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File: 67 KB, 1200x770, 0x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9732298 No.9732298 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Saturn emulation is finally good, what are some good games that never released elsewhere?

>> No.9732315

Haunted Casino. 3D audio is unbelievably good in it.

>> No.9732321
File: 271 KB, 859x1221, Die Welt Von Panzer Dragoon Zwei_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My top 3:
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
Vampire Savior
Super Robot Wars F/F final

>> No.9732332
File: 221 KB, 640x987, defesa0f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never actually played it but I hear it's a decent RE clone

>> No.9732347

Shining The Holy Ark
Bulk Slash
Burning Rangers
Nanatsu Kaze no Shima Monogatari
Dark Savior

>> No.9732350

Don't fall for the Burning Rangers meme. That game fuckin STINKS

>> No.9732361


>> No.9732365

I really enjoyed Keio 2. Nothing exceptional gameplay-wise but it's such a charming little game with lovely graphics.

>> No.9732570

Cue the faggot who thinks Saturn emulation is bad because it demonstrates Resi 1 to have better backgrounds on PSX

>> No.9732616

>Now that Saturn emulation is finally good

You mean back in 2007?

>> No.9732636

Panzer Dragoon RPG? Might as well just emulate one of the most expensive games in the Saturn library.

>> No.9732656

Saturn emulation didn't get "good" until maybe 4-5 years ago.

>> No.9732678

Thats a very low bar you set there.
Didnt get really good (like near perfect) until a few years ago

>> No.9732685

Does Saturn emulation have PGXP equivalent yet?

>> No.9732686

Almost ten years ago my X5650 could not run Saturn emulation worth playing.

Today I get 60 fps in Panzer Dragoon Saga via Yaba Sanshiro.

>> No.9732691

But are you still using an X5650?

>> No.9732704

just because u settle for the gutter doesnt mean everyone else likes it down there

>> No.9732706

Yes. Dual X5650 to be specific.
Ten years ago I was running Windows 7, and today it is Windows 10 LTSC.
It's been pretty amazing seeing PS3, Saturn, and Wii U emulation become options since I bought this computer. It felt like Christmas morning the day Vulkan support was added to Cemu.

>> No.9732741

wait saturn emulation is good now?

is it like impossible to run if you dont have a spaceman uber super PC?

>> No.9732748

youre delusional or just str8 werent there
07 was using ZSNES and just convincing yourself "this is fine" even tho it most certainly was not

>> No.9732752

>is it like impossible to run if you dont have a spaceman uber super PC?

>> No.9732757

>07 was using ZSNES and just convincing yourself "this is fine"
utter nonsense. SNES emulation was much farther along than that by 2007.
BSNES came out in 2004.

>> No.9732764

dude there was a LOT of games that ran like fucking assbeer on a sunday morning
dont kid yourself

>> No.9732767

BullshitNES was very much ZSNES-quality in 2004-2007

>> No.9732780

Ridiculous exaggerations.

>> No.9732817

depends on what you call "good"
if i have to turn off game audio because the games running too slow and the audio is crackling like popcorn, thats not very good imo
if im restricted to playing jarpigs because anything with a reasonable amount of execution necessary is impossible, thats not good
if i have to go in, in-game, and manually turn off transparency layers in order to be able to see the screen, thats not good
starfox literally could not run at all, neither could yoshis story, DKC was like watching someone try to run through waistdeep water

dont get me wrong, i still used ZSNES a lot, and it was pretty clearly the best of the available options most of the time out of the laundry list of half-finished beta shit emus that were listed on zophars
but it was not "good"
it was the fucking stone age. maybe bronze. ill give ya bronze
we just fucking dealt with it because we wanted to play seiken densetsu 3

>> No.9733000

stellar assault ss

>> No.9733110

Can I play with an xbox controller?

>> No.9733132
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>> No.9733138

No I mean... Can I play or it's too awful without a saturn like pad?

>> No.9733142

if you're talking about it being six button then no, you'll be fine, only the capcom fighters really use all six buttons well
although in my opinion the dpad on the saturn is just about the best you'll find

>> No.9733147

>doesn't comprehend how to map buttons
what the fuck is state of this board. you can just buy a cheap 6 button pad if you really need it

>> No.9733151

oh that's a relief, thanks!

