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9720603 No.9720603 [Reply] [Original]

By all accounts, the newer games should be better. But something about the original is just undeniably more fun than even WW manages to be. What is it?

>> No.9720610

The YMO inspired soundtrack, the rude animals, the NES games, the grid map.

>> No.9720642
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Half of the fun is just talking to the other villagers and they lobotomized them in the newer games.

>> No.9720648

It's the early Simpsons vs the Simpsons now. Instead of furthering the series or letting it go, they boiled it down to a blander formula.

>> No.9720650

The sequels were made for handhelds so were watered down without adding that much. NL sort of shakes it up but it has its issues and letting you terraform changes the goals and experience into something different. They also targeted women harder starting with NL so the quirkiness was toned down.

>> No.9720654

Do you mean NH? I didn't think you could terraform in NL.

>> No.9720660

yeah the first mention should be NH, my bad.

>> No.9720665

I definitely think that post-Wild World was when they realized they were gaining a large female following, and New Leaf was when they started pivoting towards catering to them. New Horizons, however, is so different I can't even believe it's the same series. It changes the game completely from being some stressless break from "real games" to being some weird chore-filled autistic customization mess.

>> No.9720671

How do I make my head bigger? If what your image suggests is true I need to know more.

>> No.9720673

My favorite sub game of the original was fucking with the internal clock and time traveling backwards and forwards and seeing what kinds of fuckery that caused in my village. Can you still do that in the newer games?

>> No.9720692

Cheaters never win, anon.

>> No.9720697

How can you even cheat by doing that? I discovered it when i was trying to cheat to see if I could go back to a holiday event i missed and when I did, a bunch of my villagers were missing which is when i knew I fucked up, so then i just went to the maximum allowed date and everything was covered and weeds with a bunch of fucks living there I never even knew.

>> No.9720701

>How can you even cheat by doing that?
>i was trying to cheat to see if I could go back to a holiday event i missed

>> No.9720726

Yes, i tried to cheat, but was unsuccessful, so how can I use it to cheat if it just fucks up my village?

>> No.9720729

People who time traveled in animal crossing grew up to be politicians and ceos

>> No.9720734

You failed because you were stupid. Do you really think your pathetic little excuse for a village wouldn't be affected by the course of time? You probably went one year into the future instead of going back a few days.

>> No.9720735
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>> No.9720738

How long till there's either a mod or some clone game where the villager chat is rigged up using chat AI stuff?

>> No.9720745

Probably, thats what I assumed at the time so I just said fuck it and then started jumping all around across time. Can you actually change the clock so it literally will go back to a date you already played without effecting anything?

>> No.9720756

>Can you actually change the clock so it literally will go back to a date you already played without effecting anything?
Yes. I can't remember if anything is actually affected, though.

>> No.9720863

Lack of focus on alternative play
lack of soul in ui sounds, bubble noises, boopy cursor bops, snappier menus, slickness in general to things like indoor camera and a rock solid n64 framerate why didn't they do this to oot

>> No.9720941

It has the best music and most unique, off-beat atmosphere.
But New Leaf is the fullest AC experience imo and Wild World has the best dialogue, villager personalities and the relationship mechanics seems most deep there. Basically the villagers feel most alive in Wild World.

>> No.9720968

the focus of the first game is "living in a village that feels alive even when you aren't playing"

the focus of every one after that is virtual dollhouse. this is reflected not just in the writing but mechanically. The fact that there was tons of missable stuff and unique events, the fact that the villagers were not there solely to please you (and sometimes just flat out annoy you like when they are mean to you or take shit from your inventory or repaint your roof without your consent), that there were npcs that you could just never see, that so much of the content is locked entirely behind putting your memory card in another person's game console, all of these things stand in the way of virtual dollhouse. the dollhouse being alive and rearranging itself without your permission defeats the purpose if you just want to make a beautiful little diorama. So the game became something that accommodated you, rather than became something that asked you to accommodate it. And when something would prefer that you speak in its place, that it is better silent than risking offense, that is when it loses its soul.

I mean, I started a village a month ago at 11:30 at night, and when nook made me introduce myself my first impressions of the villagers were all of them being pissed off at me for fucking up their beauty sleep. one even went AAAH A STRANGER because i spooked her in the woods in the middle of the night. The game didn't give a fuck about me fucking up my first impressions of these characters, because it didn't want me to feel like i was special. it didn't want to give me a storybook introduction that coddled my feelings, it made me feel like a jerk! and that's great. because its highest priority wasn't preventing me from quitting, it was introducing these characters in a believable and humorous way. Shit was just different back then.

>> No.9721256

I like New Horizons. Sure the edginess is gone but it doesn't really fit the setting anyway.

>> No.9721379

I know City Folk was essentially just a rehash of Wild World, but I never played the latter and I got bored of the former for whatever reason, so I barely remember how it was in terms of what you talk about. Were the villagers already lobotomized in CF?

>> No.9721383

I disagree. I think Wild World and New Leaf are the best games in the series, this is the type of game that makes the most sense on a handheld.
WW > NL > GC > CF
Never played the new one on the switch.

>> No.9721385

>What is it?
It's the grid system. Way easier to navigate around and plan your city in the original game.

>> No.9721392

Old ones are immersive life sims and new ones are collectathons and decoration games for girls. All I did in old games is just chill. I collected a bit and decorated a bit but mostly I just chilled with the villagers

>> No.9721568

is local chat ai stuff even good enough to talk already?

