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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.65 MB, 800x450, oot3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9665392 No.9665392 [Reply] [Original]

go on purists, tell me this doesn't look fucking fantastic

>> No.9665395

I prefer 4:3

>> No.9665407

that is also an option

>> No.9665429

The cleanliness of it is nice, but that creates a harsher clash between the blocky, simplistic geometry that the original doesn't have and therefore you are gay and this doesn't look better. Maybe worth a playthrough, but I could see it becoming more annoying towards the end.

>> No.9665430

All the forest shit in OOT looks amazing even today.

>> No.9665434

This looks like sped-up footage. And I was playing OoT a hour ago.

>> No.9665443

It does. N64 at its best was literally early PS2 tier

>> No.9665456
File: 1.59 MB, 4032x3024, image5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too fluid, doesn't go well with the early 3D aesthetics

Literally just stop being a zoomer and play the game as intended. It's soul

>> No.9665480

I just tried to get the Ship of Harkinian port running, but it crashed as soon as I left Link's house. Also the menu bar was ridiculously tiny. Not sure why, maybe my rom file is incorrect? Used Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (Europe) (Debug) (GameCube).z64. The Read Me said Ocarina of Time Debug PAL GC MQ should work.

>> No.9665486

I've had no problems with this


>> No.9665489
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, virtua cop2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the early 3D aesthetics
there were many "fluid" 3D games during this time period, just because none of them were on N64 doesn't mean they don't count or never existed.

>> No.9665528

I am starting the game again this month and I look forward to getting further ahead but I have to say I'm feeling again the reason i dropped it in 99 - the start area forest is so fucking ugly and drab with its puke green color like some 1970s decor, it makes me feel sick. It's probably meant to look bad to do a contrast at the threshold of the big world you open out into but fuck, you can't say all the forests in it look good

>> No.9665559

>6 seconds before you can hit them

>> No.9665569

I hate this faggot-ass 'everything has to be 60FPS' trend. Looks so fucking floaty and terrible. Consolewar Fags truly have killed gaming.

>> No.9665579

Yuck, gives me motion sickness.

>> No.9665581

the cool dithering is gone, and the FPS is too high. looks bad.

>> No.9665586
File: 24 KB, 500x500, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we have the directors of "cinematic" games.

>> No.9665605

>graphicsfagging with a rail shooter
Leave it to Sega fags. And this doesn't look remotely as fluid as what OP posted and that's because the """PC port""" of OoT is some Frankenstein shit where they inject botox into its framerate

>> No.9665627

I think it doesn’t look right without smeary ass filters played on 480i CRT. The game is supposed to be ugly like a dream

>> No.9665641

I'm playing in 240 fps, actually.

>> No.9665643

>"""PC port"""
It IS a complete disassembly and port to PC, why the quotation marks?

>where they inject botox into its framerate

>> No.9665647

>And this doesn't look remotely as fluid as what OP posted
Still 15fps faster than how OoT ran on N64; that was my point.

>> No.9665669

>Consolewar Fags
No one but consolefags gets angry over this though. You don't see PC chads crying someone decided to play Quake above 20fps.

>> No.9665693

Im not one thats a framerate autist. Really Im not. And the slowdown when youre on that viking ship in shadow temple has frames dip down into like the low teens, which irks the crap out of me

but something feels off about 60 FPS

>> No.9665708

Excuse you…. “Playing In 240p” or “playing at 240 fps”??

>> No.9665725

It technically is; there's fanmade PC ports that run at 60 FPS.

>> No.9665728

looks fine

>> No.9665736

looks bad

>> No.9665758

It's literally no real 60 frames

>> No.9665784

it literally is

>> No.9665792

Yeah, what how about the music?

What's the music that plays in that temple?

>> No.9665845
File: 790 KB, 1280x720, youtu.be-QAcpibLzm4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't look fucking fantastic.

>> No.9665878

why do all the "remastered" games have backgrounds that look like shit like this. can't they just upscale them? aren't they just jpegs?

