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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9680894 No.9680894 [Reply] [Original]

What are some bad ports/remasters

>> No.9680897

Ps1 games looked like shit holy fuck

>> No.9680898
File: 2.95 MB, 1909x6784, re4 shitmake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them. Yes RE1 too with the retarded Disney spooky house aesthetics

>> No.9680914

Pic unrelated?
Admittedly I've never played FF8 or the remaster, but that comparison makes it look like a very faithful remaster. I like it.

>> No.9680917

There's remakes, there's remasters... What about transfers?
When is the industry or the scenes gonna catch up with that? I want a 24khz Transfer of OOT for my stream deck

>> No.9680938

Your pic not related clearly?

>> No.9680947

Almost all of them.

>> No.9680948

Fuck today's Capcom

>> No.9680960

The 8-bit era was the GOAT for terrible ports. Any time you play a random NES rom and wonder "What the fuck is this?" there's a good chance it's a terrible arcade port.

>> No.9681069

Not /vr/ but that new P3P port for PC looks pretty abysmal. They obviously used some kind of AI tool to upscale the old background renders to HD, without doing any kind of paintovers/clean-up on them, and the result looks so muddy.

>> No.9681082
File: 99 KB, 945x532, FF8-Remastered-Balamb-Garden-students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9681124

Video game making is becoming a lost art.

>> No.9681178
File: 128 KB, 798x1000, Re-Loaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ReLoaded, and i don't mean the PC release from back in the day, but the version sold on Steam these days, which is a ROM of the Playstation version bundled with the EPSXe emulator and always online DRM tacked onto it, and they want $8 for it. This sort of makes it a port of a PSX game to PC, which was already ported to PC long ago.

it's like the scuffed and retarded version of an old DOS game being sold as just a copy of the original .exe and its files but with a preconfigured DOSBox, at least that shit doesn't have DRM on it.

Your fixation will never make me hate REmake. I hope you can find peace.

Not untrue.

>> No.9681179

AI upscaling is such fucking cancer.

>> No.9681183

Ah, now I see the problem.

>> No.9681189
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>there's people who think that this aesthetically presentable
>there's people who think that this is excusable even if it isn't

>> No.9681192
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Sprites for NPCs are only present on like 5 screens across the entire game in 8. In that classroom and on a few screens in the big city, although it's zoomed out enough that it doesn't stand out too badly

>> No.9681193
File: 2.75 MB, 720x405, episode1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

panzer dragoon remake on switch

>> No.9681194

It's excusable because there's literally no more than 5 instances of this in the game and the only way to fix it would be remaking backgrounds from scratch since those characters are baked into the background

>> No.9681195 [DELETED] 
File: 2.99 MB, 720x405, palace.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9681202
File: 2.99 MB, 720x405, airship.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9681209

It would not be a monumental fucking task to model up replica of the room and then putting in some mildly animated characters (which don't need too much detailing or design).
What you're looking at there is just the absolute least form of effort possible.

>> No.9681219

What are you talking about

>> No.9681225

>just replicate the aesthetics of the game 1 to 1 and make a background that perfectly fits in with the rest
Honestly it sounds easier to remake all the backgrounds

>> No.9681227

>ugly grey/brown boxes with barely any art direction
>disney cartoon
I mean if I have to choose between those two...

>> No.9681230

>Lol, just redo the game from scratch bro

>> No.9681237
File: 79 KB, 800x558, panzer-dragoon-original-game-official-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with barely any art direction
kill yourself

>> No.9681241

sippy bippy

>> No.9681249

It's because the first few people who made video games all came from a diverse background of other fields, and brought their expertise into a new media form.

Now they are all mostly retired/near-retiring and the new gen of developers are fags who as kids went I WANT TO MAEK VIDYA GAEM and didn't learn anything about art.

>> No.9681405
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That's my impression of it as well, the people going into video game making today go there for all the reasons except to make good or interesting games:

- they think it'll give them some clout on social media
- it was the only job available to them
- they played games as kids and wanted to make the same games not knowing what made them good
- they're artists who make generic sci-fi fantasy or capeshit garbage on Artstation that get hired
- they try to join big studios to just get high salaries and benefits with no passion whatsoever for games

I've seen lots of them like this, they join big studios, use tools like UE and pre-made assets that do everything for you and never get a say on how the game should go or look, the directors are usually some nepotistic wannabe filmmakers who've been at the company for at least 5 years and just want to suck up to Hollywood jews. This makes all modern games derivative, especially western ones. They look good on the surface due to modern graphics engines and lighting techniques but underneath they all play the same, they all have the same dynamics, the same pre-made movement, path finding and combat program, their UI and menus all look the same.

Then you have Japanese studios trying to emulate their Western counterparts and becoming graphics whores or shitting all over their original creations. See: Capcom, Squeenix.

As for these remakes/remasters the people making them are usually outsourced programmers and designers who never even touched the originals. Rarely do you get lucky and the original devs and directors come back to make a faithful modern remaster.

>> No.9681439

Not OP but the FF8 remaster is kind of bad, I played it. The backgrounds are blurry as fuck because they just resized them. No real upscaling. The character models are nice but they stick out real bad compared to the backgrounds. I don't usually care about such things but it brought down my experience some

I wish to God someone would make an AI upscale mod for 8 like there is for 7 and 9

>> No.9681441

this image is ruined by praising the shitty unreal screen, no blinding god rays are not getting re4's atmosphere.

>> No.9681445

You can argue "MUH SOUL" all you like for this one, but there was no way in hell they'd leave it empty as fuck like the original game, which is an extremely early 3D game. There was just no way
So, is the game actually bad compared to the original or it's just nitpicking on mih early 3D soul here?

>> No.9681450

there is ample reason to be cynical about the games industry but most of what you posted here is retarded facebook normie drivel

>> No.9681456
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>> No.9681476 [DELETED] 

You can't expect much from a /pol/ tourist

>> No.9681486 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9681487

The backgrounds are blurry, and that's the only fucking issue with the remaster. Everything else is perfect, people are just whiny bitches and a lot of them have it out for FF8 in particular.

