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File: 72 KB, 479x320, FF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9695063 No.9695063 [Reply] [Original]

Post times when developers got too cocky

>> No.9695076

It was originally the grave of Erdrick/Loto from Dragon Quest, so Square was always cocky.

>> No.9695082

Nah originally it was Link, it's just the ENG version that changed that. Then later rereleases reverted it back to original JP Link as seen in OP pic

>> No.9696581
File: 279 KB, 641x801, Jill Beats Mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember Jill of the Jungle being absolutely full of this, at least, the Episode 1 shareware version I played. No idea if it continued throughout all episodes. (Although a quick search through the hex of the files seems to imply only Episode 1 did this, that episode was also given out for free as shareware)

You ran into several of these random text boxes that joked about how Jill is so amazing that she made popular/classic videogame characters (at least for 1992) like Mario, Pac-Man, Duke Nukem, etc quit. One of the later messages claims the entire videogame industry collapsed except for Epic Megagames, the ones who made Jill of the Jungle, who were "currently vacationing in the Bahamas, could not be reached for comment."

>> No.9696593

>made by Tim Sweeney
3 decades later he finally has industry by the balls, with his engine being pretty much the only next-gen capable one

>> No.9696597
File: 29 KB, 640x480, xargon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9696601

I miss PSP and this version of the game

>> No.9696607

Savage, imagine if all three graves belong to some famous protagonists. Who would the third one belong to? Namco's Valkyrie? Can't think of any other mid 80s Famicom hero from that type of games

>> No.9696612
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>> No.9696615

This one made me laugh for whatever reason.
Not in game but some Sony higher up back in the mid 2000 stated that Rogue Galaxy was made to dethrone both FF and DQ as top dogs of the genre, weirdly enough both franchises (specially FF) had strong ties with the PS brand back in the day.

>> No.9696619
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>> No.9696621

I see that they were still continuing that gloating in Xargon after they finished with Jill. I also played the shareware Episode 1 of that one but don't remember that. In fact, I don't remember much of it other than your weapons were to shoot lasers or toss rocks, and that for some reason the rocks were better than the lasers and considered an upgrade.

>> No.9696631
File: 52 KB, 640x480, APOLOGY-mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did it across their entire game catalog.
Apogee also did some jabs like Johnny Dash in Monster Bash complaining about a certain Jill girl next door, an early version of Wacky Wheels would display “Searching for Epic games on your computer…” if you start it with the command /NOFUN, etc.

>> No.9696640
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>> No.9696642
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>> No.9696646
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>> No.9696653

>*releases episodes on steam*

>> No.9696661
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>> No.9696663

Considering how terrible Sin is I'm not sure this is a good idea.

>> No.9696665

Is this a jab both at Sonic and Jazz Jackrabbit?

>> No.9696668

It always felt to me more like a homage in this case. Famous hero graves are a fantasy staple after all.

>> No.9696669

Wash your mouth SiN is great

>> No.9696674
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>> No.9696676

It's secretly a jab at Miyamoto because Cranky is implying that DKC2 is better than Mario games

>> No.9696678

They released the same year seems a bit early to pay respects with a tip of a hat

>> No.9696681

But there's a gun next to a pair of what seems to be Sonic's shoes.
Kek, in MGS1 if you set your audio to mono the support team will mock you for owning a mono TV.

>> No.9696682

It's a jab at Sonic and Earthworm Jim. (That's Jim's gun there.)

>> No.9696685

you're on 4chan, people here think fortnite is going to die in 2 weeks

>> No.9696687
File: 35 KB, 600x338, 54a189520a5a37a8-600x338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact, it's actually a reference to this grave from Zelda 2, which was released almost a year earlier.

>> No.9696695

>dumb fat monkey putting on a shameful arrogant display
This is what happens when you let westerners make a game...

>> No.9696702

Zelda 1 February 21, 1986
Zelda 2 January 14, 1987
FF 1 December 18, 1987
FF is going against Dragon Quest not Zelda. It feels like homage. Both are fantasy games.
It's terrible anon. What did you like about it exatly? We had a thread about it recently.

>> No.9696703

Even their jokes are ripped-off, could Squaresoft come up with anything of their own?

>> No.9696707

To be fair I haven't played it in a long time but I loved the game as a kid. Great level design, weapons packed a bunch. Not going to argue though I haven't played it in 20+ years

>> No.9696708
File: 62 KB, 314x403, Great_giana_sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9696712

Nobody thinks like that but everybody hopes

>> No.9696713

I tried playing it sometime ago gave up on second or third level. It has too much bullshit level design and shooting feels bad.

