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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9694997 No.9694997 [Reply] [Original]

What's your honest take on piracy? Have you ever thought if there is some sort of karma behind it?

>> No.9695016
File: 82 KB, 475x375, piracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeps games alive. Makes greedy publishers mad. Pirates have often circumvented shitty DRM that might leave a game unplayable in the future and have instead made sure other people can play it.
I normally don't pirate games when they're freshly released but that's a personal moral of my own, and irrelevant to /vr/ discussion. Piracy is especially vital for older games, seeing as you have companies that refuse to sell the games for one reason or another.

Piracy also helps encourage shit like ROM hacking and modding, which is why we have cool shit coming from the Doom community to this day, and why we have so many good Super Metroid ROM hacks. My beliefs could be wrong on all this, but I will hold to them.

>> No.9695021

Its good. Games are drugs and almost all of them suck and I don't care if they die. Imagine being like "you can have your crack but you better pay for it!" No one cares.

>> No.9695023

There are 0 good arguments against piracy.

>> No.9695025

Who gives a shit, for /vr/ games you're either paying some other gamer for his physical game or grabbing some other gamer's digital copy for free. I don't see major karmic difference here
>buying rereleases
Now that's bad karma because you're incentivizing devs to not make new games and just cash in on old ones. That's not good, you'll karmically pay for this

>> No.9695041

>see the state of modern games
Paying game developers was a mistake

>> No.9695091
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piracy is a good thing because all the devs who worked on these retro games aren't getting any risiduals.

>> No.9695123

Eh? No that thing about the Doom community isn't true. iD has never withheld stuff from the community and has gone out of their way to make shit usable by anyone. That's the real reason the Doom community survived.

>> No.9695128

He said "hacking and modding" anon. I wouldn't put those under the same umbrella but

>> No.9695131

I agree with this anon. As long as your practices lead to the development of better and more inspiring games, then that will undoubtedly yield good karma, piracy or not.

>> No.9695139

He said ROM hacking and modding. ROM hacking has never once happened in Doom since you can just do it through official means. They have always wanted you to do it. Doom 2 is functionally the same as the community content from the era.

>> No.9695146

>Who gives a shit, for /vr/
All you need to say really. This meta shit belongs on /v/. This is the board for discussing retro videogames and related material, not personal opinions about laws related to copyright infringement.

>> No.9695149

My logic here is because the game is so easy to pirate, it means more people to encourage fucking around with it. Though I guess really that should be a separate thing altogether, because as you and that other dude have said: Doom's current scene is more thanks to the engine being laid bare for people to tinker with.

I spend too much time playing Doom mods and Super Metroid ROM hacks. So this is probably where that's coming form.

>> No.9695151

It's less convenient than Steam.
A winnar is me.

>> No.9695154

I mean, if you buy used goods the people who worked on the thing aren't going to see any shekels anyway, right?

>> No.9695159

If anything, the only people profiting are the ones that enable piracy of /vr/ games. They're the ones selling any hardware that ultimately gets used as such, even if that isn't the reason they're selling said hardware.

>> No.9695174

Every dev interview I've ever read on the subject for specifically older games is very much on board. I'm talking about like 25-30+ year old games. They see no harm in playing something that is not longer for sale, and often are happy that fans are passionate enough to play, translate and maintain their old work. These were artistic projects made out of care, not always to line a corporations pocket, even if the initial goals did overlap.

Keeping the conversation going for older games, the developers that created them, is 90% of the time only possible through emulation and piracy. Don't let that spirit die. Keep playing old games.

>> No.9695179

>serious take
Piracy is never going to go away. There's some people who lack ethics and never will pay for software/movies/music. There's other people who can't afford to spend money like that, and still want it. That will always be revenue never captured by the corporations.

Now, there's another group that will pay for what they see as worth it, or has abandoned piracy due to its annoyances and inconveniences (like I have with vidya). That's where the money will always be, as well as the 3 people still alive that don't know how to pirate anything.

The third group pirates shit that's OOP and the company won't profit from anyway. No harm done in my book.