>> No.9721789

When exactly did this happen? wii or 3ds?

>> No.9721795
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> By all accounts, the newer games should be better
the fuck dude, no, they are handholding, nerfed, half finished, microtransaction infested piles of absolute garbage fire

>> No.9721803

Never played this series but I'm fed up not understanding why everyone is praising it despite it looking like some boring girly shit.
Which one should I play? Looking at this thread not the most recent ones, I guess.
Did the game keep getting worse with each iteration or it peaked somewhere in the middle?
Or is the last one actually the best entry and it's just a case of "now it's popular so I don't like it"?

>> No.9721830

It is boring girly shit

>> No.9721864

Just play the GameCube version and enjoy. Then later come back to the most recent one and you'll immediately understand. Women didn't play gamecube so much and everybody loved this game. It's just a good game

>> No.9721879

Frankly, if you haven't felt interested enough in these games to play one of them yet I doubt I can really sell you on them. They're not exactly the most engaging kinds of games to play alone as an adult.
>Did the game keep getting worse with each iteration or it peaked somewhere in the middle?
I wouldn't really say the series is in the shitter, but I did like the 3DS game more than the latest one. The villagers in the latest game have much less to say than they did in the previous games and have an annoying habit of repeating themselves too often whenever there's some sort of holiday going on in town. They also didn't seem to ask me for as many favors or schedule as many playdates with me. The villagers in the latest game just have a lot less personality in general compared to the older games, unfortunately. They're still charming, but they have less to say and are never very rude to you.

>> No.9721932

Play Animal Crossing for the Gamecube. Don't look at it like a game, think of it as something you'd play for 10-20 minutes before booting up a "real game". It's fun when you have a habit of playing it daily, not when you obsess over "beating" it.

>> No.9721934

Does WW/NL have lobotomized villagers?

>> No.9722009

That's why WW is the best one, this pick up and play for 10 minutes style is a perfect fit for a portable game not a home console one

>> No.9722053

Wild World is pretty much the same as GC, just a portable version, villagers with lots of sass and it's easy to piss them off. Also probably the most character depth in the series as there's lots of mini-events where you can learn more about townsfolk, like running into them in the coffee bar, so you really have to pay attention to your schedule. I first noticed the lobotimization leaking in with City Folk and it's gotten worse with each game.

>> No.9722054

Reading comprehension isn’t quite your forté, is it, sport?

>> No.9722105

Hmm, maybe that's why I got bored of City Folk. It felt soulless already at that point. Also, retarded loading times that didn't fully go away even with loading from a hard drive.

>> No.9722150

Pop > Wild > Leaf > City > Horizons

>> No.9722240


>> No.9722280

Except WW is also like that, stop lumping WW with the later titles

>> No.9722289

the original is my favorite. i go back to it the most, but new horizons is the best in the series since wild world.
gc > nh ≥ ww > POWER GAP > cf > nl. i trust nobody who claims to enjoy new leaf or city folk over new horizons, and im usually the one to hate post-iwata nintendo games. new horizons had balls while city folk and new leaf were too pussy to change the formula so they felt stale. now that the community is gone, those games are worthless, ugly, and embarrassing entries for the series.
i will admit i have nostalgia for the awesome city folk community, but it is long gone and im able to separate that from the bland game. new leaf community turned to cancer by the time welcome amiibo came out, and the game encouraged it. i dont want to see a single one of you bitches defending a game with "club lol" and re-tail
a lot of words from someone who didnt play wild world

>> No.9722306

why doesn't AC have a modding scene? I want to play the GC one with WW & NL content & QoL.

>> No.9722318

>I want to play the GC one with WW & NL content & QoL.
Learn japanese and play E+ :^)

>> No.9722375

Wii, probably. There was a slow decline. I could be completely mistaken, but I swear that even in the original, there was some hidden friendship meter. In the DS one, at some point, the animals would give you a portrait of themselves if you were friends enough. In the Wii port, they somehow gimped this in a way I don't remember. The DS one was far from ideal but there was just something about the Wii one where they managed to fuck some shit up further
3DS added town decorations and Switch finally added full island customizability and it's still somehow not enough anymore. Game needs a major revamp, it will never be like the original ever again. Original had a perfect OST and the NES games too. Grid map was comfier

>> No.9722396

Isnt that just the US gc version re released in japan?

>> No.9722401

NTA but no. That's +, not e+
e+ has some unique features like a few town decorations, being able to wake up tom nook at night and a few other things I forget now

>> No.9722495

I can't believe the e+ version hasn't been translated to English.

>> No.9722519

According to some animal crossing wiki I came across to be sure I wasn't bullshitting, they said the game was retranslated in Japanese? That can't be right
"the American version, Animal Crossing, had much more content than the Japanese version. Nintendo of Japan was so impressed with the results of the translation done by Nintendo of America's Treehouse division that they translated Nintendo of America's version back into Japanese and released it as Animal Forest e+"
If it's true. Hell, even if it wasn't. Does e+ has the same dialogue? Couldn't you just mostly port the same dialogue and work on what's left?

>> No.9722549

It is true, the original Japanese version supposedly didn't have the charm of the translated English version and so they retranslated the localization back to Japanese. Which is why it's doubly surprising that the e+ version doesn't have a translation, in theory most of the dialogue should be identical.

