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File: 40 KB, 316x224, stuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9726949 No.9726949 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get past this part? I've been stuck for an hour now.

>> No.9726953

By drinking bleach.

>> No.9726957

You can't. Sonic & Knuckles was hastily put together to include a character that could climb the wall and finally let the player continue.

>> No.9726975

by watching a youtube video

>> No.9726983

You have to press up and down

>> No.9727000

why do you faggots have such a low iq

>> No.9727003

keep jumping, eventually you'll get it

>> No.9727091


>> No.9727095

OP, turn the game console off right now.

>> No.9727137

I guarantee I make more money than you do

>> No.9727165
File: 321 KB, 638x1631, Twitch (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money doesn't correlate to IQ my man

>> No.9727180

Use Tails

>> No.9727279

Press up and down, with a rhythm like you're on a swingset.

>> No.9727327

Hold up and down, sonics jumps and physics do not influence the barrel enough to clear the gap

This part filters anyone that actually has an IQ because if you use evidence to make your decisions you'll be endlessly jumping on it

>> No.9727335

and move it all around
Shake your head to the sound
Put your hand on the ground
Take one step left and one step right
One to the front and one to the side
Clap your hand once and clap your hands twice
And if it looks like this then you're doing it right
A little bit of Monica in my life
A little bit of Erica by my side
A little bit of Rita's all I need
A little bit of Tina's what I see
A little bit of Sandra in the sun
A little bit of Mary all night long
A little bit of Jessica, here I am
A little bit of you makes me your man (ah)

>> No.9727450

>look mah! i got muh shitpost on teh 4chin

>> No.9727982

You've hit the end of the game. Now turn around and go backwards all the way to the beginning.

>> No.9727989
File: 49 KB, 749x199, NewCanvas4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9727990


>> No.9727995

After seeing so many other retarded forced memes. It's kinda refreshing to see this one come back.

>> No.9728057


>> No.9728061

Use knuckle

>> No.9728065

>wordsoup armchair intellectualism complete with black and white cigarette man
NPCs exist and the dude that wrote that is one of them

>> No.9728069

Yeah your mom pays me well

>> No.9728074

I have two dads

>> No.9728082

No, I wrote that. That's Barney.
You're a brain parasite and an oxygen thief.
Now go die of something you wouldn't want anyone hearing about.

>> No.9728096 [DELETED] 

retarded cope
you are an npc

>> No.9728115

We got replies like this in the thread where that post was made.
You're not doing anything new. You lost, pathetic mongolian.

>> No.9728289

>i'm actually too smart to beat this
Major cope. You used the D-pad to control objects in Metropolis Zone and Marble Garden Zone.

>> No.9728292
File: 64 KB, 1366x238, NewCanvas8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how he has his vocabulary that he never strays too far away from.
Again, we covered this in that past thread.

>> No.9728297
File: 911 KB, 1024x857, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to intelligent to solve a sonic puzzle
>tfw to intelligent to not screencap my own posts

>> No.9728302
File: 151 KB, 418x418, 1577839084104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic's move set is literally just move, jump, and duck
>all achieved using one button (A, B, C) + dpad
>jumping and ducking do nothing to the platform
>trial and error fidgeting with buttons that aren't start aka pause
>eventually notice moving the dpad gets the barrel to move more
>all achieved in a minute or two at most
It's a stupidly designed puzzle but if you actually stopped playing the game at this point you're just impatient and gay

>> No.9728397

>Marble Garden Zone.
the tops go flying away when you jump on them so you immediately figure out you aren't supposed to do that. same with the pulley's in mushroom hill. If the barrel kicked you off when you jumped on them you'd be totally right, but they don't, they move up and down which is what you want them to do, move vertically.

>jumping and ducking do nothing to the platform
why are you lying? Jumping clearly makes the platform bounce up and down, very nearly to the point that you could clear the obstacle. That is also how every other barrel in the level has worked up until this point.

>> No.9728409

i got stuck at that part too
thinking that makes me or anyone else smart is retarded
and nothing about my post was aggressive, if you think that's aggressive you are a tad sensitive

>> No.9728416

also, wait, you fucking dumbass, you don't use the dpad to control the tops in marble garden. You run on them using sonic's physics, you don't just hit up and down and left and right to move it, you make sonic run on the top faster to make it ascend and make him slow down to make it drop. same thing with the screws in metropolis zone. sorry, i didn't catch how much of a dipshit you were being when i initially read this post.

