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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9670491 No.9670491 [Reply] [Original]

There are no more hidden gems. Everything worth playing has already been talked about and translated and is easily accessible in this day and age. If you try playing these hidden gems for whatever reason, you'll come to realize why nobody talks about them; they suck, they're trash games. They may look nice or have some other interesting quality, but as an overall package 99% of them are absolutely not worth your time.

>> No.9670518

The poopsmith is the second worst character, after Homsar

>> No.9670523
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You gotta play a well-rounded selection of games. If you play a mediocre one long enough you'll eventually gain an appreciation for it

>> No.9670527

I find it more enjoyable to find things I enjoy about games, regardless of their flaws rather than focus on their shortcomings, unless the shortcomings are too overwhelming, you can have a highly polished game which is simply not fun but a flawed game with some creative ideas and a great feel and you'll have a far more enjoyable game.

Mario Sunshine for example? Braindead activities in the game, more often than not it's the most infantile possible gameplay, the game insists on forcing the most tedious shit on the player imaginable, all while inflicting massive fatigue over the tropical setting by failing to mix things up with any effort, it's constantly working against the player trying to find the fun in it.

Then there's starfighter sanvein, a simple PS1 top down twin stick shooter with bombastic graphics, a great visual style that reminds me of the MAGI computers in Evangelion and a breakneck pace that constantly keeps you pushing forward against the timer, which is also your health - a very clever system. It can slowdown hard from 60 but the game is still very enjoyable because of how much it wants you to have fun.

I find the most praised games can often have glaring flaws no-name titles would get skewerd for. It seems brand recognition is more important to outlets and gamers at times and that's sad, so I'm working against that.

>> No.9670542
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That's only because you have infinite choices today and not enough free time so you can pick only the cream of the crop and be satisfied.
There are some absolute great games that I played and no one talks about today but I wouldn't learn to enjoy Ultimate Stuntman for the NES or play it so much if I had the entire libraries of 30 systems avaliable for me back in the day.

>> No.9670545



take your stance or don't, bitch, stop waffling

>> No.9670565

>Everything worth playing has already been talked about and translated
Not at all, in fact even the best version of FF1 isn't translated. Weird but true, the 3DS one.

>> No.9670573

PSP version is the same

>> No.9672495


>> No.9672506

I can list 50 Famicom games you've never heard of right now and they're all good.

>> No.9672539

yeah mario and zelda are the only games worth playing huh

>> No.9672541

False, I've played them and they're shit compared to the A-list.

>> No.9672545

They're both characters made for short gags that kept showing up, rather than fully fleshed out characters

>> No.9672546

Learn to comprehension

>> No.9672553

I'm comprehending completely

>> No.9672554

So why only Mario and Zelda? Why not Mega Man, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, OutRun?

>> No.9672567

There are some rare pinball machines that are well-known to be fun but are "hidden" from most people by their rarity.

Like the old Godzilla from 1998.

>> No.9672581

Not remotely. There are entire systems that people hardly talk about. Like any good game on the Atari Lynx or Wonderswan is pretty much a hidden gem by default. Arcade games that didn't get home console ports are increasingly hidden gems, because people just don't know about them.

>> No.9672608

>Arcade games that didn't get home console ports are increasingly hidden gems
That's now how hidden gems work. They have to be games overlooked in their heyday.

>> No.9672612

yeah like outrunners or cadillacs and dinosaurs

cool recc, thanks
WWWAE-AAHHHH been POSTIN ON MAH retro boarrrrdddd

>> No.9672640

depends on what you mean by """hidden gem"""". Obviously people who are into old vidya are going to be more in-the-know about what games are in a platform's library.
For example, depending on how much of a casual you are, you could argue that pretty much anything that's not a nintendo mascot game on Gamecube is a hidden gem. Is super monkey ball a hidden gem? is baten kaitos? eternal darkness? tales of symphonia? I'd argue none of these are, but to other people who are only really aware of stuff like smash/mario/zelda/etc they could be. Same with other platforms like Genesis and how many people aren't even aware of any games on the system that aren't Sonic.

