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9684450 No.9684450 [Reply] [Original]

What is an example of Retro Games that really pushed the limits of the hardware it ran on?

>> No.9684453
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>> No.9684458

Rare's SNES and 64 games are the closest thing to Naughty Dog's games for Nintendo I can think of.

>> No.9684461
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, burning rangers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burning rangers

>> No.9684462

Star Ocean for the Super Famicom
It surpassed the limits of the Sufami thanks to special chips inside the cartridge.

>> No.9684470 [DELETED] 

Looking forward to your next video, Joe.

To answer your question: Kirby's Adventure.

>> No.9684486

majora's mask exists in case you forgot? but if mario 64 hacking is any indication then nintendo did not do as great job of optimization

>> No.9684508

>majora's mask exists in case you forgot?
And needed extra hardware

>> No.9684517

>It surpassed the limits of the Sufami thanks to special chips inside the cartridge.

I mean, that describes a shitload of games.
Mega Man X2, Star Fox, Yoshi's Island, Kirby Superstar, Super Mario RPG, Stunt Race FX, etc.

Star Ocean was notable in that it has the largest ROM size of any Super Famicom release due to full English voice acting.
Although this footage is of a fan translation, the sound data for the voice acting is unaltered.

Star Ocean (along with Street Fighter Alpha 2) used a very unique addon chip called S-DD1, something that some flashcarts and many older emulators didn't support.
For that reason, there's a 2004 ROM hack that decompresses the Star Ocean ROM from 6MB all the way to 12MB (96 megabits), intended for flashcarts of the time.

>> No.9684519

Rogue Leader immediately comes to mind, and speaking of Star Wars games, Jedi Knight was pretty mindblowing on the shitbox y2k business laptop I originally played it on.

>> No.9684524
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Its world is amazing and it pushed the N64 but I don't think it made use of everything the N64 was capable of. Conker's first level gives a better impression and picrel

>> No.9684526
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Shame none of that changes how butt ugly retro JRPGs are. They try way too hard to do a million details. The Earthbound and Zelda approach was so much better on SNES

>> No.9684530

N64 could do some crazy character models, almost early PS2 tier

>> No.9684532

Donkey Kong 64 also needed the RAM expansion, but that ended up being due to an incompetency in programming.
They couldn't figure out why the game would sometimes crash with the standard RAM, leading to the RAM expansion being a pack-in with the game.

Makes me wonder if someone could hack and refactor DK64 to work without the RAM expansion?
It doesn't look like there's been a decompilation effort for DK64.
Banjo Kazooie is at 98% though, that's neat.

>> No.9684537
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perfect dark pushed it so much the game could barely get above 15fps

>> No.9684545
File: 20 KB, 256x224, 1145811-star-ocean-snes-nice-area-with-an-overview-map[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you pull up an example of a pretty obscure low-profile title? That's hardly fair.

The later Square Enix SNES JRPGs are known for their effective detailing and strong visual design particularly Chrono Trigger.

>> No.9684656

>And you pull up an example of a pretty obscure low-profile title? That's hardly fair.
No the very video you posted reminded me of it since it looks cluttered as fuck

>> No.9684690

That’s not even fucking true you zoomer. Rare has clarified this multiple times.

>> No.9684719

naughty dog and rareware games

>> No.9684730

fucking unplayable framerate though

>> No.9684735

Blows my mind Sega fanboys claim to this day the Saturn was more powerful than the PSX

>> No.9684767

The first game pretty much did that.
It's half an hour, but it's a very informative interview with one of Crash's creators about how they messed around with the ps1's performance to run the animations and models when the base devkit didn't allow for that.

>> No.9684781
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>Street Fighter Alpha 2
this god damn game plays and looks great! easily the most fun fighter on the snes. its bananas alpha 2 got such a good 16 bit port. it makes hyper fighting look like a nes game.

>> No.9685614

nobody cares

>> No.9685691

That's a myth that's since been deboonked. From what I know, it mostly uses the expansion pak for better lighting effects or some shit.

>> No.9685707

If we don't count mapper chips, the first Super Mario Bros. pretty much pushed the limit of what the base NES hardware could do. Counting the mapper chips, there's a good number of candidates. Kirby's Adventure looks amazing, though unfortunately it also comes with a ton of slowdown. Recca has some impressive effects of its own and runs quite smoothly on the whole. And Battletoads is awesome as well.