>> No.9665881

How the fuck do you make "fake" 60 fps?

>> No.9665885

>texture mod
That's where you went too far

>> No.9665891

Why does Halo 1 running at 144fps through MCC look normal and natural but shit like OOT and Mario 64 look sped up and bizarre. Same with other pc games like Thief, Deus Ex, Quake etc

>> No.9665892

>Same with other pc games like Thief, Deus Ex, Quake etc

By that I mean, those games look natural at high frame-rates like above 60.

>> No.9665906

Honestly I'm not sure if there's a good way to approach the prerendered rooms.

>> No.9665916

Pretty much every game after the PS1 era I boost up to 4k and antialias the fuck out of it, it looks great 100% of the time and jaggies and I don't really go together very well. Though, I play PS1 games at native res because that was an era that benefitted from software rendering, same with Quake, I use the most vanilla renderer for that game. I don't use any mods that add textures or change the lighting, either.

>> No.9665947

Because OoT is obviously exposed as being a slow clunky game with a bad camera if you remove the filter of it being old. PC games don't have this problem because they have much more memory and technical prowess. And they can't have a bad camera because it's first-person.

>> No.9665957

Using AI upscaling would hurt their Japanese pride, so they just let it look like shit, even though we know you can just take the crusty backgrounds and make them HD using that method, because the Resident Evil 2 and 3 HD mods exist and they look perfect in Dolphin.

>> No.9665969

>on a goddamn AIDS-ass early flat panel
discarded opinion

>> No.9665976

Because Halo 1 is a 2002 PC game

>> No.9665993

I tried it months ago... Spin slash and certain other animations are only 15 frames, and in-game cutscene stuff is broken. Like when you wake Malon up in Hyrule castle and he runs away he takes the corner too soon and falls into the moat.

>> No.9665998

*this was with 60fps, they may have fixed it since then

>> No.9666031

Yep, don't fall for Discord advertisement campaigns

Just emulate the original, which works almost flawlessly now, or play it on original hardware which feels unironically just right

>> No.9666053

Does the PC port have an option to make the combat not a boring slog?

>> No.9666059

im pretty sure that's what happens in this port (not gonna look it up tho dont care lol) but it's how doom source ports get higher than 35/70 fps. things just look like its a higher frame rate, but the in-engine rendering rate hasn't changed.

>> No.9666101

For cinematics 30 fps is better but for gameplay higher is always better.

>> No.9666120 [DELETED] 

werks on my machine

>> No.9666124

NOPE. It was so jarring in Dragon Age: Inquisition every time the dialogue scenes would pull down the framerate. Fuck that mixed solution

>> No.9666126
File: 2.98 MB, 800x450, oot4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

werks on my machine

>> No.9666128
File: 2.98 MB, 800x450, oot5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spin slash and certain other animations are only 15 frames
>and in-game cutscene stuff is broken. Like when you wake Malon up in Hyrule castle and he runs away he takes the corner too soon and falls into the moat.

>> No.9666154

It looks good.

>> No.9666158

AI upscaling when?

>> No.9666162


>> No.9666192

The big problem is the animations weren't designed to handle a higher frame rate. If it doesn't bother you then have fun but to everyone else it looks bad. I'm not defending the game having a low frame rate but nintendo did design around that and made it look as good as they could. You can't just throw more frames in and make it better.

>> No.9666259

You can >>9666128

>> No.9666301
File: 3.00 MB, 800x450, m64pc.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PC port of Mario 64 has optional upscaled textures.

>> No.9666306

Based and true. Love me some Dark Cloud but it tries a lot of OoT things and fails. Still a lovely game.

>> No.9666307

Better than the original.

One of my biggest problems with OoT is how slow it is (and it's not just me, egoraptor talks about the same thing). Slow adventure games are just a chore.

This makes it much faster and nicer. I'd give it a try

>> No.9666313

This looks better than the original too.