>> No.9681492

Both of those images are upscaled so it’s a crap comparison
These games were made specifically for CRTs at 240p

>> No.9681494

Man all it needs is a color correction. The designs themselves and the models are faithful to the artwork

>> No.9681506
File: 384 KB, 1920x1642, hv3clyks1ot71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there EVER been a remaster / port where pre-rendered assets were actually remade or re-rendered? I have never seen one.

Doesn't seem like it would be that expensive or difficult since 3D tools have become much simpler and faster, the actual art design is already all done and it would just be copying the exact same images from one single camera angle.

Chinese sweatshops spend 24/7 making copies of famous renaissance paintings, they can't get some chinks to make copies of their background jpegs?

>> No.9681512

There are virtually no good ones.
I'm going to single out the Baldur's Gate EE for paticular mention as a disastrous 'update' on acount of the fact that it is not the same game as the original and it made the original unavailable by ordinary means. It's anti-preservationist in that it masquerades as Baldur's Gate for curious people who want to try a legendary game while at the same time tricking them into playing a fundamentally different and signifficantly less fun game.

>> No.9681514

Upscaled is really not the word that should be used for increasing the render resolution. I don't blame you, but I wish we could get away from it. Upscaling implies taking a low res render and blowing it up.

>> No.9681517

Refute my points or fuck off.

Couldn't be further from the truth, I don't browse /pol/ at all, in fact I hate /pol/wheenies.

>> No.9681524

This would be easy if they kept the master assets. Typically there will be assets of that quality, more of less, that are rendered in high res, then they just downsample and antialias it to work in 240p. Sadly, everyone was retarded and did not think forward. Now everything has to be made from scratch or upscaled with the best LOOKIN GOOD machine learning technology of the now.

>> No.9681552

Holy shit…I weep for what could be

>> No.9681563

>Game logo on the medicine bottle
>Scaped yer knee did ya squall? C'mere lad get some of this convoluted-plot iodine on it; fix ye right up

>> No.9681597

Hate to destroy your rant but it is 100% about the money and not disappearing talent.

For the first 30-40 years of gaming, developers mostly ran their own companies. Things like innovation, squeezing every ounce of of the hardware, and fun game design drove profits, which in turn increased competition for better games.

Now that the industry has matured and a modern AAA game takes millions of dollars to make, companies want safe profits. The decision makers (ie the execs) are far, far removed from the product they sell. What drives profit these days is addictive metagame mechanics (microtransactions, season passes, etc.) on a live service game with lots of potential for cosmetics sales. For core gameplay the safest bet is to just chase the latest trend and copy another hyper-succesful game. Hence the extremely repetitive string of similar games that come out each year.

In between live service games you can commodify nostalgia for your old IPs by remastering and porting them, preferably as cheaply as possible (ie using AI algorithms).

Most people who are making the games aren't twats but actually very overworked and under paid. Gaming is a brutal industry and most folks pray for a better career after a few years.

>> No.9681604

Masters or not, it shouldn't be difficult for a professional to simply copy what is already there. There were no master assets used for that pic, obviously.

>> No.9681605

We should never have let the mainstream into our hobby.

>> No.9681606 [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 704x446, panzer-dragoon-ending-screen-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original art direction is obsolete now that they can do "more"
nah, kys

>> No.9681609

That's a lotta work, dawg.

>> No.9681616
File: 247 KB, 1200x839, 22cb7c76a09bf27a75def137a447581b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot less work than it took for the first guys. Like I said, 3D tools are much easier to use now, render much faster, and the design part is already done.

>> No.9681623

That brings up new considerations, like maybe we should have it all in real time 3D with fixed, but following, cameras.

>> No.9681625

Idk from what i can tell it happened to other hobbies too.

Marvel learned how to legally print money with the MCU and now studios dont want to hear about your movie pitch unless it has "Universe Tie-in" potential.

Most books published these days are self-help, biographical, or romance/mommy porn because those are the genres that rake in money for publishers (in an industry that is still losing ground to gaming and TV).

Profit chasing is a cancer that spreads everywhere and only gets worse year after year.

>> No.9681634

That would be a good solution, I don't see why not. Fixed cameras are underrated these days

>> No.9681640

It should be a crime to present games in this format. Cinema would never be disrespected like this in more refined times.

>> No.9681654

There are actual laws against defacing art, but no one but the consumers considers anything to be art anymore.

>> No.9681680

>Cinema would never be disrespected like this in more refined times.
[Laughs in Ted Turner]

>> No.9681681

You didn't destroy my rant, in fact you corroborate with it.

Crunch culture has long been part of video game development, the people making today's games however are of a different breed. I've experienced it myself over the years in games where I was deeply involved with, the old guard left and new incompetent devs were hired to crash and burn the game trying to eek out as much money as they can before the player base got tired and left.

>your old IPs by remastering and porting them, preferably as cheaply as possible (ie using AI algorithms).
Like I said, these remasters are outsourced to cheap devs in Vietnam, Philippines, India etc. They're only used to release something for cheap and get the nostalgia money flowing. Gamers being the retarded consumers they are, always fall for it.

Just take a look at the last Nintendo Direct, most of the games announced were remaster or re-releases. This is the industry now. Rehashing games forever.

>> No.9681692

That's every media industry. Look how many old movies are now being re-released in theaters instead of new ones being made. Hollywood is circling the drain, they have nothing. Their biggest A-listers are now doing soap commercials and appearing at video game awards that have nothing to do with them. The music industry has been a walking corpse for the last decade. Comics only exist to farm IPs for movies, which are dying fast. Disney got caught buying their own tickets to pump up sales numbers. Rotten Tomatoes got caught fixing scores. Every other announcement for a new show or series is a remake or continuation of an old favorite.

