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File: 14 KB, 256x224, super metroid subversion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9692256 No.9692256 [Reply] [Original]

An absolute must play for all 2d Metroid fans.
Don't spoil the game for yourself by looking up reviews or videos. Just play it.

>> No.9692270

Seconding this. Good ROM hack. Actually has shit that surprised me.

>> No.9692272

How much does it require gay autism bullshit like infinite bomb jumps and sequence break glitches?

>> No.9692279

>amazing new level design and gimmicks
>reuses the exact same crappy kraid fight every time

>> No.9692282


>> No.9692293

I don't think I've seen any ROM hack introduce a different Kraid fight. Though some just don't bother with it at all.

>> No.9692296

Haven't played it but I'd bet money you have to start the game getting power ups back to back wasting ten minutes if your life.
>you got morph ball
>you got high jump boots
>you got muscles

>> No.9692297

None at all. You don't need to do anything you didn't need to do to 100% Super Metroid.

>> No.9692298

That's Metroid.
And you're wrong about when you get those items in this game.

>> No.9692304

Is there kaizo super metroid?

>> No.9692306

Here's the link because OP is too busy choking on dick.

>> No.9692307
File: 1.18 MB, 1936x1936, 1649191654636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played a 2D metroid since AM2R. I'll give this hack a shot

>> No.9692324


>> No.9692327

Metroid spreads out these power ups making it less annoying. Getting them back to back is no different then endless dialogue boxes in jrpgs or shitty megamen x games.

>> No.9692332

play the hack and find out

>> No.9692845

one if not he best hack I have played so far and I played almost everything above 3 stars on metroidconstruction. the whole concept of being made around the 2nd quest difficulty is just insane. I really hope fusion-x will be as good or maybe top it.

>> No.9692848

It's not easy to create a boss fight including enemy behavior from scratch in a rom hack.

>> No.9692854

dunno if you or anyone else si familiar with the site/community but I noticed this retard "KPF" in the review sections. he is literally rating hacks like z-factor, super zero mission or subversion 1 or 3 stars and every other shitty hack gets 5 out 5. why are people like that allowed to vote/review hacks? he is rating them on difficulty, if something is as difficult as vanilla or maybe a little be harder it will automatically gets 1 star from him.

>> No.9692926

Probably some dejected hack author who got his hack downrated or something. I guess they let him because he's not breaking any rules yet.

>> No.9692940

Samus get out of the bathroom.

>> No.9693049

Tricking Samus into blasting away all the tile grout by saying there might be a missile expansion

>> No.9693112

Then post it

>> No.9693872

Thanks for posting about this anon. This is great! playing it now. It's good to see a Super Metroid ROM hack that doesn't expect you to just wall jump 50 times in a row at the very beginning. This is accessible, and challenging, and really captures the original exploration and puzzle feeling.

>> No.9693887

This is pretty good so far. I just got into Metroid, and Super is the only one I liked.

>> No.9693938

yeah I know, just brings it back down to earth a bit when you see these amazing hacks, they're still just hacks.

>> No.9694507

The inevitable conclusion is that Super Metroid will be decompiled into source, and then converted to something much easier to work with. Then you'll see brand new bosses.

That said, it does surprise me how there isn't more ASM hacking of bosses like you see in SMW hacks. I guess it is much harder to do in SM.

>> No.9695882 [DELETED] 

bump for interest

>> No.9695889 [DELETED] 

protip for you trannie, if you want to fit in, don't use exclamation marks

>> No.9696294


>> No.9696313

I really wanna know the exact point where we became so jaded that exclamation marks began pissing us off. Is it envy of cheerfulness? Is akin to cute aggression?

>> No.9696326 [DELETED] 

stop trying to fit in retard

>> No.9696362
File: 35 KB, 512x448, Djhackedroom12ao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'll just watch a playthrough while browsing around, after playing a few hacks these feel like weird asset flips

>exclamation marks??? Heckin rude

>> No.9696658

>boring and literally waterlogged for the first hour or so
Does it get better?

