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972927 No.972927 [Reply] [Original]

Say what you will about Sonic but Sonic the Hedgehog 2 has to be one of the most memorable games in history. Every single level has that perfect mixture of speed and action.

I just bought it for the Genesis and this is my first time owning it on the genesis, before I emulated it, then played the fuck out of it on Sonic Mega Collection. And I intend to play it 10 times over on the Genesis.

So how about it, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 the best 4th generation game ever created?

>> No.972946

Sonic 3 is better. Source: Grew up with a Genesis.

>> No.972958

Yeah so did I. But I never owned Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I owned 1/3/and Knuckles but Never 2. And even after playiing 3 as a kid I can say that Sonic 2 is better.

>> No.972993

>So how about it, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 the best 4th generation game ever created?

>> No.973017

love the fuck out of it. teaching my 3 year old how to play it and he loves the fuck out of it too

>> No.973040

I do love Sonic 2, but as much I love it, it just can't hold a candle to Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

It has better everything.

>> No.973049

sonic 1 - labyrinth zone drowning trauma, scrapyard zone getting crushed instantly trauma
sonic 2 - beating death egg zone with 0 rings, so badass
sonic 3 - fuck yeah carnival night/ice cap zone, best music overall
s&k - i don't even remember
s&k+3 - doomsday zone holy fuck i don't know what to do but this is awesome

>> No.973238

>what is sonic 3 & knuckles

stay mad

>> No.974309

Sonic 2 is more challenging, S3&K is more fun. I can't ever recall a time in S3&K where I was ever really challenged, but it was still fun anyway. Both are excellent games.

>> No.974337

Anyone here think the first game is the best one? I don't, but I'm curious to see if anyone does.

>> No.974361

Fuck off with this comparing two games to one shit.
This is what the thread is going to come down to, console turds with "muh sonic 3 and knuckles as the developers intended better than sanic 2" bullshit.

>> No.974405
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>perfect mixture of speed and action.
>super sonic is broken as fuck
>And I intend to play it 10 times over on the Genesis.
>Not playing as many times as you feel like
>Sonic the Hedgehog 2 the best 4th generation game ever created?
No, OP you disgust me on levels I thought it wasn't possible.

>> No.974970

Really? I find S3&K much more challenging than Sonic 2. I can breeze through Sonic 2. I still have trouble with S3&K, especially the S&K stages.

I still have a really hard time beating some of them. The level design is just way more complex than anything in Sonic 2.

Both games on their own are still better than Sonic 2.

>> No.974975

Not him, but I definitely think Sonic 2's bonus stages are harder. Also, there's a lot less chances to attempt them (I've never really counted, but I think that's the case).

As for the stages, both have some tough segments.

>> No.974982

I remember the soul crushing emptiness of beating all of those little emerald runway minilevels and getting all the fucking chaos emeralds on a TAILS ONLY RUN


>> No.974983

Sonic 3 was a lot more fun to me. Played them all with my friends but Sonic 3 was the one we kept coming back to. Just felt more polished, and the save system meant we could pick it back up at any time (parents limited our play time after all).

>> No.974993


Fair enough.

I just think levels in general are a lot more straightforward in Sonic 2.

The levels in S&K are way more complex. I still get lost in some of them. Some stages take me almost 10 minutes to finish.

Sonic 2's bonus stages are definitely harder though.

>> No.975000

Sonic 3 isn't fun. It's full of pain in the ass, flow-breaking obstacles that are only there because the designers thought OH WOW SO UNIQUE FUCK LEVEL DESIGN AND FLOW!

Plus the music is awful, the controls don't feel right compared to the other games, the bosses are gimmicky and awful, etc, etc.

>> No.975010

>Plus the music is awful, the controls don't feel right compared to the other games, the bosses are gimmicky and awful, etc, etc.

In my years of 4chan, I have never read a post more objectively wrong than this.

The music is the best music on the Genesis, the controls are exactly the fucking same, and the bosses are way better than the piss easy bosses in the first two game.

And as far the level design, it had nothing that the first two games didn't have. It just had less roller coaster press right to win segments that Sonic 2 had.

>> No.975014

I disagree with all of that. How anyone could even think that is baffling to me.

>> No.975023

Best music? Right. It sounds like club music, not videogame music.

Controls aren't "exactly the same". They feel much more stiff than the other Sonic games and while it's not to the point of broken, it at least doesn't feel the same and gives the game a bit of unfamiliarity compared to the other two.

>piss easy bosses
Better than the "I have an irritating gimmick" bosses in 3.

>less roller coaster press right to win
It's not "press right to win", but the idea that there are long segments of running with a few choices and dodging points required is what Sonic is about. Sonic 3 turned into some shitty generic platformer with all of the mucking about with gimmicky obstacles.

I am convinced most people here played Sonic 3 first and only like it because it was imprinted on them before they even touched one that was better, so they're biased.

>> No.975030

>s&k - i don't even remember
How about: "fuck yeah, Flying Battery, Sandopolis act 1, and if connected, hyper emeralds!

