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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 283 KB, 1170x1655, 8CF33154-FC5F-4920-B626-BBF989824699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9704921 No.9704921 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the Miyoo Mini, which plays hundreds of games, including games the Analogue Pocket can’t play, and you can download the games for free that aren’t already in there, cost like $85 dollars, while this thing that just plays Gameboy, GBA, Gameboy Color, and optionally other small cartridge games in their physical forms, cost $220?

>> No.9704932

Just letting you know that I hate you for that poor syntax alone.

>> No.9704936

FPGA meme.

>> No.9704938

Shut up, paragraph nazi

>> No.9704940

Does the Miyoo Mini play the same cartridges that I've had since I was a kid? If not, then why pay $85 for an emulator?
I don't even like the Pocket, and Analogue is a shitty scumbag company, but the Pocket fills a niche that other handhelds don't. It allows you to play physical games and provides additions that the original handhelds don't.

>> No.9704945

Can you even play games off of the SD card yet? If not, then this thing is a bigger waste of money and you might as well get a New3DS for emulating games.

>> No.9704953

>Can you even play games off of the SD card yet?


>> No.9704956

>Can you even play games off of the SD card yet?
Yes. Lots of mister cores have been ported

>> No.9704967

because le ebin FPGA, even though GB/GBC/GBA games have never had emulation troubles in the first place and don't need FPGA hardware in order to get an accurate experience.
Also because the analogue pocket dev is an autist who needed to use some bullshit 3" 4K display because muh subpixels or whatever.

>> No.9704979

I've had this for months and I'm still not playing it at all because my everdrive does not work and shaders don't work when playing roms through openfpga, I'm not touching it again until they add shader support for openfpga, there are too many drawbacks when playing from cartridges

>> No.9704981

yes but shader support is "Q2 2023"
Also many cores don't have savestates

>> No.9705016

retard post

>> No.9705368

Isn't the wholesale price for the FPGA chips in the Pocket about $85?

>> No.9705785
File: 6 KB, 91x83, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? Why would you design the buttons like this?

>> No.9705792
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To mimic the feel of this.

>> No.9705794

>We made the controller worse on purpose, as a joke
Explain yourselves, Americans

>> No.9705808

Not knowing that the US snes had concave buttons is pretty cringe. I am euro and always known this.

>> No.9705813

+Screen is great. Great shaders. It has a good looking design.
-FPGA meme and marketing
Those are the reasons it costs higher.
Was it designed by Americans? I always thought Nintendo were experimenting.

>> No.9705879

FPGA tax.

It's when you charge more for a emulator while also convincing all of the normies that it's not emulation.

>> No.9705884

Yeah bro. I was just at a frat party and all the jocks were gathered around a keg debating the merits of FPGA vs software emulation. I managed to shut everyone up by drinking a beer bong in four seconds, taking my shirt off and yelling "FPGAs rule! WOO!"

>> No.9705903

A and B were seen as the primary buttons, X and Y were seen as the secondary buttons. They were made to feel distinct from each other. At best it does what it sets out to, at worst it's just a pointless cosmetic difference. There is no reduced functionality and it can't be considered "worse" in any demonstrable functional/technical way.

>> No.9705908

>Was it designed by Americans?
Yes, the boxy console design, purple motif, and concave buttons were all design changes from Nintendo of America.

>> No.9705914

>small flat button
>small concave button
The difference is in feeling when pushing against them.

>> No.9705915

I mean have you used it? I have both a SNES and SF controller and the difference in tactility is so minute I find it hard to believe anyone would find it at all detrimental one way over the other. Is it really that off putting to you?

>> No.9705918

They still had Arakawa at charge. Also it has to pass check from Japan. They might have listened American staff for other things but I think they wouldn't have allowed concave buttons if they thought it was a terrible idea. It was most likely a joint decision.

>> No.9705925

The A and B buttons are actually convex, not flat, just like the SFC buttons. I'm pretty sure the X and Y buttons are as concave as the A and B buttons are convex. That is to say, it's not by all that much. And just to be clear, I'm only talking about the SNES controller and have no opinion on the Analogue Pocket's buttons.

>> No.9705928

Yes, NOJ had to approve it, obviously, but the designs were from NOA. I don't think that really qualifies as a "joint decision" unless you think every time you submit something to your boss and he approves it that's also a "joint decision."

>> No.9705936


>> No.9706219

plays carts
has openfpga (still not fully cooked but excellent)
kinda like having a dockable, portable mister setup

its obv not everyones cup of tea
i think you should just use a tablet and controller
but i would never sell my pocket. ever.

>> No.9706223

also forget to mention
isnt souless chinese garbage
isnt an underpowered emu handheld that overheats and shits itself trying to run neogeo games

>> No.9706760

>souless chinese garbage

You're right, the Pocket is soulless American garbage for YouTubers. Quality control is literally chink-tier too.

