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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 297 KB, 1127x1200, 83938393930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9668503 No.9668503 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss fighting games here.

>what are you playing
>are you learning a new character
>are you able to play it with other players? (not cpus)

Playing fighting games with other people on the couch is pretty uncommon for me these days. That being said I played Virtua Fighter Remix with a friend today and it was a lot of fun. Picked up Rival Schools for the first time in a long time too.

>> No.9668507 [DELETED] 

>Virtue Meme
Looks more like a Sega cope thread. No one wants to play as those generic looking shit characters and the gameplay is boring

>> No.9668508 [DELETED] 

5 is also by far the best VF whose newest versions aren't even retro

>> No.9668510

Smash bros as always

>> No.9668514 [DELETED] 

VF is awesome, fuck you

>> No.9668520

This but unironically. I like being allowed to run and jump around without any constraints because I can do that in a real fight too

>> No.9668534

What's the generally agreed upon best VF game? Been wanting to try the series out.

>> No.9668536

5 if not nostalgiafagging

>> No.9668540
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 Evo > 5

>> No.9668543

Name a fighting game that doesn't let you run or jump

>> No.9668546
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>> No.9668556

Now that I think about it, there's a lot of fighting games that don't let you jump. Boxing games for one

>> No.9668589

Not sure if it counts but I enjoyed TMNT(2003) as I used to play it with a friend split-screen on the same keyboard.

>> No.9668607


>> No.9668620 [DELETED] 

Hi, tekken 3 spammer

>> No.9668635
File: 68 KB, 550x547, 550x547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing SP content in SoulCaliburs in release order now and my jaw dropped transitioning from Edge to Calibur 1. Calibur 1 is so fast and fun, the movement feels so free and 3 dimensional, it looks a bit basic but plays absolutely amazing. Never played the game back in the day, skipped from Edge to Calibur 2 as I'm sure many people did

>> No.9668654

vf4evo and final tuned are where the series peaked imo. Supposedly VF3 has a small online fanbases.
i didn't care for the new characters in VF5 other than Jean, who was a later addition. It was still the most complete hand to hand 3d fighter of its generation though.
cool illustration
>getting filtered by fuzzy guard bufferred throw escapes
sorry lad ngmi

>> No.9668827

What was the name of that lewd 2D sprite based fighting game consisting of girls who were waitresses or something?

>> No.9669369
File: 13 KB, 318x223, why i play sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighting games? Love em.

>> No.9669501

The genre peaked with Tekken 3 and VF4

>> No.9669520

>Double cameltoe

>> No.9669529
File: 223 KB, 316x314, 1658067-advanced_variable_geo_ss_a_7334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up the Samurai Shodown Neo Geo Collection recently, since it was on sale. Lots of nostalgia for the arcades, and I'm remembering why they were fun. I'm going to need to put in more hours to really see how much I like the system overall; smacking the CPU with jumping heavy attacks is only entertaining for so long.

>What was the name of that lewd 2D sprite based fighting game consisting of girls who were waitresses or something?
Google suggests Variable Geo: Waitress Battle?

>> No.9669606

Shit. For some reason I was typing in students instead of waitresses. Thanks.

>> No.9669617
File: 38 KB, 1203x60, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I picked up the Samurai Shodown Neo Geo Collection recently, since it was on sale. Lots of nostalgia for the arcades, and I'm remembering why they were fun
if you wanna fightcade sometime I'm down, samsho has a nice little scene there

>> No.9669726

Didn't say others don't let you, you can do it more freely in Smssh though

>> No.9669827

What's a good fighting game to start with if you haven't really played the genre? Anything with good tutorials and training mode?

>> No.9670062

VF4 has one of the best tutorial modes of any game. Retro fighters don't tend to have them since you were expected to earn your chops in the arcade.

Non-retro, GG Xrd has a great tutorial

>> No.9670158

VF4 Evo specifically

>> No.9670991
File: 368 KB, 125x84, 00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

V-day SF2

VF has good tuts

>> No.9671067

Third Strike as always. Sometimes me and the boys play TMNT:Tournament Fighters.

>> No.9671076
File: 579 KB, 1671x2200, Die Hard Game Fan Volume 1 Issue 11 (October 1993)_0148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this while digging through DHGF issues. Some of the first media shown for the game, no Akira and Shiba in the cast.

>> No.9671861 [DELETED] 


>> No.9671863
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>> No.9671868 [DELETED] 

go back to smash faggot

>> No.9671883

Is that why Sega keeps remaking the game?

>> No.9671885
File: 359 KB, 850x1203, 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly play 2d fighters. What do I need to learn for 3d fighters like VF and Tekken?

>> No.9671891

They're just mashers

>> No.9671896 [DELETED] 

Tekken: Strong defensive options, great movement, requires good execution. You HAVE to be good at sidestep cancelling and Korean backdashing to get around the stage and avoid getting hit because stepping isn't binary (more on this in a second). You generally can't just run in the other guy's face constantly because you'll be killing yourself unless you know exactly what you're doing and have conditioned fear into the opponent. When you make a good move away from the opponent and go for a whiff punish or sidestep and go for a punish, you get a launch and then can get huge damage. This means defense is very strong and important because this discourages all out gorilla defense. You also have to manage resources in the form of rage. Do you keep rage for the passive damage buff or do you spend it on your plus on block rage drive for more pressure? Decisions, decisions!

