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9679276 No.9679276 [Reply] [Original]

What multiplatform games were actually better on the Sega Genesis?

>> No.9679291


>> No.9679307


Arguably Aladdin.

>> No.9679361

Jurassic Park
Lion King
Mega Turrican
Mortal Kombat
Super Street Fighter 2
Earthworm Jim

>> No.9679593

True Lies had a few more cheat codes on Genesis, but other than that, they are virtually identical. The SNES one has more colors I guess?

>> No.9679603

Toy Story
Different games, both good. What's interesting about Aladdin is that you can ask a person which game is superior and depending on their answer learn about which gen 4 console they grew up with

>> No.9679646

>Mortal Kombat
only because of the blood code, otherwise that game is hideous

>> No.9679690

Almost all of them.

>> No.9679789

Robocop vs Terminator

>> No.9679802

the domark racing games

>> No.9679805

Mortal Kombat 2 (SNES wins looks no-contest, but the genesis gameplay is tighter and closer to the arcade)
Beavis & Butthead

>> No.9679810

Mickey Mania, the SNES version had load times.

>> No.9679839

all of them

>> No.9679948


And Lion King.

>> No.9679952

Many such cases. Saturn quake had quicker load times than n64 cartridge quake.

>> No.9679963

I think I'd take most of the fighting games. Yeh, they may not look as good, but extra buttons.

>> No.9680102



>> No.9680103

Sonic 2

>> No.9681484

>What multiplatform games were actually better on the Sega Genesis?

Beavis & Butthead

>> No.9681536

>Beavis & Butthead
These are not multiplatform. The SNES games are entirely different games.

>> No.9681560

That's a revealing video. I didn't realise that the resolution difference was quite so signifficant. I always dismissed it as not being that big a deal but look at how much more stuff is on the mega drive screen.

>> No.9681565

Sega-CD version destroys both of them.

>> No.9681572

>Lion King
thats subjective. definitely some better graphical effects in a few spot, but significantly worse music

>> No.9681584

What about the resolution thing? Seems to be a big plus for platformers on Sega.

>> No.9681590

What if I had SMD/Genesis, SNES, TG16, SCD, NG and Lynx during the 4th gen? Cuz I did.
Didn't have either Aladdin, tho, and forget which one was the one I liked more. The one that plays a LOT like Cool Spot.

Ys 3 was the first one to come to mind.

>> No.9681613

Fatal Fury comes to mind, I had the MD version as a kid. Plenty multi-platform are better on MD, the argument was that SNES had better graphical and sound capabilites so back then everyone just by default thought SNES versions were better without actually comparing other things, like gameplay.

>> No.9681651

unfortunate that it's kusoge. now show us a decent game that benefits from it

>> No.9681727


I dunno, I think the tinny works for something like Lion King.

>> No.9681731


It's my understanding that Sega has better resolution, but SNES can do more colors so SNES ends up looking better most of the time anyway.

>> No.9681886

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

Beavis and Butthead

All of the WWF games

The NBA Jam games

Pitfall for the 32x was shit, though.

>> No.9681894

>The NBA Jam games
why is that? genesis version looks like dogshit. does it play better?

>> No.9682042

fatal fury 2. pce one is technically the best but 2 on genesis has cool gameplay tweaks, faster speed and the desperation moves are easy to pull off

fatal fury special sega cd is pretty crap though, pce takes the cake on that one

>> No.9682161

I liked the Genesis Alien 3 more than the SNES version.
Mostly just because of the sound.
That shit still creeps me out to this day.

>> No.9682304

>Beavis and Butthead
Again, not multiplatform.

>> No.9682354

What makes the pce versions better than the neogeo versions?

>> No.9682404

Most of them because of the higher resolution

>> No.9682420
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a game for the CD add-on looks better than its last-gen cartridge version?

>> No.9684246

>both good.
No. Sega Aladdin sucks ass
>What's interesting about Aladdin is that you can ask a person which game is superior and depending on their answer learn about which gen 4 console they grew up with
Not true. The gaslighting that Sega Aladdin is better is so strong that most SNES kids believe it too and maybe even Mikami himself (though might be Japanese decorum)

Sega Aladdin is an absolute piece of shit in every single way except a few animations and (misused) music rehashed 1:1 from the movie. It's literally trash

>> No.9684262

ITT: Retards who think multiplatform means sharing a title

>> No.9684274

Action 52

>> No.9684276

> The one that plays a LOT like Cool Spot.
That's definitely the MD one

>> No.9684287

The music in all of them was better. FM is the fucking GOAT

>> No.9684990
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>> No.9685028

With a few exceptions, generally most western games made pre-1995 or so were better on Genesis, primarily because the of the system's success overseas. EA games were generally always better on Genesis. The only game I can think of immediately that was better on SNES was Maximum Carnage.
SNES port plays like ass.
>but SNES can do more colors so SNES ends up looking better most of the time anyway.
More colors are not a substitute for stretched out visuals and poorer framerates.

>> No.9685072
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>for the glory of s.a.t.a.n.

>> No.9685083

You don't have to get angry about it

>> No.9685106

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