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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 36 KB, 220x199, MegaTen_2_battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9670361 No.9670361 [Reply] [Original]

>WRPG: very deep gameplay, lots of freedom and customization, real challenge, but incredibly dull world and characters, old ones also stupidly inaccessible and have lots of autism
>JRPG: very accessible, remove most of autism, memorable world and characters, but often very linear, with dumbed down gameplay and no challenge, making it seem like babby RPG
how come there's no middle ground genre between those? early JRPGs were often challenging and (relatively) deep, but as the genre progressed they threw away most of the challenge.
what games came the closest to bridging that gap between JRPG and WRPG? obvious ones are dungeon crawlers, but what else?

>> No.9670368

No WRPGs were inaccessible if you read the manual like you were meant to.

>> No.9670373

>but incredibly dull world and characters
Never played Wizary or Might and Magic didn't you.

>> No.9670376
File: 299 KB, 1892x1080, SaGa Frontier_2021-04-24-08-51-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the SaGa games like the Romancing SaGa trilogy, SaGa Frontier, the Romancing SaGa PS2 remake, and Unlimited Saga.

>> No.9670390

>very deep gameplay,
lots of menus and stats != deep

>> No.9670398

read the
>old ones also stupidly inaccessible and have lots of autism
MM6-8 were great though

>> No.9670408


>> No.9670417

MM 1-5 were absurdly simple though? Especially 3-5 aka baby's first blobber. If you can't drop into world of xeen and just play you must have been dropped on the head as a kid or something.

>> No.9670427
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>middle ground between JRPG and WRPG
Bro this game is bussin

>> No.9670430

I'm with OP. A wRPG never sucked me in, and i love table tops. It's just autismo simulator. jRPG have charm at least.

>> No.9670436

MM world looks pretty generic though. Spent my childhood playing MM6-8 and can't remember anything visually memorable about them

>> No.9670437

That's the ticket

>> No.9670439

>No WRPGs were inaccessible if you read the manual like you were meant to.
wow that sounds so fun reading manuals, im sure alot of people are doing that

>> No.9670442

People get filtered by SaGa games because they do a bad build or mess something else up and then have to restart the game due to how the battle difficulty system works. But that's what the game expects from you; you fuck it up until you learn all the systems and then you'll beat the game when it clicks.

>> No.9670446

>>WRPG: very deep gameplay
more like esoteric
>>real challenge
that means nothing, going to take a shit is also a real challange

>> No.9670454

Okay zoomer, way to out yourself.

>> No.9670464

>People get filtered by SaGa games because they do a bad build or mess something else up and then have to restart the game due to how the battle difficulty system works.
that's exactly what I hate about WRPGs though
>oh you just started the game? please pick one of the 30 classes and allocate the stats
>you've played DnD for at least 5 years, right? of course you have, why the fuck have you bought the game then
>uh oh, you made a shit build, guess you're fucked
and if it's an old RPG
>oh did you just STEP in this direction? do you know how FUCKED UP that is? that's it buddy, your whole party is incinerated, dismembered, then incinerated again. you don't just STEP in this game.

>> No.9670481

You mean glanced in the general direction of B/X or ADnD once if you're too lazy to read the manual.
Sounds like a skill issue desu

>> No.9670501
File: 146 KB, 768x1200, Shinsenden - The Legend of Immortals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no challenge
>post a pic of Megami Tensei II

A lot of Famicom jRPGs had appropriate challenge. Like not too hard, doesn't really how bullshit traps and RNG TOO much, but you still have to watch your every move in a dungeon and during fights. This includes Final Fantasy 1,2, Dragon Quest 1 to 4, Megami Tensei 1 and 2, Metal Max to a lesser extent, Mother, Dream Master, Shinsenden. Actually, go play Shinsenden .

Difficulty for the genre decreased with each generation, as with every other genre.

>> No.9670521

>wow that sounds so fun reading manuals
this but unironically

>> No.9670551

The target audience of WRPG's used to enjoy reading manuals indeed, not like it was the most mainstream genre at any point back then.

>> No.9670560

You probably shouldn't be playing an RPG if you can't be bothered to read.