>> No.9681703

Original art direction sucks ass and would only work as a vaporwave game

>> No.9681714

>background is brown rectangles in an empty ocean
Man can't wait to explore this magical world

>> No.9681729

anyone have that image where its comparing graphics between some random old game on PC with shitty graphics then fucking for PS2 its a fucking FFX CG? miss those troll macros

>> No.9681743

>Crunch culture has long been part of video game development
There's a huge difference between working overtime on a game you're invested in personally and working overtime because some suit forces you to, and he also makes all the calls, you're just a workforce with no creative input. That's the new thing in gaming, actual creators having no creative control and cunts in suits calling all the shots. In those conditions nobody wants to crunch, studios now go through fresh meat like a meat grinder, they know there're enough naive retards to abuse and they'll never run out of meat. Not how things used to be. Creatives used to be in control, crunching is fun when it's five friends crunching on their passion project together. When it's a 100 slaves who get the "if you don't work this weekend I'm afraid you're just not a good fit for our corporate culture" talk, it's not fun, people run from that as fast as they can. Hence you have all studios bleeding actual talent, filled up with clueless kids who don't know what they're in for.

>> No.9681781

I hate the color saturation so much. And that they never bundled zwei with it is inexcusable, since all they did is dump textures on the old PC port and increased the framerate.
t. zoomer bait
>There's a huge difference between working overtime on a game you're invested in personally and working overtime because some suit forces you to,
Been going on for decades. Right before the dreamcast died Sega was in a lawsuit over labor conditions where management was accused of locking staff in closets to finish their games for that quarterly earnings period. Yasunori Mitsuda got stomach ulcers from composing chrono trigger music.
>but muh small devs muh old game development
In 1994, CT had this many credited people, and this was a super Nintendo game: https://www.mobygames.com/game/4501/chrono-trigger/credits/snes/

So no, big teams crunching for weeks, months, and even years isn't new.

>> No.9681794
File: 1.70 MB, 480x370, 1604772991997.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since all they did is dump textures on the old PC port and increased the framerate.

>> No.9681795

In better times, yeah, but movies get the shit end of the stick a lot of the time too, these days.

>> No.9681801

There are artists available to do it, be it 3D or 2D, but then the multi-billion dollar company would actually have to pay more.

>> No.9681820

We were naive to ever think a remake/remaster could be just a graphical upgrade. People are always tempted to put themselves into something they create.

The best remaster is running the original game in an emulator at 4K with corrections like PGXP. inb4 HRT monitor faggots flip their shit and fake their own deaths

>> No.9681821

At the very least, master reels were more-or-less 1080p and full HD releases of old movies are the standard. That is nowhere near the case for old games, especially prerendered ones.

>> No.9681837
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We're in that stage with not just big budget videogames, but movies too. As said, always rehashing, never taking risks, following the carefully calculated formula to ensure maximum profit possible.
I wouldn't say that we're in a full Gray Goo scenario in terms of entertainment, because there's still some smaller dev houses, and an ocean of indie devs (even if most are mediocre or awful, there's a few good ones here and there).
There's also some modding communities and other homebrewing communities which are very much still alive and breathing in 2023.

Zoomers need to learn about how to not just pirate newer videogames, but also how to check out at least some older titles, as well as the value of personal computers (even if just as laptops). Not everyone, gatekeeping is done for a reason, standards are vital, BUT, there's many kids interested in the stuff which isn't just the big commercial mainstream, who are interested in old classics which were the progenitors or inspiration for not just indie games they like, but also the big budget ones they enjoy. Some simple see some e-celeb talk about or stream a game, and they actually go "Hey, that looks pretty cool, I want to try that out."

Young neophytes who take an interest in this stuff show up here and there, and they're not all some obnoxious cloutchasing attentionwhore, they're serious about it and want to learn (some actually adapt pretty quickly and even make valuable contributions to the community they join). I think we should try to cultivate this, because they'll some day be the future, carrying on the torch for the ideas and interests which we consider valuable for a reason. They won't all be just like us, times do change, for the good and for the bad, and the AAA gigants might just be permanent, but I think that some more serious sort of 'medium budget' indie scene could emerge one day.

There'll always be the normalfags, but we had those too, and they were as unimportant then as they are now.

>> No.9681839

True, old games are like the early days of movies, a bunch just weren't saved because they weren't thought to be important.

>> No.9681843

>Square AAA had 103 people on it!!
Wow that's amazing, let me just double check if those numbers stayed the same toda- no they increased 20x, what do you know turns out I'm right
>but 100 is a lot too
Not when you start breaking it down. An artist on the team doesn't want to control the gameplay of it or the music of it but he does want to have a say in the final look of the game. Look at the credits for CT, 6 people made all the characters in the game. Now each one of those people must've felt massively important and their opinion must've counted for something. Today that would be a team of 100+ voiceless opinionless grunts who can be replaced at a moments notice.

>> No.9681849

Today every part of a game is outsourced and then assembled at HQ like a fucking car. Most of the people credited with making it have never even met each other.

>> No.9681869

Oh, youre saying crunch culture drove out genuine talent and left devs who were there to simply take orders? I just disagree with you saying designers are all hacks these days. Most devs/designers are overworked and have little to no say over a game's direction.
Damn Disney needs to pump its own numbers, thats just sad right there.
This is it. Its crazy looking at 90s dev team photos and its like a dozen dorky/ shaggy looking dudes making games that are still on the Metacritic Top 100. Crunch was a real thing but it was different when you had complete and total creative control.

These days the people calling the shots dont play the games, they just know which industry trends make money. Hence why you have so many braindead game announcements and releases that spend millions on development but then shut down servers after 1 year. On paper it seemed like a safe investment to some suit who doesnt understand why people like games. In reality it turned out to be a hot turd sandwich.

>> No.9681870

>Most devs/designers are overworked and have little to no say over a game's direction.
So where is your proof they are not also hacks?

>> No.9681880

Lol i guess you got me there, champ.