Gaben said that piracy is more a service issue than a price issue when he introduced Steam to Russia. People thought he was crazy, because piracy in Russia is rampant. But he provided a solid, safe platform to get vidya from; and he used regional pricing so it would be more affordable there. Result? Steam is/was (don't know if they're participating in the unofficial embargo) profitable in Russia.

>> No.9695286

I don't mind downloading roms (especially if the game in question doesn't have a modern re-release on PC/current gen platforms). But if the game does have a modern release, I'll try to buy it (preferably the PC port). Especially if it is a long dormant franchise that I think should get a revival or localizations of Japan-only entries, I see it as voting with my wallet. Doubly so if the release had quite a bit of effort put into it in terms of rebalancing, new content, QoL, presentation, etc (the SaGa remasters, Tactics Ogre Reborn, and the Legend of Mana remaster are prime examples).

>> No.9695293

Alright, let's see you get sued and be your own attorney, let's see how well you do in court.

>> No.9695302

The truth is that the copyright term for video games (and software in general) is too long. Why is it so easy to pirate old games? Because it costs money to pay lawyers to prosecute pirates, and nobody makes enough money off of old games to make the prosecution worthwhile.

>> No.9695306

In the case of retro games it's just a matter of downloading games vs ripping them yourself. Whether you play on an emulator or on real hardware has nothing to do with piracy - you can load from official media in some emulators or dump the game yourself and load it up in the emulator and that's all perfectly legal, and there are plenty of ways of loading pirated games on real hardware.

So all of that being said, I personally prefer to have physical games because if companies go crazy and take down all of the rom sets, I could dump my copy and contribute to the preservation directly.

These games are really old. If they get official re-releases then I have no problem rebuying an old game if they add features, remake it, or maybe even just put it out in a collection or as a service like Switch Online. Sometimes it's convenient. But as a person who genuinely loves and cares about games I also view it as necessary for as many people as possible to save complete romsets of as many consoles as possible. Also more people need to dump their rom collections because that's how we find revisions and we can check the data against existing dumps to make sure that the existing dumps are correct.

>> No.9695314

Even actual lawyers look insane when they go pro se.

>> No.9695316

If there's no good arguments against it then it should be an easy win, go on and set a precedent.

>> No.9695319

The copyright term for all things is too long. I propose the United States revert all IP law to the original ones passed by the founding fathers back in the 1790s. Copyrights and patents last for a 14-year term (with the option for a one-time renewal for copyrights)

>> No.9695331

Is piracy immoral? To a certain degree, yes, since you're avoiding paying for a product that another person put time and resources in to with the intention of selling. However it becomes more if a gray area when games are no longer available for sale except pre-owned through third party sellers.

>> No.9695342

>What's your honest take on piracy?

I don't care and if I want to play my games, I would.


>> No.9695343

God didn't tell Moses to etch it onto a tablet, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.9695348

Based Hebrew fundamentalist

>> No.9695350

Still would look like a kook.

>> No.9695361

Retard, just admit you don't want to pay for shit and stop pretending like it isn't an immoral thing to do. We all fucking know what we're doing here.

>> No.9695368

If you have the money, pay, if you don't, pirate it. /thread

>> No.9695403
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My take on piracy across all industries is kind of the same: if you like something, think it's good and want more of it you need to contribute to its monetization in some way or else it sends the wrong signal. Things that make money keep getting made, things that don't don't. And the more niche your tastes are the more important it is to support the people who cater to it because the most middle of the road shit will always get made but companies get scared off the esoteric stuff easily.

That being said, at some point the money's already been made and they're just milking it. And some companies won't even sell you the fucking thing even if you would pay for it. I would very much like a Legacy of Kain HD collection and would pay for a retail copy but no one's apparently going to ever make one.SO it's not always just cheapness that compels people to pirate shit.

>> No.9695409
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"thou shalt not steal"

>> No.9695438

It's not stealing. You're not taking anything from anyone.