>> No.9722556

NES games

>> No.9722560
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to add, the original Japanese release of Animal Crossing was on the N64.

>> No.9722567

It's actually true? Huh, crazy

>> No.9722873

I don't mind the dialogue in the later games (seriously the way some people talk about GC you'd think they have some kind of insult fetish) but they definitely fucked up in NH. The dialogue was way too static, I don't think I remember exactly how it went but every day talking to villagers basically always followed this loop of
>commenting on what you did yesterday (which seemed to have a really, REALLY strong preference for digging up fossils if you got all 4)
>personality specific random dialogue, of which there were not many
>villager finally starts doing shit like offering tasks or commenting on nearby decorations (which was actually a nice addition)
>and then the villager gets annoyed and starts "thinking" because you spoke to them too much
Like it quickly got to a point where I didn't even want to talk to them anymore because you have to talk to them like 4 times back to back just to get them to actually say something interesting instead of the same dialogue you consistently saw every single day.

Honestly don't even care if they changed this in updates (as if nutendo would ever actually fix something that doesn't work) I'm sick of modern games just releasing in a fucked up state.

>> No.9723081

I recently got NH, and holy shit this setting up the island shit is alright, but I just don't give enough of a fuck, I expected something very very different, and it's just this grind, I haven't played it in like two weeks, may as well just download Wild World, the one I never played but always wanted to.

>> No.9723169

It's absolutely a grind and it's mindnumbing. Everything in it is a grind, there is no soul. You basically have to be a non-gamer with zero knowledge of how games work to enjoy it without feeling like a hamster on a wheel.

>you have to talk to them like 4 times back to back just to get them to actually say something interesting instead of the same dialogue you consistently saw every single day.
Even worse is having two villagers of the same "type". You may as well just pick one and talk exclusively to them because otherwise they will say the exact same shit.

>> No.9723247


>> No.9724293

>Everything in it is a grind, there is no soul.
You know, I didn't wanna feel this way, but it's just so goddamn ridiculous, I see so much love directed to current AC but damn, I don't know if I'll go back to NH, honestly, I'm not much of a fan of the grind.

>> No.9724350

they could do like a limited AI system where each animal responds as a set personality with mannerisms. in gameplay it could be taught in a minor way by the player, reminiscent of the nicknames feature but more pliable. so the devs train the AI to an extent but leave it gated and mostly read-only.

>> No.9724532
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Like SK, they added too much SHIT

>> No.9724716

I haven't revisited CF in 10 years but I think it was more dumbed down.
It also removed the feature where the villagers give you their picture when you become good enough friends with them.

>> No.9724720

>It also removed the feature where the villagers give you their picture when you become good enough friends with them.
Yeah, I remembered right then
I have no idea why the hell they would do that. It was one of the better features of WW

>> No.9724725

I think what I was alluding to in my message is that the game really might not seem like a grind if you didn't play video games regularly. Perhaps it's the fact that we understand and recognize the "gamification" of things due to us having a wider exposure to gaming in general. I'm not sure. I did have a female friend who wasn't really into games that used to play the shit out of Wild World and New Leaf, but she never seemed to get into New Horizons, so maybe I'm just talking out of my ass and non-gamers can recognize the grind as well.

>> No.9724730

the only thing i remember about this game was putting in a bunch of codes to get nook to deliver me a bunch of NES games, filling my basement with them, then literally never going outside again

>> No.9724838
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This >>9720735

>> No.9724853

>(seriously the way some people talk about GC you'd think they have some kind of insult fetish)

insults are just the easiest thing to point out, but it isn't just insults, it's any expression of human behaviour or opinions that is not strictly positive and friendly. the new game is deeply, deathly afraid of having characters with opinions that are not totally subservient to you.

>> No.9725054

This, first Animal crossing has the best sound design from the music to the sound effects, even now is a massive downgrade.
I still play New Horizons though.

>> No.9725063

>microtransaction filled
That's just pocket camp, the rest of the series has no microtransaction shit. You buy the game, that's it.

>> No.9725082

There's just somehow a perfect harmony of music, sound, menu, overall graphics and design in the first one that's just unmatched somehow
I completely forgot about Pocket Camp. Never touched that one. Is it even worth it?
Oh, also never touched Happy Home Designer and the NH DLC

>> No.9725145

You can get some like 3 unique items in ACNH from having pocket camp. Thats about all it's worth.

>> No.9725185 [DELETED] 

is this a reddit post copy pasted?

>> No.9725190

no, it's my opinion after playing this friendship simulator for five year olds for the past twenty years. cope

>> No.9725226
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>greeting a villager in the morning in the GC version
UGH, I hate mornings. *player name*, please just go away until I've had my coffee.
>greeting a villager in the morning in the Switch version
Hi *player name*! It's a good morning, isn't it? All I need now is my morning coffee and I'm ready to go!

>greeting a village at night in the GC version
AHHHH! Oh, it's just you *player name*. You can't just sneak up on someone like that in the middle of the night! What were you thinking?
>greeting a villager at night in the Switch version
Hey, *player name*! Going for a little late-night stroll? I love watching the stars, there are just so many!

The differences are just too obvious. New dialogue is so trash and intentionally bubbly to the point where it feels fake and artificial.

