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File: 952 KB, 1200x1931, 1200px-WLSSyrup-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9686439 No.9686439 [Reply] [Original]

Why wouldn't Nintendo give us more of the best Mario girl? She should have been in Mario Tennis, Mario Golf, Mario Party and Mario Kart Double Dash instead of W*luigi

>> No.9686451

there should be a crossover game where you play as Captain Syrup, Tetra, or Risky Boots and try to make money through pirating, plundering, and prostitution

>> No.9686489

>There will never be a Wario ware version of her
>her entire gimmick is pirating and selling bootlegs.
>her microgames being a corrupted challenge mode of other microgames
Oh well

>> No.9686798

please stop making this thread over and over again

>> No.9687218

You WILL get Syrupilled and YOU will like it.

>> No.9687221

Ask Miyamoto

>> No.9687484

haha wouldn't it suck if she sat on your face

>> No.9687562
File: 508 KB, 2267x2471, Captain.Syrup.full.3127955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, that's actually a really good idea.
But fat chance Nintendo's ever gonna acknowledge software-pirating with an attractive sassy chick.

>> No.9687668

I would like to give her my syrup if you know what I mean

>> No.9687859
File: 176 KB, 269x544, SyrupNintendoCharacterManual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post her retro, and more stacked, design if you're gonna spam Syrup.

>> No.9687860
File: 1.34 MB, 743x1919, 743px-SMBD_Captain_Syrup_side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emphasis on stacked.

>> No.9687872

OG & nu Syrup actually have pretty comparable rack sizes, what do you mean?

>> No.9687875 [SPOILER] 
File: 254 KB, 800x1215, tumblr_ml3zfsJvde1qcbajko1_1280 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not impossible to pitch shit to Nintendo.
Some of the stuff from this ugly failed feminist Zelda pitch ended up in BotW.

>> No.9687904
File: 254 KB, 456x537, Wario_reading_WL4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Syrup is a skank.

>> No.9687941
File: 285 KB, 1022x628, cuthroat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>semisuccessful indie
>nintendo gives me the time of day
>have to sign shitload ndas and stipulations but whatev its just bizniz
>pitch my dream project
>boardroom loves the concept
>go home superexcited that this might happen omg
>get a call week later or so saying they declined it for [REDACTED] reason
>disappoint but thats the way the cookie crumbles
>forget about it for years
>later at [REDACTED] event
>nintendos turn
>one firstparty game looks ridiculously close to my concept
>as in, REALLY close
>march up to closest nintendo rep to demand answers
>somehow ended up on their shortlist
>meet with [REDACTED] to express my concerns
>get a response that more or less amounts to "thanks for the free idea, fucko!"
>say this isnt right
>[REDACTED] shifts gears and happens to pull out my old signed documents
>basically says "if you ever say anything publicly, we reserve the right to break whatever leg you had to stand on in this industry"
>am dumbfounded
>nintendo was my rolemodel, and i am crushed
>welcome to the videogame industry, bitch
>i still bought a switch anyway

>> No.9689025
File: 117 KB, 500x500, Syrup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"more stacked" is debatable

>> No.9690112

She might be the bustiest Mario girl unironically

>> No.9690274

She looks like a dirty gypsy

>> No.9690328

Tron Bonne’s ancestor

>> No.9690334


>> No.9690440

Miyamoto’s autism over not using anything Yokoi was involved in is the reason why the WL series was retired; with the exception of Daisy who they made into a OC lovers interest for Luigi.

Employees after Yokoi don’t even know who Wario is. I remember IGN interviewing the dude who made Mario 3D Land for the 3DS and when asked why they didn’t make Wario as the villain instead of bowser, the dude literally said he doesn’t know who wario is. Same dude who’s last game before that was Joy Mech Fight

>> No.9690894

I can see it, even the colours are similar.

>> No.9691595
File: 15 KB, 578x197, RIP Wario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he just said the discussion doesn't really come up, I don't think he ever said he didn't know who he is.

>> No.9691942

Nintendo hates piracy so much that they removed K. Rool and Captain Syrup so nobody ever googles "Nintendo Pirate"

>> No.9692081

I actually have a zelda pitch i want to do a whole big portfolio project for and ship off to Nintendo with the hopes they do steal the idea. I cant make a zelda tier game, but even 40% of my vision got in id be happy, even if i never got money or bragging rights.

>> No.9692902

lol makes sense

>> No.9694198

Nintendo making a good idea? LOL

>> No.9694825

Reminder that there's a theory that Syrup had a cameo in WarioWare Gold. Even the japanese parrot this theory that this phone call could be her



>> No.9694835

Wario already thinks it's bad enough that he has to actually pay his own employees. You think he'd put a literal thief like Syrup on his payroll?