>> No.9695446
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I don't really care about piracy one way or another. What annoys me though is when retards try to spin it as something noble like "PRESERVING THE CULTURE" when in reality they just want shit for free. And I stress I'm not against it, especially with ebay scalper prices. You're not supporting the developers anymore if you buy a copy on ebay than if you pirated it, but once again, just be honest. Pirate if you want, but do it honestly because you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.9695465

It has nothing to do with piracy. Pro se looks kooky, no matter what the case is. You should probably learn to read.

>> No.9695502

My honest take is it's very good for art to not be in complete control by corporations who can lock it away and only release approved versions or never ever release it again. I love it cause it's free too. I've never bought into the idea of it being like stealing. It's sharing of infinitely copyable information. It's not the same.

I find that monetary loss related to piracy is a complicated calculation. Copyright holders want us to believe downloads = lost revenue. Yet many without money download. Broke people wouldn't be customers if there were no piracy. There are some who are willing to download for free, but will never buy. This is the case for many /vr/ games that I play. I played some random Tintin game for the SNES. I would never buy the actual game. There are certainly people who would buy if not for piracy. That is the lost revenue. But there are also those who download for free, become fans, and then spend money. There are games I may have bought if piracy were not available, but there are also some I bought because I pirated an earlier game. I don't think it's possible to get an accurate calculation on loss vs gain. I think it ends up not mattering. The consistent growth of the gaming industry (which is now the largest entertainment medium by revenue) shows the medium is doing more than fine.

>> No.9695508

Video games are shit. Go watch TV or start drinking.

>> No.9695510

one of the main reason of PSX' success was piracy

>> No.9695684

Pirating games, movies or hell anything made more than 25 years ago is 100% morally correct. Fuck this cucksucking law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_Term_Extension_Act

>> No.9695696


>> No.9695707
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It makes WEF jews and goys seethe, and i get to play shit for free, I love it

>> No.9695807

The only reason why we can even play most retro games is thanks to piracy
I might feel a bit bad if I pirate a modern game but even if I buy a used copy of an old game, the developers don't benefit from it anyway

>> No.9695813

>Don't let that spirit die. Keep playing old games.
I will and I will share my love for retro games with others

>> No.9695823

>modern release
Read >>9695025

>> No.9695839


>> No.9695851

I know right? The WEF would never actually be against piracy. Every member probably never leaves the house without a full MAME romset on one device or another.

>> No.9695872

>a full MAME romset
this is more data hoarding and mindless consumerism than piracy

>> No.9695874

Copyright laws are immoral in the first place. Imagine thinking you can own an idea, and if anyone copies this idea, they're a criminal. that is bullshit, and it's ridiculous that it all got to this point.
>but it protects the artists!
Barely, let's be honest. And if you're a good enough artist, people will give you money directly, just to keep making art. that's patronage. That's how it used to work.

Maybe the conception of art as a career choice, rather than a thing people make out of passion was a mistake in the first place, anyway. Would video games be better if they were exclusively developed by people who were passionate about the form, regardless of the money they thought they could make from it? They probably would be.

>> No.9695880

i pirated pc games in the early 2000s. nowadays i buy everything (aside from retro emulation, but i almost exclusively play games i own or owned at some point)

>> No.9695918

I would say there's also an argument to be made about how copyright law strangles and constrains artists.
In a perfect world the people who made Sonic Robo Blast 2 should be able to profit on the fact that they made a better Sonic game than Sega, but they can't. Sega owns Sonic. They don't. Despite the fact that they're the superior artists, the law is keeping them down. Stealing money and acclaim that they have earned, essentially.

>> No.9696068

Taxes are more theft than software piracy is

>> No.9696083

Unironically true. Your tax money is making sure rapists and thieves are well fed and healthy.

>> No.9696107

>having games BAD
This is a video games board, not data minimalist spergs club

>> No.9696157

The mechanics to defend the IP already exist anyway: the original creator creates canon, everyone else creates fanfiction. He doesn't need to have special rights, just the fact that he's the original creator already makes his work stand out and be considered canon. That's enough for him to make more off of that IP than anyone else, surely. And if it's not he probably sucks anyway
Each individual release should be protected by copyright though, in this digital age my game can be be copied and resold by some scammer 1 hour after release. That's not good, I need to be able to sell my work somehow. However that protection shouldn't last for decades, 1 decade tops, after that your work becomes free. Don't be greedy you bastard

>> No.9696243

I'd rather use archive.org than Steam any day.