I hated the PS1/N64 gen, bc the graphics were so unappealing and ugly. SNES was beautiful and still looks beautiful today. This, however, hasn't aged well.

The higher frame rate makes it a bit more appealing and easier to swallow

>> No.9666318

Someone post a link to download the port.

>> No.9666321

it's been out for years, you can probably find it easily enough with google

>> No.9666325

Oot is the best game ever

>> No.9666326

Not even the best zelda game, or the best game of that year, or the best game on N64, or the best Zelda game on N64

in short get some taste

>> No.9666328

The reviews backs my claims

>> No.9666331

What is it with Nintendo fans and immediately invoking reviewers opinion whenever anyone criticizes a Nintendo game?

>> No.9666335
File: 3.00 MB, 800x720, oot6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't see how anyone can deny this is the definitive way to play OoT in 2023. Even has rumble support. All the enhancements are optional too, so if you want to play this game at 20 fps in 240p you're free to do so.

>> No.9666338

these are tendie nostalgiafags you’re dealing with, they aren’t rational creatures

>> No.9666354

OoT is so goated, doesn't matter how you play it

>> No.9666364

This is so unnecessary. Who really needs all this? It's too much. The gameplay is the same anyway. Just get a cartridge and play the damn game as it was on release.

>> No.9666371

>60fps and proper right analog stick support is "too much"
christ I fucking hate tendies

>> No.9666374

Plays fine as it is

>> No.9666375

No it doesn't

>> No.9666380

Not him, but yeah. OoT is perfectly playable as is.
Though all that nice new shit those wild PC ports is appreciated, I'm hoping we see custom quests taking advantage of the decompiled games.
If we had something like Zelda Classic but for Ocarina of Time, I'd lose my shit.

>> No.9666384

Why settle for this when we can now do better? The ONLY reason is nostalgia. I'm not nostalgic for OoT so I don't give a shit.

>> No.9666385

You're so cool bro!

>> No.9666389

I'm really interested in trying this. Zelda has never worked for me, but maybe this will do it. These slight adjustments can make all the difference

>> No.9666392

>No Forced Navi
BASED modders

>> No.9666404

>proper right analog stick support
Oh I would rather light my hands on fire than play a N64 game with anything besides a real N64 controller. How old are you?

>> No.9666405

>How old are you?
22. The N64 controller sucks balls btw.

>> No.9666407

N64 is one of the worst controllers in the history of videogaming

>> No.9666408

Still no Android support for the Ship of Harkinian?

>> No.9666409

It sucked back then too, btw

>> No.9666410

>to everyone else
>as if autistic muh grafix faggots have ever been in the majority
Go suck on a speeding car, faggot.

>> No.9666424
File: 968 KB, 1280x800, Thanks for betatesting fags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9666427


>> No.9666429


>> No.9666431

I have no idea what a single one of these fixes does.

>> No.9666434

You get some helpful tooltips on hovering each item with the mouse.

>> No.9666436

I'm sure, but what I'm saying is they don't address any issue I actually had with the game.

>> No.9666439

Is this based on the N64 rom or the Gamecube port? Does it have the N64 1.0 and 1.1 content like the muslim chanting?

>> No.9666440

From the FAQ:
>Ocarina of Time Debug PAL GC (not Master Quest)
>Ocarina of Time PAL GameCube
>Ocarina of Time Debug PAL GC MQ (Dungeons will be Master Quest)

>> No.9666448

I generally defend emulation/pc general stuff which improves upon the original (love RE2/RE3 HD for example), but is this sped up or something? or just the result of >= 60 fps? this looks fucked

>> No.9666478

For the amount of people that consider OoT a masterpiece, it's interesting to see how very few actually did something with the decomp. Only this autismo shipwreck thing is available.

>> No.9666485

How do you setup free camera?

>> No.9666493

Squeenix used AI shit for chrono cross and it looks even worse

>> No.9666520

>but is this sped up or something?

