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File: 227 KB, 676x960, 2636-10175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9677458 No.9677458 [Reply] [Original]

I cannot STAND that the American copies of this game are like $100-300 on eBay, yet I keep seeing Japanese copies going for 15-20.

>> No.9677459

Pirate it

>> No.9677467

I like having the physical copies.

>> No.9677469

This game cost me exactly $0

>> No.9677472

>throwing a bitchfit over scalper prices
Stop being poor

>> No.9677481
File: 670 KB, 2066x914, Screen Shot 2023-02-19 at 10.01.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It this worth it? It requires a memory card with freemcboot, but apparently they'll throw it in for free if I just ask according to their website?

>> No.9677482

A coworker of mine found it for 40$ on OfferUp recently. Keep your eyes peeled you can get lucky sometimes...

>> No.9677484

Vote with your wallet and be patient, these scalper fags will be divorced by their wives one day. Probably around the time the 2023 crash comes and nobody wants to buy the dozens of CRT TV's they've packed the house with

>> No.9677490

This was always stupid expensive. It's gotten particularly crazy nowadays as has everything but even back in the day it was regularly around $80 used at GameStop.

>> No.9677491

If you spend money on that you are literally being scanmed. At that point why not chuck the game on a USB since you need FreeMCBoot anyway?

>> No.9677504

It's mahvel baybee

>> No.9677505

Imagine paying any amount of money for this blatant kusoge lmao

>> No.9677510

Man it's THIS easy to scam retards on the internet now? I can hundred of those a day for close to nothing

>> No.9677573

Just burn the game on a disc wtf, is it so hard for first worlders?

>> No.9677574

Japanese people don't have the space to be "collectors". Once you have over 100 games in Japan, that's space that could be RENTED for 60,000 yen a month.

North Americans will never understand living in a country that your toilet is also your shower

>> No.9677581

It’s ok but it’s not capcom vs snk 2. Just install opl it’s so fucking easy these days. There’s no reason you need to bitch about game prices if you just want to play the games. Yes, it sucks but if you buy a copy for 250 dollars then you are actively reinforcing these bad business practices. So, just pirate it and play it and be happy.

>> No.9677591
File: 886 KB, 750x735, unknown-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average Jap lives in a space no larger than this

>> No.9677660

Japs keep their shitters in a room separate from their shower, unlike us westerners.

>> No.9677691

>keep seeing Japanese copies going for 15-20
yeah I don't think anyone in Japan ever cared about Marvel characters

>> No.9677893

Why exactly do you need an american copy of a fighting game if a japanese one is way cheaper?

>> No.9677909
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>It requires a memory card with freemcboot
kek I would unironically pay money for nice PS1 repros that actually worked without the freemcboot shit. I hope retrobit or whatever starts printing ps1 games and fucks the scalpers.

>> No.9677912

Just emulate the arcade version

>> No.9677914

Dreamcast version is arcade perfect

>> No.9678553
File: 1.53 MB, 1578x1157, No_words_needed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is because Marvel is very popular in the USA and nowhere near as much in Japan. Capcom has collaborated with others like SNK, Tatsunoko, and Namco but none of those were as successful in America as MVC2. Like Sonic the Hedgehog, Marvel resonates with American audiences more than those in Japan. Characters like Iron Man, Deadpool, Wolverine, Spiderman, Batman, X-men, Superman, Hulk, and Doctor Strange really captures the imagination of the American audience. Capcom just happen to catch the Marvel license for the cheap in the mid '90s because they were going bankrupt at the time. The audience and top competitors for MVC2 tend to be non-Japanese, so that's why it is priced less in Japan, just be thankful they did not make a Marvel Vs. Simpsons NFL, then it would be really popular here.

>> No.9678589

Behold the Japanese collector

>> No.9678609

sasuka nippon desu

>> No.9679060
File: 676 KB, 1394x930, PIRATERIA 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too anon

>> No.9679076

>I cannot STAND that the American copies of this game are like $100-300 on eBay, yet I keep seeing Japanese copies going for 15-20

>> No.9679419

>Marvel Vs. Simpsons NFL
This would unironically be awesome.

