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File: 575 KB, 900x637, Super_Castlevania_IV_-_cubierta_europa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9692027 No.9692027 [Reply] [Original]

The only good classicvania

>> No.9692032 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9692035

i beat this game the first time i sat down to play.
no CV should be that easy.

>> No.9692036

Wholeheartedly agree. Diagonal hits and aiming while jumping is just fun. Good platforming and music

>> No.9692039

>no CV should be that easy.
If 4 is easy than all CVs are easy. It has fuck you difficulty in the castle with all the dancers and ghosts and stairs plus password system

>> No.9692040

here-let-me-hit-this-enemy-with-no-danger-to-myself-or-skill the game

>> No.9692041

All the non nintendo castlevania games are shit

>> No.9692046
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>> No.9692049

True. Runners up is 3 btw

>> No.9692340

This is correct.

>> No.9692649

>t. filtered by other CVs

>> No.9693227

Filtered by how shit they are

>> No.9693240 [DELETED] 

Falseflag australia-kun thread to make it seem like people who like IV aren't "real castlevania fans" yadda yadda, when actually, every single Castlevania game changed formulatic things from 1, even CV III already was different by adding other characters that could fly.
Your strategy will never work, old man. Remember that.

>> No.9693312

>diagonal whipping
Not a classicvania.

>> No.9693321

>IV, X68000 and Bloodlines aren't classicvanias
Also, SOTN doesn't have diagonal whipping, and it's not a classicvania.

>> No.9693340

He should be fighting with his bare hands too

>> No.9693545 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 480x360, cv4-slogra.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even CV III already was different by adding other characters that could fly.
Difference is that the Belmont still plays exactly as he did in CV1 and CV2, it was only until the fourth generation of videogames where they started changing his gameplay to appeal to a wider, more casual audience which ruined the Castlevania series in the process, 4 being the biggest offender by letting you 8-way whip (op as fuck), move in mid-air, whip dangle, crouch-walk, etc. Easiest linear-based Castlevania of all time which is also why it's the most popular as most people are fucking retards who refuse to stop sucking dick at vidya, inb4 you bring up Rondo, which is much harder to learn and master because that game at least has challenging enemy designs and less broken gameplay, item crashing isn't as powerful as being able to whip any way you want because the item crashes use up a ton of your hearts, whereas the whip you can spam as much as your heart desires; also you always have the whip whereas if you die in Rondo you lose your item and it's far harder to obtain the item again, unlike just powering up your whip in CV Bore, where you don't even need fucking items to win that boring, overrated garbage game.

>> No.9693668

The game only gets hard for the last two levels and even then the difficulty comes from bottomless pits rather than being killed by tough enemy encounters. The controls are great but the levels and enemies aren't built around the expanded mobility if the game had more complex enemy patterns and combinations of enemies that made you think about your jumps more it would be the best 16bit Castlevania.

>> No.9693684

I don't even like 4 that much, but still think it should have gotten a direct sequel with the same whip moves, there's definitely potential there

>> No.9693685 [DELETED] 

It's actually kind of impressive that you're still at it after so many years, australia-kun.
I will never respect you, and I will never approve of unmedicated mental illness, your family is at fault here. But your fixation with Castlevania IV is impressive. That game really broke your mind.
And nah it will still always be remembered as a classic, well after your death.
CV1 is easier than IV or the other 4th gen classicvanias once you know the game, probably the easiest to 1cc along with Rondo. And guess what, they're still all great games.
You aren't a hardcore gamer anyway, just a mentally ill shitposter.

>> No.9693696

There has never been a bad Castlevania game.

>> No.9693697

The non-japanese ports on western PCs are terrible.

>> No.9693778

Those don't really count since they weren't developed in-house by Konami.

That said, Castlevania on Amiga is still more enjoyable to play than the likes of CV4.

>> No.9693791

If that's the only good classicvania, then what is the only bad modernvania?

>> No.9693817

lmao, amiga has no games

>> No.9693828

>replying to obvious australia kun bait

>> No.9693830

castlevania threads should be a bannable offense.
They attract non gamers.