>> No.9696931
File: 2.87 MB, 512x448, Personel Overboard.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9696935
File: 2.79 MB, 512x448, Dark Visor.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9696940
File: 2.58 MB, 512x448, Dark Visor.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9697095

Waterlogged shouldn't take an hour to clear unless you are being stubborn looking for sequence breaks. Just go with the flow your first time through.

>> No.9697554

Posted about this shit around the time it first dropped. I was the first guy to find and post about the seriously, don't look if you haven't played it yet SECOND FUCKING QUEST on here back then.

>> No.9697562

Not that anon but I am going to start using them from now on!

>> No.9697601

How do you feel about interrobangs?!‽!?
I use it sometimes as a substitute for the letter p, you ‽ussy.

>> No.9699252

Do I suck or is this way longer than the original Super Metroid? I'm 5 hours in and the percentages indicate that I still have half the game left to go.

>> No.9699287

Just by the title alone I can tell the author of this is a pretentious git, so no, I'm not interested.

>> No.9699296

I saw it in metcon but the average completion time is like 8 hours and i that scared me a little but if you anons say it's good i'll give it a shot

>> No.9699382

Too bad, you're missing out.

>> No.9699528

It's at least four times larger and longer than the original.

>> No.9699545
File: 528 KB, 1024x854, b99cdfeb8fd8cac8230fd968c7138fe9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon! ya gotta stop bein such a hardass, my guy! get some positivity flowin through your fleshy form! :D

>> No.9699557

Mercurial post

>> No.9699617

I'm not a fan of the name tbqh. However, I got past it.

>> No.9699878

Sort of. I'm not finished yet so maybe a power up I've yet to come across would have made it easier but I'll say that at least one non-critical item required me to disable an upgrade to reach. A very minor "puzzle" to be sure but vanilla Super Metroid never made you do that. I'm not even complaining, because I thought it was neat, but it's worth putting out there that the very smallest of thinking outside the box can help. You just don't need the crazy dexterity most romhacks ask for.

>> No.9700006


>> No.9700008

It's great, it's definitely one of the most advanced hacks so far

>> No.9700034

Played this recently, enjoyed it a whole bunch.
I never figured out getting this one secret in the space pirate ship though. It was a room with a vertical drop with shutters that would close too quickly.
I wasn't sure if it was just a very precise movement challenge, or if I was overlooking something in the surrounding area or was unaware of some specific movement tech like shine-sparking vertically downwards.

Subversion doesn't add modern shinesparking like other hacks like to, you don't get to chain by sparking horizontally into slopes, or in morphball form.

>> No.9700043

turns out the solution to that was both dumb and clever: Disable the gravity boots so you drop really fast

>> No.9700052

God, that's brilliant why didn't I think of that.

Honestly, completely forgot about the super-high gravity think playing that late into the game.

That's what I loved about the hack, it was really creative about some of the new mechanics, right down to the little touches like taking tiny bits of damage when charging the ice beam with the Metroid Suit equipped.

>> No.9700085

This was the only puzzle in the game that stumped me. I completely fucking forgot about the whole gravity thing in the beginning of the game.

>> No.9700452 [SPOILER] 

Much longer (and better). Took me just under 9 for my first playthrough, which I also 100%ed (there's an end-game thingy that tells you where all the items are, so 100%ing is not really an achievement, IMO).
However, /actual/ play time was longer. Much longer. See, I would save somewhere, try to figure out a puzzle or something then reset and reload when I did and just do the damn thing.
Especially for >>9700034
That shit took me forever because I forgot that gravity boots were a thing and only figured it out when I was looking through the in-game notes and equipment and got that lightbulb moment.

I beat the damn thing and loved it despite the name. wtf is it subverting? Expectations? Dumb name, either way.

>> No.9700463

>creative about some of the new mechanics,
Not just that. I really like that the landscape actually changed according to things you do in-game. I think that's nifty.

>> No.9700527

>wtf is it subverting? Expectations?
That's exactly what it's doing, and I think it succeeds in doing so.
I sure as hell didn't anticipate some of the curveballs the game throws your way, or the cool post-game riddles

>> No.9700586

You DID manage to find the Forbidden Room, right?

>> No.9700713

Yes. I did all of the in-game challenges.

