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File: 385 KB, 407x494, Baldur's_Gate_box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
973646 No.973646 [Reply] [Original]

This goes here, right?

Can vr help me find mods for this? I had 3, one that made it widescreen, one that combined the first and second game's overworld into one.

Pretty sure I can find those on my own.

The third let you romance Dynaheir. Anyone know the name of that?

Also BG general if you guys are down for it.

>> No.973828

yes, this goes here

good luck getting someone to respond, I'll give you a pity bump before bed because I recently decided to start playing the game for the first time.

>> No.973854

Appreciate it bro. Guess it's not the kind of game that is popular around these parts.

>> No.973915

Not sure about the overworld thing, but there is a mod that makes the entire first game play in the updated engine of the second.

>> No.973930

Know what it's called?

>> No.973939

No, but I shouldn't be hard to find as it's probably the most popular mod out for the game.

>> No.973948

I can't remember if it was confirmed but did they say mods would work with the enhanced edition?

>> No.973949

This one wouldn't. AFAIK a properly modded BG>Enhanced Edition.

>> No.973965

Google BGTutu. Lets you play the first BG in the engine of BG2.
Its the only way I play BG1 now.

>> No.973967

Yeah I agree, that just kind of sucks though.

>> No.974743
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>> No.974770

I tried for about a week to replicate the big world mod that the dude from somethingawful is LPing (Syvishtar) with all those cool mods, it never fucking worked and I was just disappointed playing it vanilla. I really liked that when someone died you'd swap them out for someone new - kimd of like an easier ironman mode

>> No.976350


sounds like the widescreen mod and Baldur's Gate Trilogy. never heard of the last one but you should be able to find the first 2 on the above link.

>> No.977397
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>> No.980125

Is there any way to keep Minsc but lose Dynaheir? I can't stand her, and she doesn't have nearly as many spells as Neera.

>> No.980153

just get her killed

>> No.980283

hmm, I'm a bit embarrassed I didn't think of that myself. Though, I'd just started playing the game yesterday and have been extremely paranoid about losing a single party member in case there was negative party ramifications from it.

>> No.980324

Who the fuck is Neera?

>> No.980352

Wild Mage who was running from some dudes in Beregost near the beginning of the game

>> No.980360

And how does a Wild Mage have more spells than an Invoker? They should be tied or Invoker should be 1 ahead. Depending on whether I forget if Wild Mages get +1 spell per level like specialist mages.

>> No.980363

I don't know, I'm new to this shit. All I know is Neera had like 7 or 8 spells but Dynaheir has 3.

>> No.980375

You're talking about spells in her spellbook aren't you?
You don't need 7 or 8 spells because there aren't even that many good ones.
Plus Dynaheir doesn't have wild surges to deal with. Wild mages suck.
Also why are you playing enhanced edition? You should be playing BGtutu.

>> No.980395

but she has sleep, which Dynaheir doesn't. Also, my party was saved by a Wild Surge once, when I went to cast Magic Missile (or something, it was my last available spell, and forgot to heal my party up before moving on) at this giant gnoll creature but it got transformed into this big firebomb that dealt a nice chunk of damage to him, allowing the party to only take a few hits. I'll take my chances.

I don't know how you knew I was playing EE, I don't recall ever saying that I was, but I don't know what the fuck difference it makes. It's still the same game, and I don't want to waste any time futzing with mods and crap when I could just install something that works first try.

>> No.980429

>I don't know how you knew I was playing EE

Because there's no NPC named Neera in the original version of the game.

>> No.980453
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There's no way I would have known that

>> No.980759

>but she has sleep, which Dynaheir doesn't.
Which is why Dynaheir sucks, Invokers can't cast charm magic with is more useful than invocation magic. That said magic missile is good for disrupting casters.

I let Dynaheir die, recruit Coran and dual Imoen over to a mage. She doesn't get one extra spell per spell level but she can cast every spell in the game. Or you could get Edwin who is the best mage in the game but may end up in a fight with Minsc or other good aligned characters.

