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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9658913 No.9658913 [Reply] [Original]

is Silent Hill the scariest retro game?

>> No.9658920
File: 25 KB, 220x274, scariest retro game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*spawns in a closet behind you
heh nothing personal, kid

>> No.9658930

Yes. It's also the best SH and the only one with a good horror buildup. That alley at the start is still the most amazing horror moment in vidya with perfect calibration

>> No.9658934
File: 240 KB, 800x1142, Siren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even the scariest game Toyama made.

>> No.9658936

RE2 might still be the most traumatizing for a kid though with the backgrounds that looked real

>> No.9658940
File: 1.12 MB, 1011x647, DontLookNow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scared the shit out of me. The entire game is like an amalgamtion of X-Files and Don't Look Now.

>> No.9658941

>siren autists
These games are fucking retarded outside of some nice face animations

>> No.9658942

i watched my brother play that for a while. after he stopped playing the game has simply sat there in my collection for a decade and a half. maybe i will play it finally. but during the day, with copious liquor

>> No.9658959

manhunt isnt spooky, but its dark and perverse. the way youre put in the role of a heartless killer amongst gangs of heartless killers is like no other game Ive played. its almost a serial killer simulator but not. lots of tense moments and in a sense it has a horror feel to it.

>> No.9658970

imo it’s Fatal Frame 1

>> No.9658971

>muh currrrazy camera angle

>> No.9658989

Buttefly room silent hill 2 - that music is scary still 22 years later.

>> No.9659012

Your viewpoint is absolutely an important part of horror in any visual genre. That’s why this type of fixed camera moments tend to be much scarier

>> No.9659021

It's scary but the scariest is probably Fatal Frame 1 or 3

>> No.9659054

I didnt find it scary, maybe its because im not a pussy ass nigga

>> No.9659064

I was traumatized when i finished re2 on the 64 for the first time it was like shellshock. I was 8 to 10 at the time. I went to shower and said to myself "shit im never gonna play that again motherfucka" but I still play it to this day

>> No.9659097

and the reason you're not a pussy ass nigga:
a video game didn't scare you

>> No.9659138

You sound boring
And like you’re afraid of being afraid

>> No.9659141

Its scary how anyone thinks its any good. Honestly one of the worst AAA games Ive ever played in my life

>> No.9659145

It's been scientifically proven that only brainlets don't find good horror scary so everytime someone flexes like that it sounds funny to me

>> No.9659150

>is Silent Hill the scariest retro game?
It's the scariest game I've ever played. Of the PSX titles:
SH > RE > RE3 >RE2

>> No.9659171

> I was 8 to 10
>I said shit motherfucka
i hadn't even cussed by that age yet

>> No.9659176
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*I should note I was ranking those games in spookyness and not gameplay enjoyment

>> No.9659609

Yes and that's why I love it more than Resident Evil.

I'm pretty sure you were born in the 2000's because this game rocks.

>> No.9659635

clock tower is the king imo psx. Playing clock tower for the playstation especially as a kid is peak horror kino. Followed by fatal frame title your pick for ps2. Personally fatal frame 2 scared the shit out of me with ghost appearing behind stairs when it didn't the last time I went through this area because I died.

Res evil was on the first pc games I played for windows 98 or millennium and silent hill psx title, even as a 13-16 they felt too corny for the horror to be 100% there. I'm 32 now for reference.

>> No.9659718

In brazil we start cursing around the age 2 at most, around age 12 we start dealing drugs, its no joke

>> No.9659756

Its not possible for me to be afraid of demons because I believe in god almighty amem. Resident evil games with "real monsters" used to scare me. Dont get me wrong, I am not saying silent hill is bad, I played through 1 and 2 and would say theyre a 9 and an 8 respectively.

>> No.9659768

It's scary how boring that game is.

>> No.9659968

I'm not afraid of demons because, like all normal people, I know they aren't real.

>> No.9659983
File: 890 KB, 1200x654, Dark-Seed-2-4-e1561392967438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Seed

>> No.9660049

>Silent Hill
Please tell me no one actually believes this, right? The entire intrigue of SH's monsters is that they don't fall into your typical camp of monsters like aliens, mutants, or demons and are something entirely diffrrent.

>> No.9660101

It's not bad, but I would've liked it better without the alternate universe bullshit. Was more realistic and creepy being in an empty town but the alternative stuff just killed my immersion.

>> No.9660210

>but I would've liked it better without the alternate universe bullshit.
You're mad about something that isn't there? There is no "alternate universe/dimension", Silent Hill is a physical location that is physically being altered by the power of the town.