Yes,i know about the riddles.i was giving some guy clues about them when i found the second quest and told everyone here about it back September.

>> No.9700786

What does the Japanese say?

>> No.9700985

>I was giving some guy clues about them
Did he then pretty much spill the beans for everyone else in the thread? Because if so, that was me.
I still feel kinda bad about that, but hopefully not too many people saw it.

>> No.9701046

List the good Metroid Rom Hacks

>> No.9701048

Super Metroid Arcade: http://www.metroidconstruction.com/hack.php?id=357
End of list.

>> No.9701391

where's the link to download the patch? am i retarded?

>> No.9701393

never mind, after reloading the page it shows up now. my browser didn't show that part at the top for some reason

>> No.9701497

Yes he/you did. I didn't wanna chastise you about it, though. Excitement is a difficult thing to control and I'm sorry if I was unpleasant at the time (i really was rather annoyed).
I'm just glad now that someone enjoyed the hack as much asi did.

>> No.9701503

Hong Kong ching chong we arr rook same.

>> No.9701630

>The inevitable conclusion is that Super Metroid will be decompiled into source,
Anon... that has existed for a long time now. If you are thinking it will get the Mario 64 treatment, that's simply not possible.

>> No.9701642

pretty good hack. pacing is done very well. I'm enjoying it thoroughly
top center right of the page. it says download

>> No.9703224 [DELETED] 

>if you want to fit in
Go back

>> No.9703387

>that's simply not possible.
why not?

>> No.9704449

hope is fun and not turbo autism like vitality

>> No.9704482

for us version rom i assume

>> No.9704484

It's a ROM hack so it's all turbo autism. The question is why did you turn your nose up at autism?

>> No.9705535

lmao faggot

>> No.9706668

I think the level design was a little better in Hyper Metroid and Ascent.
But Subversion really felt like I was playing a Super Metroid sequel.

Hot take: Redesign has the GOAT map and room layouts.

>> No.9706682

You're 10 times worse than that other dipshit.

>> No.9706710

wish it had supported the msu1

>> No.9706761
File: 121 KB, 735x554, 1284073482149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really should try that one again, but I always get buttmad over the dev completely ruining the wall jump. Wall jumping is too much fun and he just fucking crippled it. Everything else I can deal with, but why'd you have to go and take my wall jumps?

>> No.9706890

got bored after the water section

>> No.9706905

I keep getting lost and backtracking. I'm supposed to read the menu and shit?

>> No.9707027

no you shouldnt. it aged like milk. some of the endgame chozo statues were to well hidden. difficulty/exploration was hard but managable but holy fuck the statues.

>> No.9707083
File: 721 KB, 1188x1879, download (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9707748

cant get out of the room after crew quarters, talk about being filtered

>> No.9707798

got big box version when it came out, this will be the first version ive played since the 90s

>> No.9707868 [DELETED] 

Shoo retarded ESL

>> No.9707887

>I'm supposed to read the menu and shit?

>> No.9707941

Not really. I found them without problems, especially since you run into most of them before you can access them but they get marked on the map anyway

>> No.9708251

I recall seeing a hint list for them put up somewhere.

>> No.9708262 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 473x630, hairless chimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh no! I might not "fit in" on an anonymous imageboard!!!

Whatever will I do!?

>> No.9708321

2nding this request for elaboration.

>> No.9708338

Super Metroid got disassembled in November 2021.


So we'll probably see even more elaborate hacks coming out. Subversion was created as a demo for the new S.M.A.R.T. editor for the game.

>> No.9708354

The story is kind of weak here in a few parts.

Samus lands her ship at the pirate-controlled space-port and nothing happens. Do the spaces just not care that Samus is there?

If there was some indication that things had already gone awry on the space port and planet below it would explain the situation more, but I didn't see anything in the intro to indicate that, and later parts of the game show the pirates are still actively operating as usual.

>> No.9708419

Vilela is a nigger, Super Metroid got disassembled by P.JBoy in 2017 but Vitor doesn't acknowledge it for whatever reason

>> No.9708443

Why hasn't the game been ported natively to PC?

