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/vr/ - Retro Games

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972213 No.972213 [Reply] [Original]

I just got a Mega Drice with one game, Sonic the Hedgehog 2. And while I have to say, the GO2GO FAST sequences are plenty of fun (albeit a little "press right to win"), the platforming is mostly waiting for platforms to move, with the jumping control being a little awkward. When landing, Sonic is sliding more than Luigi, either that or I am doing something wrong.
Other than that the game, is, well, okay. Finding secrets in the pretty complex levels is fun. But based on what I played here (and some mediocre Sonic on the GBA), I don't really get how this series got such a huge following. Because it was exclusive back then? Or is it simply not for me? Not saying it is bad, it is just... eh.

Also, Mega Drive/Genesis thread. On my way to a 4th-gen-idort, give me some ideas of games I should get. Already getting Ecco the Dolphin.

>> No.972249

Man, /vr/ really is too slow

>> No.972265

>sonic is slidy
yo that nigga be going at like 300mph, you expect him to stop on a dime
This is high speed platforming, aint no fat plumbers taking a leisurely stroll through a happy go lucky paradise that features a few mean turtles. Sonic is semi-post apocalyptic, goddamn former friends have been turned into robots and trying to kill you! They done stroggified them. Sonic is about speed, has a well fleshed out environment with a soundtrack that knew how to work within genesis perimeters. Its about level memorization as well, a good player can basically "hold right to win" by taking the top routes and avoiding obstacles, if you fuck up you usually fall down into the slower, obstacle driven platforming. Its not for everyone I guess

>> No.972268

also /vr/ is kinda slow but your post also reeks of new age kiddie/bait

>> No.972285

>yo that nigga be going at like 300mph, you expect him to stop on a dime
I don't mean when running, I mean when jumping. The platforming is not really top notch.
You also often wait for platforms to move, rather than moving yourself. I think that contradicts the whole concept a little.

Yeah, soundtrack is awesome. And the level design is mostly well thought-out. But the slower platforming is what bugs me.


>> No.972342
File: 2.10 MB, 320x240, Jump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When landing, Sonic is sliding more than Luigi, either that or I am doing something wrong.

It sounds to me like you're trying to play Sonic like a Mario game when they control entirely differently. Sonic carries momentum when he jumps, unlike Mario. It's basically a physics engine before physics engines were a thing in video games.

Things like hills are taken into account. Sonic will go further the steeper the slope is.

Plus it's not like you can't stop on a dime anyway when you land, as shown here. The first sequence shows when you hold the opposite direction upon landing, the second sequence shows if you simply let go of the d-pad the moment you land on the ground.

>> No.972412

There's still a small slide, atleast bigger than what you get when landing in Mario.

I understand the acceleration aspect, and I quite like it. But sometimes it kinda contradicts itself (as a gamedesign decision) when you need more precise jumps.

>> No.972473

I just have a small correction:

Sonic can stop on a dead point, but it's very difficult to achieve and cannot be done when he is jumping across a maximum horizontal distance because it requires the mid-air breaking effect to stop Sonic on a point. The Sonic VR hack is an excellent game that capitalises on the best aspects of Sonic's gameplay

Retro Sonic was not a simple platforming game, it was a momentum-based platformer. Stopping and waiting for platforms happens when you have not built up enough momentum to skip onwards.

>> No.972545

How much is a sega genesis worth? I seen one for sale today for 18$ and it sounded like a good price but wasn't sure

>> No.972549
File: 53 KB, 212x218, 1371684475380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah got Mega Drive and Sanic 2
>blah blah first time
>blah blah blah this is not Mario
>blah blah Sonic sliding
>Sonic 2

What the hell are you doing that you didn't start a thread with "fuck, THAT PIT blah blah blah"? You are playing this wrong.

>> No.972556

>Sonic carries momentum when he jumps, unlike Mario.
Have you somehow never played a Mario game?

>> No.972575

Yes. Have you? Mario's very scripted. He slides when jumping, but only a certain amount depending on what you were doing. The game basically asks "Was the player holding the run button" "Was Mario sprinting (For 3 and World)" and then he'll always slide the precise amount he usually does. Try jumping onto a hill in Mario World and see what happens; the exact same thing that would happen if you were just standing there in the first place.

>> No.972640

Usually $10 to $15 tops. Sega shit is really in low demand in my area though. Which is nice it's made it easy to get a lot of really good games.

>> No.972659

That's why I asked. Good to see there is more depth to it, I will give it another go.

>> No.972673

Looking forward to it. Any other must-have exclusives on the Mega Drive?

>> No.972670
File: 7 KB, 480x360, Welcome to the Machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ecco the Dolphin WILL frustrate you. But that's half the fun.

>> No.972681

Tons. If you only kind of like Sonic, you should definitely check out Ristar. By all rights it's the better game, but goes largely unnoticed because it came out when the Genesis was dying. Made by the same team, but I think it's much more fun.

>> No.972698

On my list. What else is there? Most multi plats I already own on SNES, though I heard Probotector is better on Mega Drive, and Aladdin is heavily different.

>> No.972709

ristar, shinobi, strider, both eccos, comix zone, gunstar heroes, alien soldier, wonderboy in monster world, thunderforce 3, toejam and earl, mega turrican, golden axe, xmen 2

>> No.972717


You mother furker, you have some of the greatest platforming games in there. YOU MUST PLAY THESE, Dynamite Headdy, Rocket Knight Adventures, Ristar, Gunstar Heroes, Castlevania New Generation/Bloodlines, that Macdonalds game(is good and weird as fuck), Toy Story (not exclusive but seemed the best version), Revenge of Shinobi and Shinobi III.

