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9667442 No.9667442 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is your favorite?
Which one are you playing now?
Which one is underrated?

>> No.9667486
File: 26 KB, 673x488, 1676230779419252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which one is your favorite?
Red Alert 2
>Which one are you playing now?
Tiberian sun
>Which one is underrated?
Ground Control 1

>> No.9667582

Red Alert Retaliation on ps1


>> No.9667810

Tiberian Sun is pretty much underrated as well.

>> No.9667818
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It's great

>> No.9667852
File: 66 KB, 636x434, ra-concept17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which one is your favorite?
1. Starcraft + Brood War version 1.16.1
2. Red Alert + Counterstrike + Aftermath for DOS
3. Tiberian Sun without Firestorm. Fuck Firestorm
>Which one are you playing now?
Dawn of War Winter Assault
>Which one is underrated?
Dune 2 for Sega Genesis

>> No.9667871

>Which one is underrated?
I recommend you all go and get and enjoy EAs emperor battle for dune actually a fantastic RTS lost in time. Even the graphics hold up and it was quite bug free as well.

Dune 2000 (the original)
Warzone 2100 on the PS1
Warcraft Orcs and Humans which made it by having a freeware version with a couple of levels given away with early creative labs sound card and CD player box sets
warcraft 2
All the close combats but especially a bridge two far
Shogun Total War (the one that made them famous)
Here's a rarity for you, warhammer shadow of the horned rat on Ps1
In fact the later warhammer 40,000 RTSs were all dependably good on the PC
Then we have Imperial Glory on the PC, Axis and Allies, I was never a fan of it but Age of Empires I/II, Cossacks Ah just remembered Total Annihilation Kingdoms which was a cracking game, what else, the sudden strikes, the settlers. If you want to go older vulcan and of course lords of midnight on the spectrum. nearly forgot star wars empire at war (buggy but fun), then red alert, starcraft etc etc and warcraft three (which I never liked as much as 2)
(Don't be mean I have DID and am rarely allowed be here)

There are no more good single player RTSs and gaming is shit now.

>> No.9667884

>star wars empire at war
Totally forgot something really underrated - Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds.

>> No.9667890

>>Which one is underrated?
Probably the most underrated is Emperor Battle for Dune which is a worth successor to the original westwood Dune which started the harvester meme that C&D stole.

My favourite is probably Warcraft one or 2 probably 2 on a LAN it was fantastic
>Which one are you playing now?
I am playing my own one which is based on warring matter there is matter and anti matter and both may be converted into energy and both are sentient both can spawn civilisations as units and those civilisations can have technology trees. They come into conflict both as a unit based isometric ground war and a graphical representation of Sheldon's game (I don't have ot6her space combat. The whole which is a mess that only I can make run and only runs on an AMD K7 233 cluster but I do have a genuine deep learning AI on it and it can express itself by playing the game with me. It even taught itself chess and you can play chess in the game instead of an RTS battle. I wish I knew more about linguistics and help it speak

>> No.9667895

YES MY L;ORD...ENGAGE CHARGE... best thing about tha but go play this now if you never have and you like RTS, its great


>> No.9667904

>Sheldon's game
Hari Seldon is a fictional character in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series. In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University on the planet Trantor, Seldon develops psychohistory, an algorithmic science that allows him to predict the future in probabilistic terms. On the basis of his psychohistory he is able to predict the eventual fall of the Galactic Empire and to develop a means to shorten the millennia of chaos to follow. The significance of his discoveries lies behind his nickname "Raven" Seldon.

In the first five books of the Foundation series, Hari Seldon made only one in-the-flesh appearance, in the first part of the first book (Foundation), although he did appear at other times in pre-recorded messages to reveal a "Seldon Crisis". After writing five books in chronological order, Asimov retroactively added two books to expand on the genesis of psychohistory. The two prequels—Prelude to Foundation and Forward the Foundation—describe Seldon's life in considerable detail. He is also the central character of the Second Foundation Trilogy written after Asimov's death (Foundation's Fear by Gregory Benford, Foundation and Chaos by Greg Bear, and Foundation's Triumph by David Brin), which are set after Asimov's two prequels.

>> No.9667916

I am going to have food now. I have to go as I cannot cook so someone else is in charge. We are having garlic hicken kiev and creamy cauliflower but I nam sad as I may not get to say hello again for months :( Bye

>> No.9667947

My favorite: Lords of the realm 2. I know, it's not a total RTS, but it mixes in the elements during battle.
Playing right now: just finished wc3 ROC and TFT. Great games still and waaaay better than reforged.
I love the Original CnC. The sound track, the huge tank battles, the almost future tech, the alternate history, and a great villain. It has a lot of hooks to really get you going if you like a decent story. The campaign is basic, but man, compared to what was out there at the time, this game ruled.