>> No.9685757
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Just discovered Front Mission: GunHazard. Very nice 2d action game that looks great

>> No.9685763
File: 138 KB, 189x266, CEFEE0E3-486D-4DD0-B6E3-1F9F550CC73C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game looks close to a Saturn game.

>> No.9685796

Apparently so, I probably first learned of it around 2013 from Nintendo Life.


Which was later debunked.

>"There was a game-breaking bug right at the end of development that we were struggling with," he clarifies, "but the Expansion Pak wasn’t introduced to deal with this and wasn’t the solution to the problem. My memory is that, like all consoles, the hardware is constantly revised over its lifetime to take advantage of ongoing improvements in technology and manufacture methods to essentially make the manufacture more cost effective and eventually profitable. I think there we’re something like 3 different revisions of the internal hardware by this point and the bug was unique to only one of these versions. We did eventually find it and fix it, but very late in the day."

>> No.9686252
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battletoads on NES
especially the rotating tower effect here

>> No.9686353
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the metropolis level from ratchet and clank 1 still impresses the hell out of me. the giant scale, plus the high speed traffic, plus destructibles, plus the enemies with projectiles, plus a train segment... it all somehow ran at a perfectly locked 60 fps on a ps2.

>> No.9686357
File: 232 KB, 1280x720, ratchet-and-clank-trilogy-ratchet-and-clank-1-kerwan-016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another view

>> No.9686365

>but if mario 64 hacking is any indication then nintendo did not do as great job of optimization
No shit. Look at most releases within the first year compared to their final years. Look at Romancing SaGa 1 versus Romancing SaGa 3, or The Revenge of Shinobi versus Shinobi Return of the Ninja Master.

>> No.9686370

It has to be Gran Turismo

I mean, what the fuck. That was black magic.

>> No.9686381

Fags pointing out 20 fps games but also say cyberpunk sucks on the xbone

Actually polished games that push hardware ?


>> No.9686385

Alpha 3 Saturn is a masterclass

>> No.9686429

It was in fact a guy working for Sony that told Naughty Dog about that. Forgot what he is called.

>> No.9686471

Just because Majora's Mask dips to negative frame rate when a bomb goes off doesn't mean it's pushing the hardware to the limit.

>> No.9687120

insomniac were fucking wizards back then, in both the PS1 and PS2 eras

>> No.9687150
File: 2.52 MB, 640x356, final-fantasy-ix-puck[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Final Fantasy 7, a player character is around 900 tris
In Final Fantasy 9, a player character is around 3,000 tris
FF9 does this while adding an extra player character to battles. This isn't even getting into monsters, who received the same 3x to 4x detail bump.
It's crazy to think about how much better Square got at programming on the exact same hardware in just three years.

>> No.9687184
File: 1.18 MB, 498x280, conker-conkers-bad-fur-day[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real-time lighting
>Dynamic shadows
>Voice acting with mouth animations
>Individual finger animations
>Near unlimited draw distance, no fog
If someone didn't know any better, you could probably convince them Conker was a Dreamcast game.

>> No.9687216


they don't look like 3000 tris

it's mostly just good texture work and better aesthetic modeling sense

>> No.9687231

>In Final Fantasy 9, a player character is around 3,000 tris
No way in hell. Tekken 3 characters are 1500 tris and they look better.

>> No.9687242
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Well, they are 3,000+ tris.
Zidane's model is 3,388 tris.
Freya is 2,500 tris
Garnet is 3,600 tris
Vivi is one of the simplest characters at 2,100 tris.

Tekken 3 is around 2,000+ tris.
Also, Tekken 3 runs at a stable 60fps. FF9 runs at 20fps with dips.

>> No.9687247

>the hardware on which it ran

>> No.9687248

So you're talking about the pre-rendered cutscenes and not in-game models.

>> No.9687261
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Here's a repost from the archive. Apart from correcting a couple of typos, I kept it intact.
The original is here (https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/7876640/#q7876730):

Some Impressive SNES games that didn't use any enhancement chips.
Keep in mind that they had different PCB types.