>> No.9670603 [DELETED] 

this is why retro video games audience sucks and /vr/ is one of the most retarded boards

>this game has retarded asf control scheme and absolutely inhuman interface
Go fuck yourself

>> No.9670640

maybe you can't read, maybe developers should try to make all controls intuitive and better instead of pushing a manual because of their poor design

>> No.9670651

>wrpg: not designed for humans, need gigantic manual and complete understanding in order just to get started making a character so you won't have to restart when you ruin your save 15 minutes in
>gameplay is entirely reliant on luck and good rolls
>nothing is enjoyable, just keep save stating

>jrpg: takes role playing elements and adapts them properly to a video game

>> No.9670674

you're applying modern logics to old games

in other words you're a zoomie on the wrong board

>> No.9670687

Unlimited Saga's navigation is a barebones virtual board game with grueling random battles where all actions are a slot machine and you can get weaker on levelup. Absolutely brutal slog.

>> No.9670695

I was filtered by the overworld enemies in Romancing Saga 1 for the sfc. It's so bad I am convinced it is a programming error, and am convinced the only true way to play was the PS2 remake. The overworld enemies are just so fucking numerous, there's like 30 in a room, as soon as you leave a battle another one runs right into you within a split second, you never walk or explore because you're constantly bombarded by the enemies that take you to a whole other screen and waste an average 2-3 minutes per fight. I am genuinely shocked this game ever sold well. Would it really have killed them to use random encounters?

>> No.9670696
File: 103 KB, 593x443, 5A90E976-9530-4BCC-AEC9-21C210DE2E52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> but incredibly dull world and characters

Maybe dungeon crawlers only like wizardry, but games like ultima 3/4/5/6/7/Martian dreams, wasteland, fallout/2, arcanum, baldurs gate/2, mega traveler 2, shadowrun, plus hundreds more. Most Jrpgs have the tiniest amount of dialogue for npcs that never changes and before the mid 90s every jrpgs overworks was so fucking bland, even the towns were just Abismal with shitty shops where you can only buy the most common mundane items like “potion” and “shield”. Get the fuck outa here with you’re bullshit. No jrpg will ever have better stories than the likes of morrowind fallout 2 or deus ex. You’re delusional anon.

>> No.9670698

> going to take a shit is also a real challange

That shouldn’t be the case, you might wanna get that checked out

>> No.9670702

You’re such a child

>> No.9670705

>filtered by /vr/ game
>can't read because no attention span
Zoomer really are walking memes

>> No.9670709

I can’t really blame ‘em. Imagine if your parents never taught you anything and just gave you a phone. Then you ended up on 4chan because you’re like 14 years old trying to be edgy, but low and behold, you out yourself as a know nothing entitled faggot, kek. It’s quite hilarious actually

>> No.9670710

>Boomers really are walking memes
fixed that for you, go to bed grandpa just because it's complicated doesn't mean it's good, you have to let that shit go

>> No.9670716

Things need to be more complex, son. We don’t need to be going backwards in cognitive functioning or anything. You’re just a lazy dipshit who can’t enjoy things that challenge your 5 second attention span.

>> No.9670731
File: 916 KB, 2524x1674, ff1_manual_weapons_chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even a WRPG vs. JRPG issue. All older RPGs expected you to read the manual, while modern RPGs can have equal amounts of (or more) text directly in the game. If you don't like reading, you shouldn't play RPGs in general.

>> No.9670743

it's a wonder how you manage to use a computer

you're probably a retarded phone poster

>> No.9670767

Yeah I didn't like the feeling that I was playing a boardgame slot machine. One of the few games I returned back in the day. I did enjoy saga frontier and the gameboy ones though

>> No.9670779

At least we play games rather than watching other people play them whilst trying to be funny and failing miserably

>> No.9670785

Gameboy saga is genuinely a great series. The random elements actually work really well and nothing ever becomes too bullshit or over the top

>> No.9670817

Is this meant as bait? I am having a hard time seeing it as genuine, but this board has such lazy stupid people it's possible you are sincere. The people these games were made for were often D&D players or other fantasy fans. There was a time when reading information on a game, what it's about and how it plays wasn't seen as some terrible chore, it was part of the appeal. A game complex enough that it warranted needing to dig into the manual to understand it well enough to play well was a good thing, but as you illustrate times sure have changed.