>this looks fucked
youre used to seeing it run at 20fps.

>> No.9666525

Because the appreciation for OoT also comes from deep reverence for it and the memories. Much less inhibition with a pure fun-based sandbox game like Mario 64 that wasn't nearly as perfect and polished

>> No.9666527

It's just not that great. The polygon count is low so high res just makes it look weird.

>> No.9666540

Wow, hard to believe that a bunch of dorks with no aesthetic sense made something designed by a full team of artists and programmers look worse by blindly upping numbers and upscaling things.

>> No.9666546

It drives me fucking crazy, it's like they enjoy showing it off

>> No.9666556

20 fps will never be a feature, please drop this tired cope already.

>> No.9666560

It's not a feature, it's the speed they designed the game to look good at. You don't make something better just by increasing numbers, it would take actual creative work.

>> No.9666562

it's the threshold they set so the FPS would be consistent. it wasn't an "artistic choice" you fucking autist.

>> No.9666572

Frame rate too high feels like im on drugs

>> No.9666574

Okay. I don't know how to explain what I'm saying in a simpler way, so I'm just going to give up on you.

>> No.9666575

I don’t like this at all, but if it gets you to play FUCKING video games I won’t complain.

>> No.9666576

I understand what you're trying to say, your point is just retarded

>> No.9666589

>I understand what you're trying to say
You don't.

>> No.9666598

>you disagree with me therefore you didn't understand
classic autist logic

>> No.9666639


>> No.9666641

Looks great. Trash collectors gonna seethe though. What specs do you need to run it? Gave my little brother a cheap blue ocarina I'd picked up somewhere years ago and now he wants to play OoT

>> No.9666652

Then why the fuck would it matter? Jesus, dost thy cope knoweth no bounds?

>> No.9666662

It's interesting how different the communities are, aside from shit like randomizers basically all the modding is QOL-based. Definitely hoping to see more creative endeavors with OOT mods in future though, a few more fun side quests would be very welcome. Could make the world feel as lively as MM.

>> No.9666724 [DELETED] 

>dost thy cope
*doth they cope

>> No.9666730

I hope some autist is able to take the OOT decompilation and make it run on a stock N64 at 30fps rather than 20fps

>> No.9666734

I wont, it really does

>> No.9666745

>dost thy cope knoweth
*doth thy cope know or knoweth thy cope

>> No.9666746
File: 52 KB, 315x342, You've got to be kidding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible, a 100 posts long thread full of trolling contrarians trying to defend this dogshit looking frankenstein

>> No.9666748

T. Seething plastic collector

>> No.9666754

Everything in this shitty port looks like it's made of plastic

>> No.9666769

The graphics are completely unmodified, you’re insulting the original OoT.

>> No.9666803

They obviously are modified! Are you blind?

>> No.9666813

The assets are all original. Models, textures, etc.

>> No.9666821

>Too fluid, doesn't go well with the early 3D aesthetics
That's the stupidest shit I've read today, but the day is young and I'll be checking other threads.

>> No.9666825

It looks like the same game I dont know what the big deal is

>> No.9666829

Yes, but the changes they made to the way it is displayed make it look different for the worse

>> No.9666838

if you don"t get OoT then it is you that needs taste, as well as understanding.
let's see your 3x3

>> No.9666908

that gameplay looks pretty bad

>> No.9666910

looks like souless, modern nu-trash

>> No.9666931

I'm so used to the stuttering and the fogginess this clip feels weirdly unnatural to me. It's actually uncomfortable to watch because I expect the game to stutter when it doesn't.

>> No.9666941

?? Is it possible to play like this on Wii U? Or is it PC only? Do you need a powerful gpu/cpu?

>> No.9666951
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, snapshot3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9666969

NTA, but the point is that when played at the original resolution + the N64 post processing the games has jagged edges, dithering, etc which gives more of a textured feel to it, even more so in a CRT or CRT shader, which blends everything in. When upresedlike this + and with all the filteres removed everything is smooth and it just looks like plastic.