>> No.9672696

too hard for the average Nintendo fan

>> No.9672804

A game is not a hidden gem just because zoomers don't know of it.

>> No.9672826

this man is speaking the truth, listen to him fellow anons. the more time you spend doing something, the more you see its beauty

>> No.9672834

this guy gets it

>> No.9672845

Sage for a pointless nihilism thread. You probably just have shit narrow tastes and only like 3 AAA tendy franchises.

>> No.9672856

Barely any NES games are good. The golden age didn't begin until 16 bit. There's hundred of snes, genesis, tg16, ps1, and ps2 games that need translated. But NES? Nah.

>> No.9672886

It's not nihilism. It's from experience of having played virtually everything.

>that need translated
All the worthwhile ones have been translated already for every retro console.

>> No.9672931

This is unironically a respectable position. Especially now where both series can be modded the fuck out of, it's pretty clear that their design and mechanics are incredibly expressive in ways that few other games are, and so playing anything else may as well feel like a waste of time in comparison.

>> No.9672993

That’s wrong but it’s probably good cope if you want to stop looking

>> No.9673084

Nah. You're wrong. Get over nihilism faggot.

>> No.9673091

Zelda is incredibly simple, not dynamic.

>> No.9673096

Do it

>> No.9673117

unironically, zelda and mario are terrible games and have done more damage to the industry than anything else. They aren't good, and fan works involving them only encourage arrested development.

>> No.9673139

What's good to you then?

>> No.9673357

Sure but more broadly, I'd argue there's no such thing as "hidden gems" at all anymore, at least for old vidya, because everything worth playing has already been discovered and hyped up

Is Mr. Gimmick a hidden gem? Not after everyone and their dog has fellated the game for so long now

>> No.9673421

He won't

Gimmick is a hidden gem but it's gameplay sucks, only the music and scenery are good. My point still stands.

>> No.9673589

>it's gameplay sucks

>> No.9675082

PS1 and PS2 combined number over 8000 released games. That's not even considering the ocean of games released for computers. Sure many of them may not be great, but I think the most important quality of a hidden gem is being able to exceed expectations compared to the rest of the system's library. Theres dozens of games released on the most popular systems that get no discussion despite being good games. The only systems I'd argue have very few hidden gems left undiscovered are those that are very popular but with small libraries, like GameCube and N64.

>> No.9675090

>I'm too much of a bitch for 8-bit games
That's a you problem.
PC Engine also is an 8-bit console.

>> No.9675102
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How do I know that you are a console fag?

>> No.9675128

you're saying marzipan is better than at least 2 of the main characters?

>> No.9675134

>Everything worth playing has already been talked about
Maybe by people who are dedicated retrogamers. Gems just means shit that wasn't commercially successful on release or shit Joe doesn't know about

>> No.9675137

AAAAAH i rememberplaying thisgame. oh how I used to crem every time. MMMMMMMM

>> No.9675142

Who's Joe?

>> No.9675151

No, even for dedicated retro gamers, old computers are never going to be fully mapped out. There's too much stuff, a lot of it genuinely lost to time. Some games are still being made.
THE best game in the world could be an Amiga game that twenty people played in the 80's, and that was it, for all anyone knows. Maybe it'll surface one day, and maybe it wont.

>> No.9675181

Not true. Explore a console's full rom set at some point. I've found some decent to pretty good games that I've never seen brought up before.

>> No.9675192
File: 76 KB, 512x512, psx_nemumayu_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of neat games that haven't been translated yet so Metal Jesus hasn't shilled them into the mainstream

>> No.9675193 [DELETED] 

>Picked clean; literally everything worth playing is well-known at this point and that will only change if there's a massive shift in the average gamer's taste


>Has a handful of decent obscure games left, but you have to lower your standards to the mildly janky 7/10s

Master System
OG Xbox
Genesis/Mega Drive
Neo Geo
Game Boy
The 7th gen consoles (though time will move them up a tier)

>Still relatively unexplored, either due to lack of interest or because it's difficult to set up an emulator

Macintosh/Apple II
Palm OS
Atari 2600

>N/A. the library's too small for anything to stay hidden, the system's impossible to emulate, or there's no gems, period