>> No.9725261

>American version has more content than the japanese version
Was this a common thing? The first kingdom hearts was like that too

>> No.9725346

>Sneaking up on people by accident
>Roaming around at night
It felt eery as a kid, I dunno.

>> No.9725580
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It's not as much as they made the animals nicer, it's that they made them one-note. They felt like real people in GC, and now they just spout catchphrases related to one thing over and over

>NH jocks


>> No.9725638

Has anyone actually investigated this claim using Japanese sources? I just looked up e+ on JP Wikipedia and, although I can only read it using MTL, it seems to say the exact opposite. That they specifically did not translate the English version and wrote their own script for the villager's conversations.

>> No.9726252

Yes. Square did it a lot with the Final Fantasy series; starting with 7, the games released outside of Japan a few months later with extra content, such as optional superbosses, and then they'd get re-released in Japan as the International version.

>> No.9726254

I feel like this will get decompiled and then all hell will break loose with multiplayer and mods. By "this" I mean the GameCube version.

>> No.9726398

It's not that deep lmfao

>> No.9726757

Let's hope so.
>Wild World features on the Gamecube port
would be fucking nice.

>> No.9726775

probably because they are on a feedback loop from the crazy people who spent hundreds of hours in the 3ds game farming millions of bells and putting together their favorite villagers through nutso leddit trades.

I don't understand why focusing on women would inherently bring dumbing down of villager relations. Is it because the rude villagers would be directed at them and not a separate party? I ask because women I know enjoy seeing drama shows on TV, and most of that involves characters slighting one another. Maybe this is something I should ask somewhere else however. Can only imagine some /v/ or /r9k/ reject is waiting to pounce on a reply to this.

I feel like the game always had a bit of that, but admittedly I've only played the GC, DS, and 3ds games. what happens in switch that makes it so much worse?

>> No.9726809

did that one dick with the villagers already? it's been nearly 20 years now and I can't remember. Agreed on the format anyway. Remember loving wild world for that go-everywhere design. Fuck the DS was such a good platform.

>> No.9726818

what makes the switch game so good for you anon? I never played city folk but I didn't care for 3ds game much as I went on, villagers didn't act right and the players were nutcases obsessed with buying rainbow shits for a gorillion bells

>> No.9726826

does e+ have retranslated dialog from the English GC game? As I recall the dialogue got a huge injection of flavor from the localizers, one of those cases where people don't seem to mind changing the source material.

>> No.9726828

I played NH a lot during early quarantine times and I don't remember there being a lot of grinding?

>> No.9727109

It has been at least partially translated: https://archive.org/details/compressed-animal-forest-e-english-patch-september-2020-patch-26

Could even implement it so if you have villagers set to randomly like/dislike other villagers they'll react to you differently if you've been helping them more.

Just feels like they've all been lobotomized or blackmailed by Nook to appease the player, hell they can't even leave the island unless they get your permission right?

>> No.9727135

>they can't even leave the island unless they get your permission

>> No.9727143

I don't even talk to the villagers in ACNH, they have nothing to say.

>> No.9727145

We genuinely need to go back to Animal Crossing being a "You've moved into a small rural Japanese town" simulator. Put some restrictions on the player again. Maybe go back to the City Folk model of having all the stuff you WOULDN'T have in a small town be in a near-by city, but you literally have to wait for the train to by at specific hours or call a taxi to take you into town.

>> No.9727230

Would love for something like that again, if I had more patience and time I'd probably try making it myself. A question though, would it be an entirely self-contained game or would the city portion have server hosting capabilities? Not so much hosted solely by the developer, but let players self-host if they desire.

>> No.9727235

Yeah now that I think about it, it feels like a really weird decision to move the player into a deserted island in New Horizons. Everything feels so disconnected. In the original, it felt like you were just a train ride away from other villages. My ideal situation would be a train ride allowing you to travel to two or three different locations. Perhaps you could travel between your small-town city, a cheaply-priced (5k bells) ticket to a decent-sized town (this would have some small specialty stores and things to do), and then an expensive (like 100k bells) ticket to a Shibuya-themed city with a huge amount of fancy stores and things to do, possibly even a multiplayer lobby that others could wander around in. To get around needing to continuously paying 100k to visit, players could rent a hotel room to save their game. This hotel room could be super customizable. That way, you start the game off similar to the old games (and can continue to play like the old games for as long as you want) with the option to go to the big city and have more options for customization.

>> No.9727236

>We genuinely need to go back to Animal Crossing being a "You've moved into a small rural Japanese town" simulator
I've always hated seeing towns online from the DS and up version being completely overrun with textures for roads, etc. It just destroys the atmosphere

>> No.9727265 [DELETED] 

>putting effort into your post means it's 'reddit'

You're why this place is shit by the way

>> No.9727274 [DELETED] 

>giving low effort posts a (You)

>> No.9727326
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What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.9727727


>> No.9727921
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The original AC (and WW) had a really weird vibe that's hard to get across, in a cosy way
I remember as a kid seeing the opening gates animation on WW when you went to another person's town and seeing the winding road outside and thinking that if you could just leave the gate and control it there'd actually be a whole other world out there and you could travel freely.
Being in the rolling log GC world is a recurring dreamscape for me, too.

>> No.9727934

Well the idea was the form natural paths throughout your town, but the grass degradation system in CF was just completely broken. If I remember right it applies damage every time the map is loaded (it's supposed to be once per day or something) and it only regrows if you never walk on it.