>> No.9681884

They are hacks because most talented devs have already quit the industry instead of working under those shit conditions. A lot of people have been squeezed out because they wanted too much creative control and/or money. A lot of people went into indies hoping that's where things will be better but indie market seems a bit dead, very few of them seem to be profitable. Every year there's like 10 indies that hit mainstream and make big bucks and everyone else basically loses all their money

>> No.9681903
File: 93 KB, 576x623, 9f2f0ca2a171dbc664368503d8e0f14d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We were naive to ever think a remake/remaster could be just a graphical upgrade.
Monkey Island is accurate to the point where you can literally switch to the original graphics on the fly.

>> No.9681910

Indies are just as bad as AAA devs when it comes to trend chasing and playing it safe. How many "Earthbound-likes" and nostalgiabait derivative sidescrollers do they think we want?

>> No.9681919

Pic unrelated

>> No.9681925

There aren't any

>> No.9681929

Every console game ported to PC

>> No.9681943

100%. Indies are some of the worst trendchasers out there.

>farming games
>crafting tiers
>resource gathering

The list just goes on and on. Its due to the opposite problem: One guy with no funding takes a long time to make a game for 0 pay. Need to guarantee they'll justify wasting 3 years of their life for something and that their project wont just die an unglamorous death on Steam.

>> No.9681945

those art styles are completely different, are you autistic?

>> No.9681958

sadly not an option in the remaster of monkey island 1 (which is where you would want it as that one is very fugly). at least you can mod voice acting into the original graphics

>> No.9681963

>Masters or not, it shouldn't be difficult for a professional to simply copy what is already there. There were no master assets used for that pic, obviously.

It's *possible*... sure. But their workload is so high that it's not feasible.

Remasters (not Remakes) usually don't have the budget or time to remaster every single detail in the entire game from scratch. Developers have to choose what to focus on.

Remaking assets like pre-renders that are baked in (and the original files are gone), is a huge time cost that could potentially be better spent elsewhere like on new updated character models.

If a studio says developers have only 3 years to remaster a game (and the studio won't hire more than X amount of people to work on it), then that's all the Developer has to work with.

You got 3 years and a team of 30 people. That's it. Do what you can because the studio is releasing the remaster of Christmas 2026 no matter if you are done or not.

>> No.9681990

what the hell this doesn't actually look ba-

>> No.9681996

Literally anybody who's never played PD will tell you right looks infinitely better.
It's just nostalgia goggles for PzD fans (who are retarded faggots because they like a shit game to begin with)

>> No.9682004

i've never played panzer dragoon and the left is clearly better. both the sky and the ocean are blue on the left which makes it seem cold, which looks good considering you're flying over an empty ocean. the right has sunlight and mountains and greenery and it doesn't really feel like anything, is happy and chipper music playing? Because that's the only way so much brightness is justified

>> No.9682021

>Zoomers need to learn about how to not just pirate newer videogames, but also how to check out at least some older titles, as well as the value of personal computers (even if just as laptops)

which part of zoomers dont you understand?

gen z was artificially 'cultured' to be what they are now, the worst trash generation yet known to mankind. it is beyond their natural instincts to leave the dark cave. even if they wanted to, they cannot.

>> No.9682030

I think you're confusing something. The FF8 Switch devs could probably have done this too, but the new style would still look like Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.9682059

Day of the tentacle

>> No.9682065
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, Squall_Leonhart_by_JocelynJEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would prefer the KH style to the Dissidia one we got, honestly.

>> No.9682073

Day of thr tentacle

>> No.9682093

I would prefer the original, because it was good.

>> No.9682103

>RE1 too with the retarded Disney spooky house aesthetics
It's so cute watching a zoomer try to fit in.

>> No.9682104

>Doesn't seem like it would be that expensive
Cost 1000x more to make compared to running the backgrounds through whatever unbearably ugly filter they actually use for remake shit.

Besides, give pixel monkeys the opportunity, and they will add their own interpretations to the backgrounds, which is arguably more harmful to the end product for fans. The only good solution would have been to keep the source files, but storage was absurdly expensive and unreliable in the 90s.

>> No.9682112

>the only fucking issue with the remaster
You need to download a mod to fix the fps issues. Probably get <= ps1 fps on a gaming computer.

>> No.9682136

>caring about FPS
>in a turn based JRPG

This is how far you have to reach to look for things to bitch about? SE must have done a miracle on this remaster

>> No.9682279

Yes, I do, because it runs like shit. Are you actually defending this?

>> No.9682287

Nah, it doesn't, friendo. But keep telling yourself that. I played it to the finish with no issues from framerate in a fucking turn based story game.

>> No.9682308

>hey Sarah, lookin' good

>> No.9682309

that's what happens when you take a screenshot of 640x480 and blow it up to 2-3x its native resolution

>> No.9682313

you can beat a game that runs like garbage, that's fine. it just runs ugly, nobody is saying that it stops you from beating the game.


>> No.9682315

Downsampling is pretty much the only option in games like this.

>> No.9682320

Why are your standards so low? Just because it's a jarpig doesn't mean ps1 framerates is okay. It's so bad that you can almost see each individual frame after inputting a command. I'm due for my annual VIII run soon and I'm thinking of just emulating it or playing the Steam version. I will do everything to avoid that miserable remaster.

>> No.9682331

Even as a kid I wondered what the fuck was up with FF7-9's battles.

>> No.9682341

Am I the only one that likes FF8's original faces? They remind me of the Sims and the people look like actual people.

>> No.9682797

>>caring about FPS
>>in a turn based JRPG
FFIX has atrocious fps on PS1 hardware. This may have been acceptable at the time, but playing it as an adult on original hardware is sickening. The FFVIII remaster has similar fps to FFIX on PS1 hardware. It's retarded, stop defending this.