>> No.9667983

praying these guys give the remaster treatment to TS, RA2, and generals. I'm replaying RA2 right now on an old thinkpad, it's great.

>> No.9668085

red alert 2 is the best one

>> No.9668149 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 4096x1889, Titans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which one is your favorite?
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 or Generals [/spoilers]
>Which one are you playing now?
Tiberian Sun with the Warzone mod
>Which one is underrated?
I can't name one off the top of my head but I'll say Act of War only because I don't see many mods for it.

>> No.9668154 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 4096x1889, Titans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which one is your favorite?
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 [spoilers] or Generals [/spoilers]
>Which one are you playing now?
Tiberian Sun with the Warzone mod
>Which one is underrated?
I can't name one off the top of my head but I'll say Act of War only because I don't see many mods for it.

>> No.9668168
File: 1.23 MB, 4096x1889, Titans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which one is your favorite?
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 or Generals
>Which one are you playing now?
Tiberian Sun with the Warzone mod
>Which one is underrated?
I can't name one off the top of my head but I'll say Act of War only because I don't see many mods for it.

>> No.9668179

I never really liked Red Alert games.

C&C had a nice near-future ongoing-apocalypse vibe and were more or less played straight with a bit of camp, but Red Alert games were full on camp and the cutscenes started to look like porn parody videos after a while. I don't know, just didn't like the vibe. Felt like a joke at that point.

>> No.9668209
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That might just be because Red Alert was originally supposed to be a prequel to Tiberian Dawn with stuff like GDI formation being hinted at in the Allied campaign and Kane's presence in the Soviet one and probably didn't need a sequel. I love Red Alert 2 but now I don't know if it was really right that they tried making it canon in the Tiberian timeline despite potentially cool ideas like Yuri being an acolyte of Kane or Renegade 2's scavengers.

>> No.9668251

dune 2 is still the first and only RTS I've really played. I was crazy over it but I also got into a lot of other genres afterwards, and never returned to it. I don't think syndicate counts but I've done a lot of that one as well. I really don't have a big preference over RTS or turn based war games, yet I have a catalogue of both which I want to get to.

>> No.9668259


If I were you I'd play Warcraft 2, C&C and then Starcraft and at that point you can pretty much stop.

>> No.9668483
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>> No.9668621

>dune 2 is still the first and only RTS I've really played
>I really don't have a big preference over RTS
see >>9668259. Play C&C, should be sort of similar to Dune 2, then Warcraft 2 and Starcraft. I think Tiberian Sun is worth checking out as well, I'd probably put it between WC2 and SC for variety's sake.
I suck ass at RTS but those games are worth checking out. Personally, I don't think you need to finish WC2 if it gets old; the campaign is quite repetitive. You don't need to play the original Warcraft: the interface and mechanics are iffy and the story is extremely simple. Just skim the WC2 manual first.

>> No.9668735

>Red Alert games were full on camp and the cutscenes started to look like porn parody
Why didn't you try the first RA then?

>> No.9668992
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Came to post this one

>> No.9669176

Total Annihilation

>> No.9669189

Been playing C&C remastered here and there, Nod compaign. So many missions feel like absolute trial and error bullshit.

>> No.9669250

>C&C remastered
A classic soul/soulless example

>> No.9669267 [DELETED] 

those sound pretty good. and youre right, sometimes you dont need to finish the game to get something out of it. it all depends. thanks

>> No.9669271

those sound pretty good. and youre right, sometimes you dont need to finish the game to get something out of it. it all depends. thanks

>> No.9670341

For an AoE reskin, this game was really good fun. Some of the flying ship and mech animations are weird and look very disproportionate at times. Campaigns felt generic once you completed one or two of them, but that was always AoE anyway. Republic was the best faction.

>> No.9670425

The ones without bases are sort of trial and error, that's true. You have to save often. I actually don't think the C&C campaigns are very good, just the music and the mood of the setting.
Is it really? I haven't played it, but it seemed ideal. Graphics swap-out, but with remastered music added, no significant changes besides QoL things and modernized multiplayer connectivity. What did they change to lose soul?
Yeah, the WC2 campaign has some good missions and great music, but the gameplay variety is rather low. In particular, it adds naval combat, but it's extremely shallow (pun intended), and makes a lot of missions follow a particular path of:
1) take over your starting land mass and build a base
2) fight to establish a starting point in the ocean and get access to an oil resource, so you can start making a navy
3) clear the ocean so you can safely transport units to the next landmass and stop the enemy from dropping troops on yours
4) rinse and repeat
In practice it slows down the mission progression a lot, and not in a varied or interesting way. It just takes time to accrue oil and build up a fleet over and over, just for the sake of moving units to another island. The later missions (until the expansion, from what I hear) don't significantly change anything up, and the story is basic enough that you aren't missing any gripping scenes or characters. Obviously if you really enjoy it, stick with it, but if you feel like you've had your fill, move on to Tiberian Sun. Also, the Alliance/Horde factions are about 90% copy/pasted units, so there isn't any strong difference between the two campaigns either.