Virtua Fighter: All out aggression game with plus on block guard breaks, sidesteps you can barely punish with anything (just get frame advantage), and ridiculously strong OS to cover basically everything, so defense isn't even a real thing, you're not committing to shit. VF has binary stepping and easy backdashes. It used to have actual good movement in VF3, but then they took it out to appease casuals and to piss off the Koreans. Now the whole game is just easy input easy dodge easy offense. VF is a more casual Tekken basically. The characters generally have fewer moves and there is less knowledge you need due to fewer characters. Virtua Fighter is all about mixups. Defending is a boring OS-fest with basically no meaningful neutral game. This is why VF was known as the anime player's 3D game. Every engagement in Virtua Fighter is "5 way mixup vs 3 way option select" until the round is over. Has Smash ringouts, too.

If you like neutral oriented games with lots of movement and spacing ala Street Fighter, play Tekken. If you like anime pressure mash exchanging frame data into oki ala Guilty Gear, play VF.

>> No.9671903
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How to cope when your favorite character sucks?

>> No.9671940 [DELETED] 

Defensive mechanics in 3D fighters by game

175 health
no defense values
no weight values
has back dash canceling (slow)
no air recover
power crush
low parry
side step/walk (no 8 way movement)
average moves per character less than 100
execution required - low

>Soul Calibur:
240 health
guts % based defense scaling
no weight
has back dash canceling
air recover (limited)
armored attacks (auto GI)
reversal edge
side step/walk (8 way movement)
average moves per character about 120
execution required - low

>Virtua Fighter:
220 health
no defense value
character specific weight values
no back dash canceling
no air recover
quick recover
throw tech buffering
box step
side step (8 way movement)
average moves per character about 160
execution required - high

>Bloody Roar:
200 health
character specific defense value (further modified by form)
character specific weight values (further modified by form)
has back dash canceling (fast)
air recover
quick recover
burst (beastorize)
burst (hyper)
throw tech buffering
guard command install
white life regeneration (beast only)
hitstun decay
gravity scaling
instant air evade
guard attack
flash parry
just defend/dash guard
light guard
heavy guard
air guard
defensive install (character specific eg: power block, super armor)
side step/walk (8 way movement)
average moves per character over 200+
execution required - very high

300 health
no defense value
character specific weight values
has back dash canceling
no air recover
side step/walk (8 way movement)
average moves per character about 130
execution required - mid

>> No.9671949 [DELETED] 

>strong defensive options
lol nice one.
so dancing in and out of range fishing for a launcher or crushing blow counts as a well implemented out defensive system?

>> No.9671950 [DELETED] 

>strong defence
>great movement

>> No.9671959 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9671970

Do you train with your favorite often?

>> No.9671971

It's not even jumping at that point, Smash lets you practically fly and some characters literally can.

>> No.9671972

Nobody knows what the fuck Sega is doing, they are run by absolute morons. Re-releasing a remaster of such an old fighting game exclusively on a Sonybox was one of the most ?????? moves of the decade

But coincidentally, there probably isn't much they could do to improve on 5R

>> No.9671981

pick a new character who is stronger

>> No.9671982 [DELETED] 

Those little on hit explosions, its such a genius gimmick. So good.

>> No.9671987 [DELETED] 

Sorry but Tekken will never be anything more than a mindless button masher made for casuals, meanwhile Virtua Fighter is a masterpiece and the epitome of skill.

>> No.9672006 [DELETED] 
File: 2.79 MB, 480x720, 1568859635670.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we playing the same games here?

>> No.9672008

Just wait until April where they'll announce yet another VF5 rehash or little more than an expansion to their Ultimate Letdown

>> No.9672012 [DELETED] 

lmao tekken really is just a casual button masher, they weren't lying.

>> No.9672018 [DELETED] 

Did you mean to post a webm that proves him right...?

>> No.9672024 [DELETED] 

Virtua Cucks actually think these webms make Virtua Fighter look better than Tekken when they show VF for the joke anisoy party masher game it is. Look at the Tekken footage. Amazing spacing and movement, whiff punishing, everything. Look at how he ducked that and whiff punished it (it was a read given how fast that exchange was, but still, galaxy brained stuff). Anyone who is actually good at fighters sees that and goes "holy shit, look at this neutral!". Then the VF one is literally a joke of mash and option selects.

>whiffing random launchers at fullscreen in case they hit (something VF cucks accuse Tekken of being)
>dashing up
>then taking turns model to model mashing buttons (on offense), and ETEG and other option selects (on "defense")

VF cucks think this makes them look GOOD LOL. Their "argument" is:


You want real spacing and neutral in a 3D game? Play Tekken. 7 was dumbed down but it still has way more neutral and meaningful interactions than VF, it also has better netcode. Unfortunately Tekken (before 7) was really the only 3D fighting game that required any skill whatsoever, there is now no reason to play 3D now that Tekken was dumbed down to being only 10 times as complex as other 3D games instead of 100 times more as it was before.

