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File: 155 KB, 800x800, RONDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9705230 No.9705230 [Reply] [Original]

It looks GREAT, it sounds GREAT, but... it kinda sucks to play. As far as Classicvanias go this is at the very bottom. dae feel the same?
Recently gave it another go and didn't enjoy nearly as much as I did the first time.

>> No.9705253

nah not really, changes to the original formula feel sensible and not too drastic

>> No.9705269

I agree for the levels (most of them anyway) , but the boss fights are good.

>> No.9705275

>It looks GREAT, it sounds GREAT
Starting a thread with two lies

>> No.9705298

the only thing I really don't like about it(aside from it being a pain in the ass to switch characters or select levels) is richter's jump. it definitely has utility but it's just so inconspicuously floaty and poorly animated that it looks and feels like crap to use.

>> No.9705306

sorry am retard

>> No.9705357 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 187x153, john_morris.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloodlines (on Expert) was the only good 5th gen Castlevania. Rondo has shit level design and too many unskippable cutscenes, IV is a boring slog where your whip is way too strong making any enemy encounters trivial and the sub-weapons unnecessary, Dracula X has retarded level designs that spam the same enemy too much (e.g. the purple spear dude), and X68000, whilst much better than IV, still lets you wiggle around during a jump which trivialises any of the platforming challenge.

>> No.9705361

Lecarde's super jump trivializes the game

>> No.9705416

Use John then?

>> No.9705417

>Dracula X has retarded level designs that spam the same enemy too much (e.g. the purple spear dude)

There isn't even that many of them. Only 3-4 (depending on which path you take) short segments

>> No.9705440

best game in the series
sorry you got filtered
sorry you have shit taste
gg no re

>> No.9705449
File: 2.94 MB, 400x300, 1587868422036.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9705454

Are you playing the SNES version or PC-Engine version? Cause those are two wildly different games. PC-Engine Dracula X is one of the best Classicvanias imo

>> No.9705472
File: 2.81 MB, 510x360, medusa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get good. Anyone can pick any game and record himself playing like a retard. The only thing it proves is that the player is bad.

>> No.9705473

>sub-weapons unnecessary
I don't think I could ever beat the 2nd loop of CV4 without subweapons, particularly the cross.

>> No.9705512

>Get good
>plays as the easy mode character

>> No.9705516

Rondo of Blood is as close as 10/10 a game can be so no
You don't even know what the 5th gen actually is

>> No.9705527

Rondo is great but the subsequent use of the following 10 games who just copy and pasted Rondo's enemy sprites ruin the game for me now. I can't look at it the same way after.

>> No.9705529

Lecarde deals less damage than Morris. The point is it took me 2x less time in that video using a WEAKER character.

>> No.9705638 [DELETED] 

Either way, it still demonstrates how poor of a boss fight she is, not even able to pull of an attack even once during the fight.

Bloodlines is kusoge that only Segafags praise.

>> No.9705642

It's a puzzle boss, of course a puzzle is nullified when you know the answer

>> No.9705951

Still, easy mode character.

>> No.9705958

John Morris is actually the easy mode choice, considering how frequently you fight enemies in Bloodlines, John's increased damage is more useful than Eric's superjump ability.

>> No.9705975

They can both score extra damage if you hold down the attack button on their whip/spear. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not.

>> No.9706335

I don’t really like it, I think it’s all hype

>> No.9706486

I think the games before and after Rondo are better than the game itself. It's just not that interesting with the ideas it uses from older games or with it's own ideas that got refined in later ones, and that's when it's not being arguably sloppy, like when it throws an Axe Armor at you that in theory should be a step up from previous iterations because it has a couple new moves for different situations, but in practice ends up not really mattering because Rondo tends to place you against them on literally flat level design and they just tend to not use those moves for some reason. There's also the whole alternate route thing a lot times feels like it just comes down to whether you dropped down a hole and which one. Not all the time, but yeah.

It's not all bad, though, and I don't think I'd call Rondo a bad game despite all that. The bosses are largely easy, but they're nonetheless engaging and fun to fight and I'd probably take them over the ones in past games, really. Also, some levels I think actually really do a good job of using all those aforementioned ideas Rondo has floating around, with the church level being perhaps my favorite. It isn't quite so flat as some others, and has a real knack for putting the right enemy type in the right place or at least doing something fun with them, like skeletons swinging to swarm you while you try to clear out a Bone Pillar that can now lob fireballs at a distance and a flamethrower move if you get too close. You get the purple armored knights instead of more fucking axe armors and not only does the level have the decency to show off their new moves at the relatively safe start, your familiarity and handling on them gets tested in the last section you need to clear if you want the alternate route, and even then, you have to deal with a unique enemy who'll cut you off from it if you're not careful. You even get a nice big boy skeleton for a miniboss. Rondo's great when it puts all these ideas together like that.

>> No.9706981

It feels incredible to play. Try to actually describe why you don't think it does. I bet you can't.

>> No.9707474

I think item crashes are a little too good but if those were removed it would be literally perfect.

>> No.9707652

it feels like a step back or two in terms of gameplay, yes. it was disappointing but I still like it a lot.

>> No.9707717 [DELETED] 

>not doing no-subweapons runs
Ngmi lad

>> No.9707732

well yeah, the level design is incredibly dull with mostly just straight corridors with easy enemies coming at you, there are almost no platforming sections in the entire game. bosses are mostly easy and boring, last boss is just the same generic dracula fight that was already used in a bunch of previous games. its honestly one of the most overrated games ever.

>> No.9707817

Alternatively, just maybe make the game harder or more interesting. My introduction to Richter Belmont was Portrait of Ruin, and one thing that will stick with me is how, especially in Lv 1 Hard Mode, Grand Cross in general wasn't this utterly overpowering thing, but a real nifty option for both offense and defense, letting you deal damage and potentially take out really dangerous enemies without getting hurt yourself, if you postitioned yourself well and timed it right, at the cost of a good chunk of your MP. You could even do some silly shit by performing Grand Cross as Richter or summoning him to do it, switch to Maria and desummon him, and now Maria can run around with Grand Cross for a bit with her faster MP regeneration, at the cost of the invincibility. Most memorable moment in the game for me was using GC to power through Dracula giant Wing Smash attack and realizing that I would have to avoid using subs so I could retain enough MP for if and when he uses again when he pleases.

Rondo's item crashes grant you offense and defense, too, yes, but it feels like such a Get Out Jail Free card instead of a proper tool, you know? Dracula X is also only marginally better about it, and that's just because it's a generally harder game.

>> No.9708735

>last boss is just the same generic dracula fight that was already used in a bunch of previous games
Not counting the ports of 1, wasn't Rondo Dracula being a reference to 1 something of a novelty at the time? He was different in all three NES games, IV, the Adventure games on GB, only X68000 was all that similar, wasn't it? It doesn't necessarily excuse things, including being real easy, but this point about being done before wouldn't be as big a deal then as it maybe would be now, would it?

>> No.9709030

Bruh it's EASILY the best classicvania. I have a soft spot for Bloodlines because I had a Genesis as a kid, but Rondo as GOAT isn't a meme. It's really just that good on all levels

>> No.9709535

there are like 4 places in the whole game where it's useful

>> No.9709779

The levels are succinct, yet dense with secrets and enemies are more important to the classicvania format than platforming.
You're that guy that thinks Super CV 4 is the best because it has super long, tedious vertical sections, I bet.
The last boss part is correct. It's an underwhelming fight. The PSP remake was right to address this by adding a more difficult additional final form.