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9730195 No.9730195 [Reply] [Original]

anyone ever beat it without doing the "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start" cheat?

>> No.9730219

I did, about 5 years ago. It took a long time but it's very doable if you have the patience to see it through.

>> No.9730225

If you think it’s that bad, it’s gonna be a rude awakening finding out how many people cruise through this game. It’s just memorization

>> No.9730230

I did when I was a kid. I have no idea how. I'm not anywhere near as good at this game as I used to be. I swear I beat this game with no continues no codes when I was around ten years old.

>> No.9730231

i always hated the games where you get hit once and you die. fucking bullshit!

>> No.9730232

the first 3 levels were always so easy for me, but every level after that forget it, gimmie that cheat code!

>> No.9730240

Yeah, it took me about 4 hours. I did Super C the day after and it also took me about 4 hours.
I would consider it a below average-difficulty FC game.
The only thing I had to learn was the stage 6 boss in Contra 1. Take your time in the hangar. Level design in Super is a bit more involved, but even the final boss can be beaten without moving. Those things that pop out I think on stage 6 (the top down one) are annoying, you can lose powerups there.

>> No.9730241

I've beaten Contra and Super C on NES and Operation C on Game Boy without dying once. Can't say the same for any other Contra game. Btw, Hard Corps > III.

>> No.9730245

>It's just memorization
So is 99% of the NES' library
You see Arcus breeze through Ninja Gaiden 50 times in a row, it looks like the easiest task ever.
Doesn't mean he didn't spend thousands of hours on that "memorization" process, it's still hard as fuck even if it's just memorization, is my point

>> No.9730248

I eventually beat it without dying once. Yet I can’t beat Tiny Toons

>> No.9730265

only arcade version, 1CC with spread shot

>> No.9730343

Yeah. It's a short game as well so eventually you'll get through it if you persist.

>> No.9730345

If you used the code or even worse the spread gun then you didn't beat the game.

>> No.9730348

how did everyone seem to universally know this cheat code back in the day? like even pre-internet i remember kids in kindergarten or first grade knowing about this i think thats how i first found out about it when i was like 6 or 7

>> No.9730361

Nintendo Power.

>> No.9730368

Yeah it's just about learning the game. I made a save state at the start of each level and loaded it whenever I died then I'd keep going through the level until I could do it without dying.

After a few times you've just learned the levels and it's a short game so it really doesnt take long. That's basically what the process would be if you didn't use save states too it would just take a lot longer.

>> No.9730382

I do it every now and then, often without losing a life.

>> No.9730389

Yes, I did this year. It is about memorization but it's still the hardest game I've ever beaten. I get bored and frustrated with most NES games but the perfect controls in this one kept me coming back.

>> No.9730503

nes contra really isn't a hard game, kids just suck at vidya
you'll 1cc it after a few hours of practice

>> No.9730512

It’s like 13-15 minutes of memorization. That hardly qualifies as hard as fuck

>> No.9730516

Because it’s the Konami code not the contra code. Works in other games. Also we played so much goddamn contra

>> No.9730904
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>> No.9730914

Yeah, it's actually not too bad. Short game so it's easy to memorize most of it. Beat final stage of my first try without memorization. Close call but satisfying when I pulled it off. I was actually testing out recording at the time, so I have a video of the first time I beat it.

>> No.9730936

I've never even bothered to use the konami code to beat contra or super c

>> No.9730938

That's retarded logic. go beat Casio Mario World then, it's only about 15 minutes deathless

>> No.9730946

you have a distorted view from being a tryhard gaymer, an 8 stage obstacle course where death is always on screen and you can only get hit maybe 10 times, that is 'hard' at a minimum.

>> No.9730949

That's because Tiny Toons NES is fucking impossible.

>> No.9730973

Never beat it as a kid (only got to Wacky Land on a good day), but came back and finished it years ago. Along with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the other game I played a ton and never finished back in the day.

>> No.9731524

I managed to beat it on one life. Only once though

>> No.9731538

Yeah, it's not that hard.

>> No.9732217

Ya that totally sounds like an official Nintendo release from 30 years ago you autist

>> No.9732219 [DELETED] 

Any normie pleb shitter can beat Nezz Contra.

The real challenge is 1cc'ing Hard Corps (the OG US version, not the babbyfied Jap one).

>> No.9733512
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Any normalfag shitplayer can beat Nezz Contra.

The real challenge is 1cc'ing Hard Corps (the OG US version, not the babbyfied Jap one).

>> No.9733803
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Back in the 80s and still to this day due to some memorization of patterns/behaviors and the "S" spread shot weapon. Even without going for a no death run, one can score enough to gain a few extra chances in the course of a playthough with a couple deaths.

>> No.9733808

Yes age 11 maybe? My friend and I played this so much we just stopped using the code eventually. I am pretty positive we did a run where one of us never died and they other died once.

>> No.9733812
File: 56 KB, 514x450, ConradNes1player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contra is good and all but, have you tried..Conrad?

>> No.9733834

Ah, Kona Industry, my favourite publisher.

>> No.9734060

Just as I remembered it.