>> No.9708450

65c816 assembly is assembly from the get go, not much abstraction. Even as the full source code is available, porting it to anything modern isn't fun at all because a considerable amount of code is used for platform specific shit like tilemapping, HDMA, SPC queues and VRAM management.

With games like Super Mario 64, it's different because the end product can be disassembled to C, a "legitimate" programming language. Assets used by SM64 are also easily exchangeable and trivial to transcode; PNG to i8 conversion is simple, WAV to [whatever N64 uses for audio] is easy.

>> No.9708454

but as it stands, a rewrite of Super Metroid for Sega Genesis (with the disassembly as its base) is being done but the project leader is a turbo autist and refuses to share much progress reports. I have verified* it is legit, though.

*) this is an anonymous message board we're in after all so I don't expect you to believe me

>> No.9708456

So mostly it would have to be rewritten from scratch using the source code as a reference point?

>> No.9708458

yeah I thought the same, obviously you don't want to turn your super romhack into fusion but a lot of times where the author just doesn't bother with a little detail that would've gone a long way.

>> No.9708465

Pretty much. If there's hundreds of rows of code for drawing a tilemap that SNES handles super well but Windows (or anything running under it like SDL2 or any abstraction layer for that matter) doesn't even understand, it's not worth it to "port" it at all. Just look at the code and rewrite it.

>> No.9708497

Cool if true. I'd be interested in seeing how something like that ultimately turns out

>> No.9708509
File: 2.52 MB, 640x480, SM Redesign Early Screw Attack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Subversion advertises itself as a "Metroid 3.1", and it does feel like it could've been a Majora's Mask-esque project Nintendo could've put out to make use of the existing engine and assets.

I have issues with Redesign though. It's at times just far too large of a map, and there are too many points of no return, locking you into an area for an extended period, and too much emphasis on curbing sequence breaking.
The "Axiel Edition" went out of its way to block early Screw Attack access by putting in a randomized spring ball bomb puzzle, where originally a carefully executed shine spark could reward you a major upgrade early.

You can tell that Metroid Prime heavily influenced Redesign's core design philosophy, but I felt it was detrimental. Trudging the entire map to find the 12 Chozo Statues is a bit much especially given the scale of the map, but there's also the issue of Lower Norfair, it's an incredibly linear area (not unlike the original game) where the pacing changes drastically because you will already be fully equipped.

I just think that Redesign was often too demanding of the player, expecting perfection on a lot of the optional shinespark puzzles, and too many "you fucked up this sequence and now you die" moments.
There's also the Phantoon's Lair puzzle where you need to observe the height of stalagmites and stalactites when navigating a Lost Woods type puzzle, which I always had issue with because there's no feedback when you take a correct or incorrect path, and the visual clue is very, VERY easily overlooked because it swaps out short or long stone spires.

>> No.9708515

Don't know why Vitor wouldn't acknowledge PJBoy's disassembly, but he probably wanted to do it as his own learning exercise. His university thesis was literally on how emulation and the like is crucial for preservation of games.

Vitor does good work though and I'm looking forward to his SA-1 conversion of Super Metroid. He doesn't want to share his disassembly work for some reason though, something about worrying about misuse or something?

Side note: Really looking forward to X-Fusion being completed, whenever that might be.

>> No.9708849

I always think of ReDesign as a "Lost Levels" second quest of the original game.

>> No.9709156

Not true. You don't need to do anything you didn't need to do to beat the game. But to get 100% completion you will need to do additional feats. One in the optional era is quite difficult and I think it should have been given a wider window to complete the puzzle. That room has the initials POA.

>> No.9709280

I just finished with 100% but it took a stupid long time. The challenges say it should be doable in 2 hours. The fuck?! I take 2 hours to do the original Super Metroid, let alone one that's four times bigger.

>> No.9709820

Am I supposed to run through Sky Temple while taking damage or not? I can't figure out anything else to do. What the fuck?

>> No.9709842

Yeah, though you don't spend too much time in there. You'll be fine.

>> No.9709852

I got through sky temple yesterday, it is basically a troll area.

>> No.9709878

You can just unequip the Metroid Suit you know. It's not the last cold area you'll pass through.