>> No.9667034

I prefer the original

>> No.9667170

Ok, this doesn’t look fucking fantastic. It looks nauseating.

>> No.9667190

this board is just made of zoomers these days. they have no memories of the games they play today. i wonder why they even bother with retro at all

>> No.9667272 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 2560x1440, 20230216135257_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like 40fps as a middle ground. While 20fps is painful to look at today, 60fps feels almost unnaturally fluid for the game's animations. 40fps strikes the balance of feeling like an improvement without becoming uncanny.
I also tweaked ShipWright so I could render the game in 240p widescreen. Retains the game's "look", but with a wider FOV and MSAA to clean up some of the worst jaggies.

>> No.9667292

I prefer my games unmodded.

>> No.9667313

the interpolation makes the animations look slower. with some careful manual animating instead of throwing things into an algorithm it could probably retain the feel of the original
and needs some very mild, tasteful motion blur

>> No.9667315

That looks terrible. If you want nice motion, just play on a CRT.

>> No.9667325

Thank you /vr/ for proving once again that at the end of the day tendies are just nostalgiafags

>> No.9667370

I tried to play it again, but its an empty game. I can't be bothered to cross an empty field for ten minutes to get to a basic puzzle task.

>> No.9667380
File: 26 KB, 90x178, brehs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never even noticed this cutie in several decades.

>> No.9667397

I prefer it be the only option

>> No.9667416


>> No.9667495

We are not done yet https://zelda64.dev/games/mm

>> No.9667539

>Fix credits timing
holy shit, I couldn't even figure out how to do that in emulation. ParaLLEl plugins were supposed to be most accurate but the timing was still way off

>> No.9667569
File: 3.18 MB, 4360x2984, 20200929_194305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> muh n64 has no fluid games
Smash and F-Zero both maintain a solid 60FPS and yes the graphics did suffer for it. poor fuckin DK

>> No.9667581

you're used to smooth pc games but not smooth n64 games

>> No.9667587

Kaze did that with SM64, I don't know what fps, but he made the game a lot more optimized. It's probably possible with OoT too

>> No.9667613

eh, the spherical look with the trees doesn't mesh well with low poly mario, i'd rather play it with render96 models on.

>> No.9667853

I know this is going to trigger someone's autism but aside from the higher framerate, I don't notice any difference. I know logically its running HD textures and maybe some other processed effects, maybe higher poly models, but the game was designed around the hardware limits of the N64. Everything is aesthetically the same.
Not saying people shouldn't play it, but it doesn't really DO anything for the game.
Its crazy what actual solid asset design and visual composition can do even for games on graphically weak systems.

>> No.9667940 [DELETED] 

it isn't

>> No.9667945

>I know logically its running HD textures and maybe some other processed effects, maybe higher poly models,
it isn't

>> No.9668331

See Rare's caneled stuff too. You can play it and it even plays almsot exactly like Dark Souls

>> No.9668336

Looks vanilla to me

>> No.9668390

The low frame rate is cooler because when you go flying from a hit, the next frame is farther away than you expect, giving a visceral jolted impression.

>> No.9668393

but is it updated to have The New Forest Temple Music??????

>> No.9668409

Can't wait for Star Fox 64 to get decompiled.

>> No.9668430

>tfw too retarded to compile the 64 port

>> No.9668443

If Nintendo released this at $50 for the Switch, fans would gobble this shit up and call it GOTY, definitive version, etc.

But because its free on PC, we are seeing undignified levels of mental gymnastics. Such is life.

>> No.9668459

The 20fps unironically added to the charm of the original

>> No.9668517

Why would you want to play ugly 64 version when 3ds version is better in every aspect.