>> No.9733154

i'm retarded i thought this thread was the sega saturn thread
sometimes when I want to try a game before burning it I play it on an emulator and I use my xbx360 controller and its fine
idk about og xbox controller tho

>> No.9733162

yeah, most games use only three buttons and a few use the top three are for menus which is fine on the bumpers

>> No.9733163

The Xbox gamepad has 6 face buttons A/B/X/Y/Black/White

>> No.9733169

None, this is a port machine with no games
Unless you like shitty rpg non games shit then this console is not for you

>> No.9733173
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another day, another sneed

>> No.9733186

Yeah, that game should be right up my alley but the camera sucks too much.

>> No.9733190

Die Hard or Dynamite Deka is an infintely replayable masterpiece.

>> No.9733202

How are you supposed to play the lightgun games???

>> No.9733280

I wanna try emulating burning rangers in hd with scanlines. That game chugs ass on the actual Saturn. It would just be for the novelty though. The game feels super unfinished.

>> No.9733423

true, if you want playable tech demo you should check out hellslave or ireel

>> No.9733434

>if i have to turn off game audio because the games running too slow and the audio is crackling like popcorn, thats not very good imo
For 99.9% of games on the SNES you didn't have to do that 2007.
>if im restricted to playing jarpigs because anything with a reasonable amount of execution necessary is impossible, thats not good
ridiculous hyperbole. The lag was not that bad at all.
>if i have to go in, in-game, and manually turn off transparency layers in order to be able to see the screen, thats not good
extremely rare scenario in 2007
>starfox literally could not run at all, neither could yoshis story, DKC was like watching someone try to run through waistdeep water
horse shit they couldn't. All three games games ran near perfectly in 2007. BTW it's Yoshi's Island, not story.

You sound like you're talking about SNES emulation in 1997, not 2007. By 2007 for 99% of games the emulation status of the SNES was near-placebo tier with only a bit of lag and slightly different audio being the big tells.

>> No.9733695

It sounds like he was emulating SNES in 2007 on a PC from 1997.

>> No.9734320

lmao really hitting the bottom of the barrel with that one

>> No.9734401

How much input lag does that adapter introduce

>> No.9734429

Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Panzer Dragoon Saga, and Burning Rangers.
Honestly I really liked it. It's a really short game, so I don't see the harm in recommending it to people.

>> No.9734463
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>> No.9734606

There is a subgroup of bitter Gen X gamers who tried UltraHLE in the 90's and think that's just what emulation is. They swear that emulation hasn't progressed at all or is capable of anything better. These people genuinely scoff at NES emulation in 2023, lol

>> No.9734608
File: 326 KB, 1752x757, 1661090122228661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thunderforce V is an amazing game.
>but it's on PSX
It very clearly looks worse on the PSX.

>> No.9734705

Its ok. But I still think TF4 is the peak

>> No.9734719

Columns Collection
Idol Mahjong, etc

>> No.9734729

Please post the Master System, Mega Drive and Dreamcast.

>> No.9734754
File: 1.05 MB, 1284x1270, 1676232075486611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than mario 64

>> No.9734758
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sure thing

>> No.9734762

based puzzle games enjoyer

>> No.9734765
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>> No.9734771

What's the point of putting non-exclusives on here when the PS1 version is always better?

>> No.9734779
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>> No.9734784
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>> No.9734786

lmfao even

>> No.9734787

Why should I avoid the ps2 version of maken x?

>> No.9734792

>op wants to play games on saturn
>some anon: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you have to play that game on psx becuase is just a bit/slightly better on psx.

Dude, they are videogames not mandotory chores.

>> No.9734794

>Saturn emulation didn't get "good" until maybe 4-5 years ago.
It was good enough to play hundreds of games perfectly with no glitches, except for a few piss poor ports like Croc and Doom which didn't boot.

>Didnt get really good (like near perfect) until a few years ago
It's not near perfect even now.

>> No.9734796

>no vga
>bad res
>shitty blurr
simple as

>> No.9734798

Other than the ground being arranged differently, this is the same on both consoles.

>> No.9734801

Yeah. Always.

If your point is to highlight the console, why would you put something that I can easily see is inferior?