>> No.9695532

Lucasarts should sue for them taking Elaine Marley's.design.

>> No.9695630

why would a Pirate like Syrup earn her bread legally? She's a pirate KEK

>> No.9695953
File: 626 KB, 1280x720, rose street fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fail to see where this is a bad thing.

>> No.9695985

Is syrup just warios pauline? Also what if she was pauline?

>> No.9697158

why would she be pauline

>> No.9697179

Similar looks, absence for a chunk of time filled in by syrup. Would also be funny just to have Mario's old flame and "damsel in distress" no one cares about anymore just becoming a criminal for a short while since no one cares about her in the series anymore. Explains why should would be jealous enough to steal a statue of Toadstool and that she has enough carisma to form a gang which they later uses when she reforms from her "bad girl" phase to go and run for mayor.

Likewise, Waluigi isnt human. Its a reincarnation of the final boss of Virtual Boy Wario Land which reformed into a distorted version of the last being to destroy it and its some eldritch Mario world demon like Rudy the Clown and the Golden Diva.

>> No.9697670
File: 30 KB, 677x413, Peach vs. Captain Syrup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while looking similar to Pauline she's speculated to be anti-Peach, which parallels Wario being anti-Mario.

>> No.9698356
File: 254 KB, 260x621, captain syrup (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you could make a case for syrup as wapeach or at least retrofit her for the role in spinoffs, but most of those reasons are generic bs
also >unnaturally sweet food
syrup is sapped from trees

>> No.9698719
File: 519 KB, 600x556, what a horrible post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9699164

>Likewise, Waluigi isnt human. Its a reincarnation of the final boss of Virtual Boy Wario Land which reformed into a distorted version of the last being to destroy it and its some eldritch Mario world demon like Rudy the Clown and the Golden Diva.

take your meds

>> No.9699636

i want the same drugs you took before making that post

>> No.9700632

"character is actually another character in disguise" is so annoying and obvious attempt to raise another character's profile

"Jimmy T. is actually Waluigi in disguise!" is just an obvious attempt to make Waluigi somewhat relevant, but all it does is really destroy both character's agency.

>> No.9701151

>"Jimmy T. is actually Waluigi in disguise!" is just an obvious attempt to make Waluigi somewhat relevant, but all it does is really destroy both character's agency.
true but warioware should've been waluigi's series

>> No.9701512

she's more stacked in shake it

>> No.9702645

that rose skin is not retro but i hear ya

>> No.9703108

Pauline was still Blonde Lady when this game came out.

>> No.9703410

Pauline hasn't been blonde since 1994

If you're talking about Syrup's older appearances, most don't really associate that with Pauline. Shake It was where her facial structure became closer to Pauline, likely due to the added eyeshadow.

>> No.9703447
File: 119 KB, 450x406, syrup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at her, all smug on that frame.

>> No.9703873

Wasn't the guy who drew that pitch was an Ashley Burch simp who ended up trooning out?

>> No.9704137

Even from that sprite you can see that her knockers are canonically huge. Damn

>> No.9704236

It was to get the kids to know for sure that Syrup was, indeed, woman, and that the manual tricked them.

>> No.9704247

>tfw nintendo will never have again enough soul to make another, proper Wario Land

>> No.9705720
File: 63 KB, 600x1170, a7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instruction book tells you about that pirate boss you will eventually fight that you don't know anything about
>play the game
>go to till the end
>see this massive booba girl laying on a bed
>hey, i'm captain syrup

>> No.9705872

I never thought that, even with the manual. I had thought she was just some random woman and the actual Captain Syrup was elsewhere.

>> No.9706028
File: 44 KB, 651x432, Wario Land Super Mario Land 3 - Captain Syrup Sprites.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9706176

Peach would never

>> No.9706954


>> No.9706964
File: 27 KB, 427x735, 8312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you manage to turn a gif into an upscaled JPG and then back into a gif

>> No.9708190


>> No.9708453
File: 136 KB, 1152x384, 1650072446750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9708607

i d-don't remember that part in WL2...

>> No.9709798
File: 44 KB, 960x720, 922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extra T H I C C

>> No.9709964

She came back where she belongs: to the Kitchen (Island)

>> No.9710973

*slow clap*

>> No.9712626

K Rool is on smash.

>> No.9714713

she belongs on my dick

>> No.9715878

She's not really a Mario character but a Wario character.