Goemon 4
Hamelin No Violin
Umihara Kawase
Tactics Ogre (Many extremely well animated sprites on the screen)
Energy Breaker
Front Mission
Front Mission Gun Hazard
Metal Warriors (Destructible environment)
Assault Suits Valken
Chaos Seed
Seiken Densetsu 3
Tales of Phantasia
Wonder Project J
The SNES version of Maui Mallard (Worse gameplay than in the other versions, but much more impressive lighting and graphical details)
Donkey Kong Country 2&3 (Pseudo-3d effects in some stages)
Megaman 7 + Rockman & Forte (Big detailed sprite animations)
Ace Striker
NBA Give 'n Go

Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.9687268
File: 2.94 MB, 588x450, 1662520577591.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omega Boost for the PSX

>> No.9687269

>Tekken 3 is around 2,000+ tris.
For this to be true it should run at 240,000 polygons per second. On ps1 this is only possible with untextured polygons which Tekken 3 uses but only occasionally.

>> No.9687276

Tobal 2 looks like a 6th gen title

>> No.9687325
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, spyro 2 autumn plains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spyro on ps1 was famous for its fogless draw distances

>> No.9687339

Perhaps for 2D games. I don't think anyone would contest 3D games being better on the PlayStation.

>> No.9687340
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>> No.9687342
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Looks freaking cool. I'm not too much in the chara design but it might be fun.

>> No.9687354

>They try way too hard
>The Earthbound ... approach was so much better on SNES
Earthbound doesn't try at all and as a result it looks and sounds like utter shit. It's like a bad joke compared to anything before or after it on the same system.

>> No.9687449

Metroid Prime.... get it? GUFFAW

>> No.9687464

Absolute beast of a game. I would advise playing with a spoiler free guide so you don't miss some of the best companions and bits of story

>> No.9687935

On PC it was 3dfx that pushed the limits of the hardware. Some P100 with Voodoo was faster (and graphics was better) than P200MMX with no Voodoo.

>> No.9687950


>> No.9688318

Good lord the absolute inefficiency of those polygon layouts. No wonder it doesn't look detailed.

>> No.9688427

can you expand on this, what should it look like?

>> No.9688440

PC Engine
>Hucard: bomberman 94 or street fighter ii CE (hucards were limited by size unfortunately, otherwise the most impressive 4 megabit game is air zonk)
>Super CD: Legend of Xanadu (the sidescrolling levels and bosses are fucking mindblowing, though the sequel looks better overall)
>Arcade CD: Fatal Fury Special (the snes version was a whopping 32 megabits and the pce port shits all over it, except for a couple backgrounds)

>> No.9688596

Rare was all about doing things with the NES that should have been impossible.

>> No.9688605

>belts above the shoulder

Fuck you for making me realize this

>> No.9688817
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>> No.9688905

Soul Reaver. Real-time warping geometry like that looked fucking sick.

>> No.9688952

Fuck no not even MM

Conkers bad furday pushed the N64 to its limits and it also used the largest N64 cart.
nes/snes stuff is cheating tho. Those chips like shit the FX alone was like what 2-3 times more powerful than a snes.

>> No.9688969
File: 58 KB, 466x473, 610tmXNvIHL._AC_SX466_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was absolutely insane for the time. How detailed the world was, how everyone was voiced, the hundreds of unique characters, the size of the city.

>> No.9688970

should have done this but in a cyberpunk futuristic setting with white people. nobody wants to play as a beardless asian manlet, that was the game's downfall.

>> No.9688973

You mean the nomad soul? It was a decent game but the graphics were ugly compared to shenmue

>> No.9688974

no i mean they shouldn't have made this game

>> No.9688976

you described the nomad soul

>> No.9688983

bro i don't even know what you're referencing, all i'm saying is shenmue would've been more popular if the game didn't revolve around an asian guy and muh dishonorabru

>> No.9688985

Just play the nomad soul

>> No.9688986


>> No.9688987


>> No.9688991

Anon I don't think you know what a 3000 tri player model looks like. If you read it from somewhere, it probably means the menu or model viewer LOD is 3000 tris. A PS1's polygon budget, assuming it runs at 30 fps and the tris are textured, will land you around a scene budget of 3000 so that kind of makes sense. A 3000 tri player model is actually PS2 territory.

