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File: 244 KB, 1242x1245, FDAF3BD6-AC3D-472A-884D-64F1583013CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9698717 No.9698717 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, I think it’s not gonna come. I ordered Feb 7 and have not gotten any updates since. I am starting to get worried that it’s probably not gonna come. Anyone have a successful order recently ship? Do you know how long approx from purchase date til shipping notification? I might need to sign up and go get it myself.

>> No.9698729

You haven't even waited a month. What a waste of a thread.

>> No.9698736
File: 50 KB, 657x527, 0CB542DF-24AD-4091-8370-AF9020418BF5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just gotta be patient sometimes

>> No.9698738
File: 651 KB, 828x1792, 53EC681A-3C8E-4F30-9CE1-235CBE4837FA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered a GBA Everdrive from Krikzz back in September and it shipped out of Ukraine. There weren't any shipping updates between September 15th and October 11th. The final delivery was completed on October 13. I think I ordered it on September 21, so I waited nearly a month to receive it. I understand your feeling, but you need to be patient. Give it time, it's coming from a literal war zone.

I'm looking to pick up his new PCE Everdrive and probably an FX Pack Pro, so I'll be in the same situation as you in a few months.

>> No.9698745

Why would you pay 5x more than on aliexpress for a chinkshit

>> No.9698746

krikzz inexplicably has a bunch of fanboys

>> No.9698756

I’m trying to gauge timeframe bc although I haven’t waited a month, the situation over there is getting worse. Seen videos they are forcing all men to fight so the factory could have been raided and noones working anymore. I filled out a ticket for support but wondered if anyone has recently purchased and had received

September is like two Putin addresses ago, that’s all, as mentioned above im just worried things got worse over there. But I’ll keep patient. Tbh I don’t mean to shill but you might wanna consider investing early in getting those just to secure it. Although I think krikkz escaped to Spain so even if shit goes terrible there the stuff should live on.

>> No.9698761

Krikzz is active on Twitter and posts photos from the factory in Ukraine all the time. Calm down.

>> No.9698767

>Option A) Buy reputable product that meets the technical specifications of the console including proper voltage and will not cause excess ware to the console. Product is made, sold and shipped buy a reputable seller.
>Option B) buy literal garbage that does not meet the technical specifications of the console (including improper voltage), and is so cheap that it often doesn't even have a beveled edge. Made, sold and shipped by a literal who in China - a shithole where public restrooms don't even have divider walls between toilets and the pipes are too narrow to flush toilet paper.

>> No.9698805

I dont believe the muh voltage narrative ever since manually testing my off brand gba cart that everyone and their mother promised would kill my Game Boy

>dont save money because.... muh bathroom plumbing
Ok guy whatever you say

>> No.9698856

It won't kill it right away, but it will cause wear faster than what is normal. However there is also the possibility that the cart you have is within the acceptable range. The problem with these Chinese clones is that you never know what you're getting, it's always a gamble.

>> No.9698858

Same with anons, a lot of them know what they're talking about, and some just shitpost FUD.

>> No.9698862

Delete your post.

>> No.9698869

it won't let me - sorry, stop bumping it

>> No.9698885


>> No.9698905

My wife ordered it at the beginning of December and got it mid January. Was planning on it being a Christmas present, but it is a warzone so what can we expect. Be patient. It is worth it.

>> No.9698954

Brother, I waited 3 months to get a clarinet concerto, it was a small booklet of 16 stapled pages. International shipping is a bitch. You haven't even waited a month.

>> No.9699002

The 64 cartridges are literally the same as the old 64 everdrive (x7 maybe) that you need to reset the console to save the game. Krikz must be butthurt and is making shit up because the chinks cloned his product when he contracted them to manufacture this shit for him.

