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967584 No.967584 [Reply] [Original]

Which version of FF1 should I play? I don't have a PSP, and from what I remember, that version looked like some awful RPGMaker shit anyway.

>> No.967592


>> No.967594

Does it have the awful load times that 6 did?

>> No.967595

I remember it being pretty good on that front.

>> No.967598

Wonderswan or PS1. If you hate the Vancian-style casting, GBA.

>> No.967605


>> No.967687

The original NES/Famicom version.

>> No.967712

PS1 version is the best. NES has a different sort of atmosphere that I prefer. GBA and PSP are casualized to the point of boredom.

>> No.967736

No buzzwords on /vr/.

>> No.967783

PS1 version requires too much grinding. Manageable difficulty for most of the game except at the last area (temple). The difficulty rises precipitously, making you go WTF? I couldn't even beat the lich.

>> No.967880
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>> No.968209

Outside of a little Peninsula of Power abuse I never grinded in PS1 FF1, and that's pretty fast grinding.

>> No.968217

Why do you say four fighters as if that's not one of the easiest ways to play the game for most, if not all, of it.

>> No.968221
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Have fun inflicting 1 Damage on the undead.

>> No.968235

>No buzzwords on /vr/.

Until somebody plasters some codes of conduct on the front page of /vr/ in a sticky people will keep coming in blissfully unaware of how things are supposed to be here.

That and people have their own thoughts of what is ok and what isn't. There are people who want /vr/ to be completely serious all the time, no jokes, no fun at all, and there are others that have stopped caring because it isn't a battle worth fighting. I'm certain you've seen people telling others to go back to /v/ because they got called out on being shitty morons

Now the shitposters tell contributing users to go back to /v/.

>> No.968489


It has classic mode which makes it plays like the NES version (miss if the enemy dies, charges instead of MP, ect) while fixing some bugs from the coding. Why they all don't have a classic mode to play them with I have no clue. But once you take that out the game becomes way to easy and there's no real reason to play.

>> No.968502


Don't be a fag.

>> No.968517

This. The only grind-heavy spot in the game is for the Marsh Cave, immediately after reaching Elfland. Unless, of course you've gone out of your way to pick a weaker party.

>> No.969074

Ah, the hours and hours and hours spend grinding on the PENINSULA OF POWER, then THE FIELD EAST OF ELFLAND, then the HALL OF GIANTS IN THE EARTH CAVE, then THE GODDAMN DESERT BEFORE THE AIR TEMPLE. I had singlehandedly caused the extinction of the dinosaurs there.

>> No.969091

Y-Yeah. Play the bug-riddled NES version, OP.

>> No.969208

or play the nes version with this patch, fixes a bajillion thing wrong with the original game while adding a few handy new options (for example: a dash button)


>> No.969212

NES, even the bad stuff is good.

>> No.971878

I'd say the PS1 version for the much more intuitive magic system, pretty snes quality graphics, and overall less buggy whackness

>> No.972489

I beat it when I was 10, and I'm not one of those people that's worse at games now than when I was a kid.

You just sucked it up and dealt with it, frankly.

Potions and Antidotes are your Friend.

Healing is good too, but you need that for fights, you know? You only get so many casts.

The game is also pretty consistent about the fact that most monsters in an elementally themed area, have weaknesses, usually.

Some places of course, are awful no matter what.

I think the Mind Flayers or whatever in the Cave of Marsh have a weakness, maybe, for instance, or maybe they don't? It's been a while, but really, that's just a brute force fight in some ways.

You kill them, or they kill you. It's kind of brutal.

Even Garland is somewhat less of a pussy than many first bosses in newer games, and he's a giant pussy for this game. There are many, many normal enemies which are way, way more dangerous than he is. That come in packs.

A lot of the fun is just getting to him.

Blessedly, there is only one way you can really go, but it can get intense especially since the game just kind of invites you and your lame level 1 ass to go hiking right that way. Imps aren't bad, but you can get into it with Grey Imps and Grey Wolves I think rarely, and that's bad for level 1 parties.

>> No.972526

I find four Martial Artists to be the easiest (and fastest).

Destroy the final boss with a few rounds of punching.