>> No.9696719
File: 49 KB, 800x450, Vkn8Nq7CBZmBQc3n4Zyo0r6jl26DCHZwRkzunva1JEw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more upset by the fact that they put Yoshi above Link.

>> No.9696720
File: 135 KB, 320x240, scorpia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9696726

Well I'll replay it soon and then I'll tell you that you're wrong, probably

>> No.9696754

I completely forgot about that. If I recall correctly it's not in the English version

>> No.9696756

>"how much stuff can we rip off/parody/mock?"

>> No.9696764

Yeah, they removed it. No fun allowed.

>> No.9696770

Probably because Dragon Quest wasn't a thing in the west until like 1989 I believe? Would still be cool if they left it in though

>> No.9696802

Could've changed it to Mario or something.

>> No.9696837

Then Miyamoto would have written the name of the developer who did that on an actual tombstone

>> No.9696845

It would be like friendly fire then lmao, should've been Alex Kidd

>> No.9696863

What the hell is with that level design? It's just random bits and bobs of terrain tiles floating all over the place with no real rhyme or reason. Even most of the "coins" seem to be just randomly placed all over the level. This looks more if the game had come with a level editor and this was some 9 year old's first attempt at using it, then releasing those levels as some kind of level pack on an obscure random Geocities or Angelfire fan site.

>> No.9696902


To me it looks like programmer art. The sprites are competent (in part because of theft of course) and the music is competent, but the mechanics and level design are what a well-meaning but unpracticed and uninspired programmer might throw together. Europe, the land of interactive programmer art.

>> No.9696907


Well... if it were a Mario character it'd need to be a villain. So, Bowser. That could maybe work, although linking ceremonial burial with the Mario universe might still seem inappropriate to Nintendo.

>> No.9696927

It's three games, the third being the green socks in the trash can. Sadly, I forgot what game it was.

>> No.9696930

If you go out bound in gamecube version of Shrek the game will sent you to special area that looks like Inside the gamecube and get softlock. Pretty much the only game that has anti-hackers measure


>> No.9696934

This is some Chibi Robo type stuff

>> No.9696947


That was an interesting read.

>> No.9696963

It was a free game made by Kaiko devs under pseudonyms (well, besides Chris Hülsbeck) that came on a magazine disk and was more or less an elaborate shitpost that featured Sonic a few months before Sonic 1 even came out.

>> No.9696965

Are you sure that wasn't just some dev room or something that is a default spawn point that gets used if the game does not get a proper spawn point set? Or maybe a room that gets loaded as an OOB error handler that got used during testing and not actually intended for customers to ever see?

>> No.9696981
File: 290 KB, 1457x2023, 1676131279634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EWJ's Blaster
>When his game was on SNES

Uncalled for.

>> No.9697007

Hard to believe that there was a time when Earthworm Jim was relevant enough for these kind of jabs.

>> No.9697020

that's fucking stupid

>> No.9697023

Everything on Amiga is bad and for furries

>> No.9697029

I can't be the only one seeing this

>> No.9697032

Sometimes a knee and shin is just a knee and shin.

>> No.9697036


>> No.9697050

>earthworm jim
who are the green socks??

>> No.9697058

Luigi, Super Mario Bros officially stopped being a thing after World

>> No.9697112
File: 79 KB, 961x448, Fi08SglXEAAuOaB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green socks
looks like it's just a dirty can

>> No.9697283
File: 32 KB, 640x401, o82ym22dvyu11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9697305

Probably Link's green tights

>> No.9697313

might be boogermans clothes

>> No.9697331

based JVC trolling fat Tumblr kweens since 1991

>> No.9697352

My thoughts exactly

>> No.9697519

I'm sitting here reading about the development of pagan lol.

>> No.9697525

Nah, it's just slapping me in the face too. I'm enjoying it.

>> No.9697786

>Scorpia's review of Ultima VIII: Pagan was highlighted by GameSetWatch as one of the harshest video game reviews ever written.
Holy based

>> No.9697816

Scorpia was right about "Infidel". I solved the thing in an afternoon when I was about 18 years old, same as "Plundered Hearts". (I'd got these two in the Infocom collection alongside most of the others.)
These two were kiddie games that should never have got released for full-price when they got released.
As for "Pagan": CGW 1996 wrote, "a once-great RPG series reduced to the level of Mario". Was that Scorpia's prose? Scorpia wrote for CGW at the time. Scorpia or not, Garriott never recovered.