>> No.9672026 [DELETED] 

What are (You) doing here?
>lost its soul over time
>8 suffered the same fate as DnF Duel: dead on arrival
>died after 5
>never had the same director for more than one game
>hired hentai artists to try to keep the franchise afloat, failed
>literally just a dress up game/softcore porn sim now
>"they just renewed a bunch of titles, they're totally going to make a new SC" and it turns out it's only a mobile game collab
Virtua Pogger
>a laughing stock for a "pioneer"
>killed by kekken 3
>some arcade releases never made it to consoles
>most only know it through Yakuza
>resorted to kekken skins to try to stay relevant, failed
>older games ported to fightcade, no one plays them
>the only reason people even pretend to like it is because of vanessa the echidna, not-samus from doa5 and for some reason the unlikeable rich faggot drawn as a femboy by a drawfag who totally isn't baron you guys
>the "most popular game among the nipponese" yet has the least amount of players at evo japan
>"oh my effing science, it's a maingame at evo japan (an event for non-gamers), they're totally going to announce VF6! oh but they changed the game a bit... and there's also hitsparks in my realistic game with flying ninjas and metal women... VF7 when?"
Bloated Roar
>literally who furry masher that will never get a sequel
Dead on Arrival
>became a p2w cashgrab
>overshadowed by the tiddyball spinoffs
>the newly announced reboot will be even more watered down

>> No.9672029 [DELETED] 
File: 649 KB, 463x563, akira choking a bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Virtua Fighter Is More Important Than Tekken:

Why Virtua Fighter is Deeper than Tekken:

Why Virtua Fighter is chess to other fighting game's chequers:

>> No.9672030 [DELETED] 

Do you have a video on why is Virtua Fighter dead and why people were winning bag of rice at Evo Japan?

>> No.9672032 [DELETED] 

Ignore the tekken shill, its literally just one mentally ill guy from /vg/ who was originally from /tekgen/ but since no one gives a shit about tekken the general died so now he just tries to shill his casual button masher on /v/ and /fgg/, guess he finally found /vr/ too.

>> No.9672035 [DELETED] 
File: 408 KB, 680x656, 1665265774804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Good-Ass Game That Reclaimed Its Throne: The Story of Tekken


>> No.9672036 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 300x300, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtua Fighter did not invent ring outs
Virtua Fighter did not invent juggling
Virtua Fighter was not the first fighting game to play down projectiles
Virtua Fighter did not Invent 3D fighting games
Virtua Fighter was not the first 3D fighting game
Virtua Fighter was not even Sega's first 3D fighting game
Virtua Fighter was not Sega's first 3D game
Virtua Fighter was not Sega's flagship 3D game
Virtua Fighter did not influence the gaming industry
Virtua Fighter is not the reason Quake exists
Virtua Fighter was not the reason why consoles moved to 3D
Virtua Fighter is not technical, complex or deep

Stop trying to lie and spread misinformation you can and WILL be refuted!

3D fighting game from 1979
Juggles in a fighting game from 1991
3D fighting game that used polygons in 1991

>> No.9672037 [DELETED] 
File: 373 KB, 800x548, 1625424477885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do you guys keep posting this dude?

Have you ever actually watched his channel?

He's a literal 40 year old boomer. He doesn't complete. He just talks about arcade mdoes now. He had a son and barely even plays video games anymore. All he talks about now is Shenmue.

This is the typical VF "player"
Has not attended a tournament since the 1990s and yet deludes themselves into thinking they're an expert on the genre of fighting games.

This ties into the famous quote.

VF will be "remembered"
Tekken will be played.

>> No.9672040 [DELETED] 

well done you triggered the mentally ill tekken shill

>> No.9672042 [DELETED] 

Because it was a Tekken shill pretending to be multiple arcade-savvy boomers or for some odd reason a gay drawfag to make it seem more popular than it is

>> No.9672047 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 591x195, it's over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9672048 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 1632x796, vf more popular in 1st world countries than tekken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9672051 [DELETED] 
File: 753 KB, 2123x1635, 7millionplayers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "that's just one website"

>> No.9672052 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 1860x390, your game was not strong enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9672060 [DELETED] 
File: 2.87 MB, 560x300, 1601483683390.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tekkucks and Virtuacorpses bow down to the real best 3D fighter

>> No.9672063 [DELETED] 

You know there will never be a BR5, right?

>> No.9672065 [DELETED] 

VF sisters...

>> No.9672067

As demonstrated by BR4, the only way to go after you reach the top is down

>> No.9672068 [DELETED] 

Has it ever been on top?

>> No.9672096

I know this isn't the beat-em up thread but I need help.
Friend wants to play the X-men beat-em up with me in co-op online.
What is the best way to do this currently in terms of:
Client (FBNeo? MAME?)
Online Connection (Parsec? Kaillera?)
Game Version (i2P, 4P or 6P)
It'd just be the two of us.
If there is a better place to ask questions like this, please point it out to me. Thank you.

>> No.9672110 [DELETED] 

>falling for tekken 3 spammer bait

>> No.9672165 [DELETED] 

>Virtua Fighter was not Sega's flagship 3D game

It was for a short while, during the Saturn years. Or at least, Sega was pushing Virtua Fighter to be a primer series on the Saturn. Sega was pushing an anime series in Japan and promoting the series pretty heavily. They really thought it could be another 'Street Fighter II' in terms of popularity.

>Virtua Fighter did not influence the gaming industry

It did have some influence on 3D fighting game genre.

>Virtua Fighter was not even Sega's first 3D fighting game

Are you talking about Dark Edge, which was a pre cursor to Virtua Fighter. Virtua Fighter was their first polygon 3D fighting game. It wasn't their first 3D game in general, as model 1 debuted with Virtua Racing.

>Virtua Fighter was not the reason why consoles moved to 3D

Wasn't it the main reason why Sony decided to focus on 3D with the PS1? Or just, model 1 games in general.