Neo Geo Pocket
ZX Spectrum

>Learn to speak runes


>An infinite ocean of treasure and trash alike. Go crazy


>> No.9675197

>Picked clean; literally everything worth playing is well-known at this point and that will only change if there's a massive shift in the average gamer's taste

Genesis/Mega Drive

>Has a handful of decent obscure games left, but you have to lower your standards to the mildly janky 7/10s

Master System
OG Xbox
Neo Geo
Game Boy
The 7th gen consoles (though time will move them up a tier)

>Still relatively unexplored, either due to lack of interest or because it's difficult to set up an emulator

Macintosh/Apple II
Palm OS
Somehow, the Atari 2600

>N/A. the library's too small for anything to stay hidden, the system's impossible to emulate, or there's no gems, period

Neo Geo Pocket
ZX Spectrum
all the "Gen 4.5" shit

>Learn to speak runes


>An infinite ocean of treasure and trash alike. Go crazy


>> No.9675204

joe mama

>> No.9675207

Anything Korean, Chinese, or Taiwanese tends to be the ultimate hidden gem. No one knows about these games

>> No.9675234

>literally everything worth playing is well-known at this point and that will only change if there's a massive shift in the average gamer's taste
I'm not the average gamer, and if I was I wouldn't be on /vr/

>> No.9675235

The guy who only knows zelda and mario and metroid

>> No.9675271

Joe doesn't know what Metroid is unless he played Smash Bros. He knows Halo, and has heard of Final Fantasy. He knows Metal Gear Solid, but he confuses it with Splinter Cell.

>> No.9675273
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When I started my game collection my original intention was to pick up the games I enjoyed as a kid, then I branched out and started picking up games that I had never played, or had never even heard of. While I did (and still do) enjoy playing the games I grew up with, the most fun I have had is with hidden gems. There's still so many amazing games out there that nobody talks about, and I'm always finding great games that I've never heard of (and I've been in this hobby for a long time). The reason why a lot of gems don't get talked about is because they never had a wide release. In many cases they were never localized because they were made by a small developer who wasn't interested in the foreign market, or they did get an international release but it was from a sml publisher, only in specific markets, or late in the consoles life cycle and therefore failed to gather a wide audience. If you truly think there are no good hidden gems then you're probably an autistic kid who boots of roms and plays them for 30 secoyand then turns them off after being confused about what to do since you didn't read the manual. Quite honestly it's a shit take.
>Everything worth playing has already been talked about and translated
This is an even bigger shit take. I'm an L2 Japanese speaker and I'm often finding untranslated gems. There's even some hiding in plain site because there are people interested in playing but are unable to - like Segagaga.

>> No.9675330

There are probably a hundred or more solid to great Gamemaker games alone at least, most of which are barely talked about due to never being commercially published or shilled.

>> No.9675360

That doesn't really discredit my point
>Joe doesn't know what Metroid is unless he played Smash Bros.
Tbh normies love rule34

>> No.9675390

Mandem talked shit about homsar

>> No.9675395

Feels so weird that we still don't have a PC port 20 years later. And, IIRC it's not the only game in this situation.

>> No.9675467

>THE best game in the world could be an Amiga game that twenty people played in the 80's, and that was it, for all anyone knows. Maybe it'll surface one day, and maybe it wont.
That will literally never happen. It was overlooked and disappeared for a reason

>> No.9675469

Hebereke was a shitty gem.

>> No.9675479

Because some kid made it, and it never got real distribution. This could happen on those systems.

>> No.9675483

No it's not. It's one of my favorites.

>> No.9675484

Metroid's like a C tier Nintendo series at best. A lot of people legitimately do not know what Metroid is. Depending on who you're talking to, you might have more success referencing Punch Out. Definitely Donkey Kong.

>> No.9675495

It's hidden for a reason; it's lame. It's not even top three Sunsoft games on the NES.

>> No.9675517

You wont know until you search every game.

>> No.9675547

What's a "fleshed-out character" in the world of Homestar Runner? I thought everyone could be boiled down to a character gimmick.