>> No.9697826

I found Scorpia's review of U8 embedded in an archive embed, here:
Woo, this woman could write. She didn't seem to have written the sentence I quoted; instead she seems, herself, to have paraphrased that sentence (which she attributes to a friend) - "Mario: The Avatar".

>> No.9697896

When the game was new, I thought this meant you could unlock characters. That would have been amazing.

>> No.9697991


Forgot this screen existed. It now makes me wonder if Nintendo and/or Rare had experimented with the whole SGI-rendered sprites concept for other Nintendo games and since they now had these on hand and had spent time and money to make them they decided to put them in the game as an Easter Egg. Helps that they would match the visual style of the game too.

>> No.9698185


>> No.9698392

Behold, the greatest IGN review ever:

>> No.9699129
File: 5 KB, 160x144, Pagemaster,_the_(GB)_easter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There are two more Cheat flags that may be enabled. Enable the Cheat flags menu first, do not set any cheat flags, then at the main menu input two more codes: Down, Down, Right, Up, Left, Left, Down, Right and Up, Up, Left, Down, Right, Right, Up, Left. After each sequence the sound will be heard. First one changes the bonus game dangerous falling objects into Fergus McGovern's (the founder of Probe software itself) face, similar to the Genesis version of Mortal Kombat II. The second one turns the main character in the bonus game into a penis, for some reason.


>> No.9699149

Hahaha it took me a second, but that made me chuckle.

>> No.9699173

>making a rip-off game and then dabbing on the original
Germans have no shame.

>> No.9699213

This aesthetic would be considered bold and brave by today's progressive crowd
It would still sell like shit though.

>> No.9699486

It isn't as harsh as they made it sound. Seems like a very balanced review to me, assuming her overall conclusion is accurate to the game.

>> No.9699558
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The original Apple II version included a delightful little easter egg from the early days of PC gaming - putting in the floppy disk upside down would boot up the game upside down.

According to Mechner, the game’s developers hoped that a few people would discover it by accident, and think their game was defective. “When that person called tech support, that tech support rep would once in a blue moon have the sublime joy of saying, ‘Well sir, you put the disk in upside-down,’” Mechner was quoted as saying in a recent profile, “and that person would think for the rest of their life that’s how software works.”

>> No.9699612


>> No.9699745
File: 108 KB, 604x800, 4562483-the-great-giana-sisters-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the typical 80s-era "punk" look

Also wasn't that art only used in the cover of a gaming magazine? From what I recall the actual boxart looked more like the artstyle of comics from the 1950s. The in-game images of the sisters also look like that cover art instead of that punk appearance, I don't think the punk look was ever canon.

Their artstyle was changed to make them look like kids since the DS game anyway, and that look persisted into the latest game that came out a few years ago.

>> No.9699754

>Scorpia was right about "Infidel".
I love Infidel and highly disagree with her about it. She's entitled to her opinion, but it's a real shame she probably scared both Infocom and everyone else out of doing something like that again, because it's a really interesting way of doing storytelling in a video game.

>> No.9699770

Unreal Engine is pure bloat

>> No.9699772

Yeah it's bloated and messy and also way ahead of everything else.

>> No.9699775

Gilgamesh would be an easy choice. What about Adol for the third? I think Ys existed by then.

>> No.9699790
File: 784 KB, 653x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still hurts.

>> No.9699795

for a game reviewer she sounds pretty based, a good reminder of how important women have been in the history of nerd fandoms (ie. the origins of Trekkies organizing). Also funny though how she was biased toward non-linear games simply because they made her job more difficult. Good of the magazine to recognize her shortcomings and not set her on such writing.

>> No.9699808
File: 811 KB, 800x602, GianaSisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My art-sense tells me that it's the British version.

>> No.9699823

it's either programmer art or incredible demoscene visuals paired with gameplay that's only incredible if it's 1981.

>> No.9699840

holy shit, someone bothered to care about boogerman?

>> No.9699857
File: 191 KB, 256x363, Boogerman_-_A_Pick_and_Flick_Adventure_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could it be?!

>> No.9699864

>fucking boogerman
jesus rare

>> No.9699876

theres no way they really meant all of that, EA werent such assholes before, arent they?

>> No.9699883

publishers were always publishers, only the scale has changed

>> No.9700070

trip hawkins was always a douche. Don't let the diamonds in EA's rough fool you about their true form.