>> No.9672168 [DELETED] 

>ignoring the other links

>> No.9672184 [DELETED] 

>hates on FGC
>larps as FGC
And then there is this smash faggot >>9672110 who spams the same shit every time he sees Tekken 3 mentioned

>> No.9672189 [DELETED] 

tekken schizo shitting up another thread trying to force his kusoge on everyone, literally having a god damn meltdown because people have the audacity to play other 3D fightng games.

>> No.9672191 [DELETED] 

Its funny, I never used to hate Tekken till he showed up.

>> No.9672192 [DELETED] 

Why are you samefagging tho?

>> No.9672197 [DELETED] 

Enjoy your dead mashers then

>> No.9672309 [DELETED] 

3D fighting games power rankings

Bloody Roar > Virtua Fighter > Soulcalibur > Project Justice > Plasma Sword > Power Stone > Psychic Force > DoA > Fighting Vipers > Ehrgeiz > Tekken > Kakuto Chojin > Tobal > MKD > KoF: Maximum Impact > Sonic the Fighters > MKA > Mace the Dark Age > Fighters Impact > Battle Arena Toshinden > Kensei: Sacred Fist > Sonic the Fighters > War Gods > Tao Feng > Masters of Teras Kasi > Criticom > Balls 3D

>> No.9672310

You can't mash in VF.

>> No.9672316 [DELETED] 

tekken is the only 3D fighter where mashing is a legit strategy

>> No.9672319
File: 33 KB, 427x300, maxp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it's so good enjoying all fighting games, played some ST, 3rd Strike, SamShoVs, Toy Fighter, MK1, Project Justice and Soulcalibur on fightcade and had blast with them all.
Fightcade bro, you're gonna need xmen.zip and x-men2pe.zip roms.

>> No.9672342

Lab the shit outta them or drop them in-favor of a good character.

>> No.9672350 [DELETED] 

>Fighting game thread
>Smashfag is mad at Tekken again

>> No.9672352 [DELETED] 

>tekken shill still samefagging hours later

>> No.9672357

You mash buttons to recover from a stun

>> No.9672371 [DELETED] 

That is correct for every fighting game if both players are shit and button mashing is all they can do.
>1 1 1 combo
>2 2 2 combo

>> No.9672382 [DELETED] 

It goes like VF4 > Tekken 3 > the rest in whatever order.

>> No.9672459 [DELETED] 

>makes shill threads like >>9657642
>snaps when someone mentions Tekken
>tells the same two stories how he beat his ps1 owner friend in Tekken by button mashing once and how he wasn't triggered by Tekken until he saw a Tekken thread on /vr/
>tries to falseflag Tekkenchads and VFbros into a war

>> No.9672489 [DELETED] 

>>tries to falseflag Tekkenchads and VFbros into a war
For real, there was no beef historically

>> No.9672505 [DELETED] 

Where can I read the rest of your fanfiction?

>> No.9672526 [DELETED] 

TFW no Saturn VF3 port to console war about it on /vr/ 25 years later.

>> No.9672928 [DELETED] 
File: 647 KB, 1907x1080, anti-fighting game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out

>> No.9672982

Fightcade. It's not just for fighting games, it does easy netplay for any game in FBNeo, Snes9x, and Flycast.
Also note FBNeo isn't just for arcade games, it also supports NES, Master System, Genesis, PC Engine, and others. And Flycast isn't only Dreamcast, it also supports Naomi and Atomiswave arcade games (not supported by FBNeo).
I just say this because all of this surprised me. I thought Fightcade was only for fighting arcade games or something, until I looked into it.

>> No.9673090

That's recovering though, not fighting.

>> No.9673289

I remember playing Virtual Fighter 2, had a huge crush on Sarah. I loved the soundtrack to it too and I loved the presentation, it had a very arcade feel to it. Fighting Vipers ended up being my favorite game on Saturn, especially the Japanese version where you play as Pepsiman.

>> No.9673331

>Fighting Vipers
I think it's the most technically impressive 3D fighter on home consoles around its time.

>> No.9673387 [DELETED] 

Tekken and VF are literally rythym games. KOF and Alpha series will forever standalone as the peak of fighting games. 3D mashers are for braindead casuals

>> No.9673418 [DELETED] 


>> No.9673434

Still a mechanic in the game

>> No.9673440 [DELETED] 

>KOF and Alpha
Both dead

>> No.9673447 [DELETED] 

SFEX@+ mogs all of those

>> No.9673448 [DELETED] 

You're on a retro game board, friend.

>> No.9673454 [DELETED] 

SFEX isnt even a 3D game its a 2D game using 3D models, also its fucking shit and objectively worse than almost everything on that list.

>> No.9673457 [DELETED] 

>Tekken alive cause it's for casual kiddies who mash buttons
Ok? KOF and Alpha still shit on the newest iteration of your dogshit series. Imagine that, games from 30 years ago are vastly superior to your favorite gay game. Sad!

>> No.9673462 [DELETED] 

How much nostalgia flavored copium are you huffing? You're just as sad as the VF shills.

>> No.9673469 [DELETED] 

why are tekken fanboys like this?

>> No.9673470 [DELETED] 

>nostalgia as an insult
Back to /v/ homo. Go mash buttons over there with the other cocksuckers that play your gay game. Take the segafags with you

>> No.9673473 [DELETED] 

collective inferiority complex from years of playing the most simple low iq, low skill ceiling fighting game on the market while also getting cucked by SF and MK none stop.

>> No.9673475 [DELETED] 

why are mk fanboys like this?