>> No.975048

>how do i gimmick bro?

>> No.975052

>Sonic 3 music doesn't sound like video game music
That's got to be the most asinine criticism you could come up with. Are you basing your hate of the music on anything more than the discovery Michael Jackson was involved? I sincerely doubt it.

>I am convinced most people here played Sonic 3 first and only like it because it was imprinted on them
You'd be wrong, I played Sonic 1 first. Then Sonic 2. And 3 left the most lasting impression.

>> No.975056

I disagree about the music, but I agree with everything else. Sonic 2 > Sonic 1 > Sonic 3.

>> No.975061

>music from a videogame doesn't sound like videogame music like all the other games do
Yeah, nice logic there.
I didn't know that back when it was released and it still sucked.

>> No.975060


Sonic 3 was built on a new engine, and it is subtly different to 1 and 2. It's part of why I prefer 1, 2 and CD, though it's not huge, especially when compared to the dogshit we got in later gens.

>> No.975062

How does it not sound like video game music? Explain that one to me. It has melody, it has a beat, it is catchy. It is everything video game music aspires to be.

>> No.975067

>but the idea that there are long segments of running with a few choices and dodging points required is what Sonic is about

Yeah, no. You never played the original Sonic then. That whole "Sonic is all about going fast!" thing is only spouted by people that never played the originals and understood why they were good.

Sonic was never about just speeding through a level. Speed was a reward for memorizing the level, not something intrinsically built into the level design, which is why those roller coaster segments in Sonic 2 are fucking stupid. Sonic is all about good platforming with intricate level design that rewarded those that memorized the levels. If you were good, you could stay on the upper part of the level, and get a better clear time. If you weren't, you'd fall down and end up being slower. That's what made Sonic unique and interesting.

And what the fuck is "video game music" supposed to sound like? There's all kinds of video game music.

Also, go look up what gimmick means, because you're clearly just saying it because retards on /v/ like to use it when they can't come up with a better argument.

>> No.975076

Far be it from me to support a poster who was doing his best impression of a complete retard, but there was at least one gimmicky boss. Namely the in-flight boss of Marble Garden zone. But hardly the standard set by the game.

>> No.975087

Bullshit. You've never played the original Sonic then.

I didn't say the whole thing was like that. But in general, there are SEGMENTS where that is true. Yes, there are segments in 3 like that but they really ARE "hold right to win" segments without ANY choice, obstacles, or anything.

"Video game music" isn't supposed to sound like fucking shitty dance club music, but that's your youth talking there, I'm sure because that's all you listen to these days anyway.

I have looked up what gimmick means. It has a picture of Sonic 3 beside it in the dictionary.

>> No.975094

This guy knows what's up
Go back to your N64 faggot

>> No.975098

>It sounds like club music, not videogame music.
Wow, you're that jealous that Nintendo was NEVER cool enough like SEGA was that Michael Jackson would seek them out to contribute to the OST? Get over it kid maybe he didn't want to be associated with a company whose idea of innovation is a fucking cat suit, christ Lost Worlds will be better than the new Mario.

>> No.975112


Okay, bro.

Now I know you're just pretending to be retarded.

It's okay, you can stop now.

>> No.975124
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>best 4th generation game ever created?

But OP, Sonic 2 isn't Mega Man X.

>> No.975196

>Go back to your N64

Is this the epic new insult like SRS?

>> No.975236

No N64 kids have always been a joke.

>> No.976734

Sonic 2 is my favorite of the originals. But I do think it's the easiest. I think the reason I like it most is because to me, it has the best music and every zone (except Metropolis Zone) is unique and extremely memorable. I'm not saying 3(&K) doesn't have memorable levels, but I do think Sonic 2 has more.

My favorite levels in 3&K are probably Ice Cap Zone, Mushroom Hill Zone, and Sandopolis Zone. Those are most memorable to me (Marble Zone is memorable for being boring, just like Metropolis Zone). But Flying Battery and Lava Reef Zone have some of the best music in the series.

Sonic 3&K have their fair share of "rollercoaster" sections too. I'm not as familiar with these games as Sonic 2, but I recall Hydrocity Zone having a lot of this, and Marble Zone having this, but with random enemies strewn about to annoy you. Mushroom Hill Zone is full of these sections. In Sonic 2, I think there are more of these sections but the only level I can recall with excessive sections like this is Chemical Plant Zone. Maybe Emerald Hill Zone (but like Mushroom Hill, it's the first level so it's kind of expected).

>> No.976859

>Have a hard time beating them.

More like you jst really suck at sonic.

>> No.976880

>So how about it, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 the best 4th generation game ever created?

It's not even the best game on the Genesis.

>> No.976889

is sonic only enjoyable if you learn to sustain speed?

otherwise i just don't find the games fun at all.