>> No.9670445

>there isn't any strong difference between the two campaigns either
Besides the music, I should have said. Different music between the two campaigns, worth noting because it's one of the best parts of the game. But you can just listen to the music from the other campaign outside of the game once you've done the first.

>> No.9670525

Bullshit, the remaster is great and the resolution update alone makes it worthwhile.

I have been meaning to play Total Annihilation for almost ten years and never have.

>> No.9670528

Starcraft unit selection limits ruin the game, fight me boomers.

>> No.9670596

How so?

>> No.9670649
File: 14 KB, 220x265, Homeworld_(vidghjeo_game)_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a soft spot for Homeworld. It really felt like something different in 1999.

>> No.9670793

How does it play? Full 3D?

>> No.9670804

It's miles better than faggot-ass open RA with their retarded owners forcing retarded unit balancing on everyone.

>> No.9670815
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>hardware accelerated Tiberian Sun
>never ever

>> No.9670832
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I hate remastered sprites. Too shiny and overdetailed.

>> No.9670876

Tiberian Sun

>> No.9671998
File: 254 KB, 1200x1553, Battlerealms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love Battle Realms, it's got several features that i think are lovely.
>You don't need to think too much about the economy, needing peasants for soldies and the rice growing as you harvest means that just having 5 niggas on the paddy works nice, and you can focus on the battles, not much pressure to expand.
>Peasant generation rate slows as the population approaches the limit, this mean that a recently wiped army has it easier coming back
>Explosive damage can gib enemies
>Units are very unique with different damage types, damage resistances to these types, innate abilities such as the spearman ignoring height or the powder keg cannoner spreading salt, and the cool as fuck battle gear abilities which changes how the whole unit works
>Units instead of having a fixed dps have a variety of attacks with distinct animations and different damage values
>Micro focus, encounters can still end in disaster despite having the bigger blob.
>4 incredibly different factions both in theme, aesthetics and gameplay

>> No.9672149

The graphics in Red Alert actually look worse than the original, despite coming out after. Is it the snow?

>> No.9672172
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>> No.9672186

I'd never heard of it and just watched some gameplay. Seems neat; although the base management part looked very slow and boring.
>slows as the population approaches the limit
This is a good idea that more games should use.

>> No.9672941

>Also, the Alliance/Horde factions are about 90% copy/pasted units, so there isn't any strong difference between the two campaigns either.
thats good to know

>> No.9673325

> The later missions (until the expansion)
Beyond the Dark Portal is almost a different game. It’s the same basic play, but you need a lot better strategies to win each mission, and the AI is noticeably harder/smarter. People get lulled into complacency because, like you said, the base game does not vary too much from a set formula. Then they get filtered hard by btdp.

>> No.9673329

Same thing with Brood War vs base Starcraft

>> No.9673364

I wish there was a native port of Starcraft for Linux.

>> No.9673731

It must have some of the best support on Linux though, right? It's one of the most popular games ever, especially among people into computers. Wine should be able to handle it readily, I would think. It's not like it doesn't take a fair amount of work to get functioning correctly on Windows either; I remember having to find some third party patches even on Windows 7.
I think it's a shame Blizzard always makes 80% of their base campaigns near-tutorial level in difficulty. On the other hand, it probably helps with their popularity, since Valve-tester-tier players (majority of the population) actually have a chance at finishing the game and then go talk about it online.

>> No.9673760

Starcraft: Brood War because I'm a normie
>Playing now
Dominions, Storm over Gate 3
Dark Reign. It got a sequel, but the first is still pretty great.

>> No.9673850

I only liked C&C 1, just the right amount of detail and complexity

>> No.9673905

Switching between groups of 12 units with key bindings turns the game into a typing simulator

>> No.9674542
File: 632 KB, 1280x720, Emergency 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the Emergency Series? i wish it was more indepth and tactical and less like a puzzle game, pretty graphics tho.

A lot of time i'm wishing i was the one causing the emergencies.