>> No.9699056

I wish my n64 reset button wasn't broken

>> No.9699163

I had a genesis one come in maybe a week ago. Maybe waited a month. My Famicom one came in at lightspeed in Septemberish

>> No.9699168
File: 1.07 MB, 1864x1492, everdrive_20230227_121554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> krikzz inexplicably has a bunch of fanboys
my launch day famicom Everdrive N8 turns 10 this year and it still works great. i have used the fucking shit out of it for both gaming and development and it has received tons of improvements over the years. hell i even killed and replaced it's battery a couple years ago. it has given me multiple thousands of hours of joy and is hands down one of the best things i have ever bought.
i think that explains alot.

>> No.9699169

I wonder why that button slot gets so dirty, I guess the clearance is just too tight so any crap that gets in makes it stick and in my experience, n64 kids were dirty as hell

>> No.9699769

I bought a FX Pak Pro and was getting sound but no video after launching a game. I have a near launch SNES and thought perhaps something was wrong with it. I took it to a repair store where they used a second Gen. SNES and it worked just fine. Is it a firmware issue or is something wrong with my SNES? How do I fix this?

>> No.9699771

Regular games work on your snes?

>> No.9699801

Are you using an OEM power brick? Was the repair shop? Flashcarts use more power than the generic 3rd party power brick usually supply.

>> No.9699814

We used the same power supply on mine and his.

>> No.9699983
File: 978 KB, 1041x814, feY7XHi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you bought a new FX Pak Pro then congrats, you just paid out the ass for a plastic brick. Go open it up and compare it to pic related, because any carts made after 2019 are only good for the municipal dump.

>> No.9699995
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have the n64 x5 one? 100 bucks more for the "real time clock" doesn't seem worth it. or the "save without restart" whatever the fuck that is

>> No.9700042

Please explain

>> No.9700110
File: 706 KB, 3024x4032, 20230227_181457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks exactly like that. Like I said, it worked on the 2nd gen SNES.

>> No.9700114
File: 173 KB, 1032x541, 0SI4bEI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the v2.5 from before the rebranding. Hitting reset to save became second nature, but when you forget to do it once you feel the pain of losing your progress.
Switched to an x7 like a few months before Russia hit Ukraine, and I actually am pretty happy with the upgrade. The best feature is being able to have it automatically backup and then load in memory pak saves for each specific game, that's something you can't do with the lower tier.
Of course you can always settle for the old ass ED64 Plus which is the exact same thing as the x5 but cheaper

>> No.9700121

>Samsung SD card
Well I found your problem
Nothing wrong with Samsung SD cards, I use them for a lot of shit myself, but all of these flash carts and ODEs don't like them because they operate ever so slightly different from regular ass ones. Go try it again using an authentic Sandisk one

>> No.9700129
File: 1.75 MB, 3024x4032, 20230227_181220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the video I am getting btw.
It worked fine of the second gen, we sat there and played an entire level while on mine we couldn't even get past the first bullet bill in world 1-1. Would that really be the issue?

>> No.9700169

It can be, hell some flashcarts make firmware updates specifically to address issues with certain SD card brands. GCLoader recently put one out to fix PNY compatibility for example.

>> No.9700389

Get a job.

>> No.9700428

I went out and bought a SanDisk and it didn't work.

>> No.9700540

Mate it’s coming from Ukraine, give it a bit of time

>> No.9700551

>whatever the fuck that is
It means you don’t have to reset your console after you play a game to make sure it saves
If you don’t reset it on the X5 all your progress will be lost

>> No.9700571

I don't know how to tell you this, but out of every retro nintendo system (nes, sfc, n64). The n64 flashcarts are the least complicated, and thus chink versions are fine. n64 doesn't have enhancement chips or mappers, it's literally just putting roms into flash memory.

>> No.9700614

reminder, if you bought something and never recieve it, chargeback. I feel like even Krikzz would want you to do that.

>> No.9700709

Me and my boys finna liberate you all $50 USD for a chink clone ooooh hell naw, anyways look into picocart64.

