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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9660713 No.9660713 [Reply] [Original]

is this site legal? safe?

i downloaded a game from it and i got a .bin/cue file. how do you recommend running it? all mounting software seems incredibly sketch

>> No.9660726

It's legal and safe, abandonware by definition is software the creator doesn't or can no longer profit off of. If you're on Windows 10, I think you can mount the .cue file by right clicking it and selecting "Mount".

>> No.9660729

Enjoy your virus lol

>> No.9660730

>is this site legal?
>how do you recommend running it?
Get Virtual CloneDrive.

>> No.9660732

"abandonware" is a bullshit made up term. It's just the new "delete the rom after 24 hours", a poor excuse that makes website makers believe it helps make them safe. Every abandoware site has games from publishers still active today, and games still being sold today.

And abandonwares are known for hosting bad rips (sometimes taken out of content), older versions, and sometimes even beta version, without telling the user. In the day & age of archive.org and other solutions it is a poor solution

>> No.9660734

i always used PowerISO for these filetypes, works fine, just make sure to uncheck all the third-party crap during install

another way to avoid installing these cd images is to just download a rip or a pre-install, that way you can also circumvent any copyright protection

>> No.9660738

when a retailer starts selling a game again they link to a purchase page

>> No.9660739

The copyright law protects games for 95 years even if they were only sold for a single day.

>> No.9660741

this entire forum is about emulating roms

>> No.9660747

Does the law really matter if the copyright owners no longer exist or just don't give a shit?

>> No.9660753

No, it doesn't. Anon is just being pedantic.

>> No.9660757

Yeah, but I don't care about that.

>> No.9660842

abandonware is legal because there's no one enforcing the copyright. that's the bare minimum required to make this piracy and not just preservation. BTW

>> No.9660848

copyright must be enforced by copyright holder or they forfeit copyright. BTW

>> No.9660864

Thats trademark, copyright doesn't have an "adverse possesion" exception.

>> No.9660879

ah, well whoever owns it isn't defending it which is bare minimum before it's public domain.

>> No.9661057

No. Makes mustard gas.

Copyright doesn't cease to exist the instant someone dies. Unless IP becomes public domain someone owns it. Figuring out who owns what can be complicated.

Wrong. And no child larping as a lawyer can change that.

>> No.9661083

prove it
prove an unprotected copyright is valid in anyway
literally and metaphorically prove it
you can't.

>> No.9661097

They're called "Abandonware" because nobody gives a shit about 'em. These sites are numerous, has a shitload of stuff, and has existed for years upon years. The copyright holder could file a DMCA but they just don't care, they don't care so hard they don't even bother to enforce it because it'll be a waste of money. Hence, "Abandonware"

>> No.9661197

Software is also a bullshit made up term.

>> No.9661204
File: 6 KB, 269x187, davysprocketlose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking christ you faggots are just boomer /v/ at this point

>> No.9661267

kek i haven’t used a a pc to game in 10 years i’ve just been using console. i know the basics but i’m paranoid of viruses.

>> No.9661348
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>you need to prove an angry lying child wrong
That's not the way it works kiddo. And I prefer just to call your bullshit and watch you throw a tantrum. Far more entertaining.

>> No.9661357

>And abandonwares are known for hosting bad rips (sometimes taken out of content), older versions, and sometimes even beta version, without telling the user.
>In the day & age of archive.org and other solutions it is a poor solution
How do you know a game on archive is a good rip? Afaik there's no group like no-intro to verify PC games, so every site is just reuploading whatever they can get.

>> No.9661394

>all mounting software seems incredibly sketch

>> No.9661401

>I prefer just to call your bullshit
thanks for conceding then. i knew you couldn't do it if it's any consolation.

>> No.9661406


>> No.9661412

ironic coming from an esl retard who can't use his PC

>> No.9661520

It's not legal and I have a script running that logs every IP that illegally downloads copyrighted material and sends that information to the FBI.

>> No.9661528
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>m-muh boogeyman viruses oh noooooo save me NIGGERMAAAAN!!

heh, absolute retardation. If you browse properly , get adblocks and use two pieces of software that "just werk TM" against viruses you'd be fine faggot

>> No.9661608


>> No.9661637


>> No.9662051

There are better sites, which have more strictly curated abandonware with well designed launchers - like TCC. Myabandonware is curated, and there are hundreds of links to paying sites for many games now, but there's so much content on here that it's always going to be behind.

In terms of the 'is it legal/is it not' - no it's not legal, but rather than being "illegal" it's what one may consider "unlawful" - i.e., it's unlikely that anyone is going to do anything about it, . Similar things for instance would be the 'street drinking beer in paper bag' example from the Wire - Police don't want to arrest you, but it's illegal - if they can't see it they don't have to arrest you.

The police or your ISP certainly aren't going to bang down the door, as it's a waste of resources. This of course all changes if someone with the copyright starts using it again, and can potentially make money off you having downloaded it.

>> No.9662062

Abandonware is neither explicitly legal or illegal because it has been abandoned; it's the "there's no rule against a dog playing basketball" defense

>> No.9662068

how fucking new are you that you don't know what to do with a bin/cue file jesus

you would never have survived limewire

>> No.9662069

I bet you guys think it's legal to download ROMs as long as you delete them within 24 hours

>> No.9662074

the owner of the rom could take you to court because copyright infringement is illegal

that isn't true of abandonware

>> No.9662102

>it's legal if you don't get sued
Yeah and using your five finger discount at the supermarket is legal too when the underpaid teenage cashier doesn't care enough to stop you.

