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9680337 No.9680337 [Reply] [Original]

>Hyeh hyeh! Let’s extinguish all remnants of the human race, Roll!

>> No.9680340
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Goddammit Megaman, look at the clock. You know that your sister is with me for the next hour. I'm teaching her how to use her vacuum.

>> No.9680345
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why is sexual tension between siblings so hot? It's a shame they're not actually related

>> No.9680394

>was found as a baby and grew up like a normal human boy
>can eat normal food and drink normal drinks
>has fully detachable limbs and powered by energy storage
Is he a biological lifeform or a robot?

>> No.9680401

Maybe an Android or Cyborg. Wasn't that basically what Reploids were or am I wrong?

>> No.9680403

Reploids are fully mechanical.

>> No.9680404

But that already happened before the game starts, he had nothing to do with any of it.

>> No.9680406
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>he doesn't know about reploid pussy

>> No.9680427

>Is he a biological lifeform or a robot?
He's a Carbon, essentially both and neither.

>> No.9680432

He's not a carbon, he's a "purifier unit".

>> No.9680463

Friction, pressure, clamping force, lubrication, all mechanical concepts. Just saying, not that I've put any thought into it.

>> No.9680467

He is a Mega Man. Which seems to be the missing link between the human cyborgs and Reploids with organic parts of ZX, or some kind of prototype or MEGA version of what the Carbon race designed specifically to serve the last humans. So like him and Juno are more like angels made to serve god while the Carbons are mortal beings. The Carbons are likely nanomachine based nonsense humanity made.

>> No.9680468

Dude in ZX reploids can age and reproduce, even with humans

>> No.9680472

Whats his face in ZX Advent was a Reploid with organic parts mixed in, so Reploids with organic skin + pussy grafted around them was probably a thing.

>> No.9680476
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>why is sexual tension between siblings so hot?
it's just the morbid of see something happening that shouldn't happen.

>> No.9680483


>> No.9680484

He is the ultimate incarnation of a Reploid, a robot.

>> No.9680485

literally in the game's final act
>the choice of whether to stop the system [to restore humanity] is yours alone, MegaMan

>> No.9680501

I don't know man, I think it's kinda sexy in its own right. Unconditional closeness with a girl? Awesome! Volnutt's sadly gonna be missing out on this next point because he's not actually related to Roll, but since we reproduce sexually, banging your sister is the mathematically superior way to pass on your genes since you're not diluting your own traits.

That being said, I don't have a sister

>> No.9680517

MML2 specifically says that Master is a "true human" and that the Carbons, by contrast, "did not evolve," and "were created." They are a rendition of Reploids.

>> No.9680539

If the series wasnt deader then disco, I think a neat plot progression would have been the reveal that the original intent of the Carbons was to be new bodies for humans to upload their consciousness into so they could survive on a massively fucked up, irradiated, polluted planet, but designing such a system took so long to implement that the surviving humans ended up forgetting their original purpose and just fucked off living in paradise as mortal-gods or killing themselves out of depression for a reason to live.

Did they ever elaborate on what the reset system was going to do? Like did it have human DNA samples on file to begin cloning them?

>> No.9680580

Yes. The system would literally just reclone humans, wipe out all the Carbons, and then beam humans back down onto the Earth.

The issue was that The Master viewed the Carbons as equally worthy of life and literally no different from humans (which they weren't' Carbons are literally just humans generically modified to be able to swap their body parts with metal).

>> No.9680591

>Carbons are literally just humans generically modified to be able to swap their body parts with metal
Wrong. Barrel says Carbons were created by humans and have no history before that time.

>> No.9680595

They're literally made out of human DNA. They aren't beep-boop robots. The recloned humans would literally be no different from the Carbons.

>> No.9680596

What then would be the purpose of killing all the carbons

>> No.9680604

Because they aren't specifically the humans being kept in Storage. Again, The Master recognized how bullshit it was to literally make less advanced humans to live for generations on Earth to clean it up, only to kill them all so that the bored humans on Elysium could go have fun on Earth.

>> No.9680608

>They're literally made out of human DNA.
Source? And if you say ZX, kindly fuck off.

>> No.9680625
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The DASH Dissertation specifically states that they're biologically the same as what we would consider "human" as opposed to what we would consider "robots with sentience".

>> No.9680640

The burden of translating all that into English isn't on me. Fuck off

>> No.9680643

Where specifically is he saying this? I don't see him saying decoy anywhere in that bubble, and decoy is what they're called in jap, because they're artificial humans who are mostly, if not entirely robotic.

>> No.9680648

Isn't Trigger a Maverick Hunter too? Didn't Juno label the Carbons as Mavericks?

>> No.9680659

I don't remember if that happened. its been a while since I finished Legends.