>> No.981071

>playing the version with the changed post-Masss Effect Bioware dialogue

>> No.981082

>She doesn't get one extra spell per spell level but she can cast every spell in the game.
Why the fuck didn't you dual her to a specialist mage? Also Imoen is by far the best mage in BG1 because she has the highest attributes and can use bows.

>> No.981103

Maybe it's me but i can't stand playing BG1 with the EE or using BG2 stuff ported into it.

>> No.981114

I haven't played BG in ages but I'm pretty sure you can't dual to a specialist mage. Only a general.

>> No.981120


Yes you're right you can't dual to a specialist mage. The only multi-class specialist mage you can get in 2nd AD&D rules is Illusionist for Gnomes be it Fighter/Illusionist or Cleric/Illusionist or some other combination.

>> No.981123

Anyone knows were i can find the Faces! mod for BGEE?

It gave all named NPCs unique portraits, but it was pullled off due to muh copyright.

>> No.981125

Why not? I appreciate using BGtutu just for the graphics improvement. Also so I can play through the entire series with a kit, which you can't do with BG1 vanilla.
My latest playthrough was a Priest of Lathander from the very beginning to the very end. Romancin Aerie, havin a kid, giving up my godhood. Melee clerics own.

>> No.981126

EE supports mods?

>> No.981147


Maybe it's because I played the original BG1 with the 5 CD-ROM DISCS so i was used to the original BG1 rules and classes for BG1.

I actually might reinstall the original BG1 games i have but use my DVD version of the game so i don't have to disc swap and use a couple of mods but i really wasn't too fond of the Enhanced Edition. Something about that version just feels off to me.

>> No.981143

It does, the modding community has actually resurfaced and most of the old mods are being imported to BG:EE, in preparation of BG2:EE.

>> No.981171

>played the original BG1 with the 5 CD-ROM DISCS

I did too. But I still prefer to play BG1 using the BG2 engine. Just because of better resolutions and better replayability via class kits. I actually don't run any mods besides BGTutu.

>> No.981190

You can dual to a specialist mage in BG1 but not in BG2 and thus not in Tutu or EE.

>> No.983803

I keep finding random jewelry like rings and amulets. Are they magical but just unidentified, or what?

>> No.984209

do they have a blue glow around them?

if they don't glow they are for selling to vendors, three of four may be for minor quests.

>> No.985096

Hmm, no glow, so I guess they're for selling. I've been collecting them and equipping my guys with them in case they had hidden properties or something, suppose I'll stop doing that now.

>> No.987309

Is it worth picking up every bit of random junk from slain enemies for selling, or is there a much better way to get money? Because there is a lot of random leather armors/short swords that just keep piling up

>> No.987342

Only pick up magic items and gems. Money is almost useless past the beginning, the best items are found anyway.

>> No.987364

What are gems used for? I haven't found many of them, but I've been saving them in case

>> No.987453

in BG 1 they are for selling to vendors, in BG 2 some can be used to upgrade items

>> No.987469

>tfw tried to do a series runthrough of bg with 4channers
>everyone gave up before the first game even started

I will never do a multiplayer runthrough again

Did anyone used to play on the gamespy servers? Any BDers?

>> No.988743
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bump before work

>> No.988756

I personally want to play this, but moving around is so goddamn slow i just couldnt bear it.

If theres a cheat/mod which gives you an item to make your walkspeed faster then yes, i would play the fuck out of this game

>> No.989289

Open the config and set the FPS to 60.

>> No.990649

That sounds like combat would be a nightmare to keep up with

>> No.991348


Give all of your party members boots of speed through Shadowkeeper or console codes.

>> No.991530

More like combat isn't unbearable slow anymore. I can't play any infinity engine game with less than 60 fps anymore.

>> No.993493

to each their own. I'm new to this style of RPG so anything faster than default would give me a panic attack with how fast everything moves already.

>> No.994492

What? we've had a bunch of baldur' gate threads like every day for a month.

>> No.996303

I just found out that apparently the legal troubles that have been plaguing the development team for Enhanced Edition have been resolved, and the game is back for sale and development can continue on patches and BG2:Enhanced.