>> No.9734802

>other than being better on saturn, this is the same on both console
thank you

>> No.9734805 [DELETED] 

>If your point is to highlight the console, why would you put something that I can easily see is inferior?
if you think duke nukem 3d and other games are inferior on saturn then you should go back

>> No.9734806

Tomb raider on Saturn was rushed at the end, so the Japanese version actually runs comparably smooth to the PS1 version. Game is all in English too except for the fmv dialog. Could prob just swap those around and make a English rom.

>> No.9734810


>> No.9734812

Anon, I own these games on Saturn and ps1 - the Saturn has lower frame rates, shittier sound, shittier controls, and this says nothing of the shittier graphics.

Face it, Kalinskefanboy, you lost.
Sega was mismanaged beyond belief.

>> No.9734815

is this actually true? people say its the same
but I get the idea, you can actually see that in some games like sega rally us, the ground sucks and the background is weird compared to the jap version, and wing arms pal/us has a better draw distance than the jap version

>> No.9734816

It's not better, the patterns are just randomly different. They don't make any sense whatsoever on either console.

>> No.9734818

>Anon, I own these games on Saturn and ps1 - the Saturn has lower frame rates, shittier sound, shittier controls, and this says nothing of the shittier graphics
sure, i also forgot to mention that ps duke has that weird camera thing when you look up
why do you even bother

>> No.9734819

>It's not better
look closer, the ps version is wobbly

>> No.9734826

The dreamcast didn't have many platformers for a console whose system seller was a platformer

>> No.9734828

it had the best version of rayman 2 and thats all you need

>> No.9734837

I didn't like rayman 2

>> No.9734849

Saturn may nit always be the best version, but that controller is top tier though.
Never liked the ps1 controller, feels a bit shitty

>> No.9734862

good for you

>> No.9734867

psx doesn't have shadows

>> No.9734881

>it’s really good
>ive never played it
>holy shit

>> No.9734910

> I own these games on Saturn and ps1
As do I. Grandia is better on Saturn than on PS1. PS1 has worse frame rate drops, the floors are completely broken in most maps, a lot of additional VDP2 effects are gone, a lot of lighting effects are completely broken, battle backgrounds are significantly lower resolution, etc.

The only areas PS1 is better is that a handful of FMVs run at a higher frame rate (10fps vs 15fps, bulk of them are 12fps in both versions), some spells have nicer transparency effects (But are missing additional VDP2 effects), and the audio is *slightly* higher quality (22050Hz Stereo vs 37800Hz Stereo). Sure using audiophile headphones you can hear a difference between that, but going through shitty TV speakers you can't tell the difference. Saturn however has the benefit of the SCSP DSP adding additional effects to it the sound output. What few perks the PS1 version has, doesn't outweigh all of it's shortcomings.

As for Duke Nukem 3D, PS1 does have the benefit of running the actual build engine, but the framerate is a trainwreck. It's completely uncapped so it goes from 60fps when staring at a wall to single digits by just turning around. The controls suffer because of it and it's a complete mess. When ranking Duke 3D ports of that era it pretty much goes N64 >= Saturn > PS1.

>> No.9734935

>it’s really good
Are you schizophrenic? I didn't say that. I said I heard it was a decent RE clone.

>> No.9734942

Yeah it's true look at it on YouTube. If people are saying it's the same then they're not being sincere. The frame rate is actually good on the Jap version


>> No.9735019

It's not a great game. It wouldn't be remember if it had much competition on the DC.

>> No.9735023

It's best remembered in its N64 iteration alongside numerous other good platformers.

>> No.9735067

>It's best remembered in its N64 iteration

>> No.9735186

The NTSC versions (both US and JP) simply fix texturing bugs and model errors that were present in the PAL release. They don't do anything for the frame rate. The video you posted is a very obvious emulator capture.

>> No.9735194


>> No.9735195

>Now that Saturn emulation is finally good
Did something happen?

>> No.9735201
File: 333 KB, 993x1000, 3563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If pic related doesn't win me over when the translation patch finally comes out, then the Saturn will officially have ZERO good games.

>> No.9735214

The controller was great — the controls were shit.

>> No.9735223
File: 11 KB, 358x477, THESE GRAFIX ARE SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you autistic retard lmao

>> No.9735248
File: 899 KB, 731x418, SaturnvsPS1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry if you can't accept there are some games that are better on Saturn than they are on PS1?
They're not random on Saturn. It actually has roads, shadows, paths, etc.