If you want a middle ground that has some challenge but takes no icky reading instructions just play Etrian Odyssey.

>> No.9670851 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 1280x224, fj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're such a blind old man

>can't read because no attention span
Read WHAT? Manual information must be in the game not on a piece of paper. Nigga you must be reading literally all wikis before playing any game. That's not how it supposed to work yaknow (but of course i cant blame REALLY old games like Ultima or Wizardry where additional documentation is literally the only way to help players to get into game)

I can't really blame you. You just playing this old mediocre RPG games only because they're old and only because /vr/ said they're good (or because of nostalgia). Then you ended up on 4chan because you’re like 54 years old trying to defend awful game design because you have shitty taste in vidya that was dictated by other anons.

>Is this meant as bait?
No...i'm not the one who wrote it but i think he's right. It doesn't look like a bait because it's true.

>these games were made for were often D&D players
So board game players, according to game designers and you, are so autistic that they necessarily need a five-volume read and an overcomplicated interfaces to make their gameplay seem more "real" and "fun"?

>There was a time when reading information on a game, what it's about and how it plays wasn't seen as some terrible chore, it was part of the appeal
This "appeal" doesn't have any sense because we can read that shit IN THE GAME. If a game designer can't make a game so that you can't play it without using the manual, then he's terrible at his job.

And yeah, FUCK JANNIES!!!

>> No.9670859

It's a shame cause the art is very pretty.
I'll try those.

>> No.9670864

>what games came the closest to bridging that gap between JRPG and WRPG?

>> No.9670871

You’re going to get banned again for ban evasion, son. Go to your room, I’ll come talk to you about this in a few minutes. Your mother and I are very disappointed. We have decided to take away your n64.

>> No.9670883

But i still have my Sega Saturn and Croc

>> No.9670893
File: 96 KB, 1280x960, u4_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can read that shit IN THE GAME.
You couldn't always back in the day because of space limitations. Also some just like the feel of having physical stuff like maps, manuals and background material written on paper that you can read, study and dream about outside of just playing the game.

>> No.9671019

If you somehow find old WRPG interfaces overcomplicated you really are smoothbrain. Not to mention to make a build incapable of finishing a game you need to go full retard and go "Hmmm, yes, 9 strength sounds good for my fighter when all my other stats are above 10. This must be good."

>> No.9671236
File: 33 KB, 300x225, bigbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average RPG enjoyer when they fight the exact same group of enemies for the 1000th time

>> No.9671428

Okay zoomie. See you from a mile away, lol. Every kid growing up in the 80's and the 90's absolutely cherished their game's manuals and did indeed spend time reading them. We didn't have phones back then retard. Guess what we brought with us into the bathroom if we didn't have our Gameboy. Pro-tip: it was the manual. Of course manuals were actually cool back then and a fun read.

>> No.9671502

As someone who has played a lot of both I always laugh at these absolutes.

Some JRPGs become less linear when transportation is acquired like a ship or airship. Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy are famous examples of this.

Meanwhile some WRPGs are surprisingly linear. Like Eye of the Beholder series, Lands of lore, Dungeon Master, Strahds Possesion, Stone Prophet, Menzoberran The Summoning and Albion. A lot of these have character creation and pre defined NPCs with a backstory who join the party. Albion actually is 100% predefined characters like a JRPG.

>> No.9671509

They're honestly both the exact same shit minus the fluff and all of them amount to abusing whatever stupid broken mechanic or oversight is in the game.
All CRPGs are terrible from a mechanical standpoint, they're bad translations of tabletop rules that were never that great to begin with.

>> No.9671512

>you still have to watch your every move in a dungeon and during fights
>attack, heal, attack, heal
>grind forever
>balls to the walls

what jrpg is actually challenging and complex?

>> No.9671518

>fight the exact same group of enemies for the 1000th time
That shit only happens in MMORPGs. In singleplayer RPGs you fight the same goups only like 30 times max.

>> No.9671983
File: 146 KB, 600x338, add-guides-lot-circle-phbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your manual bro
yeah so much fun reading manuals to understand why you're getting killed over every little thing. if that's your idea of fun, were you ever diagnosed for 'tism?