Say what you will about the EE, but it's been instrumental in introducing more new players into the ecosystem of D&D games.

>> No.997276

that is good, now people can get that patch

and maybe the Android version will come out soon

>> No.997285


yea its ben ver1.0 forever.

>> No.999439
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>15 year old game
>still needs patches

>> No.1000674

So I'm entering the mines near Nashkel to look for the source of the tainted iron problem. Some of the guys in the area are talking about a dragon. Is there seriously a dragon down there? I know these older games have a reputation for obnoxious difficulty. All my dudes are level 1, is this going to kill me and frustrate me to the point where I don't feel like playing anymore? I was having some fun before but now I have nothing but apprehension.

>> No.1000726

never played EE but there are no dragons in Baldur's Gate.

level 1 may be a little low for doing the mines though.

>> No.1000757

well thanks for answering that. Boo on being too low level. I was worried about that too. With the way the game had been beelining me to this quest I presumed that it was beginner stuff. Why does leveling take so goddamn long? 7 exp here, 34 exp there, etc, and it seems like all exp is evenly divided among party members, which causes it to take six times longer than normal. Is there only like 5 levels in the game or something?

>> No.1000783

20 is the cap. Questing will get you ay more xp. Make sure you talk to everyone

>> No.1000803

Also explore the entire map, especially in wilderness areas

>> No.1000827

Thanks for the advice. I'm desperately trying not to be spoonfed, but some of this stuff is so unintuitive, It's a wonder how they expect to hook players new to the series and style of game.

Do I really have to talk to EVERY commoner/performer/unnamed guard? Or can I just stick to people with names? Everything is so very tedious, and not being able to click on a location that's still shrouded in blackness is wearing down my patience with every minute.

>> No.1001345

Well that was a good few hours wasted. got to the bottom of the mines to find a guy named Mulahey, who summons tons of kobolds and skeletons. Every single attempt gets either my entire party killed, or a successful kill with 2 or 3 guys still alive.

Alright, I'll bite. Where do I go for more quests? It's clear this is not meant for my current level (pretty surprising given that everything has been leading me to this so far with no indication of anywhere else to go)

>> No.1001376

>Do I really have to talk to EVERY commoner/performer/unnamed guard? Or can I just stick to people with names?
mainly the people with names, but IIRC there is a town crier in Beregost who gives you a pretty good beginner quest.

>> No.1002439

To be fair, a lot of games need patches after 15 years because a lot of games aren't made very well.

>> No.1003162

Is it normal to have your party's wizard use nothing but slings on enemies and keep a spellbook full of nothing but Sleep memorized? All the other spells seem too situational or limiting, and it's not like I can change my mind during battle.

I feel like I'm doing it wrong, but I haven't been able to think of another way to use them. My brain doesn't know how to use strategy, so combat is just having all six party members hitting/shooting a single enemy at a time, and hoping nobody dies. Potions and sleep spells are my oh-shit buttons (heal spells take too long and require Jaheira to walk into melee range).

>> No.1003170

I would always pause the battles and manually control my wizard's spells.

>> No.1003180

Yeah but how do you know what to memorize ahead of time? Too much goes on in battle for me to keep track of what's happening, and I get a panic attack if I have to micromanage something. I am completely unable to keep from getting overwhelmed if more than a couple things are happening at once.

Right now all I can do is wander the wildernesses and grind enemies I know I can kill because I have no idea what level the game expects me to be for the Nashkel Mines and beyond.

>> No.1003185

Go for crowd control spells. Entangle is always good, maybe fireball type stuff once you get higher level. Those can be dangerous for your own party, but with practice you'll learn to use them. They will be essential as you progress. Also, a few direct damage spells like magic missile, chromatic orb, etc...

Also, you tend to fight the same type of enemies in groups. Doesn't make a huge difference when you're fighting kobolds, but try to tailor your spells to the type of enemies are facing. Anyways, you can always clear your spell book, rest, and get new spells

>> No.1003360

I get what you're saying, but with only 3 spell slots, I have to make them count. Sleep seems to be the best crowd control. Works on virtually everything that is alive and casts instantly.