>> No.9693837

It's just 1 guy seething eternally about the Super Nintendo and the fact Castlevania IV is beloved by both fans of the series and fans of video games in general.
He does the same in other threads about other series, especially 3rd party stuff on Super Nintendo but especially Konami stuff like Contra. It's the same guy that seethes about Treasure, and also the same guy who hates the Sega Saturn and calls it "Shiturn".
>noooo it can't be just 1 guy! it's a boogeyman
Nah it really is just 1 guy shitting up the entire board, /vr/ it's a slow enough board so it can happen provided there's at least 1 autist commited to shitposting to death.
He is one of the main reasons /vr/ lost a lot of quality.

>> No.9693904

i don't know who you're talking about but 4 is pretty overrated desu

>> No.9693910

>i don't know who you're talking about
New to /vr/, I assume.
>4 is pretty overrated desu
At this point, using the word "overrated" has become overrated on the internet.

>> No.9693932

sure but it's appropriate, it's not a bad game but it's treated like the culmination of castlevania when it really isn't, as weird as it sounds the best castlevania IMO is the very first one it was never really bettered by its sequels, both 4 and SOTN are too easy

>> No.9693937

the community disagrees

>> No.9693943

I don't think any 1 game is treated as the culmination. And nowadays, Rondo would be the "overrated" one, but it's still a great game so I think the praise is deserved, same with IV or any of the others that get high praise.
>too easy
I was going to accept your opinion that CV1 might be the "best" in the sense that it's the most pure one, and a really tight experience from beginning to end, I love playing it and 1cc'ing in 20 minutes or so.
But CV1 in particular becomes really easy once you know the game by heart. CV4 may seem easy for a first playthrough, brute forcing and using continues, but it's harder to 1cc.
CV1 is maybe more challenging if you forbid yourself from using Holy Water on Death, but it's still not as bad as people make it out to be with tirple cross. Whip-only, that's a different story, but that's too much handicap to consider valid, I think.
Anyway, easy doesn't mean bad. I still play CV1 all the time despite it not being challenging for me anymore, it just feels good.

>> No.9693950

unironically prefer the average /v/ tard shitpost than hear this schizo again at this point

>> No.9693952

>but it's harder to 1cc.
this kind of gets to the heart of the problem though. IV is only really hard to 1cc because it has a sequence of somewhat awkward instadeath platforming segments instead of a rounded pve challenge through the entire game.

>> No.9693959

auster stop

>> No.9693964

>awkward instadeath platforming
I'd advise you to get better at video games, but also remember that CV1 also has instadeath traps. Maybe you don't really like Castlevania.... and guess what, maybe, just maybe, you don't like video games, and are addicted to shitposting.

>> No.9693965

I don't have the seething hatred for IV that he does but you can't just handwave what its main problem is, stretches of broken pve.

>> No.9693970

still better than the other 16 bit castlevania, cope

>> No.9693972
File: 264 KB, 771x475, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same thread last week
least try and be stealthy, retard.

this. castlevania threads have always been a culmination of autists seething at each other about which game is the best. castlevania 3 music/difficulty arguments, the eternal back and forth of whether 4 is a good or bad game, castlevania 1 is the only good castlevania, that one guy posting 10 webms of him emulating dracula x to prove how good of a game it is. castlevania 2 ISN'T A BAD GAME? click here to find out why! it's all so tiresome.

>> No.9693974

nice meltdown

>> No.9693979

it's simple we treat castlevania fans like how gaylo and cod fags were treated in old 4chan and they will learn to behave

>> No.9693981

>short line of text
on a saturday, too.

>> No.9693985

> PAL version
the fuck are you smoking

>> No.9693987

australia-kun is a PALfag.
One of his first famous shitposts on /vr/ was claiming that The New Generation was a better name than Bloodlines.

>> No.9694412
File: 22 KB, 497x280, cv_mods3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same old shit no matter the thread, no matter the site, no matter what year. Always, always with the bullshit about how such and such is game is objectively bad or how it objectively has these flaws when the reality is that they're trying hard to misrepresent it.

And the kicker is that the core of these issues may be simply that, irony of ironies, these same people doing this can't accept that their own favorites game or games have actual objective flaws, or at the very least, are built different in a way that more than a just a few people can't get into it, not that they'll ever have the grace to do the same for others.

Don't forget those few X68000 fans who insist that Chronicles is complete shit and is unplayable all while being vague about how, exactly, the original's enemy design is so much better, or the occasional N64vania post where you still to this day get people basically shitting on their existence for no good reason, or how you pretty much can't talk about Order of Ecclesia on this board or /v/ because someone will come in and insist that actually, OoE is super easy and boring and SoTN is actually master class in difficulty.