>> No.9671986

>post a pic of Megami Tensei II
no I meant it as an example of a Japanse RPG that has challenge

>> No.9672010

I'd type up a serious response but I suppose you wouldn't read it.

>> No.9672014

>All CRPGs are terrible from a mechanical standpoint, they're bad translations of tabletop rules that were never that great to begin with.
D&d combat sucks ass. But the vast majority of JRPGs are based on Wizardry's combat, and that's a copy of d&d but more boring because you can't even move.
The appeal of d&d itself is "fun w/ friends" not that the actual gameplay is good. Sort of like how nobody gives a single shit about the combat in 99% of rpgs and play them for the story or open world.

>> No.9672017

WRPG stories are like
>go to a house to get a 184th side quest to fetch shit
>"hello traveller, I am duke of Copia, high priest of Feed 'Enseed. as you know, there's been a long conflict between Copia and Seethia, and…"
>[10 pages of text later]
>"…and now I want you to retrieve the anal beads of Ghu'ul from the cave of great Tyrone located to the northsouth. you should know that Tyrone only accepts elven lean. to get it, you need to go to Dilatia…"

>> No.9672020

I'm sorry that reading 5 pages of basic rules is too much for primary school dropout zoomies like you

>> No.9672351

How many manuals did you read? It becomes a habit, at some point you’ll feel something is missing when you start the game and theres no manual at all.

>> No.9672362

The trick is that you’ll pick the side quest and love what youre doing. U7 doesnt have a quest page, its insanely immersive that you are actually picking dialogue by dialogue and going after the leads to find something

>> No.9672381

this, kinda. WRPGs are unnatural unless you fit into the mindset of computing in the 90s. i hate tinkering in general. some people love it. when i buy a computer/piece of software, i want it to just work. i don't want to fuck around configuring shit. anything that slows down that process infuriates me, although i also have actual, diagnosed ADHD, and not social media ADHD.

so, if you're going to be good at computers in the early windows days, yes, you read the manual. cover to cover. settle in, fucko, school is in session. linux is still like this. you could argue "simplified" JRPGs are a reflection of japanese culture where certain things are simpler, more straightforward, less open.

the tradeoff is a game that requires a great deal of setup (hope you weren't intending to really get anywhere after you just bought your WRPG), and has lots of freedom is you can truly tell your own story. that's why calling JRPGs RPGs has never felt quite right. FF6 is far, far less of an RPG than fallout 1. but you have nowhere near the same kind of anecdotes you can tell after playing.

i generally prefer WRPGs because if you're going to tell me i can have my own adventure, i'd better be able to have my own fucking adventure.

>> No.9672394

JRPGs is just Grinding until the end in WRPGs you need to make the right decisions or you are fucked maybe JRPGs have a better Story but the Gameplay in WRPGs is more satisfying

>> No.9672421

>JRPGs is just Grinding until the end
why is this meme so persistent? virtually every JRPG made past NES era went lighter and lighter on grinding, eventually requiring almost none of it (if you play them right), but to this day people sperg out over ""grinding in JRPGs"".

>> No.9672435

Megaten 2 is hardly more challenging than many other RPGs on the Famicom including some Final Fantasy and DQ games. Here is a sample of what you can do in Megaten:

>starting from the half game you can get a revive spell
>reviving completely refills HP AND MP. In other words you can now just spam spells, then revive your allie/demon when it's out of MP.
>after that you can get a second demon with a revive spell, thus having an infinite MP pool by having the reviving demons revive everyone and now they can also revive each others when they run out of MP

>all bosses, including the final boss, are susceptible to debuff attacks. Debuff attacks can stack and never return to normal during the course of the battle.
>for instance you can literally cripple their physical attacks in just 2-3 turns to the point they don't even scratch you anymore

You misjudge complex for challenging, starting from the mid game Megaten 2 starts getting easy and in the late game it's completely broken.

>> No.9672812

>why is this meme so persistent?
Well known JRPGs in America before FF7: Fagon Quest 1 and Final Fag Ass-y 1 on NES, Shartbound on SNES

>> No.9672860

Yeah I was well excited when I bought it and walked home that day, it just felt too much like a stiff boardgame with little interaction and too heavily reliant on luck. I think I traded it for Ephemeral Fantasia or paper Mario gamecube instead, which either I still haven't finished.