>> No.9682865
File: 348 KB, 625x396, C5D4779F-50FA-4221-8833-915275521CEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opening animation of the rider is missing
>camera movement is abrupt and inelegant
>animation in general is dramatically inferior
>world interaction is reduced/removed in places
>original art direction is ignored
But retards like you just see the higher resolution textures and generic unity assets and think “hurrr durrr right look better”.

Not pictured in that webm: the horrible input delay the remake adds.

>> No.9682898

Render resolution has nothing to do with texture mapping being wrong.

>> No.9682905

Input delay was patched, it runs smooth now.

PD "fans" are insufferable and unpleasable, like all Sega fans. No wonder their soul died.

>> No.9682920
File: 2.40 MB, 1280x720, man in his 30s.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cinema would never be disrespected like this in more refined times.

>> No.9682925


>> No.9682931

Stop playing with your TV set to "vivid," and your hateboner for bright colors will subside.

>> No.9682937

>Input delay was patched, it runs smooth now.
Cool, have they patched the entire game looking like cheap shit?

>> No.9682943

>he thinks the problem is the colors

>> No.9682950

I actually bought this on release and had it on my wishlist for a while, I asked for a refund less than 10 minutes into the game.

>> No.9683019
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, MoHU_gba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't go worse than this, lol.

>> No.9683074

Impressive, you read the words but none registered, instead you just reflexively complain about kids these days.

>> No.9683202

>I can't see the forest anymore!!!!!! Fuck you Crapcom!!!

People just wanna bitch these days.

>> No.9683208

I bought this for $2 on a sale and I felt ripped off after played 3 minutes.

>> No.9683284

Uhh well I pirated it for free just so I could delete it

>> No.9683290

Wonderboy 3 on steam. It's worse than the original.

>> No.9683303

What gets me is that there is zero reason for the scene to be shot like this. It wouldn't even look good even if it was really 35-year-old DeNiro.

>> No.9683439
File: 45 KB, 976x488, 1656901269801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Zoomed out long takes are fine for John Wick where you're trying to show off the choreography and stuntwork to its fullest extent. But when the actors can't pull off the physical part editing is your friend. Maybe Scorcese spent so much on de-aging he didn't have enough left for reshoots, or maybe he's just so fucking old himself he's getting sloppy.

Anyway just to get back on topic I can't believe no one's brought up the Silent Hill HD collection yet

>> No.9683484
File: 2.01 MB, 320x240, hbk-makes-hogan-look-dumb_1313735_GIFSoupcom_zps599c64f8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having to sell for this guy lmao

>> No.9683609

It's not confirmed but it's believed this happened for RE Zero, the upscales there don't look like upscales, just higher quality renders, unlike REmake.

Also with FF8 and other games like it it's hard to remaster. Remasters come from specific elements. Framerate not tied to game speed (something Squeenix didn't bother to do at the time bc why would they), as well as keeping old assets, as well as just keeping the source code. Squeenix has none of these and still managed to do decent with FFVIII, and the better mods of VII and IX that fans have done is strictly due to them having years to figure out 60fps patches and the advent of AI upscaling, which weren't available at the times of these remasters. Or they were and they were abysmal.

Hopefully someone takes FFVII Remake's environments, takes screenshots from the right angle, and transplants them into the original engine, just to see how it looks

>> No.9683624

for me, its the glass breaking for no reason

>> No.9683685


>> No.9683709

Here's the thing with whining about the RE4 Remake

You can just, play the RE4 retexturing project and get the best remaster ever made.

So there's no reason to hate on the remake being different, if I wanted to play the original, I'd play the original, it's not even out yet, stop complaining. When DMC5 got announced, and I hated on the visuals, it's because we had not gotten DMC in so long and it was such a departure from the original style, but we still get pretty faithful new entries in RE regularly, it's hard to argue with RE2 Remake, so this is just silly. Especially when paired with the RE4 texture mod being a thing.

>> No.9683710

>Doesn't seem like it would be that expensive or difficult since 3D tools have become much simpler and faster, the actual art design is already all done and it would just be copying the exact same images from one single camera angle.
It has not become cheaper and faster if anything it's way more expensive. And really these boomer games never sell well no one wants to play an old JRPG except for some nostalgic boomers putting THAT much money in would be ridiculous.

>> No.9683718

One thing that might make it possible in the near future is since we have AIs that can recognize each element in a scene, they might be able to make a barebones 3D render from a 2D image soon, which would make it a much less painful process.

>> No.9683719

I'm sure you have numbers and data for all your assertions there

>> No.9683724

>Also with FF8 and other games like it it's hard to remaster. Remasters come from specific elements. Framerate not tied to game speed (something Squeenix didn't bother to do at the time bc why would they), as well as keeping old assets, as well as just keeping the source code. Squeenix has none of these and still managed to do decent with FFVIII, and the better mods of VII and IX that fans have done is strictly due to them having years to figure out 60fps patches and the advent of AI upscaling, which weren't available at the times of these remasters. Or they were and they were abysmal.

Will FF8 get a widescreen mod?


>> No.9683732

Jim Ryan has said multiple times why they don't bother with BC - it's a feature often requested but never used.
>inb4 b-but their playstation subscription thingyyy
Yes, and they're doing the bare minimum with it for a huge mark up just proves my point really. NO ONE BUYS THESE GAMES.
>inb4 b-but remaking a really old shitty old game without changing the mechanics has never been done before!
I wonder why. Perhaps it's because they can just put those resources into actually remaking the game form the ground up instead of wasting time?
That's a PSP game not a shitty old JRPG. It's closer to the FF7 remake than to a shitty old RPG.

>> No.9683736

That voice acting is abysmal, hopefully we get AI voices soon trained on the Advent Children and Remake voice actors, would be great

Also, it might happen, this stuff really depends on if people want to make it and if they're capable of making it, but FFVII and VIII should have similar engines so there's a chance that some of the work that went into this mod could make a similar mod for VIII easier, but it gets a bit muddy since VIII usually has people playing on the Remastered version and the code might be a bit different. Should be easy enough to implement for the 3D sections though

>> No.9683739

>ugly UE engine
yes. its the engine, not the art department's choices

>> No.9683745

I'd argue remasters that completely redo visuals over the original code fit the bill of really old game without changing the mechanics, stuff like Metroid Prime, Demon's Souls, Diablo II. It can work but I don't know if it would work for turn based old JRPGs, they don't have the biggest audience, people wanna play those stories with action combat these days.