>> No.9728420

>thinking that makes me or anyone else smart is retarded
only a retard would start randomly hitting buttons, everyone else would try and solve it using sonic's physics. it's a retarded solution, so the only people that would do it instead of something logical is a retard

>> No.9728485

maybe a truly intelligent person would be able to consider solutions both inside and outside the box simultaneously?
but truly intelligent people also probably wouldn't be arguing about sonic the hedgehog 3 on a philopino computer forum

>> No.9728518

>thinking that makes me or anyone else smart is retarded
I didn't say smart.

>> No.9728524

>maybe a truly intelligent person would be able to consider solutions both inside and outside the box simultaneously?
No no. Cut the shit.

>> No.9728926

You have to wedge the controller up your ass

>> No.9728931

legendary post

>> No.9728935

By pressing up and down to move the barrel. How fucking retarded are you.

>> No.9728950

Yeah everyone knows hedgehogs have psionic powers to move barrels with their minds.

>> No.9729149

>Yeah everyone knows hedgehogs live in daddys tv

>> No.9729150

>>jumping and ducking do nothing to the platform
another retard

>> No.9730046

Exactly. This should be used in schools to separate retards who're there for daycare from kids with actual intellectual potential.

I would be OK with euthanasia for those who fail the test.

>> No.9730395

>get to barrel
>the ones from before react to Sonic jumping on it
>so does this one
>behaves like a trampoline
>repeated time jumps make it go lower
>after a few jumps it gets just low enough to see the exit, so you think your timing is just a hair off
They should've made jumping have no effect on the barrel, or make the exit higher so you can do it through timed jumps

>> No.9730492

filtered as always

>> No.9730495


>> No.9730552

You're losing.

>> No.9730559

Timestamp doesn't work.
Also, it's completely negated by a video he made later. :^)

>> No.9730560

it's the only platform that works that way, all of the other ones like the tops in marble garden or the screws in metropolis work off of sonic's physics

>> No.9730564

I got passed this when I was 6. How retarded do you have to be to get filtered by Sonic the fucking Hedgehog.

>> No.9730567

no u

>> No.9730569

lmao you were retarded enough to clear the barrel

only retards don't get tripped up on the barrel

>> No.9730571

The up and down button each have their own function in the game and you never thought to try them?

>> No.9730573

what makes you think looking up and crouching would manipulate the barrel?

>> No.9730578

No no. You.

>> No.9730584

It has nothing to do with intelligence. It's if he lacks a personality. The thing inside a person that prevents them from becoming someone else at any given moment.

>> No.9730590

Up never does anything but let you look up after X amount of seconds. Unless you're Knuckles.

>> No.9730593

It has everything to do with intelligence. If you've played the game up until that point, you would understand that using sonic's physics to fuck with the level gimmicks is how every level up until that point worked. only a moron would recognize the barrel as a totally foreign object and randomly begin hitting buttons. everyone that is capable of paying attention to the game would assume it works as all the preceding zones.

>> No.9730596

No you're conceding too much ground.
"If I'm smart I must not be an NPC"
Being an NPC is way worse than being merely dumb.

>> No.9730602
File: 6 KB, 320x224, F9B659BA-3501-4A4E-87BA-34AAA43B8AA8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, you have to crouch if you want to spin dash. Spin dash is one of Sonic's basic moves and it manipulates some objects in the game, including pic related in the zone before this one. So naturally, you're probably going to try and spin dash on it if you're not retarded. If you press down to spin dash then you will notice that it manipulates the barrel. And in that case, you're also going to try and press up to see if it also manipulates the barrel.

Alternatively, you might use the up or down button to try and get a better look around (as that's their main function) and realize that it manipulates the barrel.

I can forgive you for not trying to look around, but if you didn't even try to spin dash on it then you literally are retarded.

>> No.9730604

>Up never does anything except for the thing that it does.
Wow, what a genius you are. Your mom should print that comment and hang it in the refrigerator.

>> No.9730608

>Spin dash is one of Sonic's basic moves and it manipulates some objects in the game, including pic related in the zone before this one

Because that's a wheel. you can spin a wheel. are you attempting to spin the barrel? No, of course not. You're attempting to move it up and down. Why would you attempt to spin dash on the barrel?

