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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 531 KB, 640x480, MvC2CharSelect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9689229 No.9689229 [Reply] [Original]

Oh shit, you're getting taken for a ride /vr/. Who're you picking?

>> No.9689236


>> No.9689239

Juggernaut/Cable/Blackheart or Dr. Doom was my usual casual team when playing with my bros back in the day. Fuck, fighting games really peaked here.

>> No.9689248


>> No.9689285

Im, wm, Cable is the new tippy top tier.

>> No.9689286
File: 8 KB, 300x168, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9689378

Rogue/Tron/War Machine

pretty sure it's ass but i like all those characters

>> No.9689406

Captain Commando, Psylocke and Cable

>> No.9689410

Not a bad team with tron as assist and rogue on point.

>> No.9689424

>tfw if you don't pick one of the top 4 good characters you straight up WILL lose and WILL be laughed at for wasting your opponents time

I just wanna play Cyclops, Wolverine, Iceman, Captain America, and Mega Man.

>> No.9689434

Magusold plays spiderman hulk hayato and does well against the best in the world in long sets. You have to know your strength and weaknesses if you want to make it with low tiers. Cyke, Iceman and Megaman are all good characters you can definitely use to bash top tiers. Not sure how all 3 would work as a team but run away megaman is good, iceman is a good chip assist with sent and cyke is a God tier assist and decent on his own.

>> No.9689636

I'm more of a Street Fighter guy (gameplay-wise), so I don't like playing Marvel.
But if I had to choose (and I don't know how teams synergize):
>Dr. Doom

Other possible members:
>Strider (gotta represent Capcom somewhere lol)

>> No.9689813

B.B. Hood
Captain Commando
Other options would be Captain America, Cammy or Jin.
Yes, I'm a boring player.

>> No.9690257

Captain America

>> No.9690276

A ton of people play Ratio these days so character variety is a lot more open

Honestly ratio MvC2 is some of the most fun I've had with a fighting game

>> No.9690282
File: 125 KB, 500x325, Mvc-select-screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that. I'd rather GET CRAZY!

>> No.9690710

>MvC 1 = 7 marvel vs 8 capcom
>MvC 2 = 28 marvel vs 28 capcom
>MvC 3 = 25 marvel vs 25 capcom
>MvC infinite = 19 marvel vs 17 capcom
i think it's quite clear that if your versus game has an uneven roster then it's shit.

>> No.9690721

>MvC 1 = 7 marvel vs 8 capcom
9 Capcom. You forgot Roll.

>> No.9690873

Omega Red / Venom / Jin

>> No.9690936


>> No.9690953

Dancing cactus, megaman and servbot

>> No.9690961

Cable, Captain Commando, and Blackheart.

>> No.9690963
File: 944 KB, 1003x1378, __bulleta_vampire_drawn_by_akisa_12023648__711496f4e3f3b61a1285c245772c9ac2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In hindsight I don't think I've ever played MvC2 with anything but an Xbox 360 controller so I was picking Bulleta/Charlie/Guile or Shum Gorath just because I could get charge moves out. I'd probably keep BB and Shuma (although I couldn't play him in 3)

>> No.9690971
File: 1.33 MB, 2484x3361, Captain Commando Jin Saotome Megaman X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always the based dream team.
Yes, I know that's X.

>> No.9690975

MvC 1 is still better than the rest of the series. MvC 2 is the most unbalanced.

>> No.9690996

Mega Man, Roll, Servbot
Real MVC2 hours

>> No.9691902
File: 300 KB, 1600x1200, MM8Roll2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Roll's panty shots would be removed if this game were to be ported to modern consoles, or are they so obscure and brief that they'd slip past the censors who only watch game footage instead of actually play the games?

>> No.9691939

I had no idea Ryu could swap his playstyle for years

>> No.9691948


>> No.9691965

they dont look at footage or play the games dipshit, they look at the files themself.

>> No.9692053

I hate to admit it but this song ruins the entire game for me, its the one reason I hate this game so damn much and has destroyed any fun I had hoped to get out of it, sad I know but literally unplayable.

>> No.9692057

Mod it out.

>> No.9692063

Tron, B.B., Cabal

>> No.9692084

How do I get gud?

>> No.9692249

MVC1 is my favorite too but aren't War Machine/Gold War Machine both stupid busted?

>> No.9692286

Learn busted characters. Strider/doom with meter basically shuts down everyone but storm

>> No.9692287

By "censors", I was talking about the ESRB, which DOES work that way.

>> No.9692292
File: 10 KB, 279x363, fuck_the_knicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9692314

>>9692287 (Me)
If anyone knows if CERO and PEGI are the same or they actually look at the files, please state so...

>> No.9692435



>> No.9692658

Yes, they would be removed
Westoids are gay and will autistically look for even a frame of panty so that they can remove it for... some reason

>> No.9693930


>> No.9694046

Anyone has a full save of this for ps2?
For real hardware

>> No.9694358
File: 531 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9694364

Roll fucking sucks.

>> No.9694408
File: 1 KB, 46x38, Rollroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git gud

>> No.9694410

She has nothing going for her. The best in the world couldn't beat scrubs with a team of triple Rolls.

>> No.9694428

>She has nothing going for her.
Plenty of pantsu shots

>> No.9694450


>> No.9694519

Ken, Servbot and Thanos.

Not much team synergy and it'd be trash competitively but I only played with my friends so I never really gave a shit about that. I just liked those three.


>> No.9694882

Yes but they're secret bonus characters for a reason. You shouldn't seriously pick unless the opponent is using them.

>> No.9694895

Regular War Machine is not a secret character

>> No.9695558


>> No.9696617

Does anyone have the pic of the swastika you need to draw on the character select screen of MvC1 in order to get her?