>> No.9683746

>"When we've dabbled with backwards compatibility, I can say it is one of those features that is much requested, but not actually used much. That, and I was at a Gran Turismo event recently where they had PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 games, and the PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?"

>> No.9683747

Oh is that why Xbox literally lost the console war out the gate when they announced no BC and had to immediately backpedal hard after Sony capitalized on their misfire?

>> No.9683750

360 BC was planned from that start they even had some 360 hardware imbedded to make it easier to emulate. And the BC was first announced for the 360 y'know the gen before that with actually modern games not an old shitty JRPG.

>> No.9683757
File: 222 KB, 1270x595, CpMOqnoWAAAFcGQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time RE4 gets a port, something new is broken

GC –> Wii — Lower polygon count inventory items from PS2 port

Wii –> 360 — Broken and missing effects, bad mapping conversion for ALL the models of the game, missing sound reverb effect.

360 –> UHD — Animation and sound issues, black pickup screen, bad optimization with lots of performance issues in some computers

The PS4 version is just copy-paste of the “HD textures option” from PC Ultimate HD. Only a few extra character textures were improved for PS4/Xone.

Also some enemies behavior issues if I’m not mistaken. But I’m not sure in which port…

Still aside of resolution the GC/Wii are the best versions. It has the best color palette and lightning and have bloom to the fire effects.

Resident Evil 4 HD Project removes terrible looking PS2 version assets.


>WEAPONS and other item MODELS: The models used for all post-Gamecube versions have less polygons than the original Gamecube version. It seems they kept (perhaps by accident?) the low-poly versions from the PS2 port of the game. I restored and even improved all of these models. There is a limitation with these models that crashes the game if the file size of certain files are larger than the original, but I found that there is some dispensable data that can be removed from the .bin files (the 3D models), and even entire .bin files that are unused in-game

>> No.9683760

360 BC back-compat games are generally rendered at 720p at most, they can't be supersampled on a 720p or higher screen.

>> No.9683765

Well, to be fair, that's executive talk. Suits say whatever fits the company's current vision. Remember when MvC4 was coming out and one of the producers said that they didn't add the X-Men because no one even remembered them anymore?
Remember when Blizzard said people requested classic servers but wouldn't actually play on them. And now, years later, the classic servers alone are still one of the biggest MMOs?
Keep in mind, a lot of games that are being revived are now selling better than before. Metroid Dread is the best selling game in the franchise. Mega Man 11 is the best selling Mega Man game. Every time we hear from game executives "people ask for X but don't really want it" it means that their investors don't want it.

I think sometimes it's true and it's certainly expensive to remake those games from scratch but it can be worth it if they make an effort to advertise remasters/remakes. There were people that said a FFVII remake wouldn't sell, I mean it's obviously stupid but they said it.

>> No.9683775

C'mon bro be real this whole thing is aobut money it always was. If these games sold the PS2 on PS4 program wouldn't have been discontinued. They tried they really did, and the numbers clearly showed that no one cares. Now their greatest BC effort is to mark up a few shitty PS1 games they add every 3 months if even at that pace just to pad out their subscription service a little bit.

>> No.9683778

I remember very clearly someone from Square saying that "remaking FFVII would be like admitting that we cannot make a game as good as that again"

He was right, but the implication was that they would never stoop to a remake

>> No.9683785

You think too short term, too small. These companies think decades in advance. Look at how gutted, empty and full of anti-consumer MTX shit modern gaming is. Do you really think they want Johnny Zoomer directly comparing that with the full featured, complete and single price games of his older brother's time? No, they want people to forget those kind of products ever existed and only know the shit they are making now. They will wean you off of them by throwing a bone every time a large enough ruckus is made about phasing them out, but they hack away at it a little more every time.

>> No.9683786

I don't think it's true, GoG and Steam have proven selling old games is a viable strategy. The switch to subscription services has much more to do with a general switch in the IT industry to SaaS


This is what every software company wants now, they don't sell you software, they license it to you as a subscription, this is also what we're seeing in film and TV, no more movie theatres or TV stations, just subscriptions services, it doesn't mean the old games aren't valued, it just means that their value is used to pad out otherwise empty subscription services. It should also be mentioned that those PS2 on PS4 games were kinda lazy and by now severely lacking behind what you can do with emulation. Look how much people get excited over Nintendo releasing Game Boy ROMs, people care, but the PS2 on PS4 program often wasn't the best games, and it wasn't enough games, and they also were sold at too high a price, and I don't often remember big sales.

But again, this is all different from remastering/remaking those games.

>> No.9683968

people just want to bitch for the most part. no matter how petty the reason.

90% of the whining about remakes/remasters or going on about "MUH SOUL" usually boils down to someone going "this game is not the same game i played when i was a kid/teenager there for it's shit.".

another factor is that if most people wanted to play the original game then they'd just track down the original game. like barring some examples like rockstar or gearbox it is wholly possible to still get the original games legally after the remaster or remake has launched. i know id and bethesda still do this to an extant.

>inb4 "muh piracy" or "muh emulation"
if you're going to do that then why the fuck are we even having this conversation in the first place and why the fuck do you even care then?

what you're thinking about was the xbone's initial plans for always online DRM. xbone was the only xbox that that didn't have BC (outside of the original) at launch but the PS4 didn't have BC at launch either so that argument is kinda moot.

>> No.9683991

and you assume that modern gaming is all about a singleplayer experience which it really isn't.

you can't really monetize a singleplayer game the way you can a multiplayer game. hence why every GaaS is either some kind of multiplayer game trying to sell you on as much cosmetics as they possibly can or a subscription to a game pass like service which is where you'll find where alot of these old games do end up in the current era now.