>> No.9700149

>interesting way of doing storytelling in a video game.

>> No.9700159

Based. If I remember correctly, the left only appears on the Shareware version(s).

>> No.9700213

This game would be going for $300 right now if it existed.

>> No.9701118
File: 147 KB, 716x519, Biing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the manual for the Biing!:
>Biing! was made for fast and expensive machines. You may be able to run it on a normal Amiga but you better buy yourself a real computer.

>> No.9701863


>> No.9702526

Yoshi probably was bigger in 1995 than Link.
Yoshi's Island came out that year

>> No.9702534

I interpreted this as an easter egg / fanservice rather than an insult since the game isnt even in the same genre/realm as TR.

>> No.9702552

The "gotten too cocky" part is them having to tone it down for the release version.

>> No.9702584
File: 143 KB, 565x800, 2652957-world-cup-carnival-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorta related:
>World Cup Carnival is the first soccer (football) game utilizing the official FIFA license. The game was actually football games from Artic Computing and repackaged to coincide with the FIFA World Cup in Mexico in 1986. The versions were World Cup Football for the ZX Spectrum and the Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC versions were taken from World Cup II / World Cup.
>Initially planned as a US Gold in-house title, time constraints forced them to acquire Artic's World Cup Football (ZX Spectrum) and World Cup (C64 & Amstrad CPC), and fit the game with licensing tags and 'feelies' including a badge and wallchart, to release the game in time for the competition.
>For many years it was believed that an unreleased, incomplete and presumably abysmal original version was lurking somewhere, but the 2015 book The History of US Gold reveals the full story - a communication breakdown between two US Gold staff members meant that both wrongly believed the other was working on the game. US Gold's Plan B was to get Ocean to produce a modified version of Match Day to fill the void, but again nothing was started due to a miscommunication. Plan C was the old Artic game.
>Although one of US Gold's biggest ever sales successes, their reputation was not helped by the game. Amstrad Action magazine gave it 0%, and other reviews were highly negative.

>> No.9702618
File: 319 KB, 623x388, Hareraiser-Finale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9704628


>> No.9706016

EWJ was better on genesis and is more known as a genesis game

>> No.9706053

Yeah... how to make a jRPG that actually worked.

>> No.9706059

>New Bits on the Ram

>> No.9706094

Damn. EA had their revenge, though.

>> No.9706502
File: 12 KB, 570x712, logo_bitmapbrothers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the logo was just a parody of the Bitmap Brothers one.

>> No.9706676

>a jRPG that actually worked
NES Final Fantasy is nototrious for having spells that just don't work.

>> No.9706679


>> No.9706824

It's also one of the most consistently enjoyable and replayable RPGs of all time. So yeah, choke and seethe on that, lmao.

>> No.9706845

Maybe in the mental ward, not in the real world.

>> No.9706852


>> No.9706909

>one of the most consistently enjoyable and replayable RPGs of all time
I'm not arguing against that. All I'm saying is that the game is objectively broken.

>> No.9706961

Every old RPGs has glitches. The ones in FF1 are nothing in comparison with what the DQ games have for instance. In DQ2 you have stats manipulation, in DQ3 creating too many characters breaks the game, in 4 you can get an invicible balloon as soon as you get the boat and sequence break etc etc (there are many more especially in the Japanese versions)
The glitches in FF1 are very tame and don't break the game like the ones I mentionned, the only reason people make a big deal out of it is because they obsess over FF in particular, same situation with the pokémon gen1 glitches.

>> No.9706984
File: 213 KB, 1210x614, worldcupcarnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amstrad Action magazine gave it 0%
Absolute madlads.

>> No.9706991
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>Maradona is Mr Honest in comparison

>> No.9707016

Massive spoilers: The character you play as is a pretty awful person and the entire backstory of the game is all about how he's stuck in the middle of a desert searching for a lost pyramid all on his own after backstabbing his boss and his boss' client, then mistreating his hired help until they drugged him, stole his shit and left him to die.

The game ends with you finding the treasure you were searching for, but then triggering a final trap and getting buried alive as the game tells you that you wouldn't be doomed right now if you had been less of a shithead. Scorpia really really hated the idea of being forced to play as a pre-established and heavily flawed character and then being punished for things the character did outside of her control to the point of not only refusing to review the game, but also refusing to even acknowledge its existence

>> No.9709267


>> No.9709809

Dick an bols

>> No.9709963

Ah it's the early example of a TLOU2 style gaslighting game where developers punish you for things they themselves wrote

>> No.9710126
File: 429 KB, 1920x1080, 32030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice coincidence, I just went back to these after trying out FF3 PR.
Man, I wish they'd done FF3 in this style. I've tried so many times to play FF3 but can never stick with it

>> No.9710131

What's wrong with PR? I like the PSP visuals too but PR seems fine as well.