>> No.9673479 [DELETED] 

But enough about VF shills

>> No.9673485 [DELETED] 
File: 2.23 MB, 256x239, 1675238576640797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SFEX isnt even a 3D game its a 2D game using 3D models

>> No.9673492 [DELETED] 

MK fanboys are generally chill and don't care about tribalism and game wars

>> No.9673502 [DELETED] 

are you seriously trying to imply akumas asura warp is a side step or something the whole cast can do, have you even played the shitty game you are trying to defend??????

>> No.9673507 [DELETED] 

I am replying to the retard who said that EX is a 2D game.

>> No.9673513 [DELETED] 

Tekken is just MK for weebs. MK is just Tekken for capefags. Both are shitty button mashers with zero skill involved.

>> No.9673515 [DELETED] 

EX is a 2D game, are you fucking retarded or is this bait? do you think SF4 is a 3D game too?

>> No.9673518 [DELETED] 

How many VF2 or Tekken 2 characters can sidestep?

>> No.9673519 [DELETED] 

MK also mogs tekken in sales every time which makes tekken faggots seethe uncontrollably since they like to bring up sales whenever anyone points out how shit its gameplay is.

>> No.9673523 [DELETED] 

Not him, but you need to separate gameplay from graphics. It plays like a 2D fighter that has 3D character models, not a 3d fighter. This should not be hard to understand...

>> No.9673524 [DELETED] 

Answer this then >>9673518

>> No.9673531 [DELETED] 

Smash mogs both which makes MK fags seethe because sales is the only thing that their casual button masher is known for.

>> No.9673534 [DELETED] 

So, why do you think it plays like a 2d fighter?

>> No.9673536 [DELETED] 

You can't sidestep in SF4, idiot

>> No.9673537 [DELETED] 

Smash mogs everyone. Kekken's "sales" were mostly pirated

>> No.9673541 [DELETED] 

But remember: it was some unrelated Smashfag whose game mogs absolutely everyone here orchestrating this game war lmfaoooooooo

>> No.9673542 [DELETED] 

You cant side step in SFEX, try playing games before you talk about them, you dumb fucking retard.

>> No.9673546 [DELETED] 

Found the seething tekkuck

>> No.9673549 [DELETED] 

Smashchads are too chill to console war with you tekkensisters and mkcucks.

>> No.9673554 [DELETED] 

See >>9673485 you blind retard. And then answer how many characters in VF2 and Tekken 2 can do the same.

>> No.9673559 [DELETED] 

I was calling this thread out for blaming Smashfags on the infighting they themselves cause

>> No.9673560 [DELETED] 

low effort bait, put some effort into it next time.

>> No.9673561 [DELETED] 

garbage thread please nuke

>> No.9673562 [DELETED] 

That... doesn't make any of them 3D

>> No.9673567 [DELETED] 

That's tekkenfags and mkfags

>> No.9673568 [DELETED] 

You mean, VF2 is not 3D?

>> No.9673572 [DELETED] 

That's everyone here who isn't a Smashchad
It's not even 2D. It's a fucking tech demo lmfaooooo

>> No.9673579 [DELETED] 

VF as amazing animations that don't need 2d explosion sprites to hide the shitty collisions. VF looks like a work of art next to Tekken.

>> No.9673585 [DELETED] 

>gets BTFOd
>"janny-sama... pls save me..."

>> No.9673590 [DELETED] 

I detect a hint of cope in this post

>> No.9673595 [DELETED] 

>amazing animations

>> No.9673603 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9673608
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this but BR2

>> No.9673621

>SF EX is not a 3D ga...

>> No.9673629

BR3 is better than BR2

>> No.9673631 [DELETED] 

Both are great. Seethe, Smashfag

>> No.9673637

I don't even play BR but I love how BRos are just vibin here.

>> No.9673664
File: 57 KB, 424x600, Princess Devilotte de Deathsatan IX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you playing
>are you learning a new character
No because I love hearing Devilotte go kyaa~ for her crush 63 y/o war veteran
Besides her mech is cool
>are you able to play it with other players? (not cpus)
No :(

>> No.9673668 [DELETED] 

Certainly not Tekken

>> No.9673674 [DELETED] 

tekken having shit animations doesn't magically make VF awful animations good, both are fucking terrible, both were made by the same people.

>> No.9673683

How does it feel to know there will never be a BR5?

>> No.9673689 [DELETED] 

Tekken 3 was praised by contemporary gaming press for its usage of mocap animation but you wasn't even born yet to know this.

>> No.9673695

You can play Cyberbots on fightcade with other people

>> No.9673697 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9673708 [DELETED] 

I know a couple of Russians that can do this if you give them a pint

>> No.9673710 [DELETED] 

>Posts lazy cashgrab T7
So, I was right about your age

>> No.9673723 [DELETED] 
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what du fuck

>> No.9673724 [DELETED] 

tekken 3 uses stock animations bought from a budget bundle, the same animations used in 1 and 2, and that was contined to be used all the way up to 7.

This is why you see many budget 3D fighters have the same animations as tekken. sometimes they will even have moves with the same animations before they even appeared in tekken

>> No.9673727 [DELETED] 

its literally the same animation used since T1, you brain-damaged retarded zoomer.

>> No.9673730 [DELETED] 
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>he doesn't know that Minoru Suzuki and Osami Shibuya were mocapped for Tekken 3
Why are smash fags like this?

>> No.9673735 [DELETED] 

tekken was always a lazy cash grab

>> No.9673739 [DELETED] 

What youtube video did you get this fanfiction from?