>> No.9694423

the 64 games being ass is not that controversial outside of /vr/

>> No.9694431

You've haven't actually been to other sites, then, and thanks for demonstrating my point, anyway.
>Verification not required

>> No.9694481

No, YOU have no games! How many titles were released on you? How many units of you were sold? None? I guessed so.

>> No.9694837

~ /vr/'s official 16-bit Castlevania tierlist ~

Elder God Tier:
Chronicles / X68000

High Tier:
The New Generation

Mid Tier:
Rondo of Blood

Low Tier:
Snezz Dracula X

Shit Tier:
Castlevania 4

>> No.9695050

This basically. Best Simon, fun controls, a lot of variety with different atmosphere. Even Rondo is mostly castle or generic

>> No.9695236

This game feels more like a root n toot than a whip n skip.

>> No.9695304

>also the same guy who hates the Sega Saturn and calls it "Shiturn"

saturn was nothing special. there's a reason it was 3rd fiddle and died by 1999

>> No.9695603
File: 2.75 MB, 768x720, redaxearmor4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one guy posting 10 webms of him emulating dracula x to prove how good of a game it is.

hey fuck you, I don't even read the threads anymore

>> No.9695621

Don't listen to him, anon. Your Dracula X webms convince me that it's a fun game.

>> No.9695646

nah the slowdown is fucking obnoxious

>> No.9696481 [DELETED] 

Castlevania Snore will never be a good game. Time to face the facts, Snezzcucks: you just have shit taste and suck dick at gaming.

>> No.9696541
File: 429 KB, 1056x2260, snez_shitposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizophrenia is one hell of a condition.

>> No.9696724 [DELETED] 

>CV4 filtering casuals into a seethe
Every time.

>> No.9696776

you sound like you got many things released in you

>> No.9697650

>I credit fed thew the game and decided I beat it

You're dumb.

>> No.9697676

I've been playing SOTN and it's aged like fine wine over the years.

>> No.9698845

It's literally the Castlevania for people who like the *idea* of Castlevania thematically but don't actually like Castlevania games. Every single change people praise compared to the NES titles are just things that make it play more like a standard platformer and removes the unique things about the series and how it plays.

>> No.9698975

Not that guy, but home console games don't have credits you stupid cunt.
Thew on that.

>> No.9699120

>laughably ineffective enemy pattern that appears broken
why this gif of all things

>> No.9699245

The same can be said about all other Castlevanias, though.
Only the first Castlevania is "pure", with Rondo (the most praised one in the 21st century) being the most different.
Up until Rondo, Castlevania games had score that resetted if you used a continue.

>> No.9699665

Mechanically, CV II and III are also pure with regards to how the Belmont controls.

As for the 16-bit Castlevania games, Bloodlines is the most pure, as you can't move around in mid-air, Rondo being the next purest since whipping control is fixed to forward-only.

>> No.9699670

i never had to use a continue either. game is just piss easy

>> No.9699679

Both Rondo and Bloodlines let you jump while on stairs. That's one of the staple mechanics of CV's platforming, climbing stairs meant you had to commit to them, the way they work in Rondo and BL is more like slopes, like on SOTN.
BL also lets you move left and right while jumping, not in CV1.
Rondo plays a lot different with the backflip and the item crash, and the bible.
Bloodlines changes items and the way they work too. Not pure.

>> No.9699680


Sometimes I worry that this kind of thing is happening to me a little bit, and I have to decide to stop talking about some particular pet issue of mine here. Even when you're right, it's probably not good for your mental health to keep saying the same thing over and over like this. (I'm much more reasonable than that weirdo is though, so I don't think it's too bad in my case.)

>> No.9699709

The number of people who have no idea what's going on the webm baffles me. How many old action games have you played?
The webm showcases that enemies when in I-Frames do not hurt the player. It's a classic mechanic on the majority of old games, random examples: Zelda 2, Sonic 2...

How are people NOT aware that enemies can not hurt the player in i-frame mode? How many games have they played and did they ever got good in just a single game?

>> No.9699791

In fairness, enemies not damaging you during I-frames is almost never relevant in Castlevania games because most CVs are about keeping distance. If you're hitting an enemy they're supposed to be far away from you 99.9% of the time. The charging knight in Rondo/DX is basically the only instance in any Classicvania in which the mechanic comes into play.