>> No.9696254

That argument doesn't work for /vr/ because our games are tiny and don't need updates, you can just pile them up in a folder. Can't get more convenient than a folder with roms

>> No.9696263

I wish more people were data hoarding, new breed of PC users seems to think all data is always available online and they shouldn't back anything up. They'll learn but it'll be too late

>> No.9696268
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>Have you ever thought if there is some sort of karma behind it?
What karma? Set the sails to the Bay! Full speed ahead! Aye, captain Popebeard! Arrrr!

>> No.9696289
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Media piracy is important as a measure to preserve media and more recently guard it from censorship. If there is karma in play we shall be reborn as deities of truth and justice.

>> No.9696301
File: 249 KB, 807x629, Chou Dengeki Striker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piracy is wonderful. There are piles and piles of great games that are illegal to own in various countries. Thanks to piracy, people can enjoy those games without too much personal risk.
I hope for a future when people can buy and play whatever games they want openly without risk of being persecuted for it, but until then, piracy is the best thing we've got.

>> No.9696334

Intellectual "property" is fictional property.

Real property concepts cannot be fully applied to fictional "property".

>> No.9696381

Nobody who pirates was going to buy the game in the first place, except where the pirated copy serves as free advertising to make one decide to purchase it.
Combatting piracy is completely useless.

>> No.9696402

enjoy wasting your life organizing games you will never play

>> No.9696415
File: 3 KB, 320x200, Pirates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set a precedent
I know this is the /vr/ board, but where have you been the last ten years?
>I find that monetary loss related to piracy is a complicated calculation.
It is, so much that the EU spent more than 300,000€ to commission a study. The result was that there is no "robust statistical evidence of displacement of sales by online copyright infringements" (page 7). Pretty much what anon says >>9696381
To nobody's surprise, this report did not receive much publicity, but it's still available:
>Imagine thinking you can own an idea, and if anyone copies this idea, they're a criminal
As bad as copyright laws are, you still cannot copyright an idea.

>> No.9696421

>you're incentivizing devs to not make new games
Counter-point: the new SaGa is in development as we speak, and will probably have the biggest budget ever for the series. I would attribute that to people expressing interest by purchasing the remasters.

>> No.9696424

Legal arguments are not "good" arguments. "A bunch of rich guys bribed congress to extend copyright to infinity" is a bad real argument but a great legal one.

>> No.9696428


>> No.9696435

How are games drugs exactly.

If you mean because they cause dopamine release, I could kinda understand if you mean gacha games or multiplayer games, but single player games aren't really addictive. And the same logic applies to internet, TV, anything that releases dopamine.

>> No.9696442

>regional pricing
I know it makes logical sense but I still hate the idea of regional pricing. I understand why it's a thing but it has always felt unfair to me. Especially stuff like Spotify.

I don't want to spend £9.99 a month, when some guy in the US gets the exact same service for $9.99.

>> No.9696450

When Copyright goes back to 36 years max then I will respect copyright holders. Otherwise they are immoral IP hoarders, flogging the deads work with no real contribution.

>> No.9696457
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The problem is solving it's self.

>> No.9696458

It makes logical sense if it is adjusted for purchasing power, like in Russia or South America.
In the UK it should be less than the US but it's the opposite.

>> No.9696476

>expressing interest by purchasing the remasters
I'm expressing interest by talking about it on 4channel.org

>> No.9696497

Support the games you like, playing physical copies is the best way to enjoy games of all kinds. If you don't support the games you like, they will stop being made. Being this is an old games board, buy rereleases of these titles for example success still exists and produces cotton and they have said if the new releases continue to sell they will continue to make the games. Piracy somehow being good is a delusion held by morally tweaked teenagers, piracy and especially pirates need no defense. It's not a good thing, it's an inevitable thing.

>> No.9696509

I've never broken into the offices of where these roms were made and stole the source code, so no harm done.