It works pretty nicely in NL since it's properly a gradual process and only really occurs where you run repeatedly every day. I honestly kind of missed it when I tried NH because the dirt paths they give you are just kind of ugly and too rigidly follow the floor grid and don't blend between the grass very much.

I don't mind roads or having little dedicated areas for houses and stuff, but I don't get those giga autists that would just reset until each house was in a perfect grid and then they plant their fruit trees and bushes off in another perfect grid. Just feels like you're walking around in city blocks and christmas tree farms.

>> No.9727937

A japanese band

>> No.9728031

>hell they can't even leave the island unless they get your permission right?

This is the one thing regarding villagers that I'm glad NH did. GC Animal Crossing cycled out villagers WAY too much without a damn thing you could do to control it.

>> No.9728036

>This is the one thing regarding villagers that I'm glad NH did
You are the reason these games suck now. You are a villager, not the jailer of your neighbors

>> No.9728054

NH handled move outs pretty poorly in my opinion. Apparently the only thing people care about is villagers not being able to leave on their own, but personally
>villagers never fucking think about leaving anymore when you could expect it about once a week in NL, I played NH daily for like 3 months and got the dialogue once
>random visitors can be invited to move in but they randomly kick out another villager so you get no control over who you keep unless you want to save scum in a game that constantly autosaves
>...unless it's an amiibo visitor in which care you're a premium customer to nintendo and you get the privilege of choosing which villager gets kicked out
>move ins happen automatically any time there's room, so you can never just keep a vacant lot open to look for new villagers at your leisure like you could in NL. If you have 9/10 slots you have 2-3 days to bust your ass spamming nook island visits trying to find someone good otherwise you're gonna get Quilson'd by day 4.

It just felt like a sloppy system that only bothered to address the one thing everyone bitched out the most while fucking up every other aspect.

>> No.9728101

No way in fucking hell am I losing Ribbot for some shitter like Tabby. I literally have not turned on my AC since 2003 for that reason alone.

>> No.9728103

That's the game, it's a life sim with life happening around you. You don't control life. You remove that and you just have a dress up game for girls

>> No.9728414

I think if anything, the N64 version will get decompiled first, then efforts get focused on GCN.

>> No.9728570

But it's a life sim bro... it needs to be like, super realistic bro...

>> No.9728597
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It's too late. Inoperable.

>> No.9728620

>super realistic
People moving isn't "super realistic". As another anon said, it's because you shouldn't be the center of the universe in these games.

>> No.9728632

>one of the ways you max a villager's appreciation is by settling a feud they developed with another villager

a more expansive world like in the movie would be good as well. We can do much bigger areas now so go for it.

dunno about the hotel part, but make the ticket 50k and it's an interesting prospect. Maybe you room up with a friend of a friend or stay in a hostel to explain why the cost isn't so much to stay there for an extended period. Some players might just want to move to the city at that point though.

the risk they took was calculated, but boy were they bad at math

>> No.9728661

GodDAMN that's an old meme. Haven't seen this used in well over a decade.

>> No.9728721 [DELETED] 

>makes a thread about old game in order to complain about new games in the series
many such threads like this from /v/ tourists

>> No.9728825 [DELETED] 

usually the case with long running series that only have one actual retro installment

>> No.9729094
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>> No.9729160

If the player needs somebody to kiss up to them, isn't that Isabelle's appeal? Why does the whole damn village have to be like that?

>> No.9729221

My lasting memory of Wild World, apart from meeting up with anons to trade fruit, was of the advertising featuring women, focusing on the interior design elements.
So I guess it's the audience they wanted.

>> No.9729506 [DELETED] 

And a retro installment that no-one on here has ever played; Animal Crossing is not and never will be a retro series.

>> No.9729597 [DELETED] 

>The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".
hmm sounds like it has two retro installments

>> No.9729601 [DELETED] 

or technically 3 because of the e+ release, nearly half the games in the main series are retro

>> No.9729701

>I played NH daily for like 3 months and got the dialogue once
one villager a day thinks about moving out, what are you talking about?

>> No.9729808

>did that one dick with the villagers already?
Yeah, they don't paint your roof or take your stuff and are generally nicer.
They could still be rude at times, especially the cranky and snooty ones, so I thought it was an aceptable middle ground between the first game and something like New Leaf.

>> No.9729856

it doesn't just pick randomly iirc, it picks based on least amount of interaction. typically it will always just cycle out the most recent villager

>> No.9729960

>I don't understand why focusing on women would inherently bring dumbing down of villager relations. Is it because the rude villagers would be directed at them and not a separate party?
It became big on Tumblr, but when all the BPD cutters and fatties finally played it they were triggered over the mean words and felt like they were being sexually assaulted by Kapp'n

>> No.9729963

I haven't played any of the newer ones, is wild world or new leaf more worth playing? People seem to be all over the place between the two

>> No.9729973

I wonder if doing the N64 version first would provide an initial boost on the GCN one. While I know they're different systems, since apparently it's a fairly straight port I wonder how much is shared between the two.

>> No.9729974

it really depends on what you play the games for. if you want an atmospheric life sim, wild world is the second best after the first game. if you want a game about prettying a town up and making a perfect model village, then new leaf is better, because in that one you are the mayor and call all the shots and can build structures and move things around the entire village.