>> No.9700601

None of those are as egregious of changes as what 4 did (being able to change trajectory in mid-air, 8-way whipping, list goes on).

CV4 should've been called Castlevania: Contra Edition, since you move the same in 4 as you do in Contra and are able to attack in 8 directions in the gameplay of both.

Also to balance out how OP your moveset is, you should die in one hit in CV4, similar to Contra's game design. It's only fair.

>> No.9700962

You can't walk while whipping though, have to stop or jump. But yeah I can dee the Contra comparison. I'm not saying IV didn't change stuff but I don't think its changes make it any less of a real castlevania than the other post-NES games. The stair thing does change the action and game design a lot, the backflip and item crash offer a more radical change than a multi directional whip. At the end of the day, you're still walking and whipping on IV, while on Rondo you're doing crazy DBZ attacks and ninja mid air jumps. Bloodlines has the diagonal up whip and the climbing, as well as different sub weapons and a screen filling super special, besides weapons año having specials that also cover a lot of the screen. You can also move in mid air in Rondo and change directional mid air on Bloodlines.
They're all pretty different than the original, IV is still the most alike.

>> No.9702709

3 > RoB > Bloodlines
SCIV feels like it started development as a shmup that got pallette swapped and lobotomized into what we got.

>> No.9702713

IV was developed alongside CV III and both teams had feedback on each other.
The actual shmup one would be III with Sypha, if you really want to be anal about that.

>> No.9702720

>there's annactual human being behind those posts
Existence can be cruel. Imagine living his poor life.

>> No.9702725

The only classicvania that is even debatably NOT good is Haunted Castle
>inb4 The Castlevania Adventure, Simon's Quest
Fine games.

>> No.9702739

Well I guess that shows how stupid SCIV's team was because they didn't listen, still fucked with the formula and made something completely bland and inoffensive that only stands to serve as an early tech demo for the SNES. No wonder all their talent left around the same time to form Treasure.

>> No.9702743

>well recieved game is actually trashcan garbage because its not 1:1 with another game in the same franchise that fucking predates it

>> No.9703524
File: 299 KB, 614x597, CV1_multidirect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rondo lets you change direction if you hold the jump button, nevermind that you can jump on and jump off stairs through floors, you start with a full-powered whip and the ability to throw multiple subs, item crashes pretty much ends bosses, the bible, some things you pretty much ignored in that other anon's post, because of course.
>still fucked with the formula
And then there's this. On top of Rondo doing its own part in "fucking with the formula", IV arguably is something of a culmination of Castlevania up to that point, regarding how player characters handle. 1 already introduces the idea of subweapons that can attack in an arc, 2 trades it for the for-demand temporary invincibility, infinite shield against most projectiles, overly powerful projectiles of your own and a diamond that can go in even more arcs in the right situation. 3 gives us three extra player characters with abilities that pretty much break the game in their own way.
>climbs walls and ceilings in ways that let him climb into the scoreboard above and even bypass obstacles and sections of a level
>faster, has even more jump control over direction and height than IV!Simon and even changes direction of attack
>can spam subs from the other side of the room from walls and ceilings
>can abuse his transformation sequence with good timing to let enemies harmlessly pass through
>ability to switch characters and transform at will even while being hit means you can get out of falling into pits if you're quickwitted
>three-pronged attack that makes short work of smaller but potentially deadly enemies
>ice and lighting spells firing off in semi-circles and covering half the screen homing in on enemies

I don't think it's out of the question to argue that IV is the direction the series was heading, multi-directional whipping included. Indeed, pic related seems to suggest that the idea wasn't already thrown in because of tech limitations.

>> No.9703798

Someone quickly call the police or the mental ward. I fear Australiakun might have an hero'd after reading this post.

>> No.9703823

Looks better than rondo

>> No.9703828
File: 1.54 MB, 700x632, Fuck you, Dracula.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the best Castlevania related posts I've seen on this board in a long time.

>> No.9703886

>This is one of the best Castlevania related posts I've seen on this board in a long time.
Nah, that would be this post:
...which trannyjannies conveniently deleted; too much Truth for them to handle, I suppose.

>> No.9703893

Salty about your post being deleted still?