>> No.9674609

>but Red Alert games were full on camp
Only RA3. Red Alert 1 treats it like a semi-real Soviet vs Allies scenario, and the whole point of RA2 is ridiculous things are happening but everyone is treating it with complete seriousness.

>> No.9674629

Unironically looks better in motion but even that aside, if you have enough time to actually look at your base and notice details like that, you're playing like shit. What's your APM?

>> No.9674636
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Still the uncontested peak of Westwood games in terms of gameplay and balancing. It also just barely falls under retro.

>> No.9674958

What a low test answer

>> No.9675063

You're the kind of person who never tried to play RA2 in multiplayer and still think the gameplay balance is great, aren't you?

>> No.9675374

No soul. It's so balanced it's feels like a starcraft reskin.

>> No.9675423

you sound like my autistic friend who will change the subject until he finds something he is right about or can "own" you with

>> No.9676016

SWBG widescreen?

>> No.9676020
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>> No.9676027

>which one is your favorite
Command & Conquer Red Alert 2

>Which one are you playing now?
C&C Tiberian Sun

>Which one is underrated?
Myth 2 : Soulblighter

>> No.9676172

isnt this 3d diablo?

>> No.9676273

i only ever played warcraft 2 with the 'onscreen' cheat because i got too frazzled not being able to see the map

>> No.9676293

>Myth 2 : Soulblighter
It's not RTS. You don't "build" anything and/or manage resources in the Myth series.

>> No.9676349
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It's real time and strategy.
But okay, maybe for the purposes of this thread it is not what was meant.

Substituting my response with BattleZone.

This looks fucking sick. I remember drooling for this in gaming magazines.

Yeah, the remastered sprites are dogwater. However, you can (and I did) use the original graphics.

>> No.9676358

Well it's true, if you're sticking too long to somewhere on screen, you're going to lose. Much like fighting games, ultimately RTS are about competition and people who harp on about aesthetics are usually just casuals or fotm players. Uniornically what's the point of playing this genre if it's not to win?

It's much better balanced than Starcraft, assuming you mean SC1.

>> No.9676375

i hate what rebellion and the own Battlezone community did to the game

>> No.9676556

Beyond the Dark Portal is a way bigger jump in difficulty than Brood War imo. If you play the base SC campaign and go straight into BW the opening missions are about as hard as the ones towards the end of the Protoss campaign. They are definitely designed for people who beat the base campaign but doable.

BtDP is like getting jumped in a fucking alleyway with how much harder it is. Beyond the improved AI / scripting the mission parameters themselves also tended to be pretty rough. Some missions it's possible to resource starve yourself if you waste too many units without making progress and all of the "keep heroes alive" Orc missions were balls because you had no way to heal them. If Cho'Gall gets caught in a blizzard you had better keep his ass at the edge of the map or restart because he's going to be at 8% health until the map ends.

>> No.9676625
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>Republic was the best faction.
Then we are enemies

>> No.9677984

SC1 has a ton of soul though. Something that all its clones are missing.

>> No.9678191

I don't remember there being any base building in Diablo.

>> No.9678230

>can't concentrate on playing the game while he's appreciating the graphics
git gud

>> No.9678278
File: 50 KB, 404x500, 51322BW45GL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one a lot, there used to be some good threads for it around 2018 or so. what i like about the game is there seems to be a lot of hidden depth to it. for example i beat the game and didnt know how defense relays gave your structures a massive defense buff, or that your builder units can convert an enemy structure into resources for yourself if you protect it.

>> No.9678283

never played or heard of this but something about this screenshot makes the game look magical and fun. not sure how these old games did it with so little.

>> No.9679881

Anybody remember tzar, burden of the crown? Got it as a demo from a game magazine and played it over and over until I bought a copy from Babbage's in the mall.
You could level up individual units by collecting power ups on the map and training on dummies. Shit was cash.

>> No.9679921

I love that game, i remember the campaign being ballbusting hard.

The cashest thing was picking the arabs, building a mosque then making a shitload of peasants to turn into jihad warriors.

Do you know what are the differences between the gog and the FX version(the gold edition)? aside from the campaigns of course, i heard that the FX version is greatly improved.

>> No.9680051

I don't remember, but I just torrented the gog version and it's pretty much what I remember I had back in 1999 or whatever.

>> No.9680154

What's the RTS where you can just field massive, retardedly big armies?

>> No.9680212


>> No.9681472

>I hate remastered sprites. Too shiny and overdetailed.
You can turn them off on the fly with a button press.

>> No.9681523

What's the point playing the remaster then? Ugly ai-upscaled cutscenes?