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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 93 KB, 650x650, 3987609-mega-man-legends-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9705103 No.9705103 [Reply] [Original]

It's shit compared to the retro Mega Man games

>> No.9705109

That’s not x7 or Classic Gameboy Mm II

>> No.9705148

Nah, at least it has charm compared to those trash shoot em up platformers

>> No.9705267
File: 85 KB, 666x375, Can these threads be pruned immediatly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah yes, I don't see a thread shitting on MML already so I can make a new and original thread about it! It took weeks and numerous other MML hate threads but this one is mine!

>> No.9705286

This whole series kinda sucks imo. ZERO (the character) singlehandedly saves it. MMX4 and maybe Zero 3

>> No.9705332 [DELETED] 

Tranny opinion

>> No.9705370
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>> No.9705537 [DELETED] 

Why is MML the shitposting game. Can you /v/ tards quit making shitty bait threads for games you've never even played
Go ahead, lurk a bit, play some /vr/, and then come back and make an honest attempt to integrate into the board

>> No.9706142
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>Worst Mega Man game ever
Challenge accepted

>> No.9706191

You mean Battle Network/Star Force?

>> No.9706202

The GCN battle network "traditional" Mega Man game is much worse. At least the RPG Battle Network titles have character.

>> No.9706210
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>this thread again

>> No.9706306 [DELETED] 

The n64 has no games.
See you next thread nig64ger.

>> No.9706310 [DELETED] 

It's this 64 faggot who i think is also a janitor because he starts 64 fsgirl threads, then every comment gets instantly deleted, and the thread stays up even though others are getting deleted.

>> No.9706396

II isn't even that bad, definitely far from the worst Mega Man. Dr. Wily's Revenge is worse.

>> No.9706426

I have no idea how the game "worked" or sold as well as it did. It's a total mockery of the entire series. The game has nothing to do with Mega Man, it should have just been some random anime character, but then none of you faggots would even have played the game if they did that. Just an obvious cashing in on an already existing franchise and I have no idea why more people don't call it out.

>> No.9706429

Mega Man 64 > Mega Man Legends
it just looks better

>> No.9706432

>The game has nothing to do with Mega Man
Based cutscene skipper/speedreader

>> No.9706436

Wily's revenge is satisfying because it's balls to the wall hard. Megaman 2 is easy enough you can beat it before it gets offensive (as long as you mute the game)

>> No.9706438

MM2 GB has the best Air Man theme, imagine being filtered by the kino score

>> No.9706446

Well obviously they had to work the story around the property so they shoehorned mega man in.

>> No.9706471

I'm working through the series roughly by release per series (classic, X, Zero then maybe legends and battle network) so far the only game I gave up on was challenger from the future. There's no way legends could be as bad as that turd.

>> No.9706475

You forgot ZX, but anyway Legends is great

>> No.9706724
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Today Anon learned what a spin-off is

>> No.9706739 [DELETED] 

People only like mml because it was their childhood game. The game is nipjank trash

>> No.9706783

It's not an organic spinoff. They just threw mega man in a totally different game. Nobody would have played it if it starred whatever gay anime-like character they originally thought of. If they really wanted to make a game like this from the beginning, it wouldn't be this game.

>> No.9706787

who cares, autist? how do people like you even exist? just play something else crybaby

>> No.9706792
File: 2.88 MB, 459x195, ACC1896C-86BA-4079-A7F6-15C92CB5552F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a piece of shit cash grab that should've been separate from MM!
>Even if it were it's own thing you wouldn't have bought it anyway!

>> No.9706843

>same resolution
>really blurry textures
>worse lighting and transparency
>somehow there's a shit ton of slowdowns
>fake analog controls (analog sensitivity doesn't affect movement and camera speed)
>muffled sound
>fewer music
>worse control scheme
>cartridge is more expensive than CD
Literally the only reason you'd get MM64 over MML is the lack of loading time, which is completely trivialized by emulators these days. Oh and antialiasing, if you love blurry muddy shit. It is WORSE in every way.

>> No.9706848

Although true, to be fair the n64 at least showed stable 3D.

But in the end its irrelevant since both versions are pure diarrhea

>> No.9706853

It's not shoehorned it at all. It's fits into the cannon quite clearly along with all of the other subseries.

>> No.9706862

Still less diarrhea than Ocarina of Time though.
>better framerate with almost no drops
>sharper graphics
>less boring combat
>more varied gear upgrades
>better economy and progression
>more enjoyable side quests
>actual 3D town
>can easily be modified to use modern WASD controls on emulator
>actual voice acting
>cuter characters

Funny how an older game from an older and weaker hardware with smaller budget and less recognition could beat nintendo's """magnum opus""".

>> No.9706868

>more varied gear upgrades
>actual 3D town

Are you fucking serious here?

>> No.9706872

Yeah, the rest of the world agrees with you as well, just check metacritic.

Stop being so easily triggered and jump on the defense like that.