>> No.9673742 [DELETED] 

more games that use the same budget stock animations that tekken uses

>> No.9673743

I was thinking about local play with people I know
Playing with randoms over the net never interested me

>> No.9673747 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up

>> No.9673750 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9673797 [DELETED] 

tekken is the most shilled fighting game ever, they notoriously had one of the largest marketing campaigns of all time funded by sony. this is why casuals lap it up while serious fighting game players avoid it and play more competitive fighting games.

>> No.9673809 [DELETED] 

So much cope lmfaoooo
>while serious fighting game players avoid it and play more competitive fighting games.
Ah, like the party mashers and overrated Green Mario tech demos?

>> No.9673852
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The first 3 BRs are all top tier fighters

>> No.9673860

You're being ironic, right?

>> No.9673868

>that animation on the whiffed butt drop

>> No.9673870

This, the Bloody Roar games were far ahead of the curve back in the day, they still hold up really well even now.

>> No.9673896

The level of depth in the bloody roar games dwarfs any other 3D fighter, crazy to think just how advanced these games were back in the late 90's

>> No.9673902

BR is great but I can't forgive it for turning my friend into a furfag. If at least it was Alice he fapped to but nope it was the BOAR

>> No.9673915
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>> No.9673924

My mind always conflates bloody roar with that gay dinosaur fighter since I played them both at roughly the same time period

>> No.9673926 [DELETED] 

Sakurai even did a video about how this is "good". Did you see it?

>> No.9673935
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Everything about Bloody Roar was over the top and I fucking LOVE it, more 3D fighters need to branch out from generic/grounded martial arts, feels like 3D games have really stagnated, just look at the verity you get with 2D compared to 3D.

>> No.9673959

Fighters Megamix, it's VF2+Fighting Vipers+Crazy bonus characters+sidestep, it's amazing.

>> No.9673986

A game so "good" it's company died and it'll never get a fifth game

>> No.9673994 [DELETED] 

>fighting game with furries
I'm in

>> No.9673995 [DELETED] 

>tekken fanboy literally having a meltdown because people are enjoying games other than his rehashed cashgrab series
Ya love to see it.

>> No.9673997 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9674002 [DELETED] 

Japanese muscles, folded over a 1000 times

>> No.9674005 [DELETED] 

How does it feel knowing you will never get a BR5 or VF6?

>> No.9674027 [DELETED] 

VF6 is already in development.

>> No.9674030
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Is there a lot of sidestepping in 3D games?

>> No.9674038

I would love to learn to play MvC2, but there's like no info out there for new players on how to improve, neutral game, how/when to use assists, basic stuff like that. If you aren't already a master at that game you just won't get to play against another human, so I just have no idea how to get good.

>> No.9674039 [DELETED] 

its called the origami technicu

>> No.9674042

you learn by getting your ass whooped like the good ol days

>> No.9674046

I find in most 3D games it has very little use because they overcorrect with the counters. You gotta get real lucky not to get hit with a horizontal

>> No.9674049 [DELETED] 

You guys have been saying that for years. Expect little more than another VF5 rehash.

>> No.9674053
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Even the worst BR had some banger animations and great feedback

There are still online tournaments for the Xbox version of BRE

>> No.9674070 [DELETED] 

now this is cope lmao, how does it feel knowing people would rather play a 20 year old game over your rehashed cash grab?

>> No.9674071
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i will forever seethe over how crapcom turned blanka into a retarded joke character after sf2

>> No.9674089 [DELETED] 


>> No.9674124

I always thought BR was some shovelware shit back in the day and I tried 1 recently and oh my God it's amazing. Maybe other people thought the same? I played Primal Fury recently too and it's great.

Honestly, a BR Collection would probably be a big hit. Fuck, Breakers and Rumble Fish got people excited with those rereleases.

I fucking hate Konami. Fucking retard company.

>> No.9674182

>I fucking hate Konami.
What does Konami have to do with BR? It's a Hudson IP.

>> No.9674194

Konami absorbed all of Hudsons ip's

>> No.9674196

Whoa, when did that happen?

>> No.9674203

like over a decade ago

>> No.9674204

Well, that actually explains why there's no new BR then.

>> No.9674246 [DELETED] 

I accept your concession

>> No.9674326

I agree. One of the best fighting games on the Saturn.

>> No.9674361


How does Fighting Vipers compare to Fighters Megamix. I heard FM has FV characters, and always hear praise for FM, but rarely hear about FV.

>> No.9674362

>half comments gone
wtf happened?

>> No.9674613
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Pity. I like the idea of side-stepping or having the opponent constantly move to keep you in front. Otherwise what's the point of a 3rd dimension? Also 3D fighters don't seem to jump much.

Grrrr.. Blanka is a Darkstalkers character forced into SF. Haha.

>> No.9674721

Fighters Megamix is great, it has more fighters & features than Fighting Vipers. The only thing Fighting Vipers has over Fighters Megamix is Pesiman as a secret character in the Japanese version of the game. Other than that, Fighters Megamix is a much better game & has more variety.

>> No.9674723

I'm hoping a small scene for BR2 forms once PS1 support is added to Fightcade.

>> No.9674836

Just talk fighting games.

>> No.9675056
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You may enjoy Ehrgeiz if you like full 3D movement

>> No.9675086
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>Fighters Megamix is great, it has more fighters & features than Fighting Vipers. The only thing Fighting Vipers has over Fighters Megamix is Pesiman as a secret character in the Japanese version of the game. Other than that, Fighters Megamix is a much better game & has more variety.