>> No.9735251

damn wtf happened with the texturing on ps1?

>> No.9735253

Less VRAM to store all the textures.

>> No.9735271

kek it's amazing how we used to view such limited machines as crazy advanced back in the day. How times change.

>> No.9735362

cope more kek

>> No.9735365

it is a great game, better than any other 3d platformer

>> No.9735372

>It's best remembered in its N64 iteration
kek no

>> No.9735375

>N64 >= Saturn > PS1.
nah the n64 port is shit, it has that weird blurr and bad res plus you can't play online and the musics sucks
saturn duke is the best vr console port

>> No.9735382

>If pic related doesn't win me over
no one cares

>> No.9735397 [DELETED] 

One thing I've always noticed about Sega Shiturn hipsters is how blatantly apparent it is that they very obviously only pretend to like it for contrarianism, and don't even play games.
Anytime any other console or old pc or arcade game is mentioned people will always talk about how they had fun playing it as a kid, or how they would always stay over at friends houses playing certain games, or how they'd stop in at the local arcade to drop quarters in whatever. They'll always have distinct memories and nostalgia of having fun with whatever they're talking about.

But all you'll ever hear from shiturn fags are how it actually had the most vertrex cycles of any console at the time assuming you properly utilized both CPUs and GPUs and did a rain dance under a full moon, or how the shading of a lamp post in the background of a capcom fighter was actually arcade perfect quality unlike the ps1 where its gamma tint was microscopically off. Never do you hear about how you and friends stayed up all night playing saturn games.

It's like the console was complete dogshit and they're all just a bunch of friendless shut in weebs who bought a 25 year old piece of plastic to try to be cool and now spend all their time validating their waste of money to themselves as they play alpha 3 for the 47th time and get KOd by the CPU on stage 2 as they repeatedly struggle to do a qcf to throw a fireball, before waddling over to the $4500 pc their mother bought them, (that they use only to play steam ports of PS3 era JRPGs) and extolling the virtues of whichever japan only release they most recently heard a youtuber talk about and then going on a forum begging for it to be translated so they can actually play it long enough to take a picture of it to post on reddit.

>> No.9735418

Mmm pasta

>> No.9735450

Please tell us more about how the Sega Saturn personally slighted you.

>> No.9735473

You're nobody, yes.

>> No.9735479

If you wanna die on the "muh wobbly" hill then you'll die by the shitty saturn transparencies bullet.

>> No.9735506
File: 141 KB, 1081x730, sega-rally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty saturn transparencies bullet.
no he wont

>> No.9735518
File: 599 KB, 640x480, SaturnComposite.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't the one who said anything about wobbly textures, I simply pointed out that Grandia does look and run better on Saturn and that the floors aren't random.

We all know Saturn has quirks with Transparencies, that doesn't mean it can't do them though if you know what you're doing. And then there's the fact that meshes look fine over Composite.

>> No.9735532

I play on a CRT so mesh transparency effects aren't an issue.

>> No.9735552

What's even more amazing that there are still a bunch of retards here that continue the console war of decades ago.

>> No.9735571

>I never actually played it but
I'm so tired of posts like this. At least make the attempt to play a game before recommending it to others.

>> No.9735591
File: 182 KB, 1337x788, dSlX4GX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started playing this for the first time yesterday and I was wondering if the slowdown was normal, but now I see it's nowhere as severe as the PS1 version is.

>> No.9735660

>PS1 version is always better
Very untrue, only a dumb console war kiddy would even say this. The only ones on that list that are objectionably better on PS1 are Croc, Mega Man X3 really you shouldn't be playing this on anything other than SNES, Tomb Raider, and Symphony of the Night. Wipeout is also superior on PS1 but the Saturn version is not on that list.
Everything else will either be objectionably better on Saturn like the Capcom fighting games (even without RAM carts they're by and large better on Saturn) or the differences are so minor that the game is enjoyable on both systems and the only people who would care about the changes are modern era graphics whores.

>> No.9735668

Where does it say to avoid the PS2 version of Maken X?