>> No.9679608

>inferior version
>can be pirated for pennies anyway
no sympy

>> No.9679610
File: 26 KB, 494x500, sony-cd-r-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then make a physical copy.
>inb4 CD-Rs kill your drive
Then never put in it. Put the CD on your shelf and run the game off the hard drive.

Or run the Dreamcast version like a normal person.

>> No.9679821

I cannot STAND coomlectors who complain about prices when cheaper versions, ODEs, and mod chips exist.

>> No.9679940

So thats why mvsc3 was less then one buck from amazon

>> No.9680008

How do those kinds of shops even make money to stay open? And where do they get all their stock from? Do Japs just go in there to sell their games for peanuts?

Everything's in mint condition, wrapped, catalogued, priced and described. I'd be in heaven if I could browse some of those aisles.

>> No.9680362

>inb4 CD-Rs kill your drive
I know you're preempting him, but it's worth saying that the notion is complete pseudoscience. The laser is scanning 0's and 1's just as with a pressed disc; running burns will kill your drive just as quickly as legitimate copies.

>> No.9680371

1)Is the PS2 version of MvC2 even any good? I thought it was trash.
2) so just get the jap version then. Or pirate it. There are tons of games/systems where I've just gone and bought jap games for stuff where you don't need to be able to read anything anyway (ie, fighting games)

>> No.9680385

supposedly it's a little different with the PS2 because of some extra layer of piracy protection but that might just be FUD

>> No.9680414

If you're going to pull MUH NIPPON CULTURE it would be far more likely it's because Japanese people actually have Dreamcasts so they don't need to buy the shittiest version.

>> No.9680425

Ps2 version mogs shitty DC mvc2

>> No.9680443

MvC1 is better

>> No.9680457

Why? There's fewer characters

>> No.9680505

This is not how it works. The issue is how it gets the data with optical drives. The data itself is irrelevant.

>> No.9680508

>how it gets the data with optical drives
infrared + bump = on
infrared + no bump = off

>> No.9680554

Because he's gay

>> No.9680556

The reason why using alternate formats for pirated games (such as Dreamcast with CDs) is because of the differences in the formats themselves. I can't speak for PS2, but with DC using quality CDs and isos still makes the laser head work more is most cases. This is because the data pits are closer together in GD-ROMs. This means more data is able to be read with less mileage.

>> No.9680568

Within the same format there should be no difference. MvC2 on PS2 is a CD game, so burning to a CD will be fine. Though, I imagine the game would load plenty fast off a USB

>> No.9680602

I agree.

>> No.9681048

I found my copy for five bucks at a thrift store, at this point must be like 8 or 9 years ago. I'm glad I got into collecting in the 2010s while you could still find the occasional deal.

>> No.9681306
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IKR, but it would be a licensing nightmare and my point being that it would have a really difficult time appealing to a Japanese audience.

If OP wants parity between the prices between the regions, maybe they could find a way to market how cool Marvel is over there. I don't even recall a large scene for MVC2 over there and it tends to be dominated by Americans.

>> No.9681319

It's probably just normal people trading games in. It's only due to natural Japanese autism that those games are in mint condition. In the west a normal used game looks like someone wiped their ass with the manual and kept the disk laying around on the floor.

>> No.9681382

IIRC tourneyfags hate the ps2 version for some reason.

Why do you want it?

>> No.9681398


>> No.9681423

This game as going for 80 used at GameStop almost 2 decades ago. I’m surprised it hasn’t gone up more.

>> No.9681643

This is true. However, if the reflectivity of the disc is lower than the original then the console will apply more power to the laser in order to read the disc. The theory is applying more power will shorten the lifespan of the laser.
By burning a CD-R with identical reflectivity you should encounter no issues. Or possibly extend the lifespan of your laser if you can manage to burn a disc with superior reflectivity to the original.
There are utilities for the PC which will scan your disc after burning and tell you the reflectivity. It's been years and years since I've done this so I've forgotten the name but I'm confident you could find it again if you had an interest in the subject.
On the PS2 the theory is that the mechacon will run the laser at full power regardless of reflectivity if it detects you are using a CD-R or DVD-R. Even if you are using a mod chip.
However, I'm not sure this was ever fully confirmed and could be outdated information at this point.