>> No.9688995 [DELETED] 

hey, here's an idea: go floig yourself

>> No.9688997

Fuck now it's in my head

>> No.9689102
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, daytonacce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The japanese Daytona CCE on Saturn is pretty nice. Looks like double the detail of the original and runs at a pretty solid 30 fps most of the time. I'd even say the graphics are better than most n64 racing games.

Looks and sounds amazing, genesis, snes and arcade versions are real odd to look at since they are remakes.

>> No.9689126



>> No.9689129


For my money it's gotta be Little Samson, Gimmick!, LaGrange Point or Sweet Home

>> No.9689148

Micky Mania on the Genesis
Crisis Force, I don't know how Konami got that game to work on the NES.

>> No.9689190

I played it to completion.
This is the best the Saturn can do, which is pretty pathetic.

>> No.9689197

>barely any entities
>only 1-3 enemies on screen at a time
>retard tier animations
>runs at 3-5 fps
Quake 2 on both PS1 and N64 take a hot dump on this trash, let alone shit like Perfect Dark

>> No.9689216


The framerate is better than PS1 Quake 2, which is all indoors or very modest outdoor settings. Look how far the draw distance is. The enemy frequency is the same as it was in actual Unreal. It also shows how the VDP planes can be used to create skyboxes

>> No.9689289

Literally better performance than what pc gamers would have at the time. Crazy how underrated Saturns power is

>> No.9689567


>> No.9689579

chris seavor said that in a conkers bad fur day commentary and everyone took it as fact

>> No.9689582

Something about this exact era of gaming is so damn comfy. The fun music, the playful UI, the quirky yet fascinating art direction, the unique weapons. Late enough in time to have some believable 3d at good framrate, but early enough that games were willing to be fun instead of cinematic experiences. We're so lucky to have experienced this kind of media in its day and fellow anons to continue celebrating it with now

>> No.9690004

Zone of the Enders 2 is PS2 taken to its peak in visual design, game design and graphical prowess. It is *the* game to show what that console could do.
If more games had tried as hard maybe it would be remember as more than just shovelware: the console.

>> No.9690178
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>> No.9690308

PS2 had tons of great games. The Wii is the shovelware console.

>> No.9690428

The early half of 6th gen will probably always be my favorite. It hit at the sweet spot age of 10 for me, which is a big part of it, but the reasons you described are what really made it stick, I think. Ratchet is actually a good example of why, in my mind: it looks and feels like a big budget animated adventure, but not as sickly cinematic like a Pixar movie as the later games.
I love the 3rd-5th too, but the 6th is really special to me.

>> No.9690619

>A PS1's polygon budget, assuming it runs at 30 fps and the tris are textured, will land you around a scene budget of 3000
It's 3000 textured tris at 60 fps, not 30.

>> No.9690815

yet you cared enough to reply

>> No.9691065

dude that ain't a PS1 model that's from the remaster

>> No.9691574

This isn't the PS1 model, if that mesh and horribly AI upscaled texture isn't obvious enough

>> No.9691658

Mario 64 and OOT are famous for being extremely unoptimized games because Nintendo couldn't figure out the foreign-made hardware and english-only documentation, that said they did amazing shit with what they could hash out

>> No.9691853

>Alien Soldier
>Panorama Cotton
>Ranger X

>> No.9691860

>Vagrant Story
>Sheep Raider
>Silent Hill

>> No.9691875

>t. never rigged a character
If it wasn't for those "inefficiencies" you wouldn't be able to animate this. Characters aren't like static objects that you can just reduce to an absolute minimum polygon count.

>> No.9692245

and it is retard, on paper and on practice, just look at the unreal demo

>> No.9692252

>This is the best the Saturn can do,
not really, burning rangers is a meme, theres other games that pushed the saturn to the limit

>> No.9692268

jurassic park on genesis has some cool looking sequences

>> No.9692395 [DELETED] 
File: 380 KB, 1000x1409, Xenoblade-Chronicles_WII_US_ESRB-fin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit on the character models all you want they look bad only because Monolith never bothered hiring a lead character designer artist for the job, but everything else from the big maps and that draw distances on what basically is a slightly buffed GameCube is mind blowing.

>> No.9692443 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9692447 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9692489

Nice try Joe from Game sack. Do your own research. Also get another partner like Dave to join you who can even out your (well intentioned) autismo.

But you doing good solo.