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9676150 No.9676150 [Reply] [Original]

What distinguishes 32-bit 2D games from 16-bit ones? It’s very easy to tell 8 and 16-bit games apart but late era SNES games like Chrono Trigger look just as good as PS1 and Saturn 2D games

>> No.9676153
File: 66 KB, 231x181, wario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What distinguishes 32-bit 2D games from 16-bit ones?
Whether they are running on a system with a 32-bit CPU or a 16-bit CPU

>> No.9676159

many 32-bit 2D games either reused 16-bit assets (SotN for example) or were low budget games

Rayman uses like 2000 colours on screen, that kind of shading is well beyond the non-Neo Geo 16-bit systems

>> No.9676167

>colour depth
>sprite manipulation
>more unique tiles
SotN, which you chose for your attached picture, is an excellent example of all of these.

>> No.9676173

i cant really put it into words but it usually seems pretty obvious to me that a 2d ps1 jrpg couldnt be done on a snes (cd audio is obviously immediately recognizable though)

>> No.9676181
File: 87 KB, 800x336, index.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the full power of 32bit is unleashed, the difference is obvious.

on the negative side, it's also when they started to cut corners by making assets in 3D and then converting them into 2D sprites. always sticks out like a sore thumb.

>> No.9676192
File: 24 KB, 256x224, CastlevaniaIV_11_Niveau_B_1_2_ZombiesEpees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOTN has an impressive amount of different sprites, but unless you go around counting and keeping track of it, it's true that to the naked eye there's not much of a difference between it and late SNES games like Actraiser 2 or Demon's Crest. Even Castlevania IV, an early SNES game, rivals SOTN in terms of color depth, and effects like transparencies and sprite manipulation, without any additional chip.
The main difference for me is the amount of animation frames, which has to do with the RAM rather than the CPU.

>> No.9676204

Isn't this 16bit?

>> No.9676212
File: 44 KB, 349x262, G3332shots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some 8-bit games can contend with simpler 16-bit games.

>> No.9676213

16-bit home consoles could just barely handle arcade ports, if at all. They had no hope of what the CPS2, Taito F3 or PS1/SAT games like Panzer Bandit, Silhouette Mirage, Tengai Makyou IV, BoFIV, or Cotton 2 were doing.

Color density, fuller animations, number of sprites on screen, etc.

>> No.9676283

OP must be a zoomer, it's super easy to tell. 16 bit consoles could not have that many sprites or colors on screen. 32 bit 2D games felt like SNES games on steroids.
The only reason you have a problem is most indie games that are made "16 bit" style are more PS1 era like 2D games, it would never be playable in real hardware. Same with "8 bit" indie games, you'd never see most of those games on an NES with the exception of the few devs who put themselves those limitations in mind.

>> No.9676302

>Same with "8 bit" indie games, you'd never see most of those games on an NES with the exception of the few devs who put themselves those limitations in mind.
yeah even with a game like mega man 9 it had some effects in it that felt too advanced for a nes, even though it was designed to look exactly like a nes game

>> No.9676308
File: 1.50 MB, 250x250, SOTN_Leather_Shield_Special.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cropped image in the OP has more unique tiles than that whole CV4 screenshot. If you think Drac's transformation, Olrox's transformation and rotation, the hydra, Galamoth, the Souls of Bat, Wolf, & Mist, Legion, anything with the Shield Rod, and the various places you have multiple overlapping transparencies like the fire effects and item reveal after defeating bosses are 'rivalled' by anything in CV4, you are being disingenuous.

>> No.9676316

But this is 16-bit.

>> No.9676328
File: 3.92 MB, 421x304, DragonForce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP thinks this would run on a stock SNES

>> No.9676331

I mentioned amount of sprites, though.
I know SOTN is more impressive overall but not to brutal levels. 16bit games on Neo Geo are more impressive than both CV4 or SOTN.
Also, while SOTN has a lot of great transparency effects, some look linda shitty, like the floating giant skulls, while the mid boss of stage IV on CV4's effect looks better imo, what do you think?
Anyway I think the thread is already wrong when OP suggest it has to do with 16 or 32 bit, it has to do with RAM.

>> No.9676332

I bet a Neo Geo could handle that.

>> No.9676334

Looks better than a lot of early Genesis games.

>> No.9676337
File: 34 KB, 739x415, OP is a....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys this is running on a stock SNES without any additional chips. PS1 and Saturn just weren't that impressive with 2D

>> No.9676343

When Portal came out in 1991, it convinced me to buy a SNES. Then, I bought a SNES Pro in 1992 to play Portal Definitive Edition.