Also, you've actually been jumping off those barrels the entire level; you would know by then that the barrel locks you in and rotates you so you don't have standard control of your character. why on earth would you think you can crouch? You are in a state where sonic cannot look up, cannot look down, cannot move left and right. Only jump. Why on earth would you think you can spindash?

No friend, it is you who is the retard, thinking that it would even be possible to spindash on that barrel. You would have had to have forgotten how those barrels lock sonic in place after spending a whole zone using them, and that's the mark of a total tard.

>> No.9730615
File: 391 KB, 900x670, 3S_Dudley_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't call me a liar though, huh.

>> No.9730619

evergreen post

>> No.9730628

Hated this as a kid
Iirc hold b and press down

>> No.9730630
File: 34 KB, 480x360, 73C8678D-FDF1-4B7B-B16B-5A9C0CD59151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because that's a wheel
And how did you know that Sonic's moves could manipulate it and open a path to move forward? It's no different than a barrel.
>you can spin a wheel. are you attempting to spin the barrel?
They literally spin on their own. Have you even played the fucking game?
>why on earth would you think you can crouch?
Because when you get stuck in a video game and can't proceed, the natural thing to do is to try all of your movesets.
>You are in a state where sonic cannot look up, cannot look down, cannot move left and right. Only jump
The only way you would know that is by trying all of those things, which you clearly never did since you got stuck.
>after spending a whole zone using them
After spending a whole zone using them you should have figured out how they work, retard.

>> No.9730638

>And how did you know that Sonic's moves could manipulate it and open a path to move forward? It's no different than a barrel.
Because jumping on it provokes no response, opposite of the barrel. See?
>They literally spin on their own. Have you even played the fucking game?
So why are you telling me you tried to spin something that's already spinning, dingus? To tell me you're a retard?
>Because when you get stuck in a video game and can't proceed, the natural thing to do is to try all of your movesets.
You do not have access to your moveset in that state, aside from, of course, jumping. You would know that if you had jumped on any of the barrels in the zone.
>The only way you would know that is by trying all of those things, which you clearly never did since you got stuck.
Again, your moveset is locked in that state. Trying your moves when you already know you don't have access to them is something only a retard that's button mashing would do.
>After spending a whole zone using them you should have figured out how they work, retard.
Yes, you would know that you can't do anything but jump while on them, and that jumping moves them up and down. You are then placed in a sitatuation where you need to move the barrel up and down.

>> No.9730646

You knew that jumping on the barrel changes how Sonic controls, and you never thought to press and buttons to see what was changed. The only retard is you.

>> No.9730654

You didn't address my post; I can only consider this a concession on your part.

>You knew that jumping on the barrel changes how Sonic controls, and you never thought to press and buttons to see what was changed. The only retard is you.

It doesn't "change how Sonic controls", that's weasel language. It locks all inputs except for jumping. Jumps manipulate the barrel. The barrel responds to the Sonic's weight as soon as the player steps on the barrel, and the game limits the players actions ONLY to those that can utilize Sonic's weight to manipulate said barrel. If you are unable to draw a throughline between Sonic's weight and the manipulation of the barrel, then sure, you might just hit all of the buttons, but when landing on the barrel gives such a clear demonstration, to do so means that you have rejected the evidence of your eyes and ears and just started trying to do whatever the fuck.

>> No.9730658

Alright anon, whatever you say. Call me a retard all you want. The fact remains that you got filtered by a game that I beat when I was 6, all because your big brain never thought to press any buttons. Do you want a trophy?

>> No.9730661

Not him but yes. You passed through the filter that is only possible to get through if you lack a crucial part of your humanity.

>> No.9730662

No, that's okay, it's satisfying enough that I got this post out of you.

>> No.9730665
File: 23 KB, 240x251, 1411866681715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how fitting this song is for this thread.

>> No.9730676 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 825x612, dumbs_gona_dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9730678

Wow you're so cool anon. You're the mysterious guy who laughs at all.
Damn bro.
What's the path? How I become you? Do I just, lack opinions? Or is there something else?

>> No.9730684

The trick is to stop getting mad, and stop trying to troll people for attention.

>> No.9730686 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 720x720, 1674970212205921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a few people put it that way. The original prime proposition >>9727989 is that you lack a personality of your own. You're just sort of a weird simulacrum. There's a projector running in your noodle that no one is watching. It's auto-pilot based on the way humans OUTSIDE OF YOU act. You're in orbit of humanity but you don't truly have it yourself, see?