>> No.9710151

I didn't hate it, although 2x speed was sorely missed and the job sprites don't have any originality and are still just straight pulled from 1. The PSP style would've given the onion knights a ton of character and sprite animations.
In its defense, I think I just got filtered by FF3 the game itself. I got to the lilliput part where you have to go mini, and got annoyed because it just seemed stupid, with having to un-mini yourself in a really weird way by casting mini on yourself . And then they did it again with toad 30 minutes later. Didn't understand what the point was

Meanwhile FF2 is one of my favorite FF games legitimately. I don't understand the hate, I think the storyline and the word system are insanely ambitious for the time, and the music is still some of the best in the series

>> No.9710162

>music is still some of the best in the series
To me the symphonic suite for FF1-2 is way better than anything Distant Worlds concerts pooped out.
>I don't understand the hate
Me neither, I think it's the same autists who hate FF8. They read a guide, learn how to break a game, break it and then complain about how broken it is. If you just play FF2 or FF8 normally those systems will never be broken for you, they'll be engaging and challenging. Although leveling individual spells is admittedly annoying, should've let you level all black and white magic together

>> No.9710178

Not brown enough.

>> No.9710181

>part where you have to go mini, and got annoyed because it just seemed stupid, with having to un-mini yourself in a really weird way by casting mini on yourself
>And then they did it again with toad 30 minutes later. Didn't understand what the point was
I may be wrong but I think FF3 was the first game in the series with those status ailments and Square just wanted to show them off while also teaching you how to cure them.
I don't remember the toad part too well but the mini part gave off the impression of a gimmick dungeon where physical attacks are off the table and you have to just use magic instead.

>> No.9710186

Based FF2 and FF8 enjoyers

>> No.9710195

They don't teach you how to cure them though. In fact I spent a long time going from town to town looking for a store that sold mallets to cure mini with before looking it up
The toad part is just dumb as well. You need to turn into toads to "swim", aka enter the dungeon and then you untoad yourself right after (the game is virtually impossible to play in toad form).
You do it once in the Tower of Owen and then again in the Dwarf village. And then maybe more times, I dunno, I dropped the game after that
It serves no point.

>> No.9710208

>FF3 was the first game in the series with those status ailments

They were in 2

>> No.9710251

>They don't teach you how to cure them though
They do in the fucking manual, zoom-kun.

>> No.9710253
File: 60 KB, 481x300, jazz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

95% I think it's on jazz. Those aren't socks (which notorious char from the era was clearly recognized by their socks anyways?) but Jazz his ears from inside the trashcan, and the sign is deliberate. A rabbit does hop. The game was pretty popular in the PC scene of the time.
Boogerman was too obscure for this, but if the jab was only at sega chars then yeah might be it, but that's a stretch.

>> No.9710262

That's the kinda shit PR is supposed to amelliorate and yet they don't.
Also is it true that they did the opera scene in HD 2D? Why not stuff from the other games too? That's offensive to the other games

>> No.9712336
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>> No.9712339
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>> No.9712342
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>> No.9712357


>Harry S Price must claim the dubious distinction of having ripped off more Sinclair Spectrum games than anybody else. He made slight changes to commercial releases and magazine type-in listings, often introducing bugs in the process, and sold the results to unwary software houses. Some games were even ripped off more than once, and some were even bundled with the Spectrum +2.

>Apparently, the only time Price got into trouble was after the release of Crimebusters, based on David Jones' Spellbound. Mastertronic demanded a letter of apology, and the story was covered in the December 1986 issues of Crash and Sinclair User.

>> No.9712480

That time when Tod Frye made a copy of his 1 million $ royaltie check and hang it in the offices at Atari for all his colleagues to see

>> No.9712835

It's green dirt coming out the side of the trash to show its gross, Jesus christ

>> No.9712843

Rare were so based they made references without knowing it themselves

>> No.9712889

Tod Frye looks like he's on the verge of death, dude is only 68 and he looks how my grandpa did at 90

>> No.9712953

Based lad stealing IPs and slapping Hairy Ass label on them