>> No.9672867

>deep gameplay
>click on them and then watch the auto combat while waiting for specials to cooldown

>> No.9673180
File: 313 KB, 1600x1200, ISBN 9784757518216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love manuals. I actually asked for a few Square Enix mooks for Christmas and they're beautiful.
Over 600 pages, full of gorgeous art, interviews, and tiny details that are easy to miss.
Even outside of its value as a companion to the game, it's almost a work of art in itself.
I can't imagine a person who loves RPGs but wouldn't be interested in a book like this for their favorite game, even if just to have it on a coffee table or something.
Most manuals aren't anywhere near this good, but they all usually have something charming about them.

The only thing better than a good manual is digging through the closet and finding your old notes and maps you made yourself when playing through a cherished game for the first time. It's like happiness on a page.

>> No.9673193

Seeing this image took me back. Then realizing it was a child now talking sbout how he thinks reading is autism brought me a twinge of sadness.

>> No.9673210

Still no patch for this, I assume?

>> No.9673230

well, I certainly wouldnt mind reading the kind of manual you're talking about. i'm a poorfag so I can't afford these things, but if I could I'd buy one of these. they're cool.
I just don't want 100 pages of text as a crutch for shit game design, that is necessary to read before you even start a game so that you could even function and not die 5 minutes in.
and don't get me wrong, I'm fine reading supplementary materials to learn the game. I do this with most RPGs because I like to know what exactly every stat / skill / spell does. I play fighters too, and learning is essential in these games.
but when the manual is a necessity because of incredibly unintuitive, clunky, "fuck you" style game design, the manual will go into the trash, and the game with it, and any elitist defending this can go fuck himself

>> No.9673237

I don't like wrpgs because they are too ugly

>> No.9673254

Why play RPGs if you are illiterate?

>> No.9673258

Not him but I think what you're missing is these games were from an era where the person playing was sort of assumed to also be a tabletop rpg player. So though the manual was dense, it was also mostly reference to the people playing or info explaining how thos might he different from what they're used to. Dense guides like this >>9671983 were not just common, but cherished. This was a different era though, and most who pick up and old CRPG are used to modern ones or JRPGs which are at the other end of the spectrum.

Since you play fighters I'll use this analogy, imagine if you are trying to get good at King of Fighters 98, but no one you know or talked to has really played it. You are starting at ground zero trying to figure out how to competently play a fighting game. A move list is the bare basics, but describing how to play and how to be good would take a lot if all you had to go on was words.

>> No.9673348

yeah, I get it. it was a different time, many usability / UI conventions were still not there, ok. I'm not saying it was bad by old standards. but I'm saying it's really frustrating to play NOW. and people keep telling me I'm a zoomer and can't read. I like reading, I just don't like reading technical manuals because I'm not an autist.
I strongly believe that if something "aged like shit", then it has always been shit, and people just put up with it for reasons. You shouldn't learn the command line before you buy a computer (although Terry A Davis disagrees). Likewise, you shouldn't need to understand everything under the hood of your car before you can drive it, let alone assemble it from scratch. people saying "hurr durr you're a zoomie if you don't know what's under the hood" are missing exactly the point: I want to spend my time enjoying the game, not waste hours on needless 'tism that is completely unnecessary just to boast that I'm very hardcore.
>Since you play fighters I'll use this analogy, imagine if you are trying to get good at King of Fighters 98
I happen to be OK in KoF 98. Anyway, there's a line past which no one wants to play a game. And yes, tons of people get filtered by the fact that you need to learn a fuckton before you play a new fighter.
thankfully, lots of things in fighters can be figured out intuitively. which I can't say about playing old WRPGs today.

>> No.9673362

>I strongly believe that if something "aged like shit", then it has always been shit, and people just put up with it for reasons.

We might just disagree on that fundamentally which gives us different perspectives. What I'm trying to say is that I understand how frustrating it is to try and get into these games now and with your gaming history. But instead of throwing your hands up and saying it's bad because of that is kind of a waste and robs you of what might be a great experience. So if you approach the game and manual with the understanding that you're coming at it from a different angle than how it was intended, some of the annoying things might make more sense.