Other games series, Street of Rage, Phantasy Star, Shining Force, Golden Axe , Ecco, Vectorman. Disney games are also good, plus hang on, outrun and more games I cannot remember

>> No.972716

Both games you mentioned are entirely different. Probotector on SNES is Contra 3 and on the Genesis it is Contra Hard Corps. Hard Corps is a boss rush game but if you like the one on Super Nintendo you'll still really like Hard Corps. I think it's the best in the series.

Aladdin on the Genesis was made by Virgin, who in essence were Shiny before they formed their own company. It plays exactly like Earthworm Jim (Which uses the same engine as Aladdin) so if you don't mind the awkward style of platforming EWJ has then you'll really enjoy Aladdin.

>> No.972749

The Adventures of Batman and Robin is hard as nails, and great for co-op. Also has one of the best soundtracks on the genesis.

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine is my favorite puzzle game. It's easy to learn, but when you start figuring out how to play offensively things get really interesting.

Landstalker is basically Sega's Zelda game. It has a weird isometric view that can be frustrating sometimes, but it's also what makes the game unique.

Dinosaurs for Hire = Contra...with Dinosaurs as the playable characters.

M.U.S.H.A is pretty spendy these days, but it's one of my favorite shmups. If you can't get that, then settle with the Thunder Force games or Truxton.

Comix Zone is an awesome beat 'em up with a cool comic book look.

Just thought I'd throw a few out there people here don't normally mention.

>> No.972754

> Any other must-have exclusives on the Mega Drive?

only like a gorillion, at least if you like schmups and action games

-Thunder Force III
-Thunder Force IV
-Eliminate Down
-Aero Blasters
-Bio Hazard Battle
-Gley Lancer
-GRIND Stormer

-Contra Hard Corps
-Alien Soldier
-Gunstar Heroes
-Castlevania: Bloodlines
-Streets of Rage 2
-Mega Turrican
-Shinobi 3
-Ranger X
-Comix Zone

-Dynamite Headdy
-Sanic 1/2/3/Knuckles

-Devil's Crush (exclusive?)

-Road Rash (has anybody played the sequels? are those better?)

-Phantasy Star IV
-Shining Force
-Shining Force II

-Toejam and Earl

>> No.972767

Road Rash sequels are pretty much the same game. I know the 2nd one adds a couple weapons, and the 3rd has some pretty funny post-race cutscenes.

>> No.972770

Thanks for the recommendations. That's one long word document.

Oh, right, that was entirely different Contra.

And EWJ is okay (have the DC version on Virtual Console on the Wii). A little awkward, yes, but it worked. I liked the focus on platforming of the SNES-Aladdin, but I suppose with EWJ gameplay a more combat-heavy game only makes sense.

>> No.972784


>Clearly from Europe
>Dealing with shitty refresh rates so music and gameplay is like wading through molasses

ugh i feel bad for you europeans

>> No.972818

seriously, what's the point of shitposting you little turd

>> No.972819

most mod pal mega drives to play 60hz

>> No.972829

We all modded our megadrives to play 60hz years ago. I don't know anyone with a megadrive that runs 50hz only these days

>> No.972828

Yeah this. I also played one for the psx it was fun as always.

Who cares, we were kids we wouldn't notice a thing. I actually enjoy more the drowning music of european Sanic than umerika. I always imagined you needing to take a shit and running towards the bathroom everytime I hear it.

>> No.972864

Or just imported a Genesis.

>> No.972881

OP here. I think mine is not modded, though I'll have to repair it anyway, has a slight bad contact. Can I just do the modding myself? Or is it more difficult than that? Any guides?

>> No.972961
File: 66 KB, 195x182, 1371592190060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have a Mega Game II that is a Mega Drive free-region that it seems it was only available on my country

Licensed by Sega btw.

>> No.973020

Well it was the only sega genesis they had.

They had a portable version that you could play genesis games on and they had the balls to try and sell it for 150$

>> No.974153


>> No.974226

Ain't that a BR clone?
Most of those are non compatible with the sega CD tho.

>> No.974230

It's an easy DIY mod, there are a thousand videos on youtube about it.

>> No.974401

OP should try Sonic 1 instead; it has more real platforming in it and is a better-designed game in a number of ways. However, if the physics of Sonic don't appeal to you then you'll probably never be a Sonic fan; for me, Sonic's fluid physics made everything else I played as a kid feel kind of bland and clunky in comparison. It's a tradeoff between physics that are good for a more precise game like Mario or a more loosely-spaced, freely-flowing game where the screen freely scrolls in 360 degrees at all times, the player can clear entire screen widths in a single motion, and where the player is intended to traverse vertical space almost as easily as horizontal space. Sonic was designed to appeal to the player at a visceral level above all else, and it plays to this with quick fluid motion, huge spacious levels, and a driven sense of pacing expressed through the game's overall progression, down to details like the little "kick" the game gives you with the intro bars of the background music as the title card flies onscreen before the level begins.

Mario may add up to more over the course of the game, but it doesn't hit as hard as Sonic does in a single moment. While Mario games are designed to give the player as much as possible over the course of the game, Sonic was designed to pack as much as possible into the momentary experience of playing it, so that you can feel in an instant that what you're playing is something exciting and different from everything that came before. I think that approach was key to Sonic's instant massive appeal and acceptance as a mascot to rival Mario. If they had made just another Mario clone, no one would give a shit today.

>> No.974416

>If they had made just another Mario clone, no one would give a shit today.
You mean, like Crash?