>> No.9729976

n64 version isn't worth the decompilation desu. you have to set the clock every time you boot the game if i remember correctly.

>> No.9730687

They're all shit non-games for women. If you play it as a man you are a prancing lala fruity fag.

>> No.9730950

yellow magic orchestra

>> No.9731343

tl;dr it's the first animal crossing game to actually innovate in far too long. the series was stagnating, but new horizons made ac creative in a way it hadnt been since wild world.

new horizons ended the cowardly drip feed of player freedom from city folk and new leaf. it broke series conventions and allowed what players could achieve with a fully featured customization system, while also understanding (and expanding on) the elements that make the series great.

the new systems had severe effects on even the untouched parts in many ways, but i will focus this post on how villager personality was impacted since thats what you mentioned.
even though i feel that the dialogue quality has not changed much from new leaf's, i felt a lot more connected to my villagers in new horizons. it's the most attached ive been in any animal crossing since the original. i believe that the sims-like control over the surrounding environment made me have a similar pet-like adoration of the residents.
in the animal crossing (gc), the villagers actually felt like fellow villagers. they were people you had to learn to live with whether they/you like it or not.
in wild world, the town felt like a bar. you could feel more desperation and loneliness seeping from wild world as a whole, and the personalities of the villagers supported it. the general hospitality and politeness of the residents hadnt been so polished yet to wipe out that side effect and replace it with the flat cheeriness.
city folk and new leaf had suburbians. people who you would rather not spend time with because they're somehow simultaneously uninteresting and weird, so you go travel to other towns instead to hang out with cooler people. these games lived off their multiplayers.
new horizons has toys. figures and dolls to show off to your friends. about as much personality inherently as the suburbians, but you find yourself ascribing a bit more to them because of how much you can control.

>> No.9731564

Getting a perfect town is annoying because even if you follow the general rule of planting trees and not overcrowd them, you still end up with dead saplings anyway. And the worst part, the game never tells you which spots kill saplings. At least you can cheat your way to a Golden Axe.

>> No.9731589
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I still think it's a damn shame they got rid of the NES games after the first game. I know it was so as not to detract from the VC/NSO services, and that you can just emulate them or whatever, but there was still something really comfy about having a "physical" collection in your house you could boot up at any time to take a break from your daily town routine or chores or whatever.

>> No.9731707

In all honesty New Leaf is the better game content wise, but Wild World just feels more fun to play due to the better dialogue (and villager personalities) and music.
New Leaf also has a slower start since you don't get your house and some other buildings until later (you get to decide where they're placed though) while Wild World starts similarly to the GC one.

>> No.9732016
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I suppose I wonder what the hell happened to the community of this series post-NL

>> No.9732079

Sounds like wild world for me then, I'm not interested in being an interior design school reject

>> No.9732082

women, troons, soiz, unironically. When they started showing up, the games started shifting to cater to that demographic even harder, and it was off to the races. Say what you want but those groups will not criticize, and will absolutely fork out cash for stupid DLC and watered down games.

>> No.9732086

Anyone remember using this website? http://www.animalcrossingcommunity.com/

>> No.9732156

gimme some animal crossing drawing requests and I'll do them

>> No.9732228

Draw the villager and Penny having a romantic date

>> No.9732342

I loved the Doom cross-over that happened for a while.
More of it, just for nostalgia?

>> No.9732393

You need to set the time in the game yes since the system doesn't have the function, but from my understanding the original carts have a battery to keep track of time a bit like the Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal carts did. Using any repros or bootlegs however won't be able to keep track of time so you have to set it every time.

>> No.9733167

It was cool the male player character had devil horns for no real reason.

Thought it was lame that none of the costumes in smash had those.

>> No.9733443

They were always there, it just got bigger and bigger and got to the point where some bitch wearing space buns was huge ass drama because "muh cultral appropriation" (And I guarantee everyone who bitched about it has a Japan themed room in their ingame house and isn't Japanese). A Nintendo rep weighed in an email saying "Anyone can wear any hairstyle" and you still have certain female content creators claim "Um, maybe that was fabricated".
I still enjoy my New Horizons, but holy shit the fanbase went to absolute shit if they make such pointless drama over some cozy villager game.

>> No.9733708

>They also targeted women harder
The exact same thing happened with the Sims franchise. Sims 4 feels completely alien to the first game.

>> No.9734789
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>blackmailed by Nook to appease the player, hell they can't even leave the island unless they get your permission right?

>> No.9734892
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CF is soulful

>> No.9735168

Technically it's the N64DD itself that has the clock function, but yes, if you were in a position to be playing the 64 version on hardware at all it wouldn't be happening. It's purely an emulator/cart issue.
In terms of decomps it's tricky, there's quite a bit of knowledge at this point about decompiling N64 games in particular but Animal Forest is largely untranslated, the patch that exists for it seriously only covers about the first hour of play, so I doubt there'd be much interest beyond MAYBE getting a headstart on some GC code. I'd love to see it for the modding possibilities but, as reiterated by many anons, the community has become a trash fire and it's hard to say if there's anyone that would care to start such a project still in it.

>> No.9736493

I've played every AC game excluding the early AAAccess New Horizons. This obviously included HHD and AF. So first allow me to rank them:

New Leaf
Wild World
Happy Home Designer
Amiibo Festival
City Folk

Yeah, I put CF below the spinoffs. I couldn't play CF for more than a year because of the idiotic grass degridation they thought would be amazing for the game. My town was an utter wasteland and I wasn't about to fuck around with the clock to try and fix it. Doesn't help that the game was rather boring. The city part was lackluster and not worth the loading time it took going back and forth to it.