>> No.9696523 [DELETED] 

>Support the games you like, playing physical copies is the best way to enjoy games of all kinds. If you don't support the games you like, they will stop being made.
Majority of any user's emulation library is of games that have been out of print for decades and being sold at scalper prices where the original devs don't make a cent, so fuck off.
>buy rereleases of these titles
Many re-releases/remasters these days are shit.
>Piracy somehow being good is a delusion held by morally tweaked teenagers, piracy and especially pirates need no defense. It's not a good thing
Really, truly kill yourself.

>> No.9696530

There is no demonstrable link between piracy of games and loss of sales. See >>9696415.

>> No.9696543
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Without piracy, emulating ROMs and all that, most people on this board wouldn't even be on this board. In fact, the board itself wouldn't exist.

And that includes "purist" buyfag collectors who only play physical copies on real hardware. Why? Because without piracy through emulators and how easy it is to play the games and make them well known, there wouldn't have been a retro trend, it would have remained a super niche thing.
That and hundreds if not thousands of games would still not be documented (let alone Japanese only games) online. The vast majority of websites that document games have done it through piracy.
In fact I also believe that the industry would have never picked up on the fact that players *are* still interested in all games, so most re-releases of old games and services that started since the Virtual Console may not even exist either. Remember that the state of mind was that anything 2 year old was "outdated garbage", then they realized "wait people still care about that old NES shit? Let's just sell the ROMs to them then instead of letting them have them for free" etc

With that said I hate people who give themselves excuses for games that *are* available for sale and be like
>og devs are not getting any money from these re-releases
Like they were there when the contracts were negotiated for fucks sakes.

>> No.9696664

>it's only an excuse that original devs aren't getting paid
Why would I ever pay some middleman who gives no cut to the devs if I can grab it for free? What would be my motivation? I don't understand why anyone would do that

>> No.9696684

For one thing, you do and can not know whether the og devs are getting royalties are not.
If the initial contract involved royalties off the sales, then that contract is still valid today. Doesn't matter if the company got sold and rebought a dozen times.

But more importantly, most devs do not get royalties or any money directly from sales even when the game is/was new. Nor would they want it, because there is always a counterpart and for them it's almost always better to be paid more or at all during dev than to get a "maybe you'll get something months after the release". So thinking "devs aren't getting money from sales" means the game isn't worth buying is a brainlet take. Just a terrible and stupid excuse some pirates tell themselves to feel better.

>> No.9696704

My thoughts, more or less. If the people who own the rights to the game refuse to make it easily accessible, or change it so much it doesn't resemble the original version, then piracy is a way to preserve that original version.

>> No.9696714

Why do you care, OP?

>> No.9696729

If you're a pirate, you're a thief, simple as. Dishonest people will be dishonest, but if you pretend it's somehow justifiable you're a faggot.

>> No.9696739

>Doesn't matter if the company got sold and rebought a dozen times
Matters to me, I feel bad if I take money from a studio I like, those are the only cases where I don't pirate. If the studio I like folds and I pirated from them, that's bad karma for me, means I did something bad for the industry. If they folded 20 years ago, I don't give a shit if some guy who still owns the rights doesn't get paid for work he did 20 years ago. I don't get paid for what I did 20 years ago, he should get over himself and find a new job. Contract shmortract

>> No.9696741

I only pay for games if they're Japanese. Western games are not deserving of my money.

>> No.9696742

Using the word faggot is unjustifiable as well, in the eyes of most people. Maybe most people are retarded faggots, ever thought of that. Maybe trying to appeal to their twisted morality isn't the best way to live, they'll never accept you anyway, not if you call people faggots

>> No.9696749
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Didn't ask.

>> No.9696763

Western games usually aren't worth it for free even.

>> No.9696773

All /vr/ games should be pirated. Literally none of the original developers are being paid for it at this point.

>> No.9696789

>heh I don't care
Well I still win because I care so little I literally can't even be bothered to finish this pos

>> No.9696815

Not for nothing but something being decided in court doesn't mean it's a good argument. 90% of the time it boils down to either "the majority of the population wants this/doesn't want this so now it's legal/illegal", or "people with a lot of money want this so now it's legal/illegal". Actual arguments of merit rarely actually come up outside of supreme court cases and that's because the argument is whether or not something is constitutional, not whether or not something should be a law.