Fighters MegaMix is running on a modified Fighting Viper game engine, so it plays a lot more like Fighting Vipers than it does Virtua Fighter. You can ignore the VF characters and play it like a Fighting Vipers game, as the armor and wall mechanics are still there. But Fighters Megamix also ads the VF2 roster with a partial VF3 moveset for each character. The game uses the VF3 sidestep mechanic. All hidden characters are AM2 created characters. the character Siba was going to be part of the original VF1 cast, but was cut from the game. there are characters from VF Kids, Janet from Virtua Cop 2, who plays like Aoi from VF3, the Daytona car, Bean and Bark from Sonic the Fighters. Fighters MegaMix was made exclusively for the Saturn, so there are no arcade versions of it. Nor was it ported anywhere else. Fighters Megamix feels like the leftovers from a bunch of other cancelled AM2 Saturn games. They were developing Sonic the Fighters for the Saturn, but that was cancelled. They were also developing Virtua Fighter 3 for the Saturn, and had working ports. But that was pushed to the DC. As for Fighting Vipers, I kinda like this series over VF in some ways. It's worth checking out the arcade or Saturn ports. Also, there is a Fighting Vipers 2 arcade game that was ported to the Dreamcast as well. Though FV2 never came out in NA, only Europe and Japan regions.

>> No.9675351
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>> No.9675359

>Nor was it ported anywhere else.

I say this, but I keep forgetting that there was a Game.COM port of Fighters MegaMix:

>> No.9675930

Tekken 3 sidesteps were perfect at both defensive and offensive. Later Tekken games with their huge ass hurtboxes ruined them to the point of being useless.

>> No.9675945

Luv me sum Goh, the best representation of judo in the history of gaming. It's funny how Tekken tried to copy him with Dragunov but failed miserable to capture what made his judo fun.

>> No.9675957

IMO the series peaked with T2 and T3. T4 was more experimental but got mogged by DoA3 and VF4 and since then Namco just kept rehashing T3, adding new moves and characters but dumbing down the gameplay further.

>> No.9675969

The stupider it gets, the more popular it gets

>> No.9675971

Many such cases

>> No.9675994

Goh is cool but I refuse to play VF4 Evo because they removed Pai's DDT move. The most badass move in VF4 especially wall run variant when used with opponent back against the wall.

>> No.9676665
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My brother is hooked on this one

>> No.9676693

>Spawn with no cape
>BUT with cape moves shit
You think they had it but couldn't get it working right so they cut it?

>> No.9676710

Gamecube version, I hear, is the best one. I'm still looking for it.

>> No.9676716

I thing you are right, they couldn't get the cape move right, so they were right removing the cape. My issue is:

>regular Spawn instead Medieval Spawn
for what purpose?

>> No.9676956

Now I have a reason to buy a Japanese Dreamcast because I would love to play FV2.

>> No.9676963

The Gamecube version is the only one worth getting physically, because digitally(XBLA and PSN) you can get Soul Calibur 2 with Spawn. But Link is exclusive to the Gamecube version.

>> No.9676976

Link is fucking gay. Nintendofags were a mistake.

>> No.9676984

Soul Calbur 2 HD is the best one since it has Heihachi and Spawn, sadly it never got a release on a Nintendo console so we never got a complete Soul Calibur 2.
People know who Spawn unlike Medieval Spawn.
In my opinion Fighting Viper 2 is a lackluster sequel, it's fine because it's basically still the first game but didn't do anything new and even removed the sidestep from Fighters Megamix, you can play it online through Fightcade though.

>> No.9677342

Played Tekken 7 until getting to top 500 in the world.

Played vf3 arcade

Animation, side step and response are light years ahead of any Tekken

Wish I was good enough to play vf. Vf3 feels timeless

>> No.9677372

>Wish I was good enough to play vf. Vf3 feels timeless

>> No.9677387

Unironically. There is a skill ceiling for vf that takes it to the next level.
Sadly I feel like vf needs a strong online community to git gud

I say this as someone who has no issue wave dashing, iWS and hitting electrics consistently (,don't even main Mishima's)

Also, the arcade stick for VF seems like a requirement rather than optional like it is on Tekken

>> No.9677421

zombie goth boy assassins (no homo).
i guess they really caught the zeitgheist when they presented that new archetype.
nigger VF3 has one too many buttons, i'd say its a worse cock up as a sequel than tekken 4.

>> No.9677434
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VF will never have a strong community. They're too busy reeeing over hot sparks in the new game .

>> No.9677449

*hit sparks

>> No.9677521

It will never have a strong community (outside of Japan) because Sega is run by alzheimers patients who couldn't market their way out of a wet paper bag

>> No.9678103

How can people play old FGs? They feel so janky

>> No.9678137
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you adapt to it

>> No.9678141

Which one are you trying anon?

>> No.9678150
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Bloody Roar: Primal Fury.

Yesterday I picked up pic related to change pace a bit and the dude is way better than what I recalled. Having good fun with him.

No I didn't play against someone's else on this game in years. Doesn't matter I can still progress by myself.

Who is this ?

>> No.9678452
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So who wants to play on fightcade? I'm doodoomonkey on there, hit me up if you ever see me hanging out in the kof 2002, samsho v special, or rival schools lobbies

>> No.9678938

Cool artwork. Looks like Terada's stuff.

