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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9737354 No.9737354 [Reply] [Original]

rf vs composite, fight the the death. Who would win?

>> No.9737373

If we're talking like video quality, obviously composite.
But if we're talking a legit fight to the death between a RF cable and composite cable, RF wins. That thin, sharp pin on the coaxial can impale a motherfucker, composite too dull, no chance

>> No.9737378

Composite, it's shitty enough to blend dithering into transparencies, but not so shitty enough to suffer from interference and static.

>> No.9737385

Gay thread, pal.

>> No.9737418

>get old NES
>antenna cable has to be held JUST right in one part of the cable to not fade into static even if its not moved at all
>use RCA for all my other systems
>works fine first try to fiddling required
>even swapped yellow with a just R&W cable and it still works fine
death to antenna boomers

>> No.9737446

I played years, decades on RF because that's all my small TV supported
I can't do it anymore, it was just so terrible. I felt like my life changed when I discovered that I could change to composite. Things simply weren't the same anymore

>> No.9737458

>even swapped yellow with a just R&W cable and it still works fine
enjoying that black screen?

>> No.9737471

I plugged the red end into video in and it worked just fine, actually

>> No.9737583
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When I was a kid my old TV only had a RF cable port and thats what I used to play my N64, Game Cube, and Xbox on, so I'm biased in favor of the one cable to rule them all.

However, when I got my Xbox 360 Slim in 2010 I was forced to buy a RCA to RF splitter in order to use it and by 2016 I was using a Xbox One S with HDMI for everything, as it is to this day.

Crazy how much my game systems and TV changed between 2006 to 2016. I was still pre-ordering new Game Cube games at Game Stop in 2006.

>> No.9737743

What was your favorite game on the Xbox after HALO?

>> No.9737753
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I remember one time my brother was playing Street Fighter II on SNES in our room, with the SNES hooked up through RF, and I turned on the TV in my parents' room to either Channel 3 or 4, and somehow, some way it picked up the signal of the SNES, heavily degraded and with a shitton of static, but it was unmistakably what my brother was playing in the other room. I thought for a second that he had managed to hook up the SNES to both TVs somehow or something like that.

>> No.9737979
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My family always had those cheap TVs with RF only. Our first one didn't even have the 75ohm screw connector - I had to use one of those UHF fork thingamajigs. When I got a video capture card for my computer years later it was like having cataracts removed.

>> No.9737983

RF done right is exactly as good as composite.

>> No.9737989
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S-Video gang rise up

>> No.9737998

Why would you choose to use RF? I can understand choosing to use composite over S-Video, RGB, Component etc. but I can't see any advantage to RF.

>> No.9738049

>but I can't see any advantage to RF.
You can play the games wirelessly that way if you know what you're doing.

>> No.9738050

So you were somehow surprised that the three plugs that are outwardly identical except for color are internally identical as well? You must have been to point it out like it's some kind of revelation.

>> No.9738057

This never happened^

>> No.9738331

I could rip them off with my bare hands

>> No.9738436

I'm happy I bought the AV Famicom instead of the fucking antenigger

>> No.9738476

RF doesn't work well any more because of all the radio waves we currently use

>> No.9738481

no it's not, even done correctly you still have the interference from the audio which is only mono

>> No.9738530

well technically RF supports more of my systems via adapters, if i was on a remote island (without tard radio interference) i would choose rf+dongles

example where the shittyness adds to the game: bubbleman waterfalls on megaman 2

>> No.9738536

>i would choose rf+dongles
composite does the same blending but better image overall

>> No.9738538

it did thou

>> No.9738552

Works on my machine

>> No.9738554

I didn't say it doesn't work
I said it doesn't work well

>> No.9738601

Composite would win; it's a 3 on one fight

>> No.9738613

sega genesis
you basically need the picture to look shitty as possible for dithering

>> No.9739107
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Not my problem.

>> No.9739221

Half-Life 2. I spent hours exploring every nook and cranny in that game.

>> No.9739321

not a part of the argument

>> No.9739475

composite easily, RF is too underpowered (by law) to properly show any kind of decent image, if you could transmit the RF signal at a higher power you'd get a pretty good image

>> No.9739494

Tier list is pretty evident when it comes to SD stuff

>Nooo but you loose the dithering with RGB and S-VHS
Yeah still worth it

>> No.9739510

*is impossible to plug in in your path*

>> No.9739989


Bitch, you have any idea how much i had to suffer with it?

>> No.9739992
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>> No.9740728

This kinda makes me wonder: how hard would it have been to make 5th-gen consoles output VGA with line-doubling like with DOS games? They would've looked chunky, yes, but I'd probably have killed to play my PS1 on my PC monitor back in the day, you know, before emulation was decent.

>> No.9740758
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There's a licensed peripheral for it but it's not ideal because PSX games use a zillion different horizontal resolutions most of which don't evenly divide into 640x480 (although 320x240 is still the most common). 240p games on Wii also have to be scaled to 640x240 but it has a lot fancier scaling algorithm and a CRT TV largely hides the filtering, while nearest neighbour on a sharp monitor gives super obvious uneven pixels.

>> No.9740838
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composite but trough a shitty noname scart adapter

>> No.9740857

oh that's really cool! i can easily see it filling that Japanese niche of condensing stuff down, with this you can play Playstation through VGA2 of your normal PC monitor and just swap back and forth.