>> No.9696816

It's an irrelevant discussion for retro games because you aren't buying these games new anyway. Secondhand sales give just as much money to the developers as piracy does: $0

>> No.9696846

brb, pirating communism so communist shitholes start functioning due to their communism being stolen.

>> No.9696880

>iD has never withheld stuff from the community
They kinda did. iD Software themselves never released any beta content for any of their games, John Romero did that himself well after the left the company.

You also have stuff like the original tools for making the game, DoomEd, Fuzzy Pumper Palette Shop, etc, those were never released, and iD never published any editing tools at all for Doom. Granted, they were written in NEXTSTeP and wouldn't run on any conventional desktop computer anyway, but fans were just left to figure that stuff out themselves.

>and has gone out of their way to make shit usable by anyone
Kind of. On Doom again, lots of shit in the game is hardcoded, and most of it can't be altered or replaced without using a utility (such as DEUSFX) for patching in replacements and hacking the values and tables in the .exe, because there's just no other way.
If you wanted to play with a mod which reskinned the Pinky into a huge bipedal cock (this exists), you couldn't just load that .wad with the original .exe, it'd complain, instead you need to patch that content onto doom.wad, and then you'd need to unpatch it to remove it. Likewise, if you wanted to as little as provide a PAR time for a level you made, you needed to provide a patch to hack that value for that level slot, no other way.

Stuff didn't really open up until the source code release in 1997. Even then that lacked the sound code (as they didn't own the rights to it). This isn't all bad, but it's worth noting that the Doom fandom has built a lot of what it has on its own over all these years, iD provided little beyond the commercial game and the source code (the latter admittedly is very significant).

>> No.9696896

>ROM hacking has never once happened in Doom since you can just do it through official means.
Lol. >>9696880
Again, if you want to make an all new enemy for Doom 1, you can't without using an existing thing slot, and you can't add any new frames, sounds, functions, etc. You have to use the stuff which exists in the hardcoded .exe and the assets in the .wad, if you want a new look for a monster, you're looking to replace existing monster frames and what not.
There's a few unused Thing slots in Doom 1, but little in terms of free frames, and Doom 2 is a bit more permissive because the secret SS Nazi gives you an entire set of frames to play around with without replacing a normal monster, but you only got so much.

If you look at something truly advanced such as the old Batman Doom TC, the guys who made that hacked the living shit out of Doom 2's .exe to make it do all the novel shit you see, and what they're doing is repurposing all the existing frames and code pointers best they can, they were incredibly creative with that, and you couldn't do anything remotely like it without hacking.

>They have always wanted you to do it.
Sure, but they mostly left the community to figure that out themselves.

>Doom 2 is functionally the same as the community content from the era.
No, because they add a lot of new functionality and content without replacing the old content.
The retail release of Doom 1, Ultimate Doom, added in a few blocks so that you couldn't use any of the new content from Doom 2 even if you loaded in the assets for it. Nothing you can't get around by just pirating Doom 2 as a whole, but they put in some control in there.

>> No.9696982
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If I can pay for a game I want which goes back to the publisher then I'll happily pay it.

If a game is out of print and extortionately priced by eBayers and the like then I have no qualms about stealing and emulating it.

>> No.9697547

>organizing games you will never play
Fullsets are download once and you're done. Whatever you're doing to "organize" roms is your stupid problem.
Enjoy wasting your life downloading games one at a time, then shitting yourself when coolrom goes down.

>> No.9697578

There definitely is, I have no incentive to buy games if I can get them for free. Buying them does nothing except make me lose money I can otherwise spend on things I can't pirate. I can't download a car therefore I buy one. If I can download one, I'd keep my money and buy something else that can't be downloaded. It's that simple.

>> No.9697815

based retard does not understand how piracy or economics works

>> No.9698154

He's making a stupid joke you fucking sped.

