768, Hl_red_decal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9740153
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>> No.9740154
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>> No.9740286

It's not Quake, it's Doom
>Scientist on an isolated facility perform a failed experiment with teleportation technology that causes an alien/demonic invasion
>Soldiers turn against scientists killing everybody (Zombified soldiers in Doom/HECU soldiers in Black Mesa)
>Player is a lone survivor that eventually travels to the alien homeworld (Hell/Xen)

>> No.9740303

How many threads this faggot has made?

>> No.9740336

Probably because I don't have Doom ate the forefront of my mind, it was easier to think of Quake. Doom, however, makes more sense given that you are simply thrown into the fray in Quake and the game does not explore areas before the invasion by Quake.

>> No.9740347

Alf is a terminally online autist that makes pretty much all of the bait FPS threads on here and /v/ especially, then literally argues with himself to bump his own thread and force a flamewar. He's been doing it for a decade now. He does it on other forums as well and then links to them as "proof" that there's a schism inside of a fanbase when it's all just him doing everything.

>> No.9740605

lmao @ seething schizo spammer. imagine having alf under your skin so badly for.. how many years it is now?