>> No.9662169

There's no legal definition of abandonware and the download and distribution of software that is considered abandonware is still considered theft/piracy. There's no rule under copyright law where a product eventually just becomes free.

The thing is that abandonware is by abandonned by "definition" and such the owners of the software are unlikely to pursue legal action, if they even exist, or if anyone even knows who still owns the software, and there's no vigilantes going around defending the honor of abandonware. The copyright of abandonware should basically be considered equivalent to an unenforced law.

But anyway all that is a moot point because no one gives a fuck about pirating games at all, abandonware is only special because "getting away with it" doesn't even begin to describe how easy it is to host and distribute abandonware.

>> No.9662172

Are you zoomers or just retarded faggots? Fuck copyright and fuck your mothers

>> No.9662180

Thank you cashier.

>> No.9662181

deal with "AbandonWare" is that you could get sued for downloading it... but first the suers will have to get done suing each other for the rights to sue you.
These are ancient gaems whose original developers aren't making money off them, probably because some Jew bilked them off their rights, so those developers don't care. They're happy just to know someone else cares. As to that Jew, he's probably too busy to sue you too.

>> No.9662223
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>> No.9662249

>Every abandoware site has games from publishers still active today, and games still being sold today.
more often than not the download button is just a link to GoG though.

>> No.9662269

Don't mistake my posts for moralfaggotry. I don't give a shit if you pirate or steal. Just don't jump through mental hoops to try to justify it, it's embarrassing.
>no mommy don't be mad i promise i didn't steal this game, it's abandonware!!!

>> No.9662305

>dude is downloading x legal
Just fucking pirate, use a VPN if you're that concerned.
9 times out of 10 you can't financially support the people who made the game anymore and when you can buy a copy the proceeds are going to someone else.

>> No.9662514

>arguing over abandoned software
why though, do you not all have lives?

>> No.9663024

I’ve grabbed stuff from here seems like a decent site I hope it’s safe. You never know if something bad can sneak in there. The maintainer seems to interact with the community in the comments section for various games which is a good sign.

The fact that they encourage you to buy from GOG if available makes it
legit in my eyes. Most mainstream abandonware sites encourage people to buy from GOG instead. Supporting the copyright holder had been an abandonware thing for a long time.

i actually learnt about myabandonware through the GOG forums actually.

Heh true there’s a ton of stuff that GOG doesn’t have available though. I’d rather support GOG than some random literally who publisher. It seems the really famous stuff tends to get picked up by GOG.

Never realized that lol that’s pretty funny actually.

>> No.9663028

>>is this site legal?
What the fuck are you talking about? Any game that can be purchased points to gog

>> No.9663070

I use WinCDEmu. Mount the .cue file.

>> No.9663528

1. Is it legal?
Who cares?
2. Use archive.org instead and get everything redump or no-intro.
3. Above method won’t give you viruses, but if you’re paranoid try either not downloading things on a windows machine, or just using a virus scanner. Worst case scenario just format and reinstall your operating system if you do get one.

>> No.9663556

When you become obsessed with bey-tah roms like I am it's time to stop caring what's legal and what's not.

>> No.9663573

it sure is, never got arrested to this day :^)

>> No.9663692


>> No.9663696

Bases as fuck.

>> No.9663734

>The fact that they encourage you to buy from GOG if available makes it legit in my eyes.
That wasn't always the case. Only in recent years did they start doing so. Probably because they had to rather than wanted to. I'd imagine they had a boost in popularity after they more or less became the primary abandonware site after what happened to abandonia.

>> No.9663838

>still running daemon tools, but without the adware
It still works and it's fun to recommend to people as they get the adware.
Abandonware is fine in most cases for PC games (occasionally has some obscure shit send in by 1 guy that archive.org doesn't have), entirely pointless for console romsets of course, don't know why they bloated the website with that.

>> No.9665249 [DELETED] 

based abandonware keeping game alive

>> No.9665256

based abandonware keeping games alive

>> No.9665513

It creates nerve gas dont do it

>> No.9667519

>There are better sites, which have more strictly curated abandonware with well designed launchers - like TCC
what is TCC?

>> No.9667537

I think I found some Sonic game (I think it was the PC port of Sonic R) on it and there's no fucking way it qualifies as abandonware that you can legally download for free

>> No.9667693
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>> No.9668140

Wasn't there some insane shit that the police can't arrest you if it's under 300$?

>> No.9668193

Thanks anon, I have never heard of that site before.

>> No.9668221

why not, Sega and Sonic Team allow fans to romhack and make fan games, and presumably pass around older titles. they hire the good indie devs to come help them make their games.

>> No.9668238

My barber the other day called me a thief for dumping my own switch games using my own switch to play on an emulator. Theres just no appeasing zealots.

>> No.9668272


copyright is gay kys

>> No.9668471

Have a ps3 I hardly play.
I tell myself "one day all the games will be free just like PS2 and 1".
Many years later I was right.
Be patient and get rewards.
Fuck the law