>> No.9706889

Yes. You could upgrade the damage, ammunition capacity, fire rate, and special attributes of every weapon you found. The hub town is bigger and more populated than OoT's, and it's actual 3D instead of 2.5D. Hyrule town is Alone in the Dark style 2.5D in case you forgot.

>agreeing with journos
No thanks.

>> No.9706892

they're both good games

>> No.9706896

>Beat Nintendo
Lol good joke

>> No.9706906

>No thanks.

Not just journos... Just saying

>> No.9706929

Manchildren too?

>> No.9706952

>You could upgrade the damage, ammunition capacity, fire rate
Oh, so you're talking about the upgrade system you pay money into to increase the power of stuff, and not the actual gear you find.

>The hub town is bigger
Dude, you realize that OoT has several towns/villages, most of which are meaningfully "more 3D" than anything in MML?

>> No.9706976

>This apple is shit compared to the retro oranges
This may surprise you, OP, given it has the same name on the box, but the things you are comparing are of two different genres and have no real business being compared.

>> No.9707390
File: 139 KB, 532x360, 1612038989703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a retard pin MML against OoT, both games are different and good. Also OP deserves a public ban for making this awful thread.

>> No.9707404 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9707442

You don't know what you're talking about

>> No.9707453

Is Challenger from the Future really worse than X6-7 or did you not play those yet?

>> No.9707775

>Still less diarrhea than Ocarina of Time though.
As someone who likes both, you're retarded if you think MML is even on the same level

>> No.9707821

MML is more enjoyable

>> No.9707853

MML is better, we all know this. So is Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon.

>> No.9707919

>we all
You and your samefag personae

>> No.9707939

Lol. Contrarian.

>> No.9707961

The hoops people jump through to justified their shit comparisons is laughable. An Action Adventure game is TOTALLY in leagues with an Action Adventure Puzzle game -- there's no denying it!

>> No.9707978

For a long time I thought Mega Man was a shit series because I had only played the terrible Legends games as a kid. After playing the good games on NES and SNES on emulators, Mega Man became one of my favorite series.

>> No.9708012

All 3D games are glorified movie games.

>> No.9708348 [DELETED] 

But you also have to hunt for those gears and craft them before you could own and upgrade them. Also, bigmoron """"city"""" and zora's cavern aren't worth shit.

>> No.9708353

But you also have to hunt for those gears and craft them before you could own and upgrade them. Also, bigmoron """"city"""" and zora's cavern aren't worth shit.

>> No.9708441

We had the OoT vs. MML discussions many times and you got BTFO every time. Can't you just stfu or are you actually 80 IQ and you literally forget how those past discussions went?

>> No.9708525

Not a contradiction at all. It's like the Mario movie. It's objectively terrible and shoehorned, and yet it's memorable all these years later because it's stuck to the property, we're all forced to deal with it. It would be just a forgotten terrible movie if the original script wasn't altered to include Mario and Luigi. Same with this game. Whatever the game originally was, nobody would be talking about it today if it wasnt altered to have mega man in it.

>> No.9708529

Tough shit.

>> No.9708860

I really really love how hard Inafune makes you seethe. Are you the same autist that cuts his weiner off every time Masato Kato gets mentioned? If not you guys are twins and should get married

>> No.9708870

Yeah OoT is such a puzzler
>push this block
>play this song
>light this on fire
>shoot this obvious stationary target

>> No.9709116

shut up

>> No.9709131
File: 66 KB, 211x220, B4EACF0B-0EFF-4918-9866-1A4A15C0E18D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because they're simple to you doesn't not make them puzzles, retard-kun.

>> No.9709178

So what exactly is more complicated about that than MML?

>> No.9709195

it's fun seeing established characters in new settings, like mario rpg

>> No.9709489

They're both the pinnacle of action RPGs on their respective consoles in addition to being the best games of their respective series and no amount of seganoid seething will ever change that

>> No.9709658

How's the Mega Man game for Game Gear?

>> No.9709737

OoT "puzzles" are really a chore.

>> No.9709837

I played OoT about a year ago and I still think MML is the better game overall.

>> No.9709894

>Action RPG

Pick one, since they are mutually exclusive

>> No.9709936

Megaman Legends and Zelda 2 are action RPGs. Zelda 1 is an action adventure game. OoT is a cinematic walking simulator with a tiny hint of puzzle gameplay.

>> No.9709939

this is the only megaman i like

>> No.9709958

Was kinda expecting a zelda 2 comment on that since that is the only one with rpg elements and the exception to the rule.
Calling zelda an action rpg is just dumb since its not.

>Yeah but it looks like an ARPG
And GT is a futuristic arcade racer, almost the same thing, right?

>> No.9710057

Network Transmission on GCN is good and fun to play.
Battle Chip Challenge is a weird spin-off where your deck is made up of like 10 cards, and you just watch the game roll RNG to see which chips you use. Its basically a video game version of the card game War, where you just watch and hope you win.

>> No.9710061
File: 48 KB, 768x768, Megaman exe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not an organic spinoff. They just threw mega man in a totally different game.