>> No.976921

I don't really like the sonic games (I always felt that the speed parts were REALLY fun but you had to know exactly where to jump so you could breeze through a level--otherwise you were punished with a run-of-the-mill platformer), but in general I think 3 was somewhat more interesting, or it *felt* like it was an improvement over the first two. Maybe it was the engine?

I can't really add much to the discussion,I'm more of a mariofag. But the thread is very interesting.

>> No.976952

You're right. 2Crude Bustas is the best game on the platform, despite being a horrific, botched port.

>> No.977003
File: 114 KB, 306x324, BUSTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2Crude Bustas is the best game on the platform
>despite being a horrific, botched port
Shit's gonna get CRUDE and FAST if I don't hear an apology.

I've lifted more cars than you will in your entire life.

>> No.977021

2 was fun, but doesn't feel finished. also who the hell makes a 2 player mode that only plays through SOME stages?

>> No.977061

I don't understand game impression. I grew up on the NES and I absolutely despise Mario. My favorite games are Doom and Sonic 3, and I didn't even play the original Doom at all as a kid. I just saw glimpses of DOOM2.EXE in my hard drive and played some Chex Quest. Like, the beginning of Level 1 and that's about it. Duke Nukem was the 90s FPS most played in our household. So how did Doom and Sonic grow on me?

>> No.977243

>I still have trouble with S3&K, especially the S&K stages.
Fifteen years later, playing it as of this morning. Just breezed through all the S3 stages in one hour (with all emeralds before the end of Marble Madness). I'll go back to the S&K part later today but it's all fine and dandy so far.

However, some levels are more exploration than speed. I did Ice Cap in less than two minutes each I think but I was close to the limit in Carnival Night or Launch Base.

>> No.977363

sonic 3 isnt as good because you can save your progress. also the stages just simply aren't as good as in sonic 2.

>> No.977874
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>you could stay on the upper part of the level, and get a better clear time.
>mfw Carnival Night act 2 didn't actually have an higher path
>mfw I would always finish that long-ass act in 7 minutes

>> No.980196
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>sonic 3 isnt as good because you can save your progress.
>A game has an extremely convenient (and entirely optional) feature so it's bad
I sincerely hope you were joking.

>> No.980202

The worst part of Sonic 3 is you have to sit through those stupid long ass cut scenes of Red Sonic punking you instead of just going immediately to the next stage.

And the awful awkward gimmick shields that make the controls too annoying.

Tails no longer being silent and having that awful tinny fart "Thop thop thop thop" noise non stop.

The awful soundchip in general ruining all the music.

Carnival Night doesn't have a clever and unique song, it's just circus music.

Sonic 2 is the superior game always.

>> No.980238

Sonic 3C fixed a lot of this, actually. You can skip the opening cutscene and switch Carnival Night's music out, in addition to a lot of other nice benefits. I used to play S3&K a lot, but now I can't get enough of it.

>> No.980247


>long ass cutscene
>10 seconds or less

>> No.980264
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>Sonic 2 > Sonic 1 > Sonic 3
This guy knows what's up.

>> No.980282
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>I think the reason I like it most is because to me, it has the best music and every zone (except Metropolis Zone) is unique and extremely memorable. I'm not saying 3(&K) doesn't have memorable levels, but I do think Sonic 2 has more.

>Sonic 2 > Sonic 1 > Sonic 3.

>> No.980314

Fuck off N64 kid, Genesis had way better music than the reverb, hollow, midi sounding SNES.

>> No.982395

Cutscenes are like maybe a couple seconds.

Gimmick shields are fine, how the fuck are the controls annoying?

Tails didn't have a tinny fart noise. Source: me playing the game like ten minutes ago.

I agree that Sonic 2 had better music, but that's mainly due to Jackson & Co's unfamiliarity with the soundchip. Drossin did good work with the S&K portion of the soundtrack, but Nakamura's music on S1 and S2 was better.

>> No.982435

>but that's mainly due to Jackson & Co's unfamiliarity with the soundchip. Drossin did good work with the S&K portion of the soundtrack

No westerner arranged the music in Sonic 3. That was all Jun Senoue, Tetsuyuki Maeda, Masaru Setsumaru, Tomonori Sawada, Masayuki Nagao, and Sachio Ogawa. The one exception is Sonic & Knuckles' title theme, which Drossin did indeed compose and arrange, but that's it. The only songs he actually composed were that, Knuckles' S&K theme, the new 1-up jingle, and the ending theme. Basically any new song that popped up in S&K that was not already in Sonic 3's ROM was his, but nothing else.

Drossin was not on the project until S&K was being produced, and all of the S&K level and boss music had long since been completed before that point (This is also why Drossin is the sole music credit in Sonic & Knuckles, since technically all the music unique to that game and not Sonic 3 -is- his)

Sonic 3's music is a very confusing ordeal. Jackson's involvement and contract problems make it nigh impossible to tell who composed and arranged specific songs and Sega will likely never be able to release the information.


Interesting read if you're curious.

>> No.982867 [DELETED] 
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Anyone have the ms paint rendition of pic related?