>> No.9675564

It's literally in the top 3 Sunsoft games on the system. Ask any Japanese Sunsoft fan. It's hidden because it wasn't released outside of Japan except for an awful localization in certain European countries.

>> No.9675589

Ai Senshi Nicol
Akumajo Special: Boku Dracula-kun
Asmik-kun Land
Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa
Cleopatra no Mahou
Cosmo Police - Galivan
Choujin Sentai Jetman
Dai 2 Ji Super Robot Taisen
Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei
Digital Devil Monogatari - Shin Megami Tensei II
Don Doko Don 2
Doublemoon Densetsu
Doraemon - Giga Zombie no Gyakushuu
Downtown Special - Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki Da yo Zenin Shuugou!
Dragon Ball - Dai Maou Fukkatsu
Dragon Ball Z - Kyoushuu! Saiya Jin
Dragon Ball Z II - Gekishin Freeza!!
Dragon Ball Z III - Ressen Kinzou Ningen
Dragon Ball Z Gaiden - Saiya Jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku
Dream Master
Famicom Wars
Ganbare Goemon! - Karakuri Douchuu
Ganbare Goemon 2
Ganbare Goemon Gaiden - Kieta Ougon Kiseru
Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 - Tenka no Zaihou
Gegege no Kitaro 2 - Youkai Gundan no Chousen
Grand Master
Hi no Tori - Houou Hen - Gaou no Bouken
Indora no Hikari
Jajamaru Gekimaden - Maboroshi no Kinjamou
Jajamaru Ninpou Chou
Jesus: Kyoufu no Bio Monster
Jubei Quest
Just Breed
Kawa no Nushi Tsuri
Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken 2 - Donuts Ike ha Oosawagi!
Kick Master
Konami Wai Wai World
(Konami) Wai Wai World 2
Kyatto Ninden Teyandee
Last Armageddon
Makai Island
Meikyuu Jiin Dababa
Metal Max
Mitsume Ga Tooru
Moryo Senki Madara
Momotarou Densetsu
Musashi no Bouken
Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu
Pizza Pop!
Radia Senki - Reimei Hen
SD Gundam Story Knight Gundam Legend
SD Keiji - Blader
Shadow Brain
Spartan X-2
Wily & Right no Rockboard - That's Paradise!!
Cosmic Epsilon
Heisei Tensai Bakabon
Hello Kitty no Hanabatake
Moai Kun
Moon Crystal
Murasame Castle
Tetra Star: The Fighter
Attack Animal Gakuen

Here are 66, and I played all of them and they're all good, I could list more

Of course if you're one of these people ITT who think that "all of these are shit", "all NES games are shit" or "all worthwhile Japanese games have been translated" etc etc then I think you need a new hobby

>> No.9675612

I've played all of these and Murasame Castle is the only one that's not trash.

>> No.9675615

I've played 90% of all pre-dreamcast games, I've seen everything.

>> No.9675621

the best hidden gems are usually on nintendo consoles

>> No.9675623

Fish fillets is the best puzzle game of all time and i have never seen another person talk about it. Even cookie's bustle that popped up like 2~ weeks ago is proof opposite of OP is wrong. OP is a faggot

>> No.9675626

>best puzzle game of all time
Tetris. Done.

>> No.9675634

Tetris is shit

>> No.9675639

NPC detected.

>> No.9675642

Hidden turds are mostly gems. You’re likely not looking far back enough. PC had loads of “hidden gems” so does the SEGA CD, the Turbografx CD, etc. it’s more likely that you have bad taste in games. Ever played Boogerman? That game is perfect.

>> No.9675654

Tetris has more depth than any other puzzle game besides Puyo Puyo. It's the game equivalent of playing an instrument.

I have the entire Sega CD library. It's got like five games worth playing.

>> No.9675659

Puyo puyo sucks. Puzzler fighter 2X is where its at.

>> No.9675665

This has to be bait. Puzzle fighter is fun but broken with a low skill ceiling. Puyo is one of the best vs puzzlers ever

>> No.9675667

>Jesus: Kyoufu no Bio Monster
>Just Breed

>> No.9675670

Which games on Sega CD do you consider HIDDEN gems?

