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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 349 KB, 1333x1054, Mighty Gazelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9668098 No.9668098 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being an overweight 37 year old autistic incel photographer who doesn't have much friends at your workplace. Your shitty job doesn't give you a really good pay, and live in a poverty 1 room appartment, alone. Your only refuge from this shitty life, as you are nearing 40 are video games, racing simulators, where you casually interact with people online and have couple "friends" you don't really know how they look like because you only talk to them online. You are a kind guy, but misunderstood by the rest of the world, which makes you in real life isolated, while online popular.
Eventually your obsession with cars become too strong that you decide to make it a reality and participate in professional racing Grand-Prix. So you register for the F-ZERO Grand-Prix, in hope for recognition and a better life overall, cause the reward for F-ZERO Grand-Prix is pretty good. announce your online friends you'll attend the F-ZERO Grand-prix, they are hyped about it and see you at the race from the Stands.
The race starts, your gaming skills make you go far in the race, until some asshole bumps your machine violently and crash against a wall barrier and your machine explodes. You are left almost dead.
So a company, Cyber Stick, inc. gives you another chance in life, and rebuilds your entire body and give you a new machine, the Red Gazelle.
You want to race again, in the X Grand-Prix, but your friends you met online are scared that you might die, and already have accepted you as a Cyborg. But you do it anyway. You take part in the X Grand-Prix... and this time... Win. Your friends are happy, having tear of joy that you made the impossible and took revenge in life.

Winning has never you feel so Alive.

>> No.9668105

I'm not gonna read that shit

>> No.9668110

>using incel
Subhuman faggot, stopped reading right there

>> No.9668176
File: 260 KB, 524x414, 00122342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i wasn't so bad at F zero, they are really fun games

>> No.9668295

It's nuts F-Zero is such a forgotten franchise today. Donkey Kong, Wario, and F-Zero did so much of the heavy lifting for me back in the day.

>> No.9669338

Clinton had a hard life...

>> No.9669441
File: 186 KB, 1000x1000, CEO of Zoomer Inc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nu Mario Kart stole everything from F Zero. Karts are now antigravity, gliding machines that run upside down through twisty, vertical roads and loop de loops. The courses look more like the F Zero X courses than the ones in Mario Kart 64.
So why would they make the same game a second time, with characters that nobody cares about, when Mario kart prints money?

>> No.9669452

Promote this man to Junior Vice President.

>> No.9669487
File: 163 KB, 640x480, fzerox-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool thread.

>> No.9671137

fuck mario shart desu

>> No.9671587

Still trying to beat the fist cup in intense btw

>> No.9672467

You make his backstory sound so overdramatic lol

>> No.9673412

It gets worse, the rumored next game is gonna transform the game into Nintendo Kart

>> No.9674064

This post is an insult to Mighty Gazelle holy shit

>> No.9674181 [DELETED] 

>Mighty Gazelle's story: Netflix adapation

>> No.9674197

>Mighty Gazelle's story: Netflix adaptation