>> No.9679003
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>> No.9679005
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It is. Terada did a whole comic for VF

>> No.9679040

>i'd say its a worse cock up as a sequel than tekken 4.
Funny because T4 tried to copy VF3 uneven ground mechanic. And VF3 a bad game just had too high skill entry level with the dodge button not only being a dodge but also a move modifier if paired up with a attack. It was just too much to expect from the average fighting enthusiast.

>> No.9679313
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>> No.9679335

They're not wrong about the average match being too short.

>> No.9679364

Anyway, VF4 is a better game

>> No.9679490

>Now I have a reason to buy a Japanese Dreamcast because I would love to play FV2.

The original Fighting Vipers did get more than one port, it was originally ported to the saturn. But there was a later Sega 2500 series PS2 release, that was closer to the arcade game, and Fighting Vipers ended up on XBLA and PSN too. But Fighting Vipers 2 was a Model 3 arcade game, originally and only ever saw a port to the Dreamcast. The port was only released in Pal and Japan territories. Same with Virtua Fighter 3. Was only ever ported to the Dreamcast with mixed results. Though, the Fighting Vipers 2 Dreamcast port is closer to the arcade game. The Dreamcast is stacked with fighting games, given how short it was out on the market. But sadly, the console didn't sell a lot of units, and some of the Model 3 fighting games never really got much exposure on home consoles outside of their Dreamcast releases. Virtua Fighter 3 wasn't as big of a hit as Tekken 3, because Tekken 3 just sold so many more copies on the PS1. Back in the day, Sega hyped the fuck out of VF3, for being the debut Model 3 arcade games. But ended up on the Dreamcast, and became one of the obscured entries in the series. VF2 has has been ported to the most platforms.


>> No.9679741

Ever heard of Toy Fighter? One of THE MOST slept on fighters ever.

It looks retarded. Generic Toy Story non trademarked toy characters that fight each other inside a hula hoop ring. But I swear to you it's fucking great.
Has the exact same fighting system as Fighters Destiny 1+2 on N64. Made by some of the same staff. They obviously moved onto create this. Was never ported to anything and I only came across it when I downloaded a Naomi romset out of curiosity.

Fucking good shit. Wacky zany shit. You can kick the ring if the opponent is being a pussy and backing away too much and it'll hit them and you an even jump up onto the ring and dive off it and shit for aerial attacks.

>> No.9680013
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>> No.9680635

the simply don't belong in VF and fortunately all the retro VF's don't have the gimmick.
yeah i agree 100%
the kwd autist can suck go suck lemons

>> No.9680843
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Dictator TOD
Crossup j.HK, s.LK, s.LK, cr.MK>MK Knee Press (Stun), Knee Press Nightmare Super, j.MP, j.MP.

>> No.9680940

Third Strike
Alpha 3
Guilty Gear +R

>> No.9681278


>> No.9681607

I thought he was praying originally

>> No.9681706
File: 434 KB, 1136x1553, last-bronx-sega-saturn-magazine-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparing Saturn versions, Last Bronx is so much better than Fighting Vipers.
Fighting Vipers has gouraud shading but the character models are very low res and pixelated and polygon z-fighting is very apparent. Last Bronx looks much cleaner and polished. Fighting Vipers sound is very low quality and muffled compared to Last Bronx. Gameplay wise they both are fine, but Last Bronx gimmick (weapons) makes more sense than Fighting Vipers one (breakable armor). Additionally, Last Bronx has better character designs. Overall I think it's the second best 3D fighting arcade-to-Saturn port behind Dead or Alive.

>> No.9682268
File: 1.08 MB, 2338x1700, Hobby Consolas 111 tiosinnombre.pdf-036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thinnk I played last bronx in some mame emulator or fpa emulator 10 years ago.

>> No.9682284
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>> No.9682845
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>> No.9682847
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>> No.9682850
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>> No.9682851
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>> No.9682856
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>> No.9684193
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Where's the N64 version

>> No.9684249
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Here you go champ.
(yes, these are your only options for fighting games on the N64)

>> No.9684943
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>> No.9684949

the n64 sucks why do you want them?

>> No.9686062

totally agree

>> No.9686872

Ultimate Ninja 3 was great. Fuck 4.

>> No.9687071

the game still has a pretty active community

>> No.9687147
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Nice one. champ.


>> No.9687439
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I wouldn't know. I only found one guy who played the original Bloody Roar.

For Primal Fury the only source I had was some guy on emulator. But like I said I play once in a while alone and still got a lot training to do so it's fine.

>> No.9688232

I only played the first one back in the 90s and bloody roar 2 demo a lot, with that wolf and rabbit characters

>> No.9688626

It's missing a lot of games, like Yū Yū Hakusho Forever, The Battle of Yū Yū Hakusho: Shitou! Ankoku Bujutsu Kai 120% Full Power, Simple 2000 Vol. 91: The All*Star Fighting Festival and Def Jam Fight for NY (and this one is not a wrestling game like the first Def Jam, but something new).

>> No.9689745
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Anyone interested in Tekken8?

>> No.9690301

>Yū Yū Hakusho Forever, The Battle of Yū Yū Hakusho: Shitou! Ankoku Bujutsu Kai 120% Full Power, Simple 2000 Vol. 91: The All*Star Fighting Festival
don't know abouth those
Are those also 3D fighters?

>> No.9690919
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>> No.9690920
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>> No.9690921

Not 100% sure. It looks ok, but it feels so... 1D. I'll just stick to the older games.

>> No.9690923
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>> No.9690925
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>> No.9690927
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