>> No.9676351
File: 534 KB, 250x250, SOTN_Crissaegrim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many sprites do you think Galamoth consists of?
>being a faggot ignoring everything I've said
You're right, SotN doesn't make ubiquitous use of multiple overlapping transparencies. It's not as though the simple act of moving makes this fucking obvious. Just be a faggot insisting you're right, why provide any reasoning when you can just say I'm wrong.

>> No.9676362

>16bit games on Neo Geo are more impressive than both CV4 or SOTN
Neo Geo and sprite rotation? Lol

>> No.9676364

>when the full power of 32bit is unleashed, the difference is obvious.
what difference? there are machines with 16/32-bit cpus since the start of the 1980s. it's all got to do with VIDEO HARDWARE. you can have a 32-bit CPU with garbage graphics and performs. just ask sega's console division.

> stock SNES
fuck off, spastic.

>> No.9676365

Already calling names? It's sunday, relax.
I never said you were wrong, anon, it's alright. I just think OP is approaching the subject wrong by talking about bit instead of RAM

>> No.9676370

RAM isn't gonna carry you to rotation and multiple transparencies

>> No.9676371

Mostly the bad gameplay. There are no good 2D games on PS1

>> No.9676374
File: 753 KB, 1278x962, 1573800035036.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a 64 bit game

>> No.9676380

Wow I wonder whether the 32-bit systems which OP refers to, on top of having more advanced CPU's, might also have been paired with more advanced graphics hardware due. Are we going to recognise the correlation between technological progress and technology progress, or are you going to be a drooling autist debating over whether the MIPS CPU in particular is what makes PS1 games palpably more impressive than SNES games? Fucking idiot cunt

>> No.9676539

put a fast enough processor chip in the cartridge and it would

>> No.9676552

>Finally the party arrives at America

>> No.9677356
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>> No.9677379

I'd have to see it to believe it. Certainly no chip of the time, including FX2. I have to wonder if the cart bus would even allow for the speed bump necessary for all that sprite manipulation and scaling

>> No.9677636



>> No.9677640

>segadid but not anymore

>> No.9677663

If you cant tell the difference between this and chrono trigger graphics you need to have an eye exam. Also, there are diminishing returns in effect. 8 - 16 is more noticeable than 16 - 32.

>> No.9677672

You forgot redbook CDDA audio which changes everything. Games like SOTN and Rayman would not be the same without the soundtracks that they ended up having.

>> No.9679051

yes, neo geo

>> No.9679685

Rayman is impressive on the Jaguar too. It's perfect example of a 2D games with good graphics beyond 16-bit capabilities.

But bits aren't everything. There was 32-bit system could not handle what a 16-bit can do. Every Neo Geo/CPS 2 port on PlayStation are perfect examples of this behaviour.

Chrono Trigger on the PlayStation also have a big issue comparing to SNES version: load times, brutal load time everywhere!

>> No.9679689

Very nice.

>> No.9679703

A book is not better if you use more words while writing it.
A painting is not better if you use more colors while painting it.
A musical composition is not better if you use more notes while composing it.
A movie is not better if you use more shots while filming it.

For that reason a game is not better based on the technical specs.

>> No.9679716

Castlevania Rondo of Blood is an 8-bit platformer and looks almost identicallly to SotN.

>> No.9679731

>Chrono Trigger on the PlayStation also have a big issue comparing to SNES version: load times, brutal load time everywhere!
interestingly the JP version didn't have this issue. Because Nintendo somehow owned the code of the translated SNES rom, Square programmed a text hooker that shunted in the english script on top of the JP rom for the US PS1 release
the JP original plus emulator plus FMV calls still fit into the PS1's ram, but the text hooker put it over the limit, necessitating loads

>> No.9679737

>For that reason a game is not better based on the technical specs.

It's sad to see people clinging on technical specs alone to talk about game's quality even regarding *old* games of all things. It's very hard for gamers because marketing has always been about the technical specs, it's how they convinced people to buy new stuff, showing technical terms down their throats which sometimes the audiance don't understand but it all sounds cool and "objectively better".

It saddens me to see people on /vr/ still use this logic because it's like admitting yeah, all new games are by definition better than the old ones.

>> No.9679768

Interesting. Wonder if it's possible, then, to hack in the US SNES ROM on the JP version.

>> No.9680369

>looks almost identicallly to SotN
Leave it to the ESL to make a woefully incorrect statement. Is grasping a Germanic language the great filter?

>> No.9680782
File: 90 KB, 824x983, 1662577052452575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a humongous faggot but i agree.
Tech specs are only as meaningful as devs' abilities to make good stuff, and frankly some on the best modern games ever made could've been done in a similar fashion with tech from over 2 decades ago.

>> No.9680939

Why videogames aren't real?

>> No.9681496

>Cumtown RPG

>> No.9681783

Because I don't let them be. What's wrong with me? lol that's a long story.

>> No.9681816

>interestingly the JP version didn't have this issue.