Wild World is held back by being a handheld game. It's great and I did like the dualscreen features it had by way of being on the DS. Not being able to play as long as I please without having to worry about battery life sucks and was the main thing holding it back.

Despite being a handheld game I still put NL at the top. It's just got to much going for it, and that was before the big update it got. They finally let you go into the sea. The random islands and challenges were pretty fun, as was simply fishing up lots of money on the main island. Plus I spent a lot of time in bed each night visiting other plays dream towns which were often inspiring of baffling. The one big downside was that I was really, REALLY tired of the "rolling pin" world camera style by this point.

Originals second best because it has the grid world, NES games, and so many events that never carried over to future games like the sports festival. Did somebody decide sports were "too japanese"? I don't get it.

>> No.9736671

You want to know the real irony? The Villager personalities in the GC version were entirely done by the localizers in tree house. the watered down versions in later games are more true to the original Japanese.

>> No.9736681

wild world

>> No.9736893
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>the watered down versions in later games are more true to the original Japanese.
Yeah, I bet :^)

Wild World villagers still had distinct personalities at least and could even be rude sometimes. New Leaf made everyone nice, including the those that aren't supposed to be nice like cranky and snooty vilagers. It even made Resetti appearing optional because he was "too scary".

>> No.9736929

There are codes to fix the grass degradation I'm pretty sure. Other than that, CF is basically just WW on Wii.

I remember getting my time out of it. I actually enjoyed the pointer controls a lot and felt that it made inventory management and typing a lot smoother. NH having no options for controls like that definitely irked me. The city wasn't super exciting but I liked it being a bus ride away so that you still had your quaint little village away from it. I remember visiting a lot of towns and even used the Wii Speak a few times.

>> No.9737201

That strikes me as a shitty and insecure localizer turning a villager into a strawman because someone called out some of their previously shitty translation work elsewhere, and they decided to do a shit job of localizing whatever the japanese text this villager originally had to feel like they 'won' some argument that happened 5 years prior, proving the strawman right.

Maybe I'm wrong and this is a faithful translation but somehow I doubt it

>> No.9737285

Have the sound and music designers said they were inspired by YMO for this? I've been listening to this game's music for 17 years and YMO for maybe 12, so both of them may be too baked into my neurons for me to notice an obvious connection. I have immense respect for the music though; it's so creative, catchy, and comfy.

>> No.9737756
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That website was based. I didn't even know it was still around. I remember using it all the time back in the day and being absolutely addicted when I first found it. Thinking back on it, I was probably around 11 when I got into it and I continued to use it till the Welcome Amiibo update in 2016.
I wonder if I still have my account...?

>> No.9737761

You know what's the biggest case of the kinda stuff that duck was talking about? Detective Conan. In the anime they change the first time Conan sees Gin and Vodka since he got shrunk to people he thought were them. In the manga this is how he finds out their codenames, but in the anime he just knows their names by osmosis. And the localization of the manga even got it wrong, because for some reason the localizers decided to call them, "Melkior and Kaspar," but then later decided to backtrack, and had Ai tell Conan, "Gin and Vodka, those people you know as Melkior and Kaspar," which just makes no sense. Oh, and of course the anime had to do the story with Ai's sister twice with the second time not acknowledging the first time cuz the first time they decided to make her not die and be a character with no connection to the overarching plot...

>> No.9738931

why are developers afraid to put characters that are mean towards the player? i noticed that in the majora's mask remake tatl is not mean to link when telling you about enemies anymore

>> No.9738936

Because normies cannot differentiate between real-life and a video game. They are easily influenced and so things that happen in video games affect their real-life, day-to-day mood.

>> No.9738956

One song in the original is basically a nod to Simoon, and the original's music in general went for that late 70s techno music sound which is very similar to YMO's early stuff.

>> No.9738960

As the other anon said, there's a song that's basically YMO's Simoon, the 9 AM theme IIRC.

>> No.9739150

niggers throwing a bitchfit over the space buns thing was hilarious, peak black fragility

>> No.9739167

>Population: Growing
>Wild World
>City Folk (to a lesser extent)
You live in their world.

>New Leaf and beyond
They live in your world.

It's as simple as that.

>> No.9739426

actually an interesting point

>> No.9739546

There is. AC Toolkit

The city wasn’t great but you could see random villagers outside of your own town and talk with them, which was great. No idea why nintendo never did it again

>> No.9739948

Even in games like this that are not combat related at all, people crave the power fantasy. Power fantasy in animal crossing is everyone being subservient to your omniscient decision making and opinions. Normies think "people are mean in real life, why do I want games to be like real life" even if the game has a fucking real time clock and is trying to be as inconvenient as possible

>> No.9740196

IIRC, it was also because the developers didn't want people missing the point of the series and buying AC just for the NES games. I thought they were good for giving players a fun activity that was accessible at any time of day, even if most of them weren't among the best games in the NES library.

