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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, nes shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9720036 No.9720036 [Reply] [Original]

Man, why are zoomer developers and AAA trashy companies afraid to basically remake one of these masterpieces of chink bootleg 9999 to 1 NES masterpíeces.

Man, zoomers can't handle this level of SOVL.

>> No.9720074

There's no need because Krikzz made knockoffs of game doctors

>> No.9720327

based sooth sayer

>> No.9720415

There was a parody homebrew of X in 1 pirate carts for NES I can't remember what it was called.

>> No.9720523
File: 19 KB, 240x320, D_NQ_NP_747781-MLM49785145547_042022-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multicarts we're great though. The 1000 in 1 scammy ones are more late 90s/early 00s and obviously it's just the same bunch of games repeated, but there used to be honest ones in the early 90s and they were pretty nice.
I had a 32 in 1 cart that didn't have any repeated game, and has good stuff like Adventure Island, Contra, Twin Bee, Battle City and a bunch of classics like DK, Pac Man, Lode Runner, Bomberman, Circus Charlie, Pooyan and many more.

>> No.9721438

>Download ridiculous 1000 and up in 1 rom
>"There can't be that much games in it"
>It's actually like 3-6 games repeated forever
The disappointment. I knew it couldn't be right and I still was disappointed by it

>> No.9723564

>never buy multicart
>imagine sharing fake story will make me fit in
The disappointment. I knew it couldn't be right and I still was disappointed by it

>> No.9723585

nta but do you have a cart that actually has 1000 unique games on it? I'd love to see it.

>> No.9723623

I had the Golden Games 260-in-1 when I was very young
I actually emulated a bunch of these when I finally got a PC in the early 00s to search for which multicart I actually had because my favorite rom site actually had these. It was a pain in the ass because nearly no emulators supported the mappers. I finally found NNNesterJ that actually seemed to support all pirate cart mappers I threw at it and found those ridiculous 1000 or whatever in 1 pirate carts and tried them out too for the hell of it

>> No.9723943

>not able to reading comprehension but do have strawman cope?
I have pages and pages of it and get more every day right here on zoomerchan

>many years ago i couldn't get an emulator to work
>i somehow though i wouldn't look a fool if i used that as proof multicarts only have 3-6 games on them
I swear I'll never understand why faggots imagine that flaunting their ignorance, lack of skill, etc will some how prove their bullshit. Do you not realize that many people here have multi carts and know they have more than 3-6 games? Seriously, what were you thinking?

>> No.9723978

I preferred the knockoff games consoles that came with a bunch of games preinstalled. I can't remember if any of them were actual games that had been ripped / pallete-swapped and then placed on the console but they were all fun anyway.

>> No.9724197
File: 116 KB, 1645x1539, PSOne_Style_Famicom_Clone_adjusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had picrel. It had shit like Hyper Olympic, Duck Hunt, and SMB1. I fucking hated the first one, DH was kinda cool despite the dog being annoying, and SMB1 was bullshit, but in an endearing, memorable kind of way.
Actually good unlicensed games thread? I really wonder if there are some games that the chinks and mutts did better than the japs.

>> No.9724316

>I swear I'll never understand why faggots imagine that flaunting their ignorance, lack of skill, etc will some how prove their bullshit. Do you not realize that many people here have multi carts and know they have more than 3-6 games? Seriously, what were you thinking?
Is baby off his meds?
Get help

>> No.9724353
File: 1.61 MB, 480x264, (You).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9724379

wtf is a picrel?

>> No.9724413

Probably one of the many weird famiclones around. There's dozens upon dozens of these

>> No.9724594

It's Chinese for "lurk moar"

>> No.9724625
File: 155 KB, 1200x900, polystation-video-game-com-2-controles-pistola-jogos_MLB-F-3984788497_032013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know about the famiclone that looked like a playstation that was sold in a n64 rippoff box