>> No.9675671

There is no such thing as broken games, unless of course you break your cartridge or disc in half. Puyo puyo is trash, id rather play Tetris Attack or Columns.

>> No.9675679
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>> No.9675681

What you prefer to play doesn't make the other trash, especially when the "trash" is one of the most widely regarded best puzzle games ever made. You are utterly clueless and might as well just say "disregard any opinions I have, they are all hot takes for bait".

>> No.9675686

I.Q. for PSX is the best puzzle game ever. Mean Bean machine is more pleasing than puyo.

>> No.9675691

Maybe in japland they consider puyo to be something memorable, but here it sucks like most jap games.

>> No.9675708


>> No.9675791

Pro tip: stacking shit or match-3 is not the pinnacle of the genre.

>> No.9675812

You're right, learning to play an instrument is the highest level of puzzle game. However as far as video games go, nothing surpasses Tetris and Puyo in skill ceiling.

>> No.9675828

1. Strong Bad
2. The Cheet
3. Bubs
4. Strong Sad
5. The King
6. Homestar
7. Strong Mad
8. The Poopsmith
90. Homsar
91. Pom-pom
9999999. Marzipan

Bonus: Peacey P and Terrence Love are GOAT cameo characters

>> No.9675845

Can’t believe I forgot Coach Z… he’s after Bubs

>> No.9675854


>> No.9675856


>> No.9675941

Holy shit we’ve got a 50yo ex soccer mom in here

>> No.9675943
File: 9 KB, 250x226, gumpei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll bet you've never played Virtual Boy Wario Land. incredible fucking game. but it's on the fucking Virtual Boy.
there are always more good games to find that you haven't played yet.

>> No.9675946

Anon OP is stupid but the #1 most popular virtual boy, first game in a popular series, synonymous with the system Wario Land is not a hidden gem

>> No.9675952
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right but my point is if you haven't played it it's worth playing, not just watching some shittuber shoot ropes into his eyes over.
after 2 decades of this hobby and being into emulation early i'm still finding incredible games to play.

>> No.9675986

Beaten it three or four times man. I owned a virtual boy when it launched.

>> No.9675987
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>> No.9675991

>What's a "fleshed-out character" in the world of Homestar Runner? I thought everyone could be boiled down to a character gimmick.
Fleshed out was the wrong word, since you're right that most of them could be boiled down like that. I meant more that it's hard to make the Poopsmith have significant roles in his own cartoons or star in one. He's silent and shovels poop, that's about the extent of it. They ended up doing a lot more even with characters like The Cheat, Strong Mad, or Pom Pom who can't talk normally. I guess Poopsmith also lacks a strong connection with the major characters besides The King of Town who he works for. I like him, but he's more of a character that shows up occasionally for gags rather than ever having big roles. That's for the best I think.

>> No.9676002
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Ok, but you're missing the point.
I'm playing the Lagrange Point english translation right now on NES because i just installed a sound expansion mod, it's a great RPG, just Konami kicking the shit out of anything Square or Enix was doing in 1991 for all the credit they get.
There is also Cosmo Police Galivan, another Famicom game i recently discovered, a metroidvania with a fucking sword and experience points, it's awesome.
I also missed the Kid Icarus game on the original gameboy, so i'm fooling with that too.
There are always more games to find that are worth playing. I'm sure some of (You) played Virtual Boy Wario Land, but, most of (You) haven't. I'm sure all of /vr/ collectively have played most retro games that exist, but, (You) the individual has not. My point is that there will always be awesome games that you, yourself have not played. You cannot possibly have played them all. Believe me, i'm trying lol.

>> No.9676004

You have not played 90% of computer games. You're not that powerful.

>> No.9676015

Fighting games are at the very least on the same level.

>> No.9676017


>> No.9676519
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>> No.9676603

Atari 2600 will never catch on because zoomers have a low attention span and deteriorating imaginations so they cannot get past the "bad" graphics. Also they get filtered by not being able to plug and play the console into their HD TVs.

>> No.9676626

that's a lotta worrds.
too many i'm not readin' em

>> No.9676703
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>> No.9676718

>experience of having played virtually everything.
Not even close, faggot.