75% of the time it seems my rest is interrupted by enemies, which also has the side effect of exhausting my heal spells that were cast on rest, so resting isn't as great as it could be.

>> No.1004498

bump before work

>> No.1004507

>20 is the cap
Except in a normal playthrough you will only get to level 7 or so

>> No.1005026

>20 is the cap.
??? iirc that is the cap for BG2
>Except in a normal playthrough you will only get to level 7 or so
that sounds about right, I think with TotSC included you should get to around level 8 to 10 depending on class

>> No.1006061

So it sounds like I can just grind my way to level 7/8 and just plow through the content. Nice. I'm at the point where I just want this to be over to be able to say I played it.

>> No.1006105

I played through BG2 before 1 and I have to agree the first is a quite a bit more tedious and feels a bit generic compared to its sequel. Many of the adventures and quests simply don't feel very fleshed out.

That said, for its time and for trying to be an "authentic DnD experience" it suits itself fairly well. Don't let it turn you off from playing BG2 when you finish; it's LEAGUES better in terms of dungeons, pacing, writing and characters.

>> No.1006140

good luck grinding your way there. Why don't you just give up or use a guide? Obviously this game is not meant for you, because you're having an inordinate amount of difficulty with it.

>> No.1006803

I am using a guide, I'm not sure it's helping.

I've just always wanted to play the game but never had the motivation. Now I have the motivation but I feel that this game is kind of rubbish and not a good fit for me, but I don't want to give up on it so quickly. I've always been lead to believe that BG is one of the greatest games ever made, so it's disheartening to be having so much difficulty with it.

Unfortunately I can only really play on the weekends usually, so this thread will probably die this week

>> No.1006805

posted too soon. Just wanted to ask if you have a guide you recommend

>> No.1007262

you would be better served doing some easy quests or something, while I think you can grind up to XP cap it would be extremely tedious wandering around killing mobs. When you get all of your party to level 2 or 3 do the Nashkel mines quest

>> No.1007729

I'm playing that right now for the first time. Just recruited viconia, had a couple of characters reach lvl 2, and barely survive an encounters with some ankhegs, who seem to be trying to tell me that I should be going south not north. Pretty fun so far, I don't know why I haven't played trough it sooner, bg2 was one of my favorite at the time.

>> No.1008137

Mods you need:
GUI mod
Unfinished Business (restores content left on the cutting room floor, these exist for BG2 and Planescape Torment as well)

Mods you might want:
EasyTuTu if you have BG2 on at the same time

>> No.1010820

What's a fun player class and party setup for Trilogy run?
Should I even do a Trilogy run? Baldur's Gate 1 story is kind of slow.
Also what's a good Mod for new characters?

>> No.1010889

>Mods you need:
>Enhanced Edition

Cleaned that up for you.

>> No.1011064

>using enhanced edition

Nigger you doing it wrong. EE is crap.

>> No.1011145

...said nobody, ever

>> No.1011182

Except all the people that played BG1 before EE came out.

>> No.1011336

Should we keep Jaheira and Khalid?

>> No.1011338

Khalid and Jaheira are pretty worthless in BG1. There is no reason to take them along.
There are much better alternatives.
However, Jaheira is a really good character in BG2.

>> No.1011372

Then my planned party for BG1 is
PC- Blade

Who should fill the last slot?
Or anyone else?

>> No.1011376

Minsc and Edwin won't play nice together.
Kivan is pretty boss since archers are crazy good in BG1.

>> No.1011394

I have a mod that won't let characters fight each other.

>> No.1011425

Where's the fun in that?
That's like cheating.

>> No.1011436

How often do they fight each other?

>> No.1011439

They won't join the party at all if the other one is present.

>> No.1011442

In both BG1 and BG2?

>> No.1011468

In BG2 you can get them in the same party but eventually one will piss off the other and they will fight each other to the death.
In BG1 they just won't join the party if the other is already in it.

>> No.1012437

>Except all the people that played BG1 before EE came out, thus never played EE

>> No.1012587

Maybe Coran, with him you could dual Imoen over to a Mage and still have a Thief.

