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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9704101 No.9704101 [Reply] [Original]

Post your backlog. If you're a collector fag then post a picture and list the games. If you're an emulator fag then post a grid of cover art.

This is my backlog bin. When I buy games I put them in here until I get a chance to play them, and then after I play them I add them in with the rest of the collection.

My backlog:
>Lickle (Little Samson)
>Alien Soldier
>Alex Kidd
>Banjo and Kazooi
>Trouble Makers
>Star Wars Arcade
>Twin Bee
>Torneko's adventure (Mystery Dungeon)
>Yokai Buster: Ruka's adventure (Jetsons resprite)
>Hyper Zone
>Metal Slader Glory Directors Cut
>Jaki Crush
>Super Street Fighter 2
>SNK Gal's Fighters
>Tetris Attack (GB)
>Neko Can Dream (Homebrew)

I'm currently playing:
>Tails Adventure
>Rockman Dash
>Sonic Frontiers (not retro)

Next I'm going to play:
>Metroid Prime Remastered (not shipped yet, so not in the bin)

>> No.9704102
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Full backlog pic

>> No.9704103

>Post your backlog.

>> No.9704106

Because it's a topic for discussion, anon; are you autistic? I know you have one, so let's talk about it.

>> No.9704115 [DELETED] 

Consoomer thread

>> No.9704118 [DELETED] 

dnt feel like it

>> No.9704121 [DELETED] 

Can't believe I missed so many sega games as a kid. There was no way of seeing everything back then

>> No.9704140

I only buy one game at the time and don't buy another until im finished. That way I avoid backlogs

>> No.9704160
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Genuinely too many to list.
My "backlog" is just games that I think look interesting, regardless of whether or not I own the game.
I'm currently playing through Twilight Princess, Jak and Daxter, Crash Bandicoot, and with the release of that small Power Pros game in english, the VN and Season mode of MLB Power Pros 2008.

>> No.9704162 [DELETED] 

I would bet that emulator fags have bigger backlogs than collector fags

>> No.9704270

>Power Pros
That baseball game from Konami? I'm surprised anyone plays that

>> No.9704276

It's a great game. The Success mode is a lot of fun. It's the only baseball game that I really enjoy and it's mostly because the presentation is so fun.

>> No.9704374

Imagine being such a newfag you have a backlog

>> No.9704406
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I don't have a grid, but here's a list

Currently playing
>Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei I & II
>Etrian Odyssey IV
>Wario Land 1
>FF XII: Zodiac Age

>SMT: Digital Devil Saga
>SMT If...
>FF XIII and XV, been playing through the mainline series but not retro yet obviously

>> No.9704426

I've been playing video games since before you were swimming around in your daddy's ball sack. Despite that, there's a ton of great games out there and it's impossible to play them all, so naturally most of us who work full time jobs and have families have back logs. You'll have one when you're older, zoomy. Then again, they say you kids don't want to work so maybe not.

>SMT: Digital Devil Saga
Wasn't Digital Devil Saga released BEFORE Shin Megami Tensei? I've always wondered if the original two games are worth checking out. And if so, the Famicom versions of the remake.

>Etrian Odyssey
Nice. I've never played any of those games but they look soulful. I'm interested in the upcoming collection but it releases so close to some other games I'm interested in. I think I'll have to wait a few months before picking it up.

>> No.9704443

>grid of cover art
Are you kidding me I have 900+ games just downloaded, and about as much waiting

>> No.9704448

I tried to do this but it's generally more efficient to buy a few on each order you make rather than make several single purchases over time.

If you have no games left you want to play you should probably just leave this board.

>> No.9704453

What does that have to do with how new you are? I've been playing since 94 but back in the day you didn't have the kind of access to games you have today. I played maybe 30 games on each platform I owned

>> No.9704483

You're thinking of Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei. Not confusing at allllll lol.

Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei is the SFC remake bundle of the first two. Digital Devil Saga is a PS2 game

Also I wouldn't recommend buying the EO collection, at least at full price. I recommend emulating the originals. Fuck Atlus and their scummy practices

>> No.9704492
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got quite a few out back

>> No.9704497

>I wouldn't recommend buying the EO collection
Gotta support my homeboy Yuzo

>> No.9704507

>games I've played
Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
"The Haunted House" for windows 95
Space Cadet Pinball
Blues Brothers 2000 for N64
Quake 2
Baby T-Rex
>games I still need to play
All the other games

Do you think I can make it?

>> No.9704534

My Backlog, but I'm too spoiled for choice so I just don't play anything and complain I have nothing to do, in no particular order:
>Finish unlocking Petey Pirhana and King Boo in Double Dash
>Enter the Matrix
>Finish Ocarina of Time (Currently on the way to water temple)
>Banjo Kazooie
>Banjo Tooie
>Majoras Mask
>Metroid Prime
>Metroid Prime 2
>Pokemon Colluseum
>Soul Hackers
>Shin Megami Tensei
>Donkey Kong Country
>Donkey Kong Country 2
>Kid Icarus Uprising
>Chrono Trigger
>Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
>Fire Emblem: Awakening

>> No.9704674

Solid classics

>> No.9704698


Currently playing
F-zero gx
NSMB wii (not retro)

Popful mail (sega cd)
Rogue leader 2 (gc)
Legend of oasis (saturn)
Banjo tooie (n64)
Mischief makers (n64)
Alundra (ps1)
Ristar (genesis)
Light crusader (genesis)

>> No.9704914

>Post your backlog.
There's about 200 of them though
I'm currently playing through the whole Castlevania series and just beat CV3 today
After CV, I'll probably explore the N64 library since there's not that many games on it that I want to play

>> No.9705030

Whatever helps you sleep at night kiddo

>If you have no games left you want to play you should probably just leave this board.
no u. Why should anyone leave because ur angry bb?

>reee reee cope ir poor baby
Sucks to be you.

>> No.9705031

High quality mature posting, excellent prose

>> No.9705129
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>If you're an emulator fag then post a grid of cover art.
These are some I have an interest in. Currently bouncing off of James Pond License to Bubble, Jewel Master, and Ecco Tides of Time. I put some time into Beyond Oasis but I haven't played it for awhile.

>> No.9706123

I accept your concession

>> No.9706195

What if you buy one that sucks though?

Thats a good idea but I only pick up <2-3 games a month on average, because this hobby is a waste of money but I'm still cant ignore it for some dumb reason