>> No.9668569

again, no idea about zeldor game in question, but it could make it feel a little fucked, either only to people whove played for years and are familiar with the original game, or it could be a botched implementation right now.

source: i remember some people have whined about gzdooms interpolation before. the solution is to use another source port lol

>> No.9668585

Agree. It just suits the dreamy style right from the start in that forest village with the fairies and wisps of pixie dust everywhere. It also feels more like 28 frames

>> No.9668648

He's got it up to about an average 55FPS on hardware apparently, still trying to optimize it further before release. OOT doesn't seem to have anybody as powerfully autistic in its own community but I would definitely like to see it, getting it to 30 at least would be very doable with some optimizations.

>> No.9668652

3DS port is weird, Zelda and Saria look fine but Link looks overdone

You can also map the boots to the C buttons in the PC port.

>> No.9668675

I don't mind it having better framerate but in terms of the actual graphics there's nothing wrong with how OoT looks

>> No.9668681

Usually what happens is the original art they used to make those backgrounds was lost.

>> No.9668689

It looks like it's using FFXII's speedup mode

>> No.9668692

it's vanilla. can't make this shit up. there's are the original fucking assets and because you retards *think* they aren't you say they look like shit.

>> No.9668693

>You can also map the boots to the C buttons in the PC port.
That's also been a thing in randomizers for a long time now with them being mapped to the d-pad along with the ocarina

>> No.9668694 [DELETED] 

if the framerate was so essential to the artistic presentation of the game or whatever why did increase it to 30 for the 3DS release?

>> No.9668698

if the framerate was so essential to the artistic presentation of the game or whatever why did Nintendo increase it to 30 for the 3DS release?

>> No.9668714

The placebo effect is well documented.

>> No.9668750

Wouldn't be a problem if we were all still on CRTs. Just saiyan.

>> No.9668841

If I could
>play the entire game at 60 fps
>on a CRT
>with an original N64 controller
Then that would be perfect.
It'd be cool if OoT gets the Render96 treatment one day though.

>> No.9669210

The game seems boring though. I spent all day in the sludgey looking start area doing chores and walking to the right place to get a sword, and now, inside the tree I feel like I just did the exact same thing again multiple times to get other things that I have no intrinsic excitement about. Is there a reason to push on or is this just on of those games for people who get a rush off getting 'loot'? I want to have a romance with fucking Princess Zelda

>> No.9669219

You outed yourself as a zoomer.

>> No.9669241

The art assets are completely unmodified.

>> No.9669264

Then why does it look like shit when the original still holds up? I mean just look at >>9666126 and >>9665845 !!! How can anyone play this?

>> No.9669471

FACT: It is biologically impossible for the human mind to perceive anything faster than 20 FPS.

>> No.9669478

20 frames per 60 interlaced fields, as god intended

>> No.9669506

Weird, this is the first time in my life a video game made me feel motion sickness.

>> No.9669514
File: 124 KB, 386x318, 1676635504432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets hit by wolfos
>attacks them from the front
>doesn't just poke them in the butt when they turn around
nope, doesn't look fantastic to me

>> No.9669515

I haven't got around to it yet but I plan on playing this in 320x240 at 60 fps on a CRT once a really good hack comes out that I want to play.

>> No.9669616


>> No.9669649

It all boils down to OoT being very well animated, and the other games being western FPS where having snappy/weightly animations was never the goal in the first place, so there's nothing to degrade by just adding more tweening.

>> No.9669654

>a few more fun side quests would be very welcome

There's already a mod for that does this.

>> No.9669663

In that case it's because the port team was doing the animations, and they still didn't animate them as well as the original game.

>> No.9670058
File: 3.33 MB, 1369x1045, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to play my games without removing the soul entirely, thanks.

>> No.9670475

You're playing on a modern display and probably not even an N64 controller. You have no soul to speak of. Just an imitation of it.

>> No.9670529

That's direct capture from a RGB modded N64

The scanlines are from the GBS control upscaler.

>> No.9670587

What do I need to achieve this? What emulator is this on? It looks weird, but I will get used to it. The clarity is grape

>> No.9670617

no emulator, it's a PC port
requires this rom to extract assets https://archive.org/details/ZELOOTD

>> No.9670639

Y-Yeah well your... sofa was probably m-modern and not made in the 90s!!