Kivan and Coran are the 2 best archers in the game.

>> No.1012610

Minsc and Edwin don't fight if you don't have Dynaheir in the party.

>> No.1012618

EE always runs in half-speed (30 FPS).

>> No.1013471

Yeah but if you don't have Dynaheir in the party, both of them will leave eventually because you are ignoring their quest.

>> No.1013485

Just go to the Gnoll fortress and remove Edwin from the party before talking to Dynaheir. After that let Dynaheir get killed and pick up Edwin again.

>> No.1013541

If that was the way the game was originally meant to run, how can you claim it to be "half" speed? Just because 60fps is the standard for modern games? You can't apply that to everything.

>> No.1013664

You can change the frame rate in the .ini file.

>> No.1016651

where's that in the file? I don't see a setting for it

>> No.1016660

oh jeez, nevermind, just found it.

I'm too tired :P

>> No.1020130

bump because I'm going to play tomorrow

>> No.1020160

Well this thread has made me want to play through BG1 and 2 again.
Anyone want to suggest a class? I've played everything so its kind of hard to pick something to play through again.
Not using Enhanced Edition.

>> No.1020171

General in the Baldur's Gate EE forums suggets

1. Paladin Kits- more powerful than vanilla paladins
2. Blade- Bard Kit- not as powerful in BG1 but starts with two dots in dual wielding, and bards can get crazy powerful in BG2 - Tenser's Transformation
3. Warrior or Barbarian- simple to use, many weapons, huge huge damage
4. Archer - Ranger Kit- in BG1 - ranged rules
5. dual or multi - Kensai/mage - kai/magics or Kensai/Theif- use any item backstab

Cheater's Edition
Ranger/Cleric- all druid and cleric spells, all of them buffs, dual slightly better than multi
Any class with Staff of Ram

>> No.1020206

I think you misread my post. I've already played every class through the BG saga multiple times. Because of that I can think of what to pick for this time through.
So just suggest a class.

>> No.1020231

Wizard Slayer. Solo.
Kidding, solo with a bard.

>> No.1021905

Besides constant save-scumming, what are some good general strategies to play through the first BG and not hate the experience if you're new to it?

>> No.1023046

Well, if you play properly you shouldn't need to save scum that much

>> No.1023054


Use bows


Don't go into that kobold warren.

Don't march in the standard 3x2 formation. Send one character (either a rogue if you've got good hide in shadows, or just your fighter with the most HP if you don't) to scout. When he sees hostiles, he runs back to the party. Especially early game, there are very few enemies who are faster than you or have ranged weapons, so you'll get a chance to see what's coming, and lure them to your troops when they're all strung out in a line.

Oh, and re-roll if you get crappy stats. BG1 is low level, your str, dex, and con mean a lot more right now than what class you take.

>> No.1025207

Kobold warren? Where's that?

>> No.1025228

I believe it's called firewine ruins or something, its off the beaten path so you won't run into unless you go looking for it. Do not enter that place until you have learned the spell fireball or have a staff that can cast it, you'll thank me later.

>> No.1025656

go to gibberlings3.net and check out the mods

also spellholdstudios.net

don't use the enhanced edition, it's a shitty cashgrab and doesn't do anything that mods don't do better

>> No.1027620

Well, sorry, but I was gifted EE by a friend, so it looks like that's what I'm playing.

In any case, I'm a little overwhelmed by the options in the first link. I just want to play it as close to traditional as possible. The second link doesn't work also.

>> No.1030261
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>> No.1031568

Something something Big World Map...
You might wanna use it in conjunction with Baldur's Gate Trilogy, and while you're at it.
Why don't you get the latest Big World Installer http://kerzenburg.baldurs-gate.eu/downloads.php?cat=10 (not tho confuse with the Big World Setup) and let it handle the installation for you. It will also suggest a ton of other mods, but it will only install whatever is in your folder.

>> No.1031575

I tried to get this to work but it was extremely hard to due to certain mods not working with each other which sucks because I really wanted it to work

>> No.1031590

You're doing it wrong then, because that installer makes sure it only installs compatible elements.

>> No.1031591