>> No.9735740
File: 15 KB, 320x240, MMX4-Z-Shipuuga-SS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no additive blending
>only 50% opacity
Mega Man X4 is a terrible example of Saturn's transparency since it completely fails at the main part of the game's aesthetic which is the dash afterimage (PS1 screenshot). Even without dashing, that X4 webm misses additive blending on the lights.

>> No.9735748

Mega Man X4 is better on PS1 lol

>> No.9735759

Whoever did the ps1 port was an absolute hack. The floor layout on the ps1 is a random mess.

>> No.9735764

It's a huge map with lots of unique texturework, and all of the areas in Grandia are like that. PS1 never had a chance at preserving it with its tiny ass RAM alotment.

>> No.9735775

>They're not random on Saturn. It actually has roads, shadows, paths, etc.

I can't see none on the video you posted other than that alley with the garbage having a metal ground. Yeah, it's visible on that second screenshot, but during gameplay it makes zero difference.

>> No.9735779

>during gameplay it makes zero difference

This, and shiturn doesn't even have analog controls so I don't know why people even bother arguing over it today. Such a weird hill to die on, but I guess that's all its fans have left in life.

>> No.9735801

I am aware of that. But what they did was completely retarded. They could have constructed a simplified floor plan that still at least somewhat matched the buildings. What they actually did is beyond comprehension, just taking some of the original texture and randomly slapping it on the ground with no correlation to the buildings.

>> No.9735995

>It's not additive blending!
I know that, you missed the point though. The point was that meshes blend fine over composite and look fine in most cases. Sure X4's transparencies look a little prettier on PS1, but most people aren't going to notice or care. Both versions have their pros and cons and balance each other out.
>It's a bad port!
Game Arts did it themselves. The issue is that on PS1 you have 512KB less VRAM, so something has to take a hit.
>but during gameplay it makes zero difference.
It actually does as it makes it a lot easier to navigate the towns as it all looks more unique. Plus we all know if the situation was reversed you'd be rubbing it in Saturn fans faces.
>Analog controls!
What do they help with in a JRPG like Grandia?

>> No.9736009
File: 182 KB, 1080x797, How is any of this better than PSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but most people aren't going to notice or care
It is THE defining part of X4's aesthetic. The afterimages can't even fade out, resulting in an extreme dog shit and extremely distracting visual mishap, so don't tell me people wouldn't notice

>> No.9736019

I played through the Saturn version first and didn't give a shit. I played the PS1 version later and still didn't give a shit about it. It's no more vital or important than the Saturn's raster effects applied to the background layers. They balance each other out.

>> No.9736028
File: 1.62 MB, 320x240, MMX4 Sat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The afterimages can't even fade out
In fact, it looks even worse in motion, SO MUCH WORSE in motion because the fully opaque after images are fully suspended in the one place without moving, and then
in a single frame vanish from existence.
A subtle heat haze effect in TWO levels balances out the entire aesthetic for the entire rest of the game being ruined? Now THIS is console warring!

>> No.9736030

>The heatwaves are subtle!
So are the fucking after images. No one gives a shit about either except console warring faggots like yourself.

>> No.9736036

>So are the fucking after images
No they are not, not only are they there for the whole game, they also give it a psychedelic appearance that is completely lost on the Saturn.

>> No.9736038

>My subtle console war comparison is more important than yours!
No one but you gives a shit. Go ruin another thread you console warring faggot.

>> No.9736043

I'm not the one who fucking came in here and touted X4 as something to be played on Saturn. I like both systems, I'm just looking at X4 whose Saturn port is palpably inferior. Now excuse me while I go play Virtual On

>> No.9736045

God that looks like shit, I can't believe contrarian hipsters actually force themselves to like this version. Oh wait, they don't actually play the games they just claim they do

>> No.9736051

>I'm not the one who fucking came in here and touted X4 as something to be played on Saturn
Neither did I. But I will point out bullshit nitpicking when I see it. X4 is a fantastic game on both systems. You can't go wrong with either version. I wouldn't object to it being on a Saturn list nor would I object to it being on a PS1 list.

Only a console warring faggot like yourself would make such a big stink about it being in a Saturn list over something as fucking stupid and minor as the after image transparencies.

>> No.9736056

>so something has to take a hit
having the floor textures be a random piece of texture that aligns with nothing, is pure shitty-ness. They could have used a simple repeating tile or gravel texture or something else which would make sense, what they did was objectively retarded.