>> No.9670765
File: 674 KB, 1000x1503, Bane_Nolanverse_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.9670771
File: 49 KB, 750x750, 1623608939661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9670794

The 3D graphics were blurred by the CRT screen and depending on how much glare you got then you couldn't see shit all that well anyways.

>> No.9670796

The boss fight is the best part about the tree.

>> No.9670809 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 589x460, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the same TV i have. its shit but it doubles as a tv screen AND a computer monitor and its small so its nice to have around

>> No.9670839
File: 159 KB, 512x512, 923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it insane that NO ONE thought to save the actual 3D master files so you could just re-render them at a new resolution, there was a fuck ton of work poured into these and they're all just lost to time

>> No.9670853

Spotted the contrarian!

>> No.9670858

>The game seems boring though
>I want to have a romance with fucking Princess Zelda
my judge of character is that you are a loser

>> No.9670928

where can i play this in NOT 60fps shit?

>> No.9670934

The PC port.

>> No.9670946
File: 63 KB, 689x462, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says i have to compile the game to play it though

>> No.9670961

So compile it. What are you, tech illiterate?

>> No.9670969

>Join the discord free of charge
>Download the links in the FAQ

>> No.9671015

>Then why does it look like shit when the original still holds up?
because your brain is addled by nostalgia

>> No.9671017

why do you think im posting on /vr/ in the zoomer zelda thread?

>> No.9671065

>with a railshooter
Lylat Wars chugs constantly and it's a rail shooter.

>> No.9671181

AI upscaling is, and will always be, shit. Be a lot better to just rebuild them from scratch, but that's too much effort.

>> No.9671332

You don't, if you go to the github and click on the 'actions' tab, you should be able to find .zips of compiled builds in some of the events there.

>> No.9672475

You are right https://github.com/HarbourMasters/Shipwright/suites/11060208939/artifacts/562353007

>> No.9672639

3ds version has stupid rolling and jumping animations, and the run cycle looks like it's in slow motion. plus links nose got nerfed

>> No.9672648

eh reh eh reh eh reh

>> No.9672660

Most of the game looks much better than this though

>> No.9672667

If the 3DS animations were actually good somebody would've ported them over but honestly, even the floaty interpolated shit is miles better. They're so weird.

>> No.9672669

I'm a millennial and I play retro games some times for nostalgia, or, some times because I want to go back and beat a game I never got to beat, or, didn't get to play. I grew up on snes though not nes and ended my gaming "journey" with the ps2, xbox, and game cube.

>> No.9672676 [SPOILER] 
File: 531 KB, 460x690, 1672117283407753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brain literally cannot tell the difference between an xbox controller and one of those POS nintendo 64 controllers. The CRT vs HDMI, maybe. I want a crt tv for anime and shit, but, I really don't see what the big deal is.

>> No.9672694

Looks ok, but it's still the same game
Better visuals don't make the game more entertaining

>> No.9672875

kek and agree

>> No.9672912

People are already using this to make mods though.

>> No.9674652

This is awesome.

>> No.9674672


>> No.9674689

Literally the only reason to own a crt.

>> No.9674903

Look bro, I'll be the first to tell you that zoomers will never get to experience the magic that playing OoT in the late 90s was, but better visuals and better framerates absolutely do make games more enjoyable. It was the best looking game ever at the time of it's release and the fact that it was so visually stunning added to the experience

>> No.9675029

Rebuild the scene in a 3D application and render out a hires spherical projection map. It's not that hard.

>> No.9675101

i agree with him. 60fps looks shit with early 3d lowpoly. i think it's mostly done to try to wrangle the older game into the modern era aesthetically because the autists who do it have some weird technical criteria for what a good game is.

it's like putting a 60 year old man in skinny jeans

>> No.9675223

this doesn't look fucking fantastic