>> No.9715890


>> No.9716210

Wtf did I read

>> No.9716829

Wario is a Mario character.

>> No.9717731

he's as much of a Mario character as Yoshi & DK are.

>> No.9717969
File: 2.12 MB, 1279x2368, Mario Characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but that hurdle can be overcome. Diddy Kong for example has fully been assimilated as a "Mario character" at this point.

>officially recognized as Mario characters
>merchandise for over the past decade labeled under "Super Mario"
>Majority of their game appearances has been in Mario games, their spin-off franchises are a minority

so... a Mario character?

>> No.9718564

Yoshi and DK aren't directly Mario characters, especially DK since they have their own series. Yoshi might still count considering he's been lately in Mario adventures directly, but DK is for damn sure not a Mario character. When was DK in a Mario adventure as a friend or foe that isn't the Mario Kart, tennis, golf or party? That's right, Mario VS Donkey Kong. Come on, man...

>> No.9718652
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, SUPER-KONG-ODYSSEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When was DK in a Mario adventure as a friend or foe that isn't the Mario Kart, tennis, golf or party?

>> No.9718803
File: 97 KB, 450x450, Mario_poster_big_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They all were introduced in games that starred Mario as the protagonist.
Nintendo officially brands them as Mario characters.
Much of their merchandise is labeled under "Super Mario"
The overwhelming majority of their game appearances are Mario games.

The only people who think they aren't Mario characters are Smashfags. Nintendo hasn't officially viewed them this way in a long time and this is evident by their official sources. Literally on their very website they are called Mario characters.

Just because you get big enough to have your own series once upon a time doesn't for some reason stop you from being Mario character. That makes no sense and is illogical. They are offshoots of the main property which is Mario and their games are Mario spin-offs. Mario is the main property they are all sub-franchises to.

This point is especially silly in the modern era when almost all their spin-off games have completely slowed down and been phased out, while their appearances in Mario games and merchandise have only gotten more prevalent.

>> No.9718875
File: 35 KB, 1280x720, Cranky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's literally Cranky Kong. The DK from Arcade is Cranky.

>> No.9719001
File: 80 KB, 799x1000, donkey_kong__oh_banana_by_d_i_e_x_d999s4p-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's literally a Donkey Kong
VERY good, Anon! You get a banana.

>> No.9719012

As far as Nintendo is concerned, Donkey Kong has been the exact same character from the arcades to now. The idea that Cranky is the original arcade-era DK is really only a thing in the DK Country games.

>> No.9719093

>the tumblr nose

Try doing it independently from Nintendo anyway.

>> No.9719097
File: 256 KB, 806x798, wariopill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9719156

Do you consider James McCloud and Fox McCloud the same, even though both kept the StarFox name?

>> No.9719496

Her look and dynamic relationship with Wario is too interesting and nuanced in comparison to the Mario bros/Princesses/Bowsers shallow meme setting which has gradually become meaningless parody over the years. The two just won't mix.

>> No.9719573

DK arcade is a mario series (mario as protagonist), DKC is a mario spinoff that rekindled the brand with almost no connections. in its hey day it was almost as big as mario and distinct enough that mario vs DK highlighted the crossing over of two series much like mario & sonic at the olympics.

>> No.9719670

Remember when his father was named Fox Sr. and not James?

>> No.9720228

you didn't answer the question.

>> No.9720232

wario and her teaming up is a great idea, fits wario's scoundrel but actually "friendship is magic" goofball persona perfectly but it's just one of a thousand other good ideas that will never get touched. They'd have to revive the wario brand, and then revive an old wario character, and nintendo knows and you know it will sell like crap.

>> No.9720296

Then don't do it as a full fledged AAA title with a 3D world, do it as a 2D sidescroller.

>> No.9720340


>> No.9720379

Nintendo doesn't care too much about this distinction. Donkey Kong is Donkey Kong is Donkey Kong.

Though they HAVEN'T retconned this either, to be clear. They just haven't mention it in a while (I think Smash and the Mario baseball games are the last time)

>> No.9720404
File: 364 KB, 585x594, 1676568595674941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say this entirely sincerely.

Her best chance of ever showing up again is if the Mario Movie is a MASSIVE success.

Nintendo is letting them use a literal who like Foreman Spike. Universal has their finger on the trigger for a Donkey Kong Country and Luigi's Mansion spinoff if Mario is a success. They want their partnership with Nintendo to be a long running blockbuster franchise.

So the best bet is the series does well enough for Wario to appear in a Mario movie and then get his own spinoff.

