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9676197 No.9676197 [Reply] [Original]

no gaems

>> No.9676219

This was made just to milk the OG Game Boy even more thanks to Pokemon, seeing Pokemon in color was a big deal in the late 90s.

That said,I like Shantae and Samurai Kid.

>> No.9676268

I don't like this retconning that the GBC is part of the GB. Unlike the DSi and 'new' 3DS, the hardware is by far more powerful. The GBC was marketed as a new console and had it not been killed prematurely by the GBA since Nintendo was afraid of the wonderswan.
Just imagine if it had released a year or two earlier than it did or if the GBA had released 2 years later. It would've had a massive library, hell in its short lifespan it had a great library and with Pokemon Gen 2, it had a system seller.

>> No.9676289

Imagine if they released this in 95 instead of the fucking Virtual Boy. Would have been nice.

>> No.9676301

color > dmg
original gameboy only has 3 games worth playing

>> No.9676314

Why doesn't nintendo give real sales data about the game boy?

>> No.9676317

>Unlike the DSi and 'new' 3DS, the hardware is by far more powerful.
The most significant parts of the upgrade like having 2x CPU and 4x RAM are matched by the DSi. Actually the N3DS is an even greater upgrade than that, the CPU is 6x faster than the O3DS.
Apart from that, the GBC's only major addition is color.

Specs aside, the GBC does have a few more exclusive games than DSi or N3DS did, which I think is more legitimizing than any hardware trivia.

>> No.9676320

It has Shantae.

>> No.9676321

That was around the time when the colored Play It Loud! game boys were released. I remember those to still be quite popular back then so I guess Nintendo decided to milk the b&w GBs for a bit longer at that point.

>> No.9676324

>Unlike the DSi and 'new' 3DS, the hardware is by far more powerful
>Nintendo was afraid of the wonderswan
>with Pokemon Gen 2, it had a system seller
so much nonsense in this post

>> No.9676339
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If they weren't afraid of the Wonderswan Color, why did they have Gunpei killed?

>> No.9676340 [DELETED] 

it was shit until it received color

>> No.9676345

Lynx lost. Get over it.

>> No.9676348

I’ve been playing nothing but GB and GBC games lately and I can’t believe I let myself retcon my own memory into thinking it was nothing more than settling for okay games just because they were on the go. I’m having a lot of fun.

>> No.9676418
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Come on mate, handhelds are always good

>> No.9676437

Other people already corrected you on the New 3DS's power but most the games you think were exclusive to GBC actually ran on the regular gameboy just fine. Gen 2 Pokemon ran on regular Gameboy's, only Crystal was GBC exclusive.

>> No.9676440
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>> No.9676447

What are your favorite GB/C games? I never really ventured outside of Pokémon and Zelda on these systems, what else should I look into?

>> No.9676450

I just finished the color version of Wario Land II for the first time. I can confirm it is a game

>> No.9676462

I've been playing a lot of gameboy lately. Besides Wario Land II I played the five mega man games and Donkey Kong Land 2 and 3. They were all good enough that I stuck with them all the way through.

>> No.9676475
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>> No.9676562
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It has a pretty fucking good Goemon game, though.


>> No.9676569

Um... the best Metal Gear game?

>> No.9676581
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better gaems

>> No.9676659

Kirby dreamland games are fairly fun, if a bit easy.

>> No.9676663

>90% shitty games
what did he mean by this?

>> No.9676668

Revengeance isn't on GBC

>> No.9676682
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>> No.9676697

what are you gay?

>> No.9676724

Donkey Kong Land is a pretty fun joint

>> No.9676786
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You could barely tell what was going on in that game.

>> No.9677039

this is why gamegear is better

>> No.9677070

The libraries bleed together well enough for me to count as just one system.
The amount of true exclusives is comparable to DSiware and Nu3DS.
Interestingly GBC is the definitive way to play the Donkey Kong Land games, which released some time before it. I wonder if they were intended for it should it have come out in 95 as perhaps previously planned.

>> No.9677075

what the fuck are you talking about, dumb animeposter?

>> No.9677606

The Donkey Kong Land games look awful on GBC since the sprites being such different colors just stick out. They were designed specifically for the Super Game Boy where the blending in is not an issue. Also when you play it in an original Game Boy and not a Pocket it blends better.

>> No.9677627

asteroids+missile command
operation c
super breakout
r-type dx
balloon kid
mortal kombat II
episode I racer

>> No.9677656

Pretty much every game on that list is good to amazing

>> No.9677730

The sprites sticking out is kind of retarded, but the readability makes up for it.

>> No.9677970

>Interestingly GBC is the definitive way to play the Donkey Kong Land games
Why is that?

>> No.9677979
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Not him, don't know why he thinks that, as they weren't designed with the GBC in mind, they did have Super Gameboy support though. The third game DID get a GBC version exclusive in Japan though.

>> No.9677994
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My favorites for original DMG Gameboy are:
Ninja Gaiden Shadow
Bionic Commando
Final Fantasy Adventure
Gargoyle's Quest
Avenging Spirit
Wario Land
Gradius: Interstellar Assault
V-Rally Championship
Castlevania 2: Belmont's Revenge

>> No.9678003

Super Mario Land 2

>> No.9678029

Translation when
>but this one is an action game
Don't give a fuck. Still has cool dialogue. Translation when

>> No.9678705

I thought they rushed out the GBC because they were afraid of the Wonderswan and needed something to bridge them to the Advance?

>> No.9678820

still looks like shit because it's GB game recolored, so the sprites still stick out and look out of place. It wasn't until Donkey Kong Country GBC that it looks a bit better but even then they reused many assets from the Land games so it still looks odd.

>> No.9678831

Gameboy Color actually got a very good port of Donkey Kong Country. Rather than whatever that Land shit is.

>> No.9678832

>afraid of the wonderswan
Nobody was afraid of the wonderswan.

>> No.9678979

Yamauchi was

>> No.9679097

It has like 20

It's portable too, so it sold a bunch. Game Gear would have if it didn't eat batteries maybe. They should have bundled it with a rechargeable battery

>> No.9679702

I'd rather get one for the DS game before any other Goemon installment, desu.

>> No.9679723

I felt GB had more good games than GBC desu

>> No.9679859

>no dragon warrior 1, 2 and 3

>> No.9679864

It depends how you look at it, I think the original GB has more classic games than GBC but it also has way more shitty games since the library is that much bigger. So percentage wise perhaps GBC could have more classics when compared to shitty, but not in quantity.
DKL is an original game though, different remixed levels and new levels. DKC is just a downgraded port of a game you can play on the SNES. DKL3 is also like this. DKL2 is the exception since that one is basically DKC2 but shittier.