>> No.9730692 [DELETED] 

I'm not mad, m'boi
I'm just opening the 'call out' can.
It's not a new call out.

>> No.9730693

hokus pokus jokers ride come take a spin on a carny ride

>> No.9730696

this is the foundation of all barrel clearer argumentation. superiority but being too stupid to explain how. if they had the mental capacity to explain their positions, they would have just gotten stuck on the barrel

>> No.9730702

>press down
that simple

>> No.9730704

explain why you pressed down?

>> No.9730719

Because jumping didn't work

>> No.9730723

>barrel goes up and down
>jumps again but its obviously not the way to do it
>I use my brain
>what if i crouch? can i control the barrel if i crouch?

>> No.9730729

I'm tempted to get my son to play it to prove that pressing up and down is the natural instinct if you're not retarded

>> No.9730779 [DELETED] 

npcs who passed it are still coping. amazing

>> No.9730780 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 761x397, NewCanvas17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off topic?
No, janitor.
The entire goddamn thread is talking about this. Singling me out is artless.

>> No.9730812 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 761x397, NewCanvas17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off topic?
No, janitor.
The entire goddamn thread is talking about this. Singling me out is artless.

>> No.9730845

Based and true. There's no reason to think that your object of control magically transfers to the barrel when you've been controlling Sonic the entire rest of the time. It's illogical and makes no fucking sense. The people who didn't get filtered here don't see playing the games as controlling the character on screen. They see it more like they're moving a Sonic-shaped cursor over the level, and then when they stand on the barrel, the barrel becomes their cursor, so they move that instead.

>> No.9730942

Jumping does "work." You can get by earlier barrels by jumping. And this barrel will get you juuuust barely shy of the gap. The game fools you into thinking that it's a difficulty spike and you have to get the jump cadence right. In fact if you have Tails with you sometimes he can slip into the gap furthering the confusion. The reason people get stuck is because they think jumping is the solution and they just need more practice. So they keep jumping and jumping and just think that the game got fucktardedly hard out of nowhere. Which at the time wasn't that unusual. Sudden difficulty spikes happened all the the time back then.

>> No.9730951

It's really amazing isn't it? The Sonic barrel should be studied by psychologists. It takes a dumber person to not understand why someone was stuck at the barrel than to be the stuck person himself.

>> No.9730962

What you find is that people who solve the barrel never explain it intuitively. They don't say that they picked up on it because of the level layout or any kind of passively absorbed information. They just say "try all the buttons! herp!" In other words they admit that they just mash their way through problems and this happens to be the one singular time that happens to get them to a solution faster than someone who is more attuned to stage design and audiovisual feedback. Getting past the barrel is an admission you have no patience and just bang on the controller like a chimpanzee whenever something gets in your way. Then when they see everyone else was stuck they Dunning Kruger their way to "I'm a genius!" and like a typical moron, can't wait to advertise how brilliant they are to the world.

>> No.9730976

This would be true if pushing down had a dramatic effect but it doesn't. When you jump on the barrel is bounces from the jump. When you press up and down you have to do it quite a bit for it to take noticeable effect, especially since the barrel is likely already in motion after jumping on it. Really all this could have been solved if the barrel didn't respond to being jumped on. That's the confounding problem. Jumping on the barrel gives you instant feedback so it's easy to assume that you should keep doing that. The fundamental problem is that for some cocked up reason Sega decided that there should be TWO ways to meaningfully interact with the thing and make the wrong way the most immediately visible.

>> No.9730989

better yet, they claim to get there because "jumping sonic obviously doesn't work" even though the game makes it 100% look like it does. they solved the problem by retarded button mashing and then try to justify it after the fact by saying they were thinking out of the box.

>> No.9731047 [DELETED] 


>> No.9731050

sure retard

>> No.9731102


>> No.9731109

im so smart i always post in the same sonic bait thread and tell everyone how dumb they are for not having my point of view

>> No.9731190
File: 32 KB, 253x310, 1619668596698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, imagine beating a children's game as a child being the highlight of your existence such that you come screaming into Kazakhstani kleptomaniac support groups and write novels explaining how intelligent that makes you

>> No.9731193

Why would crouching in a physics based game impart control over the giant barrel where jumping isn't enough to pass?

>> No.9731421