>> No.9680662

The second box on the left; the question is posed as to whether or not Rock and Roll are suppose to be humans. This is from when the first game came out; before they used Decoy/Carbon to refer to all the people living on Earth. It's established at the very least in the original guide book for the first game that Carbons are able to just swap body parts with robotic ones, so the Bonnes have regular flesh and blood bodies sitting somewhere they they can put their heads back onto.

Carbons were "Mavericks" in the sense that he's a robot built to kill them all because they were going against Humanity's plan by existing.

>> No.9680664
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It does not say that. The answer is very coy about it. And when you pay attention to the actual contents of the game, they couldn't be more clear about Carbons being distinct from true human. But even if they were "identical," they're still artificial.

>character mystery
Next is Roll-chan, what is rock? Is it human?
Well, I would like to ask everyone here, what is a human
being? I wonder what. Emotions are phenomena caused by
the transmission of substances in the brain, that is, chemical
substances. There are some physiologists who
say nihilistically that ``humans are, after all, biomachines
that seem to act autonomously through chemical reactions'',
and it is really difficult to define. So, in short, what is roll
and rock? I can't say it yet. It feels like Nanyasore.

>> No.9680668

>Didn't Juno label the Carbons as Mavericks?
Not really, Carbons on Kattelox weren't supposed to reproduce too much, and they were well over their population limit, so rather than purge a few, Juno decided it would be easier to purge the island altogether.

What is the purpose of Carbons anyway? The humans could wipe them out at any time over several thousand years, but they didn't, so it seems like they had some particular reason to be on Earth.

>> No.9680670

The only distinction is very explicitly that they AREN'T the humans kept in the Master System; specifically so they could be killed by the Carbon Reinitialization Program. Hell, if we're going to get touchy about artificiality, the humans on Elysium weren't human either; they were literally immortal and had to chose to die.

>> No.9680671

I don't get why some people are so hell bent on carbons being the exact same as humans, like you could put your penis in it regardless same as anyone from ZX, why do you care if its not human?

>> No.9680673

Carbons tended the Earth until all the humans on Elysium died. Then the Master System mass clones them, kills all the Carbons so that humans could start over fresh.
Honestly, I'm surprised that the twist wasn't that the Carbons were specifically a batch of Elysium humans, and they've been in a cyclical trap this whole time. They all know they're suppose to find the keys to turn on the Mastery System; whose to say they haven't been doing this over and over?

>> No.9680676

Because the entire "Megman Volnutt killed all humans" thing is an extension of the edgy "Dr. Light was always the bad guy of the entire series" fan theory.

>> No.9680679

Yes, exactly. The humans of the Master System are human, and Carbons are not, hence the distinctive terms.
Hashing out what the game was actually saying.

>> No.9680684

That would have been better. Sadly, the culmination of the quarter-century Mega Man saga is "le racism bad."

Interestingly, I asked my young son of five years old what choice MegaMan should make. He said the humans should be destroyed because the Carbons have been there for a long time, so they should just stay. Not unreasonable I guess, although I don't agree as a human supremacist.

>> No.9680690

>le racism bad
Huh? The moral was that humanity will eventually be superseded by our own creations, but we will live on through them.

>> No.9680692

The Carbons are still human, though. They're humans made to live on earth. Just like the ones on Elysium are humans made to live in space heaven.

>> No.9680702

They aren't human, at all, they're literally decoys meant to be a temporary replacement.

>> No.9680703

Why make them full biologic and nearly indistinguishable from humans if all they needed to do was keep the lights on?

>> No.9680706

Mega Man was always an allegory for working class issues and mankind's relationship with technology. Even the whole humans vs reploids drama in Zero is only superficially about race.

>> No.9680709

Probably for similar reasons as why Light thought it was a good idea to give robots free will in the first place.
If carbons were human the whole reinitialization thing wouldn't have been planned out in the first place.

>> No.9680712

Weird you.

>> No.9680714

>If the series wasnt deader then disco, I think a neat plot progression would have been the reveal that the original intent of the Carbons was to be new bodies for humans to upload their consciousness into
Play Nier then.

>> No.9680723

>Hyeh hyeh! Let’s extinguish all remnants of the human race, Roll!

Nice try, Iris. Get out of that armor. Slowly.

>> No.9680728

The Carbons being wiped out was literally showing how ironically inhumane the humans on Elyaium were. Besides; giving a shit about the feelings of the things you created was never something anyone other than Light gave a shit about. Before "A VIRUS DID IT" was the central plot of the X series; Mavericks were literally just "Reploids who didn't do what humans wanted them to do". Repliforce was already being threatened with being labelled as Marvicks BEFORE the attack at the beginning of the game happened simply because they didn't want to live under human rule.

