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973586 No.973586 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about the final boss fight in Legacy of the Wizard that causes it to be completely broken and impossible to win in most emulators?

>> No.973593

holy fuck someone actually made it to the end of that game

>> No.973954

i heard a rumor the game had never been beaten until the internet managed to pool togeather everyones collective knowledge of its secrets

>> No.973995

I just watched the GCCX with this game, and I fully believe that. Then again, nerds have always been an especially tactful bunch, and graphs and charts are their forte.

>> No.974327
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Wow, as other anons have already stated I had no idea anyone had ever beaten this game. I certainly never even came close.

>> No.974869
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Three fun* facts about this game (these apply to the NES/Famicom version, I'm not sure about the MSX/MSX2 versions):

- There are at least a few spots where the player can, through normal gameplay, get stuck in a way that makes it impossible to escape if you don't have a crystal (item that warps you out of the dungeon). Your only remedy is to reset and hope you've got a recent password to resume from. The block-pushing puzzles in the dad's area are the most prone to this.

- When playing as the son, you must backtrack through a portion of the daughter's area, which was designed around her increased jumping ability (pic is an example). As the son, there is one really nasty spot with an extremely high wall that can only be cleared by waiting for an enemy to move into the right place, so that you can jump onto it and then over the stupid wall.

- The game's bosses are faced in a fixed order: the first family member who picks up a crown fights the spider boss, etc. Each boss is stronger than the last, and if you deviate from the "intended" order (Pet -> Daughter -> Mom -> Dad) is it possible to end up facing a boss with a character whose attack is too weak to deal any damage to them.

In conclusion, I really love Falcom but fuck this game.

*These facts are not fun at all and are actually completely terrible.

>> No.974949

This exactly
The furthest I ever got was clearing the second boss - that being said I loved this fucking game and should beat it now

>> No.974953
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I once had a rom where the second-last boss (the last crown) was broken - its damage meter glitched and didn't work at all.

So I downloaded another rom and used the previous game's password. Still a pain going through the level again, buy yay passwords.

>> No.974963

Is it stated somewhere that that was the order the developers wanted? I always started with the girl.

Still, you almost have to use the dad last, which was why I was surprised when they made Arino use the mom. Were they trying to set him up to fail?

>> No.974979

I never even realized you had to use the pet for something, I thought the boss list was

daughter - dad - mom - roas/son

Might be why I never made it past the second boss or whatever, either way this game was fucking hard as fuck and with no map system it made it even worse

im determined to beat this shit

>> No.974989

I don't know if it's strictly intended; the girl and the pet are largely interchangeable in what order they fight their bosses in, since either of them can kill the first or second bosses. But it's common to start with the pet first, only because the crown in his area of the dungeon is the only one that can be reached without an item that can only be obtained from another family member's section.

Daughter: Needs the mattock which is found in the dad's section.

Mom: Requires the wings from the daughter's section.

Dad: Requires the Power Wrist for block-pushing puzzles, which can actually be picked up by anyone, but obviously you're wanting to save the dad for the final crown unless you enjoy suffering.

>> No.975025

Also if anyone is wanting to try out this game via emulation on Windows, I strongly recommend skipping the NES version, which has issues when emulating, and hunting down a ROM of the Japanese MSX2 version (Dragon Slayer IV: Drasle Family).

It's completely playable without any translation, and BlueMSX is without question one of the classiest fucking emulators ever made.

>> No.975045

Is anything changed?

>> No.975051



Thanks you!

>> No.975057

I beat this game on a portable emulator a couple years ago. Some notes:

The 3rd boss(archwinger) is the cockblock. If you fight him with anyone but pochi it will be a hard fight, since all the other family members need to carry extra items to complete their stage. Also, if you fail with pochi the walk back to the crown is manageable.

With pochi, you can do it bare bones, so that means you can fight archwinger with 3 elixirs. You can do it with the shield as well but that is a PITA to find.

Best order in my opinion is:
Dad -> Daughter -> Pet -> Mom

You can beat rockgaea with the Mom it just takes a while and good item/magic management. There is an inn right before the end of Mom's area that you can use to adjust things.

First order of business should be to use pochi to collect items, then flip to the daughter and collect the other items where spring boots are needed.

TL;DR: If the level is hard, make the boss easy. If the boss is hard, make the level easy.

>> No.975190

Slightly better music (and different tracks in a few places), and a few areas of the dungeon have been redone (mainly in the daughter's section). The only major visual difference is that screens don't scroll; when you reach the edge of each screen it simply jump-cuts to the next one. Whether that's a bad thing is up to personal preference.

>> No.975237

this game had good potential. I do like it, but its just got so many problems and nothing to indicate where to go or what to be doing. but it did have some interesting things about it for a old 8-bit game. This game need to be remade. while staying faithful.

>> No.975253

I beat it on Nestopia. It is an annoying fight however, you wont be able to hit him more than once in a row so it will take a while.

>> No.975260

>so that you can jump onto it and then over the stupid wall.
And you get hit. If you even attempt to go there without bringing the high jump boots, I think you get stuck on the way and have to reset.

>> No.975262

When I first played, I got Xemn's (that was his name, right?) crown first.
The rest of the playthrough consisted of pure suffering. I did not even find the shield.

>> No.975267

I was able to finish the battle using FCEUX.

On Jnes it's completely impossible as far as I can tell. As soon as the fight starts you get stun-locked into oblivion.