>> No.9709920

You first visit that place without gravity though, so you'll take cold damage up there.

>> No.9710046

There are some mandatory uses of speedbooster that aren't crazy shinespark tech but still beyond the original game. It is excellent though regardless. Are all the endings the same as original? I was way too fucking slow.

>> No.9712157

>emphasis on curbing sequence breaking
>The "Axiel Edition" went out of its way to block early Screw Attack access
The irony of this is that when the original Super Metroid designers found sequence breaks they just play tested them and left them in as long as it didn't soft lock the player. Seems rather backward to fight hard against sequence breaking in a mod of the game that popularized sequence breaking.

>> No.9712670

Like I said, same sorta design philosophy as Metroid Prime.
>Pretty large map
>12 tokens scattered across the map needed to access final area
>Can't combine beams (initially)
>Actively discourages sequence breaking with updates

Prime is notorious for fixing certain sequence breaks in updated releases even on GameCube, like early space jump and early plasma beam.

>> No.9714263

And Remastered fixes even more tricks.

>> No.9714310

Full disclosure: by the time I got to the point of collecting the Chozo tokens I was ready to end the game and just looked up the locations on a map.

I did beat the original non-axeil edition on a flash cart, but I paused the game during the escape to consult some youtube videos because I didn't want to re-do that shit!

>> No.9714315

addendum to this post: it's not about the OP hack. It's about a different hack called ReDesign.

>> No.9714795 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 943x377, LMAO JANNIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I downloaded this and did my first IPS patch since high school (I'm 39 now lol).

Very impressive so far! The gravity once I hit the planet really threw me for a loop.

I downloaded this IPS and I watched a YT of a guy playing through it. What a neat concept! I want to do a 50 room run now.

Also picrel is what a Jannie 'warned' me for. It is Samus in her Metroid suit in Dread where she literally sucks energy by touch. lmao thin skinned T*****es.

>> No.9715930

It's also shit like
>Getting latched by a Metroid in Tourian is almost certain death
>Up to 30 minute long escape sequence after Mother Brain fight
>You lose everything after MB including suit and bombs, not just ammo and beams
>Mandatory underwater suitless section in escape sequence
>There is a single missile expansion upgrade in the escape sequence, and no ammo refills; if you fail to open a red door, you cannot escape
>Rescuing the animals is an entire time consuming challenge upon itself as the bomb room is significantly far away from the ship landing area

There is a lot about Redesign that I just do not like, and I particularly don't like the name, it's full of itself, as though Super Metroid was in need of a redesign.

>> No.9716161

redesign and superzero mission were the first super metroid hacks I played and getting stuck and exploration in general was the best part about these hacks.

>> No.9717646

I'll give it a go. It better not be shit or a meme, or I'll be coming back to insult you

>> No.9718115

>>Mandatory underwater suitless section in escape sequence
This is good tho. Nerve wrecking to be sure, but that's part of the fun.

>> No.9718358

I feel Redesign overdoes it, stuff like the hell run is overdone.

>> No.9718686 [DELETED] 

no thanks I don't like kike jew tricks

>> No.9720089

It's great

>> No.9720184 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 386x445, 03dcf9c16eec70169cc1c7ab55d0b922005252-386x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9720194

Finished it a few hours ago.
It is pretty good, no bullshit and funny ideas all around.
I should go for 100% but I fear that I missed something on the orbital base before crashing it down.

>> No.9720465 [DELETED] 

jannie test

>> No.9722136

I did it on a real console in a mere 18 tries.

>> No.9722359

A pc port is being done but if you read the code you'll get why it's just a novelty

>> No.9722649


>> No.9722846

only started in the last few days?

>> No.9723112

I laughed. Thank you anon.

>> No.9724729
File: 126 KB, 500x438, proxy-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Some) Nintendo fans will probably crucify me for saying this, but I always found Romhacks of Super Metroid and Mario World to be (by in large) much more interesting compared to the actual games they were based on.

>> No.9724740

most of the achievement of making a game is defining the base concepts from nothing, the specific level design using those concepts could certainly be bettered by a fan community with years to tool around.