>> No.9680737

it shows

>> No.9680741

Since the new humans made after the Carbon Deletion Program would be artificially creaed with no history, what would make them different from Carbons? Sara doesn't mention downloading all of human history into their heads once its over.

>> No.9681182

I want to have ZX with Roll.

>> No.9681342

Dr. Light and Dr. Wily did some absolutely amazing shit in their frenemy relationship. These two alone single handedly shot past the singularity at rapid speed and fundamentally changed everything. The only tangible difference between a reploid and human is that reploids have gems on their heads. Heck Wily himself one upped Light's own genius with Zero since he achieved true sentience and moral development without simulation training.

>> No.9681468

But can you have sex with him?

>> No.9681538

Never happens

>> No.9681805

The climax is literally preventing genocide. If you don't understand something so simple, it's because you don't want to.
Holy fucking gay

>> No.9681892

Yes; Megaman stops a genocide specifically because The Master believed that the Carbons were worth saving; regardless of if they were human or not.

>> No.9681895

As people have already stated in this thread, Carbons can literally pop off body parts and swap them out with fully mechanical parts.

>> No.9682034

Okay, now let's think, and what is genocide? Begins with an R. Ends with an Acism.

>> No.9682037

>Never happens
Except every time you switch special weapons. Or enter a town.

>> No.9682156

No, that would be Sera from MML2.

>> No.9682164

Sera wants to revive humanity (which mandates destroying the Carbons bc reasons)

>> No.9682170

A noble goal

>> No.9682178

To prevent racemixing

>> No.9682180

Why not take the more intelligent of the Carbons and relocating them to Lunar and Mars Colonies?

>> No.9682328

why is he so cute?

>> No.9682424

Genocide is not specifically an act of racism. If either the USA or USSR nuked each other to death, that would have been genocide, but race wouldn't have been a motivating factor.

>> No.9682757

That's his fucking armor set. You can buy the fucking parts at a literal junk shop and wear them.

>> No.9682810

Actually Mega Man is the one person living on the planet that's NOT a Carbon

>> No.9683674
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>> No.9683697

>banging your sister is the mathematically superior way to pass on your genes since you're not diluting your own traits
That's not a good thing, anon. Unless you want your kids to look like Habsburgs.

>> No.9683818
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Not necessarily. What makes inbreeding risky is that there is a possibility both of you carry a harmful recessive mutation from your ancestors, and therefore a possibility the child will receive both of these alleles and express the trait. If both of you carry the mutation then there's a 25% chance of having Habsburg children, but if at least one of you doesn't then it goes down to 0%.

>> No.9683848

Since you'd only inherit the allele from one of your parents since the mutation (if it exists at all) is unique to that bloodline, there is a 25% chance of your parents having two children who carry the trait. Combine this with the aforementioned 25% Habsburg value, and there is only a 6.25% chance for your parents to bear two children carrying the mutation who ultimately inbreed with each other to bear a child who EXPRESSES the mutation.

>> No.9684547
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>That's his fucking armor set
Except its really not. Where would his hands even fit on some of these weapons? His buster for example is barely forearm length.

>> No.9684691

An artificial biological lifeform, like the Carbons. Roll and the other Legends' Humans are Carbons (Decoys), roughly the Mega Man's world counterpart of Blade Runner's Replicants.

Mega Man is probably not a proper Carbon though, but his biology is similar since he gets older, can eat, etc.

Reploids are mechanical, they're robots / androids based on Mega Man X's architecture IIRC. Classic Mega Man, Proto Man, Bass, Zero, X, etc, technically are not proper Reploids (since Reploids = X-based Androids) but they're all mechanical Androids.

>> No.9684731
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>not made of rocks
how did they get away with this false advertising?

>> No.9684851

>people still getting this bent out of shape about Carbons != Humans

It's a retcon, you idiots. They were most definitely just humans in the original game. There was no Elysium or Master in the first game or the original plot outline. Juno was presented as some automated system left over by "whoever made the ruins" that coldly regarded humans as livestock to be kept in balance with nature.

>> No.9684852

>Rock and Roll
Do you understand now?

>> No.9684862
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Still works

>> No.9684891

Sort of, but this is the kind of thing which also adds up with generations.

>> No.9685054

I always assumed he was a cyborg.

>> No.9685087

Rush should have been in MML as the data saving area.

>> No.9685526

The whole game should have been scrapped and this engine used for a Mega Man Classic reboot.

>> No.9685648

Aren't they called Carbons/Decoys in MML1 though?

>> No.9685663

They are. He's just one of the people who wants to try and prove the games wrong about their own lore.

>> No.9686271

Carbons aren't reploids. MML takes place in the far future where the line between natural human and engineered bio-form is indistinguishable.