>> No.9660385

>He hasn’t beaten Silent Hill 1

I could see this is we were talking about them corrupting your soul but these fuckers will just shank you, anon

>> No.9660397

I obviously meant the parts where the world changes you dumbfuck.

>> No.9660482

That this is 'retro' is still hard to accept.

>> No.9660493
File: 9 KB, 208x199, Bruce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No game will be able to top my first playthrough of SH.

>make it to final boss
>didn't know about multiple endings
>clearly going towards bad end
>I'm trapped in a dark room with a eerie glowing angel thing walking toward me
>Figure if I kill it I get the bad end, so try to search for things around the room
>nothing, guess I gotta fight it
>the SECOND I shoot it, my tv starts making a highpitched error-like noise
>all music/sound effects are gone
>every time I shoot it, the pitch of the loud noise goes higher and higher
>it's actually hurting to hear it
>beat the boss
>noise stops
>end cutscene plays
>discover that is NOT what's supposed to happen
>mfw during all of that

Scared the shit out me. Holy hell SH1 is good.

>> No.9660498

This is a glitch that happens with certain playback devices; pop the disc into a PS3 and you get the exact same thing every time.

SUPER fucky that's where it happens though, because yeah it's spook city

>> No.9660526

This one just makes me horny.

>> No.9660983

Its not remotely scary. The cartoony joke tier graphics kill it, silent hill 2 and 3 are some of the scariest pieces of media ever made though. Silent Hill 1 mightve been scary if they didnt try to do full 3d and instead settled for prerendered backgrounds with 3d models but clearly they bit too much, I cant imagine taking this game seriously as an adult because it just looks cartoony and stupid as fuck. The very few visuals that have true power are all inanimate objects/ background elements that unnerve you (mostly elements of the otherworld like seemingly endless pits that the metal grating walkways are pinned upon) but they arent some pants shitting terror inducing spooks and just some uncomfortable art that makes you uneasy. RE3 is a far scarier game from the same generation simply because of nemesis. Better jumpscares by far and more oppressive/ tense. SH1 might be a more interesting art piece but its not fucking scary unless youre 8 years old (or otherwise stupid/ inexperienced enough to not pick up on just how predictable the game is and how it establishes way too much clear rules to properly scare the player afterwards). Its literally a prime game mechanic to hear the presence of enemies through the radio before they show up so by extension you should never ever let the game scare you whenever it tries to (falsely) pull the mat from under your feet with some new scary audio that you dont recognize. You 100% know if you should be scared or not, and the enemies are never actually threatening or scary when confronting them. The only dangerous enemy in the game is the (true) final boss and by that point youll just stand in place and tank his shit with heals while firing at it

>> No.9661021

Based retard bro not understanding the story.

>> No.9661029

>Imaginary enemies

>> No.9661070

Based retard bro not understanding the story

>> No.9661797

The first time I beat it, I had the online walkthrough since I was stuck on the piano puzzle without the walkthrough. The walkthrough even showed me how to get the best ending, as well as the alien ending.

>> No.9662619
File: 135 KB, 600x450, re1_cap58_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know fear is hugely subjective and all but RE got under my skin way more

>> No.9662648

>boo hoo the main character is insecure and traumatized :(
hit the gym faggot

>> No.9663050

Didn’t read find your enter key

>> No.9663068

Based retard bro not understanding the story

>> No.9663164

If you think that SH is "it's all in your head" and everything that is happening can be explained with conscience and perception - you actually never even played the games. SH lore and mechanics are deeply interwoven with occult.

>> No.9663259

Go on zoomie fortnite board and try to talk about it.

>> No.9663452

I read it and agree but yes, do find your enter key anon.

>> No.9664215
File: 339 KB, 1000x1786, sh1_novel_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't think that at all. Everything that exists in the fogworld and otherworld are all real, created from the power of the town. I think that people both underestimate and overestimate the cult's impacts in ways. You have the typical SH2 only idiots who see the cult as "boring" but at the same time I think people don't really think about how personal of a narrative SH1 is. SH1 would probably be the least psychological of the original trilogy as the state of the world around the protagonist isn't based on their psyche, but it's stillna deeply personal story of Harry and especially Alessa. The most occultish figure of the series, the Incubus, only appears as such due to Alessa interpreting it as such, the God being shaped based on how the person birthing it interprets it as. It drives me crazy when people seriously see nothing but "spooky cult summons demons" when the most interesting aspect of SH is that it avoids that tropey shit entirely.