>> No.9700710

>including improper voltage
dear lord you people need to stop peddling this lie

>> No.9700715

It has the proper voltage it just does it without using an IC. Anyways wouldn't that just fry the cart and not your console, I'm pretty sure consoles, don't feed power back to the console.

>> No.9700717

*carts don't feed back power into the console.

>> No.9700720

As far as I'm aware, some draw more power than they should which can cause damage to the console

>> No.9700747

The aliexpress one is the same as shitter ones he sells. If you are gonna give him money you need to buy the high end one that doesn't need to be reset to save. Fuck having to do that shit every time I want to save.

>> No.9701038

this hasn't happened to fucking anyone. no accounts of a chinese n64 everdrive bricking a console. i get people love paying hundreds of dollars for daddy krikzz products but cmon now.

>> No.9701043

I'm not talking about specific carts, I'm talking about flash carts in general
you can experiment with this in real time on handheld devices that use batteries

>> No.9701047

Honestly I'm just pissed that flashcarts are being treated like a premium product, with premium pricing under krikkz, flashcarts are for the favela.

>> No.9701071

yeah I only have one to play romhacks

>> No.9701073

I only have one to play Bible games

>> No.9701348

They're probably out of stock and are waiting until they get enough orders to make another batch. A lot of these projects are made from small groups or hobbyists you're not going to get shipping speeds like amazon.

>> No.9701360

Can't you literally buy everdrives on Amazon?

>> No.9701364

Ordered N64 one in the december sale and it arrived in my country here in Europe before new years. I think there was a week or so when I got no updates when it moved through Ukraine.

>> No.9701683

Is there a knockoff Everdrive that doesn't have that whole reset button thing?

>> No.9701737


>> No.9701751


>> No.9701773

Broken FXPAK Pro poster. An anon in the other thread suggested I use the new firmware and it works perfectly! Thanks to everyone who tried to help!

>> No.9701803

Spoke too soon. It was working when I turned it on the first time but is back to not working. Darn it.

>> No.9701962

Op here

I know bro, I’m just nervous there’s film of Ukrainian armed forces snatching up regular citizens to be drafted like in the streets. So I wouldn’t put it past someone tattling on the everdrive boys unless he’s employing all female.

Hoping nothings going on over there .. for their safety first, and then after that, my precious flash cart

I have an ED64, but I’m upgrading for the no reset and the developer features.

>> No.9703023

Op here - they replied with a tracking code. Our card is coming home.

Dudes, what’s nuts is it starts it’s journey through Sumy Ukraine and when I looked up where that starts from and it’s basically right on the border to Russia. So I don’t know whether this means it’s already russia territory or if it might be wise to make purchases someone in the near future to be safe. Your call

>> No.9703716 [DELETED] 


>> No.9703731

I've had problems with my brand new FXPak Pro as well. Had the black screen issue and downloaded the beta firmware from Ikari on the krikzz forums: https://krikzz.com/forum/index.php?topic=12308.0


It still doesn't act quite right. Sometimes I get glichy graphics (like in Star Fox 1 and 2), sometimes save states don't work. I hope the next firmware update fixes it.

>> No.9703746

don't use the Beta firmware
use the final one
also make sure you format the SD card

>> No.9703750
File: 77 KB, 1079x807, everdrive-clone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an Everdrive N8 clone (famicom version) from Ali that I can't update via the regular way. I've tried the official files and all I get is a black screen.

There's an update for the bootleg N8 on archive dot org (EDFC Everdrive N 8 China Clone Mapper Update), but all it does it add some mappers and it's still glitchy as hell on certain games.

I have a real N8 Pro for my NES that works great, though. I just wish I could update that bootleg one.

>> No.9703753

Awesome, I'll try that. Thanks.

>> No.9703760

Pretty sure krikkz made it so his updates won't load on chinkclones bub, you're stuck to whatever the chinamen get working on the stinky chinky cart.

>> No.9703769

Yeah, I figured. I can always connect my real one up to the famicom with an adapter.