>> No.9684009

>but the PS4 didn't have BC at launch either so that argument is kinda moot.
The PS4 never got BC at all (besides digital PS2 games that were a fraction of the total library, and streaming PS3 games with PS Now)

>> No.9684067 [DELETED] 

soul vs soulless

>> No.9684189

when they say SEED, do they mean everyone gets to have sex with the female students and blow huge loads of Japanese cum over them, bukkake style?

>> No.9684203

Wonder what makes a man be like that.

>> No.9684278

Parasite eve looks exaclty like that on the sony wega crt 29 though component running on the ps2

>> No.9684473
File: 854 KB, 1920x1080, pharaoh new era.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new Pharaoh remake.

>> No.9684503
File: 48 KB, 640x480, resident-evil-30140184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. That was my experience playing Resident Evil with a 3dFX card back in the nineties. 640x480 polygonal models, 320x240 backgrounds. I can't remember if they were filtered or you could see the pixels.

Final Fantasy VII for PC had non filtered backgrounds. I remember reading on magazines that FF VIII PC had improved on this issue, but it amounted to just one filter,. In fact, other than the VIII being compatible with more graphic cards, it was a still clusterfuck

- Maybe I failed to configure it, or maybe the yamaha XG midi solution from VII was not present, but it sound nothing like PSX (Sure, the AWE 64 was no Roland, but it could do better than what it was coming out)

- No support for analog controllers, even if you had a PSX to USB adapter. All the buttons are labelled as numbers, so it's impossible to know what you are pressing. Super fun for the summon button mashing.

At least the FMVs had decent encoding, though.

>> No.9684510
File: 3.89 MB, 1250x1907, ff8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9684528

It said it was ugly (which it is), but the point was that the person who made it, appreciated and recognised the atmosphere and tone of the original, whereas the crapcom puke merchants claim to understand and respect the original by completely changing everything they can get away with.

>> No.9684541
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x3240, medievil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9684554

Is this AI art or did someone actually make it?

>> No.9684557

>the person who made it, appreciated and recognised the atmosphere and tone of the original
aka copy pasted scene geometry into unreal and added tacky bullshit that ruins the look
it looks even worse

>> No.9684582

It might be shorter to try and list remasters that were actually unambiguously good or improvements.

Code Veronica HD
Okami HD
Stronghold HD
Starcraft HD is impressively inoffensive--I still prefer the OG graphics for nostalgia but I don't mind watching ASL at all.
I really liked that OG Prince of Persia remake with the Sands of Time-era graphics. Felt very good to play at high fps.

>> No.9684614

Add Age of Empires 2 DE to that

>> No.9684664

They just don't get it do they, these remakers?

>> No.9684672

I recall the MGS HD collection was pretty good. It even had Transfarring.

>> No.9685175

CVXHD has that weird matrix filter that makes the game too dark and you can't adjust the brightness
REmake some backgrounds are downgraded from the OG. I'd give RE0 the remaster improvement crown since they actually went through the effort to get high-res backgrounds and they look insanely good.
MGSHD is missing a lot of visual effects, has downgraded audio in MGS2 and doesn't have any of the extra mini games and the guy savage mini game in MGS3.

>> No.9685610

Is there anything worse than publishers releasing emulated versions of their old games because they lost the original source code? Looking at you Squeenix.

Worse, gaymers still buy them.

>> No.9685678

Emulation would be an improvement on using the bad PC ports of VII and VIII.

>> No.9686652

>It's excusable because there's literally no more than 5 instances of this in the game and the only way to fix it would be remaking backgrounds from scratch since those characters are baked into the background
>wand select
>content aware delete
>drag drop new generic person model in
truly an insurmountable amount of work

>> No.9686689

I like that there's a clear line between what they did and didn't change. I don't have to sit around wondering what's original and what's not. They changed the animated models and everything else is as is. Simple and nice.

>> No.9686807

MediEvil's is fine if not just because it includes the original game anyway

>> No.9686810
File: 392 KB, 418x391, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tactics Ogre Reborn was almost the go-to version for me but it has this forced sprite filtering over it

I fucking hate SquEnix

>> No.9686818

Can the PC version be modded with the unfiltered PSP sprites?

>> No.9686827

Also, MGSHD altered the shot composition and cinematography. Whether you play with Full Screen or Letterbox cutscenes.
You cannot play in proper 4:3 with your console set to 4:3.
And the surround sound mix is borked in MGS2 (but MGS3 is fine).
Kojima Productions probably didn't have that much involvement in MGSHD but they should have had more involvement, especially from Kojima.
Another pet peeve of mine is that the HD Collection doesn't detect on whether you're playing on a Japanese or American PS3. The other MGS games on PS3 detect this so they can set the Circle as Confirm and X as Cancel in Japanese consoles.
But in MGSHD, the English version will have X as Confirm regardless on whether you're playing on an American or Japanese model.

This is off-putting for me, since O as Confirm was used for the PS2 versions, and I play the American discs on a Japanese PS3, which sets O as Confirm for MGS4 and MGSV.

>> No.9687315
File: 113 KB, 1000x600, Advance-Wars-1-2-Remake-announced-for-the-Nintendo-Switch-1000x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't played most of your games and this thread made me realize why I stay away from recent games most of the time.

They just can't do art like they used to. Either for money or because they want to appeal to the younger generation raised with shitty 3D-model animation series. I don't know but now the ugly camera angle seems a bit more acceptable than the whole smooth-edging nightmare I've seen here.

>> No.9687560

The recent House of the Dead switch remake looks like a unity asset flip mobile game

>> No.9688441


Reaching once again, stupid fuck

>> No.9688513

I hate this thread, you're all salty bitches.