>> No.9736060

In some towns they did do just that. Perhaps for Parm they wanted more variety?

>> No.9736075

Why should somebody play the Saturn version instead of any other version?

>> No.9736078

Why are you a console warring faggot?

>> No.9736125

There's plenty of games that are better on Saturn; X4 isn't one of them. Where's the console warring?

>> No.9736138

You threw a shitfit over Megaman X4 being included in a list of good games on the Saturn all because the after images aren't transparent. That by definition is console warring. It would be like me throwing a fit about it being on a PS1 list because the additional background effects are missing.

>> No.9736151

this is console warring and it's pathetic.

>> No.9736156

>It actually does as it makes it a lot easier to navigate the towns as it all looks more unique.

nah, no, it doesn't. You barely notice it with all the houses and people around.

>Plus we all know if the situation was reversed you'd be rubbing it in Saturn fans faces

I wouldn't give a shit if some Playstation game was better in some small detail I don't even notice during gameplay.

>> No.9736165

>nah, no, it doesn't. You barely notice it with all the houses and people around.
You actually do. It's really easy to get lost in Parm on PS1 and the HD remaster, while on Saturn it's a lot easier to tell where you are because the floor has unique paths and roads.
>I wouldn't give a shit if some Playstation game was better in some small detail I don't even notice during gameplay.
Yet there's people (most likely you) bitching about the transparencies of after images in Megaman X4.

>> No.9736197

>most likely you
Yeah dude there's only 1 person who can disagree with you lol. I said earlier that there's plenty of games that are better on Saturn and evidently that JRPG is one of them.
>all because the after images aren't transparent
Thus far you haven't commented on my primary argument which is that it's the source of X4's aesthetic value in that it provides the psychedelic vibe

>> No.9736316

>comes to this thread
>starts the console waring
>is proven wrong
>still here and still coping
as a saturnchad i like the ps, but you mfs fuck up everything.
i bet you guys are n64fags

>> No.9736338

based as fuck

>> No.9736365

you misspelled ignorant

>> No.9736486

HD Saturn emulation isn't very good. The weird ass hacky nature of the console's 3D sees to that, and all the HD emulators have shitty sound.

>> No.9736509

>the dpad on the saturn is just about the best you'll find

>> No.9736514

Here’s that fukn BOT again starting shit!
Or maybe Lefty/pol/
I dunno which one.
Go play N64 and die!

>> No.9736520

I love this game. Never even knew about until you guys showed me it so thank you!

>> No.9736552

yeah coders finally stopped whining about writing for multiple cores

>> No.9736656

no, Saturn emulation has been good for like 5 years

>> No.9736659
File: 590 KB, 540x711, sky lagoon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This still looks like shit because the searchlights don't blend with each other.

>> No.9736860


>> No.9737007

What's a good stand alone Saturn emulator?

>> No.9737030
File: 309 KB, 1080x1080, s-l1600 (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had the best versions of some arcade titles too

>> No.9737036

Are you joking?

>> No.9737043
File: 338 KB, 1920x1080, c926c5ba1b4a.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has the best Saturn emulator so no i'm not joking

>> No.9737745

>Yet there's people (most likely you) bitching about the transparencies of after images in Megaman X4.

unlikely because I don't really give a shit about Megaman. the controls suck too much. Couldn't give a rats ass about the graphics since the controls are so annoying.

>> No.9738186
File: 145 KB, 1024x735, 1666820759753917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now that Saturn emulation is finally good
SSF and Mednafen were very stable and had high compatibility even back in 2016, and could be played on hardware as old as high end LGA775 cpus. I did most of my gaming on an i5-2500k. please just stop talking

>> No.9738351

Is the latest version of Kronos not worth using? I'm new to Saturn emulation

>> No.9738681

input lag is better than it's ever been on mednafen, though i wouldn't expect a pleb to notice something like that.

>> No.9738773

It's just yabause with a new name. Useful for debugging, a joke for playing games..

>> No.9740252

Oh, great!
Emulation is finally good. So you can emulate the turd that is the Saturn.

>> No.9740364

>and the sneed goes on

>> No.9741091

>actually recommending legendary kusoge like Ronde
This is just a list of games on the system, it's not curated whatsoever.