>> No.9720425

Man, how would you fucking do a Wario movie? You can definitely make an anti-hero lout bastard work, but would Nintendo go with it?

>> No.9720705

Probably BS, but one of the leaks of someone claiming to have seen the film says Wario does show up in a cameo in the Brooklyn section.

>> No.9720723

My dream revival of Wario would be Wario World + Super Mario 3D World - essentially Wario World 2, but with the co-op elements of 3D World with up to 4 characters, Wario, Waluigi, Syrup and Mona.

Have the Black Jewel or the various demon final bosses from the Land games like VB, 3 and 4 all working together or under some higher demon entity that take over and warp Diamond City into some fucked up reality space separated by stages or maybe do a open-world-ish hub area you start in and pick a direction to go in to defeat one of the lesser demons. Maybe have the rest of the Ware cast appear as mid-boss cameos who are possessed.

Now, if they want to go the extra mile, take a chance, and make it a Conker's Bad Fur Day with a HARD T rating or maybe even an M. Not saying they have to go full hard M, but ive always felt Wario could work well in the same style of humor as Conker, though less reference-y. Maybe more so in the crudeness and violence of something like Dr. Muto or Gex, go with the demon idea and have worlds based off the 7 deadly sins, like a casino or lightly implied love hotel. More violent ways to kill enemies, some more crass humor, some lite titillation like breast physics on the girls. They would have to do a severe disconnect from anything Mario related in it, but if Mario is their clean Mickey Mouse, Wario could be something like that new Rescue Rangers movie, a bit more risque and not having to be so clean. Just make it demented and warped and completely un-Mario like.

>> No.9720942

I'd like to see nintendo's attempt at making a better sly cooper, one that isn't just a series of disconnected platforming challenges and minigames with a heist theme but something with actual clockwork scripted locations you build your own plan around and execute.

>> No.9720964
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 0CC46DAA-60CC-40FB-8178-8F58CCAB5D2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s literally me.

>> No.9720978

It’d have to focus primarily on hijinks involving the many side-characters. That’s the only way to make anything remotely close to a cohesive, feature-length story out of the WarioWare games.

>> No.9721045

That sounds like a good idea if they wanted to give Syrup her own starring roll as a master thief breaking in to steal shit. Wario, while a thief, I feel would not have it in his character to plan shit out in intricate plans and would just use brute strength to smash his way to the treasure.

>> No.9721535

if Wario goes on a new adventure, Syrup should and will probably be turned into a playable sidekick protagonist. Some unholy alliance/duo. Shake it was already toward that direction

>> No.9721620


>> No.9722360


how does an adventurer/CEO and a literal Captain that has an entire crew of minions team up in an adventure? Syrup would just call her Gooms to do shit for her.

>> No.9722415

She didn't have her goons in her last appearance. Probably thought she was a shit leader after this yellow jumpsuited fatass thrashed their shit 2 times and they all abandoned her. Infact that could be a good intro stage, Syrup forcing Wario to help her get revenge on her good for nothing former crew that abandoned her.

>> No.9722420

face looks like the evil teacher from yugioh 1998

>> No.9722607

Preparing to get chewed out for saying this here but I think the movie looks great aside from some casting choices.

>> No.9723231


>> No.9724228

Interesting concept but unless it's a third party studio making the game, I don't see Nintendo exploring Syrup's character that much, especially when they chipped put with the whole Rosalina backstory in SMG that led to the Mario Mandate.

>> No.9724721

Then why isn't she in Warioware?

>> No.9725221

now that's a stretch

>> No.9725537

Probably won't happen, on top of the fact that a new Wario Land is very unlikely to happen at this point, they'd probably shove in Waluigi as the second player to add extra star power after Shake It! flopped hard.

>> No.9725616

Is there a hack that de-wagglans this or do I just have to nig-rig a Dolphin config?

>> No.9725665

I played Wario Land Shake It on Dolphin so no waggle. Able to map all waggle shit to button presses. Easy peasy. The only thing iffy was aiming to throw enemies, was always a bit janky since it snapped to hard angles, but easily ignorable

>> No.9726513

>they'd probably shove in Waluigi as the second player
you didn't read the memo? Nintendo hates Waluigi. Syrup at this point has higher chances of becoming a playable protagonist than this goofball.

>> No.9726961

>meanwhile Waluigi is in countless mario kart, party, tennis, golf, Olympics....

>> No.9727158

not in a mainline mario game

>> No.9727173


>> No.9727424

>true but warioware should've been waluigi's series
No? Nobody genuinely like waluigi besides the "Wah" memes