>> No.9707000

Literally no one would use the non US controller if they had a chance. Cope.

>> No.9707004

Why even pretend this on VR? Like everyone isn't going to correct you being wrong , or ignore your retardation.

>> No.9707007

Dispute literally anything I said, faggot. Look up the cartridge slot ruining the labels on people's carts or the slot itself being incredibly flimsy and prone to error if bumped even slightly. The ability to use real cartridges is one of the only selling points for this crap and it doesn't even do that well. The dpad has shit diagonals too. Does Analogue pay you to post here? At least chink handhelds are 10 times cheaper.

>> No.9707113

I would and have. I like the concave buttons and think the colors are nicer, plus it's what I grew up with. I use an American SNES-style controller as my main PC gamepad for 2D games/emulation.

>> No.9707142

I dunno, i like X/Y being concave for games where they are run. tip of thumb in the concave button, rest of thumb over B/A.
Also i seriously dont get why everyone is so hostile in this thread.
i know someone who watches a disgusting amount of youtube, and reviewing shit stuff you find on aliexpress is really popular so i dont quite agree with you. You just seem to arbitrarily hate fpga devices, and have to associate everything you hate with youtube for some weird reason

>> No.9707794

>You just seem to arbitrarily hate fpga devices
I love my Mister, its wonderful. I didn't say one thing about FPGA's. The Analogue Pocket is a gigantic waste of money. Don't assume shit about me, numbnuts.

>> No.9707901

>Analogue is a shitty scumbag company

>> No.9708359

posts like this used to result in a ban
do china brands pay YOU to post?
do you realize how retarded you sound?
the pocket is sold out and backordered into next year
they dont need marketing shitposters, like miyoo

only people posting about the off brand handhelds are delusional or have buyers remorse like redditors

>> No.9709467

>the pocket is sold out and backordered into next year
Literally meaningless, so is the PS5 and thats also a dogturd
>off brand handhelds
there is zero difference between Analogue and some chink company, Analogue just has nicer branding and is more expensive
>they dont need marketing shitposters, like miyoo
I don't have a miyoo

Enjoy your overpriced onions toy

>> No.9709606

>play the same cartridges that I've had since I was a kid?
how much of an autistic manbaby are you? you wanna collect your precious physical media fag? throw that shit away. no one gives a fuck. fuck your childhood.

>> No.9709636

Are you retarded or just trolling?

>> No.9709648

You're replying to a troll thread. Don't interact. Just report the obvious trolls.

>> No.9709712

Miyoo even plays flacs. Beast machine.

>> No.9709723
File: 1.01 MB, 719x721, 1676853163299972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cartridges that I've had since I was a kid
I guess nostalgiafags are a good source of money. Getting an original console and an everdrive is a much better investment if you're autistic about accuracy.

>> No.9709945

So many fuck ups about their products and they don't give a single shit about the customer
Imagine successfully having a media circus about it and nobody can get it. Dumbasses
Last big round of preorders, they supposedly "had some" but it turned out they only had like 300 to 700 and they allowed fucking double orders. Obviously, this all went away in a matter of seconds
Also "international" (Canada here) shipping for the latest SNES and Gen batch was fucking 79$US, fuck you

>> No.9709981

Honestly it's actually cheap for what it is.

>> No.9710187

>sony makes bad electronics
>sony isn't a mega-conglomerate in the videogame industry
>analogue screen resolution still being unmatched by ANY competition
>still the only fpga device

please, PLEASE stop posting

>> No.9710205

my everdrives cost more than a pocket though, at least the 3 i bought so far.

>> No.9710217

uhh the original consoles are NOT portable anon
i have the original gamegear and lynx its comically large
i still sneak it to work sometimes but the point still stands

the pocket is S-tier simply because it causes everyone to seethe

>> No.9710354

I don't "collect" them. I just have them and have had them for 20+ years. Why would I sell them or get rid of them if I don't need the money or the space? You sound like you have sour grapes.

>> No.9710376

anytime the pocket or mister is mentioned the thread just gets shitposted to bump limit

it is pointless trying to communicate on the mongoloan image weaving forum post-rulechange


>> No.9711716

Unless you're only planning on playing the cartridges you still have from your childhood, it won't take long until you spend hundreds per console if you buy games with how retarded the prices are now (unless you buy Japanese games because the market for used games isn't quite as fucked over there)

>> No.9711724

what is with this doomer meme?
gba titles and gb titles are like 20-30$
people unironically expect to pay 5$ for a title that had an msrp of $65

yes there are some rare "investment" titles
but you can get a flashcart for less than the retail price of ONE game

people focus on the negative
its the only thing that generates clicks\attention in the internet echo-chambers

i still bid and win on "rare" games all the fucking time