>> No.9686740

Reminds me of the ongoing FF7 thread

>> No.9686803

Classic needed the rest after 8 and MM &B.

>> No.9687763

Yeah I know they fucked Mega Man into the ground. INAFUKING idiot.

>> No.9687893

Wily and Light were so ahead of the fucking curve that it took 200+ years for someone to build something on par with X and they still fucked it up.

>> No.9688203

Perhaps evolution made humans dumber until they finally began using genetic engineering.

>> No.9688356

Why do you think it was localized as Mega Man?

>> No.9688361

This is just a design document for ingame models and toys. At no point in the game is it stressed that they can detatch their libs at will, let alone show Volnutt popping out his left arm and putting his armored arm on like a lego minifig. It's too important a detail not to make clear in the game.

>> No.9688701

Do you seriously just sperg over Inafune 24/7?

>> No.9688706

No they can't you are retarded and clearly never played the games

>> No.9688718

I started this game today because of your silly thread prompt and it is extremely cute! I remapped the controls so the right stick does character rotation and it plays very well.

>> No.9689490

Lads I love MML

>> No.9689657

I just today got all the achievements in the first X Legacy Collection. I apparently already had the second collection but I ended up buying the bundle on steam since it's on sale. Its gonna be a Mega Man kind of year.

>> No.9690041

Volnutt can literally pop his right weapon arm off at anytime in favor of his normal right arm in MML2.
If you play either game you can see how some of Volnutt's weapons are too small to fit an arm into, he's swapping limbs out all the time, and no one thinks he's weird for it because its a thing all carbons can do.

>> No.9690042

>I just today got all the achievements in the first X Legacy Collection
Even the X Challenge ones? Christ, I don't know how you guys manage to pull that one off.

>> No.9690061

Is he not just a dude in a suit like Kamen Rider?

>> No.9690075

>Some of Volnutt's weapons are too small to fit an arm into
It's almost like the game is cartoony or something.

>> No.9690105

Its almost like the devs have explained that carbons can swap out body parts and gameplay even relfects that, but you just don't wan't to accept it.

>> No.9690219

Were the carbons created by God tho?
Well humans were.

>> No.9690270

>it is extremely cute!
You don't need to be a fag about it.

There is a split among fans over MML1 vs MML2. I like 2 a lot more, so please look forward to it. MML1 is pretty short for a Zelda-style game.

>> No.9690335

People still refuse to admit that giving $4mil to a Kickstarter based on nothing but a model sheet and a cover art is a personal problem.

>> No.9690535

You can do the x challenges on easy. I might go back and do them on normal but I doubt I'll ever do hard.

>> No.9690848

Mighty No 9 is a decent game

>> No.9690864

I'm gonna have to do it on easy then. Fucking Iris and Double are a nightmare and I had to quit
>finally kill double
>iris summons an invincible clone of her brother to replace him
The devs behind X challenge are evil.

>> No.9690918

I think easy is a good way to understand what you're getting into and to practice safely. When they say easy they're not joking.

>> No.9690924

I couldn't play them. Not only because of the bullet-hell, but because the clashing of the SNES and PS1 graphics bugged the hell out of me.

>> No.9691139
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Before X challenge, I never used or cared for X's hover ability but that shit saves your life in the Iris/Double and Dynamo/Gate fights.

>> No.9691301

So that's a yes?

>> No.9691339 [DELETED] 


Woof woof woof

>> No.9691353

Yes but the more generations that do it, the more likely said mutation comes into existence. The Ptolemaics didn't start out looking wierd, it was generations of their family tree turning into a family pole that did it.

>> No.9691370

Anon-kun you are so kawaii! (⺣ﻌ⺣)

>> No.9691380

They called him Rockman originally because in the first prototype of the game the only thing he could do was throw rocks which was eventually adapted to Guts Man's power. The prototype is question is owned by a private collector but he put out a couple shitty screenshots around mid 2020 that mostly flew under the radar thanks to the big Nintendo leak that year but Inafune did a couple interviews confirming some details from around the time Mighty No. 9 was releasing.

>> No.9691775
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>> No.9691868
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>> No.9692120

He was Rainbowman originally because he changed colors. He became Rockman later as a musical pun and because they didn't think Rainbowman was cool enough.

>> No.9692147

This is supposed to be the end of the Mega Man timeline and it ends on such a downer
>no mother lode
>actually it’s just a psycho who wants to kill everyone
>also you need to erase the genetic code of mega man’s best friend
>no scene where roll properly reunites with her parents, which was one of the main themes, as roll says multiple times is her true goal
Fucking depressing, no wonder it flopped

>> No.9692315

It's called sequel-baiting.

>> No.9692564

>Fucking depressing, no wonder it flopped
Ur so right we need everything to be a marvel movie