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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9698278 No.9698278 [Reply] [Original]

Skip or 100%?

>> No.9698295
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For me, it's every level, no skips, no matter which version.

>> No.9698307

100%. It only takes a couple hours.

>> No.9698316

Depends on my mood

>> No.9698318

Not much fun in skip since there is so little you'll see, unless you just want to do a quick run.

Full run is better, especially on all stars where you can save your progress

>> No.9698349


I tried to see all the content in the game in a single session once and it took me four hours. I was taking care to play every level and even (where possible) try every major path in each one, though. Maybe I was being more thorough than what you're talking about.

Anyway, it's not something I'd want to do very often. Simply getting to the end of the game without using whistles (but with everything else allowed in) seems like it should go a lot faster though.

>> No.9698354

Warps should only be used as a save system

>> No.9698361

When I play SMB3, I generally do a 100% warpless run. It really doesn't take THAT long, just 2-3 hours if you're halfway decent.

I view warps as a "save system." You can get to any world in the game within 3 minutes of play, so it defeats the purpose of playing the game at all to immediately warp to World 8. Plus, World 8 is pretty much the worst in the entire game, as it has no atmosphere and is full of dreadful auto scrollers.

>> No.9698389

I usually do all levels. I replay SMB3 once every couple of years so it never feels like a chore. Same with SMW, I usually play these two back to back

>> No.9698769


You are just blocking yourself content if you do that.
Obviously you want to get as much fun = levels out of your game as possible.
The warps were added as compensation for a save system, that's also why the whistles are all available so early.

>> No.9698775

As a kid, I like to warp to the 5-6-7 as they have my favorite stages, but now I just do 100%.

>> No.9698780

Need it

>> No.9698782

shit game, same as SMW. actual good platformers like WL4 get thrown in the gutter and people spend 30 years sucking this garbage dry. insane.

>> No.9698909
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An island full of warps? Where is this island located and why is it located on an island?

>> No.9698918

Remember that when people played these games on the original NES hardware, there were no save systems, and game overs were a real possibility.
The warp zones weren't in place so you could skip to the end, they were in place so you could return to the part of the game you wanted to continue playing from.

SMB3 is actually a particularly long game to play from start to finish in one sitting, without the modern convenienves of save systems, sleep mode, some means to suspend and resume the software, etc.

>> No.9698995

All Stars is babby mode. You can save and quit after getting the P-wing in 1-4, start over and get it again until you have your inventory full of P-wings.

>> No.9699089

This. I’m pretty shit at the game so it took me a period of 2-3 games in small sessions, but I used the whistles to warp back once I hit W6 and higher

I did use the P-wing for 8-2 though. FUCK that level

>> No.9699096

So, uhh, exercise some self-control and just don't do that?

>> No.9699483

Using Pussy-wing at all is level-skipping, and it's available in the original game
How can you possibly be bad enough to require more P-wings than are already in the game?

>> No.9699773 [DELETED] 
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P-wing & Feather

>> No.9699918

This is the way

>> No.9700056

If you're going to play, then play it.

>> No.9700062

>particularly long game
Not really.

>> No.9700069

The point of playing a game is to actually play it. I don't get why you would skip half of the game. By that logic, why not skip the whole game and go do something else.

>> No.9700080

Depends on how long I want to play.

>> No.9700161

>use the warps
>get to play the babbymode levels and then a bunch of autoscrollers
I don't see the point unless you're wanting to speedrun for the sake of it.

>> No.9700179

100% not doubt.
>Dragon coins for ultimate run

>> No.9700301

It is when you haven't spent hours refining your skill. or developing strategies to get through tougher parts.

>> No.9700742

Both for that one

>> No.9701221


It was the main way I played as a kid. The whole game was too long for me; I had the skill for it but I couldn't keep my interest up for such a long playing session, and I didn't care to leave the console turned on. (In fact that never even occurred to me.) So I'd warp to wherever I wanted, and usually that meant World 8, since that was the way to win the game and you're supposed to try to win. Also, it was awesome, with all those tanks and fires and stuff in it.

The game was like a short, 1.5-world bout of awesomeness with a big sampler platter of other awesome worlds attached to it for some reason. I loved it.

Today, I'd just play it straight through, because I have an adult's attention span. I dunno. That's how it was for me. If the game had had passwords or a save system instead of a warp system, I would have used that without difficulty. But it never once occurred to me to use the warp system AS a save system. That still seems wrong to me. Why pretend to continue a previous game when you're not really doing that? To me it's still a super-short game with a bunch of extra content attached, and with an optional challenge-run mode that takes you through ALL the content linearly. Warp systems are weird...