>> No.9698165

merely pretending

>> No.9698348
File: 948 KB, 892x1106, 1561943931226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of whatever intentions the pirate has, they are unironically doing a better job preserving and keeping history alive. Not just video games but old media such as books, magazines,etc

Look at how merciless and ruthless the copyright overlords are when they are destroying many archives in the name of "stopping piracy". And that's not counting when stuffs gets deleted just because of a political motive such as "this is offensive and must be get rid of".

>> No.9698489

>There definitely is
Good, show it then.

>> No.9698607

If it weren't for piracy 99% of retro games would have become lost media.

>> No.9698867

>most episodes of Always Sunny are now censored and some are removed entirely
Thank god for piracy, preserving everything as is

>> No.9698874

Me, you fucking retard. I do it all the time. That's a sales loss of 1 and I'm not the only one who does this. Tell me why I should ever pay for something if there's a free option available that has no differences beyond being free?

>> No.9698889

Yeah but if you didn't pirate you'd play less games, would be less invested in gaming and in the grand scheme you'd spend about as much on gaming as you do now. Things kind of equal out in the long run. If piracy didn't exist gaming probably wouldn't be my hobby

>> No.9698941 [DELETED] 

I just showed you a link between loss of sales and piracy retard when you said there was none.

>If piracy didn't exist gaming probably wouldn't be my hobby
Not surprised that you're a zoom.

>> No.9698976

>Majority of any user's emulation library is of games that have been out of print for decades
Hence piracy being inevitable. Calm down.
>Many re-releases/remasters these days are shit.
Many are great, you've played neither.
>Really, truly kill yourself.
Such a mild mannered post eliciting this kind of reaction is exactly what I'm talking about, you're a teenager.

Read that study before linking it ever again as a defense for piracy. Just the conclusions will do, you'll save from embarrassing yourself.

>> No.9698987

>doesn't address the point in the post
>ad hominem attacks

>> No.9699072

>For one thing, you do and can not know whether the og devs are getting royalties are not.
They've stated themselves they don't, faggot.
>If the initial contract involved royalties off the sales, then that contract is still valid today. Doesn't matter if the company got sold and rebought a dozen times.
Companies can and will find ways to nullify it.
>OH so you signed this when we were This Name Ltd, now we're This Thing Inc. under new management, we don't need to pay shit.
>Like they were there when the contracts were negotiated for fucks sakes.
lol no they weren't. You think actually think Igarashi was at Konami's offices when they re-released the GBA games in 2021? You actually think Naoto Ohima and Yuji Naka regularly go to Sega's offices to discuss they umpteenth re-release of Sonic the Hedgehog 1?

>> No.9699085

>Me, you fucking retard. I do it all the time.
That's some high level analysis senpai, if I were Sony I would pay you to have this explained to the copyright board to enact more stringent laws, but unfortunately all I can do is give you a (you).
No, you told me what you do, but a planetary multibillion dollar industry doesn't revolve around you.
>you'll save from embarrassing yourself
I guess that's too late, but feel free to enlighten us.

>> No.9699107

You mean:
>purposefully dodges the strawman

>No, you told me what you do, but a planetary multibillion dollar industry doesn't revolve around you.
Yeah, it revolves around billions of me. A loss is a loss. Good to see you coming around and realizing I'm right.

>> No.9699125

>the strawman
Genshin and Fortnite let you play the whole game for free. They must make very little money, after all it's a strawman argument that free players promote the game and lure paying customers in. I mean I played it for free so how can Genshin make 2 billions of dollars? Nonsense

>> No.9699128
File: 676 KB, 1394x930, piracy in 2002 PIRATERIA 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a kid in 2000

>> No.9699139

>I guess that's too late, but feel free to enlighten us.
They found piracy was a loss in revenue for everything except video games, for video games they didn't have enough data to draw any conclusions. For a teenager this means piracy is either harmless or good, for anyone with a 5th grade literacy they can determine there's not solid evidence in the study but if it's harmful to those with enough evidence, it's harmful to those without.

>> No.9699153 [DELETED] 

>Genshin and Fortnite
>online games
Just kill yourself you stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.9699160
File: 16 KB, 344x480, 16105627293201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an old pirate. I remember paying money for pirated games.

>> No.9699182

me too at fuel station