While yes you can figure out many things in fighters intuitively, it was more to describe the complexity and how much information would need to be conveyed. Anyway, just trying to help. It also might be you just don't like those games much when it comes down to it

>> No.9673497

You need genuine imagination to enjoy WRPGs as intended. JRPGs are railroaded cringefests that dangle anime boobies in front of the player to keep them trudging along through an unfun game when they could just be masturbating to porn instead.

>> No.9675472
File: 1.41 MB, 3024x4032, 2a8q8qnamuw21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved seeing the enemies in the back of manuals

>> No.9675485
File: 458 KB, 406x500, 1675878301828186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old D&D combat is supposed to be a last resort or something you use when you ambush or clearly overpower and opponent, not the meat of the game like it is in vrpgs (with minimal improv no less)

>> No.9675493

so don’t play them
and while you’re at it stop posting too

>> No.9675594

I buy manuals for games I don’t even have to read them.

>> No.9675643
File: 26 KB, 460x368, 1504748756459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone that really believes that games requiring you to read manuals is an exemple of good game design are fucking retards, it's garbage /vr/ boomers are braindead

>> No.9675652

Hot bait kiddo.

>> No.9675685

Realms of Arkania is the most "read the manual or fuck off" game of them all. You can't even create characters without first rolling their stats and that determines what classes they can be. But unlike Wizardry where there's a pretty good range that you can fall in and you'll always have something to pick, the classes in RoA have very specific stat requirements that force you to min max just to get one of the to appear as selectable. So you have to read the manual to see what your stats need to be for the class you want, then get those specific rolls.

>> No.9675859

>WRPG: very deep gameplay, lots of freedom and customization, real challenge
>but incredibly dull world and characters
>old ones also stupidly inaccessible and have lots of autism

>JRPG: very accessible, remove most of autism, memorable world and characters, but often very linear, with dumbed down gameplay and no challenge, making it seem like babby RPG

>> No.9675884

Imagine making a D&D game and going "Okay just keep rolling until you get these stats in order to make a character."

Just fucking let me pick those characters then and have them start with those stats.

>> No.9675918

>WRPG: despite the complexity and huge manuals they're mostly combat-heavy min-max shitfests, but at least you can tell the designers were trying to do something interesting
>JRPG: make story, make characters, add number combat because it's tradition, designers have never even heard of a tabletop game and only know how to make copies of copies of Wizardy like fucking monkeys

>> No.9675954

>>but incredibly dull world and characters
JRPG: you play a young male with lost memory, a haircut that needs 2 tubes of gel every day, a weapon that was clearly made up by someone who never held a weapon, and an outfit legally banned from cosplaying events in 48 states. on your adventure, you get joined by a 1000yo old demon (looks like 14yo succubus girl), a talking frog with tragic backstory that makes Max Payne's story sound like Seinfeld, and a tsundere fighter girl that clearly represents at least 34 sexual fetishes. incredible comfy world with charming NPCs drawn by an artist who is 50% schizo, 50% autist, all coomer.
WRPG: you play as John Smith, an ultra generic knight because anything non-generic is gay. he has no personality, because personality is gay. the game is exclusively in brown and grey, because color is gay. on your quest you will meet such extravagant creatures as dwarves (!) and elves (I know this is pushing it with the gay stuff, but the publisher said we need at least 3 races, so we're looking for a less gay publisher). You will get joined by Leanna, a character who's supposed to be 20 but looks like a wine aunt, and Tyrone, a cleric (the publisher said we can't make him a thief). together, they go on adventure that exactly copies that one DnD game we had with the fellas in our very not gay meetup. the whole plot was written by a neckbeard who got paid in doritos, MTG cards and light drugs. this game has been rated NG for Not Gay by ESRB.

>> No.9675964

This guy gets it.

>> No.9675974

I forgot to add about JRPG: the plot simultaneously copies Alien, Terminator, Mad Max, Nausicaä, Dragon Ball, Urusei Yatsura, Bible, Epic of Gilgamesh, and the entire 1993 season of Married with Children.

>> No.9675993


>> No.9676078

WRPG: Is that another 16x16 3D maze that will fit in tthe Commodore 64's memory? I'm gonna...IM COOOOMIINNNGG AAAAAHHH

>> No.9676109

Planetscape Torrent