>> No.9740205

those cowards shouldnt have dummied out super mario bros and zelda

>> No.9740209

Draw Brewster listening to someone ramble over a cup of coffee

>> No.9740217

It sort of makes sense that they went with the titles that they did, as they're almost all from really early on in the Famicom/NES library, when the games were simple arcade ports or arcade-style, something that you could play for a little bit as a break from your chores and not full-fledged adventures like SMB1 and Zelda. The best one in this regard was Punchout IMO though I can't recall if you could get that one naturally.

>> No.9741073

Holy cow, listened to both of those back-to-back, and they totally do sound similar! That's honestly super cool. I love Animal Crossing Population Growing.

>> No.9741115

You were supposed to post them when you were done

>> No.9741129

>play this game
>Don't look at it like a game

>> No.9741270

If I wanted to live out my fantasies of being a NEET basement dweller, I should be allowed ro.

>> No.9741294

if you try to look at it as something that you win or lose or get better at, you're basically constantly losing because it has a real time clock where you're missing shit constantly and getting what you want is totally random, so that anon is right

>> No.9741365

>being in the 8th grade playing wild world online with 2 friends at 11pm on a school night cozy in bed
I miss it

>> No.9742165

Same tho

>> No.9742892

It's this. Eventually you get all your villagers to max friendship, and the only one who will want to leave is the most recent immigrant. The only way to randomly lose a villager is to visit someone else's town, and really, you're not going to be doing that on GC nowadays.

>> No.9742897

'Overcrowding' is a meme, you just can't have any trees directly touching each other. There's also a maximum of trees per acre, but it's something ridiculous like 16.
>At least you can cheat your way to a Golden Axe.
C'mon man, it's one of the few things in this game that require any effort.

>> No.9743174

Yup, people then complained about localization and then you had someone do pic related.
But seriously newfag, look up the Game Cube version of the game, the TreeHouse Localization was so popular, they made a second Japanese version of the game that used their villagers

>> No.9743176
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Take it from someone who knows that the myth of the DouMori e+ "back-translation" is but a myth.
Around 60% of the dialogue from the original game was identical and simply copypasted into e+.
The remaining 40% consists of entirely new dialogue for new events and features such as
>entirely new dialogue added to the game
>villagers talking to each other while you eavesdrop on them (this feature would later be seen in Wild World, and a good portion of the e+ eavesdrops were copypasted wholesale into WW)
>new fetch quest dialogue (after delivering certain items to villagers, you could return to the sender and they would ask what the receiver thought about it)
>medicine giving/sick villager dialogue (medicine/sick villagers were a new addition to e+)
>Reading level tests (e+ has variable Kanji difficulty levels, and the villagers will occasionally ask questions to see whether you can read what they wrote. Kanji level will go up or down accordingly.)
The few things that truly were back-translated were seasonal events which changed, things such as the Bell Shrine and certain other things which were outright changed for the English release, and some other minor things that were changed for the English localization.

>> No.9743226
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After thinking about it a bit longer and thumbing through some of the translated dialogue, I think I might have gotten the 40% - 60% split flipped around. It's been so long since I had any sort of involvement with this that the details are extremely fuzzy. But, the fact remains that the entirety of the original game's dialogue is intact in e+, plus a non-trivial amount of new text to account for new features and the like.

>> No.9743676

I suppose my question would be if the base dialogue is different from the N64 Japanese release to e+. I don't doubt that there was a lot of new content added for e+, but I'm curious if the e+ release actually used the English localization as a base, throwing out their work from the original N64 release. Did you work on the e+ English translation?

>> No.9743702

>Did you work on the e+ English translation?
...and he was never heard from again

>> No.9743749

What I like about the first Animal Crossing is that I feel like i'm playing a classic jRPG where there's no fighting. I'm just living in a cozy RPG village without some big bad to fight.

Many thing ruin this feeling in the later games, and the rolling log world is one of those things.

>> No.9743841

>villagers talking to each other while you eavesdrop on them (this feature would later be seen in Wild World, and a good portion of the e+ eavesdrops were copypasted wholesale into WW)
>new fetch quest dialogue (after delivering certain items to villagers, you could return to the sender and they would ask what the receiver thought about it)
>medicine giving/sick villager dialogue (medicine/sick villagers were a new addition to e+)
Between these and the ability to build structures it makes me forever an angry crying gaijin that I don't get to play e+. If e+ was translated I would just make a village in that and never play another animal crossing again

>> No.9743875


>> No.9743943

Aren't /fit/fucks all gay or something

>> No.9743984

Where’s NH?

>> No.9743986

Is this the original charm I’ve heard so much about?

>> No.9743990

No, the player character is not wearing a hat

>> No.9744015

I miss the horned hats.


>> No.9744035

Yes, but that shouldn't keep you from treating your body like a temple.

>> No.9744039

Like one of those ancient pagan temples with ritual fucking and shit? Don't mind if I do?

>> No.9744041

Nah, like a temple to God himself.

>> No.9744050

Those have a nasty habit of being given up by the Lord and getting destroyed by foreign invaders.

>> No.9744054

Nah, that only happens when his children forsake him and believe in retarded shit like transsexualism.

>> No.9744374
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Like I said, the "back-translated" stuff is a myth. Admittedly, it's a cool sounding myth. Outside of changed event/holiday and a few other specific localization elements from Population: Growing, the original Japanese script was otherwise left as-is. I have not directly compared the N64/DouMori+ scripts to see if anything changed between those versions, but they did not toss out the script and rework it from scratch to match up with the tone of the English GC release.