>> No.9710080

>nintendofag attempts to bring down OOT's competitor with falseflags: the thread

>> No.9710538

>I was retarded a year ago and I'm still retarded
Legend controls are so abysmal that it wouldn't be a good game even if everything else was great, which it isn't. Pretending it's better than OoT just renders all your criticism of it worthless and makes you a retard.

>> No.9711447

It's not better than OoT, but it is the best game in that vein on the PlayStation

>> No.9711460

I really need to finish mine and make it look that good. also still waiting on kotobukiya to make the other ones, but I love EXE's design the most

>> No.9711489
File: 584 KB, 1280x699, 1674697413365136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N64 had Ocarina
>PSX had Legends
What did Saturn have?

>> No.9711497

>can't circlestrafe
>autotargeting makes the game too easy

>can circlestrafe
>there's a mobility penalty for autotargeting

Simple as. MML controls like a true FPS like Doom, and MML2 even gave you a twin stick shooter control configuration. Anyone who prefers OoT controls is a toddler or a senile boomer with sluggish reaction time.

>> No.9711691

My pic is actually the 4 inch nel, not the model kit.

>> No.9711719

still looks good imo

>> No.9712530

>can't circlestrafe to win every fight

>can circlestrafe to win every fight

I love MML and like the controls, but you are dumber than shit if you think it has superior combat to OoT.

>> No.9712543

>stand still
>opponent stands still
>you can't hit them at all; you don't even get punished for hitting them, it just does nothing
>still-stationary enemy exposes their weakness
>hit them
>repeat until opponent is defeated
Whereas in MML, you can't just circle strafe to win since you still need to jump over ground AOE attacks, and you have to avoid being flanked by the other enemies.

>> No.9712603
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, 51T2FwHk-hL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know a game is bad when Inafune decides to apologize for it.

>> No.9712765

>you can't just circlestrafe, you have to jump sometimes too!
Well pardon me. MML has the deepest combat of any game ever. I stand corrected.

>> No.9712771

Wtf is a gcn lmao fuckin zoomers trying to gaslight acronyms for no reason

>> No.9712831

>lose to final boss
>cutscene shows him blast megaman one more time to finish him off
>not even the traditional cartoonish explosion you'd normally see
>megaman instead violently explodes as the robot masters look on in horror
What the fuck were they thinking? If I were Inafune I would have canceled it despite the game being 90% complete when he first heard of it.

>> No.9712854

I hate the MM fanbase so much. These fuckers got like 80+ games yet they still have the biggest god damn victim complex when Capcom has the audacity to not make one for a few years. There are so many other franchises where the fans would be more than happy to get even 1/10 of what these shitheads got.

>> No.9712861

Capcom cancelled every Mega Man game that had been in development one by one and blamed the fans. MML2 was sitting on an 11 year cliffhanger, and then it was our fault that 3 got cancelled, lol. Half-Life fans didn't have to wait that long for Epistle 3 nor did Valve belittle them

>> No.9713285

legends 1 and 2 are literally the only 2 good mega man games.

>> No.9713340

I don't blame Mega Man fans for wanting a Legends 3. After all, there are only 2 games in the franchise that have that style of gameplay and the second one ends on a cliffhanger. Aside from that, sure.

>> No.9713409

"Why the fuck is it game cube Nintendo?" Has been a joke since before you were born zoomie.

>> No.9713416

I wish every good series was as prolific as megaman and I wish they still made a new one every year.

>> No.9714130

yeaaah it was hyped up a lot when i was a kid learning of retro game classics, finally played it a few years ago and could not understand the hype. Not very good :/

>> No.9716191

lol battle network is worse. It isn't even really a MM game, just a last minute reskin to ride the franchise name

>> No.9716192

Mega man 2 gb is fun

>> No.9716201
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Step aside

>> No.9716253

Not him but yes.

>> No.9716430

It's 4 stages from Megaman 5 and 2 from Megaman 4 then half of quickman's stage all with screen crunch followed by a laughably easy wily capsule. It's not bad, but it's short, easy and just reused shit from other games.

>> No.9716435

I just didn't mention it because it's not /vr/

>> No.9716452

I just finished a zero playthrough of x4 last night. I don't see how it's some people's favorite game in the series. The stages are for babies and the bosses kind of suck. Most of the game felt either trivially easy or frustratingly difficult. Id say sigma was the only boss that felt satisfying to learn to beat.

>> No.9716528

That was more like a Newgrounds Flash game than a mainline MMBN game. If anyone's planning on playing that, get an emulator with a turbo button because this thing is A-spam hell.

>> No.9716692

People like easy games with anime cutscenes

>> No.9716754

It's not, but you need to save constantly when you start playing

>> No.9718639

Just push B button for auto-play

>> No.9718643


>> No.9719252

At first no, but once I realized he doesn't throw his shoulder boomerangs if his hammer/scythe hits the wall I was beating him without getting hit.