>> No.9676721

yeah sure OP, you're not a fag at all

>> No.9676736

I agree 100% Nintendo consoles have been picked fairly clean. Except for the snes, there is still a handful of games that nobody talks. Dos has so many lesser know games that are actually fantastic it's crazy, PS1 is also up there.

>> No.9676750

>muh 99% is shit
Yeah, this has been known for centuries at this point. This also goes for 99% of the games you like, they are shit.
Bet you enjoyed those games. You shit eater. Why do you eat shit? Because you enjoy eating shit. That's what this hobby is about. Eating shit that you like and finding new fossilized shit to eat.

>> No.9676761

>Posts 2 jajamaru games
>Doesn't post ninja jajamaru kun
Why even live

>> No.9676779

I thought about it but it's not listed with the "J" in my list and then I forgot about it

>> No.9676781
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I can't believe I just wasted time reading that. You may be the dumbest person on 4chan

>> No.9676784

That's fair

>> No.9676789

NES Zelda is harder than Megaman.

>> No.9676803

Can you give me advice to be as contrarian as you are?

>> No.9676827

Not every game needs to be a groundbreaking masterpiece to be enjoyable or interesting.

>> No.9676828

Unironically lurk moar

>> No.9676934

play more games

>> No.9676972

That is the jewiest looking jew I’ve ever seen

>> No.9677014
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>> No.9677018

Ah shit I’m sorry, I promise to only namedrop you correctly from now on

>> No.9677060

This comic is accurate, but somehow less funny than an XKCD comic

>> No.9678087

I don't get it.

>> No.9679028

Go back to Twitter.

>> No.9679036

Yes, it does so.

>> No.9679056

This is true. *hidden gems* are always 6/10 these days

>> No.9679265
File: 908 KB, 430x408, 1542758519226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard disagree. Looking back at games from the past puts us in the unique position of no longer having to consider the value proposition of games, either because you've pirated it, or because the price of a rerelease is much lower than the initial cost.

I think Robotron 64 is a very fun game to play on my everdrive. It's got fun arcadey gameplay, twinstick support, and nice graphics and sound. But if I had received Robotron 64 as one of my limited N64 games that topped out at a collection of about 12 as a kid? I'd be pissed

Games that you could never have justified the purchase of back in the day (especially when in competition with the heavy hitters of the era) can absolutely be worth taking a stab at on emulator or a rerelease.

>> No.9680570

homsar was the goat shut your mouth

>> No.9680578

I got nothing against Marzipan but it quickly became apparent that Sister Chap was only doing that as a favor to her bros.

>> No.9680590
File: 554 KB, 1280x1285, mario clash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even Mario still has great hidden gems that nobody talks about

>> No.9680615
File: 1.32 MB, 1457x954, arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcade seems to have countless hidden gems, I'm addicted to downloading them
but barely played any yet since the backlog is infinite

>> No.9680669

I think the sentiment is wrong, but it's a comic, not a meme you fucking zoomer.

>> No.9680680


>> No.9681765


>> No.9681773

Yeah, minus the 3D buildings. 3DS is just a straight up improvement over the PSP one

>> No.9681952

>3D buildings
Oh lol. 3DS is worse than the NES one in that case.

>> No.9682001

Why would making same exact buildings 3D make the game worse you schizo?

>> No.9684260

3D models are lazy and infinitely worse than sprites

>> No.9684282

in my eyes Hebereke was actually a little bit influential, but only for indie developers; I definitely have a hunch that Nifflas (Knytt, Within a Deep Forest) played this game and took some inspiration from it.

>> No.9684446

>3D models are lazy and infinitely worse than sprites
Maybe google what you're shitposting about next time. It's literally the same PSP building sprite used as a texture for the front view of the building, with 2 extra textures used for sides. Yeah dude that's really lazy to preserve old content and make new one too. The worst part of that game is you can't play it, so it must be the bad version obviously.

>> No.9684593
File: 171 KB, 800x1339, 2A0DD262-6F34-4B7A-94A2-6718B11DD619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9684602

I don't care if they put the same textures on the model. The PSP version looks objectively better.

>> No.9684941

Dunno about that