>> No.9688526

>It's not confirmed but it's believed this happened for RE Zero

No, the art director just had stored the raw files from back in the day of the rendered backgrounds some of which were nearly 8K in resolution

>> No.9688627

The music is downright awful too.

>> No.9688736

Bitterness and a lack of understanding, as is always the case.

>> No.9688965

That wouldn't even be a remaster, then.

>> No.9688971

TV Stations were always a subscription service anyway

>> No.9688992

I hate this whole le dark is scary!! garbage
it makes the game look like utter SHIT

>> No.9689007

you think pc mods would fix it?

>> No.9689015
File: 252 KB, 480x360, 1676415873946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9689024 [DELETED] 

Does nobody remember the HD remaster from 2010 by GameLoft for the 360 and PS3? Bad trace-over art. Stolen fan art. They made the game look tacky, sorry to say.


>> No.9689043

Does nobody remember the Earthworm Jim 1 HD remaster from 2010 by GameLoft for the 360 and PS3? Bad trace-over art. Stolen fan art. They made the game look tacky, sorry to say.


>> No.9690262

Just increasing resolution can transform many pre-HD games. Mega Man Legends 2 in HD looks like a Dreamcast game at times.

>> No.9690337
File: 255 KB, 720x714, 1622130346694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TV Stations were always a subscription service anyway

Is this a Bongistan thing or just a zoomer?

>> No.9690653

Not in the United States. NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, PBS, CW, and My Network TV are available with an antenna connection and have always been free.

>> No.9690930

>Every time RE4 gets a port, something new is broken

Didn't the switch from 30FPS to 60FPS broke some balancing too? Like knife hits hitting twice in one hit...

>> No.9690943

and I think it's intentional. The longshot, no cut, the way the beating up is unspectacular, makes the characters and event look real.
The longshot makes it feel like you're a passerby randomly stumbling on a scene in the streets, which is emphasized by the girl and woman watching, the same way the audiance is.

>> No.9692402

I just hate what they did to the characters. 0 charm.


>> No.9692565

There are only a dozen good remasters.

>> No.9692573

I understood that making assets from the scratch cost money but man...

>> No.9692581
File: 65 KB, 1024x576, preview-nTd.1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switch is a new PS2(In terms of Sega-tier remakes)

>> No.9692635


>> No.9693445

>if everything looks like shit you can't tell it apart
amazing thank you

>> No.9693453

the more accurate term is uprezzed

>> No.9693478

Nomura can fuck right off

>> No.9693509

That was quite literally the entire point of prerendered backgrounds

>> No.9693551

dear god,
even the glass shattering alone is uncanny valley

>> No.9693573

>It's excusable because...
No, it isn't. You can set up the game to look better than this with Duckstation and five minutes, and Duckstation is fucking free, runs on a smartphone, and wasn't made by a multi-million dollar company.

>> No.9694693

Is Okami's problem just that it forces you to have Steam to use a controller?

>> No.9694831

The knife doesn't hit enemies multiple times, but it does hit locks multiple times at 60fps.
Some people claim enemies are more aggressive at 60fps, but I haven't seen definitive proof of that yet. Wouldn't surprise me, though.

>> No.9694964
File: 102 KB, 431x750, tumblr_n5ee0ab8fv1qm16gxo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, canonically it stands for this.

>> No.9694972

Squeenix needs to use AI to upscale their assets properly.
Pay the original artists to come in and make sure it's done right.

>> No.9695051

there's literally nothing to refute since you're literally just making things up and getting mad about them. you don't know any developers and you're too socially retarded to have a diverse age group of friends

>> No.9695537

This should really be a standard for all these remakes.

>> No.9695568

Right looks bland.

>> No.9695956

There are mods.

>> No.9696942

What about Metroid prime?

>> No.9697015

Latest and greatest sydrome

>> No.9697019


>> No.9697191 [DELETED] 

This. Why can't they let us slurp our goyslop in peace?

>> No.9697204
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, gta-trilogy-1634906332402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barely worth mentioning I guess but this shit was just sad.

>> No.9697209

>he thinks

>> No.9697246

I still can't believe that this trash sold 14 million copies

>> No.9697280
File: 953 KB, 755x627, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF8's "remaster" was hilarious

>> No.9697309

the remasters are not for old gamers.
They where made for the zoomers, and therefore quality doesnt matter.

>> No.9697312


>> No.9697395
File: 200 KB, 1046x644, 1677342698893834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hated him because he told the truth.

I still remember the day the Japanese studio I was working with got the fateful call from Sony that they were gonna start having Americans censor the games "for a global audience". The company straight up died that day. Every company has something like pic related now and no one likes it but they still have to do it.

Sometimes I lie awake trying to figure out the best way to bring the old magic back. Japan still has the people for it; even the younger devs in the company are talented and driven. Something has to be possible for me to do.

>> No.9697397

It looks technically better, in both senses of the word. Yes, the resolution is higher. It also looks far more generic. I'd believe you if you said this was a special PD Fornite event.

>> No.9697641

That's why I think the Live a Live remake was great. It had the original director, and composer.

>> No.9697669

>look at me! i'm superweeb with some chickenscratch shit!

>> No.9697880

>turning characters into asians

>> No.9697917


>> No.9697962
File: 778 KB, 2400x1350, hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs should just make their own PC game store at this point
Having to deal with western tranny politics to have your game sold is retarded

>> No.9698093

But it's not a matter of where you sell it. You can sell non-woke games on Steam. It's a matter of how the libtards speak about it to the normies. If a bunch of normies who watch the intro sequence of a game and uninstall it (after buying the $99 ultimate edition) see that your game isn't diverse enough, is problematic, or whatever; they won't want to buy it. That's what developers are selling to now, because there's more normies than nerds. Fuck making a good game when you can validate a retard's political stance with a shitty game and make more money.

Selling outside of Steam is pointless, as it's reasonably free speech centric (barring loli porn games).

>> No.9699150

It's literally an internal document from Capcom.

Japanese govt. has to do it, too.