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File: 376 KB, 471x471, SpiderMan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9658294 No.9658294 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't as loved as the first one?

>> No.9658303

Vicarious Visions made it. Play the games back to back and you'll know.
Turrets are annoying, the plane level is annoying, the bosses are annoying and a lot of stages have dumb gimmicks like Sandman's train chase.
Only its pre-9/11 build is really worth playing.

>> No.9658305

>Only its pre-9/11 build is really worth playing.
Is that on warez forums like archive the eye?

>Following the September 11 attacks, Activision halted production of the game in order to remove references to buildings resembling the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center,[1] change the final battle stages, re-edit the cutscenes, and add a large bridge to the model of the World Trade Center. Several levels were renamed and other minor changes were made to levels and cutscenes in order to avoid any reference to the World Trade Center and 9/11, although the background World Trade Center and Empire State Building remained on cutscenes and even seen on trailers.

>> No.9658306

It's a massive downgrade. You'd know that if you've played these games.

>> No.9658307

Released only for PS1 unlike the first game

>> No.9658312

Yeah it's out there

>> No.9658318

I don't love is as much as the first one but it's still good. Also I checked and it has a metascore of 74 , for some reason I remember it being like 50. Probably because so many people shit on it

>> No.9658396

Because it isn't good as the first one. But still pretty good.

>> No.9658480

Weaker level design, weaker villain selection. Basically more of an expansion pack than a real sequel.

>> No.9658515

elctro is a borderline silver age tier villain and they fucked up spiderman's face. horrible first impression in the opening cutscene.

>> No.9658734
File: 66 KB, 474x474, Spider-Man-2-Enter-the-Sinister-Six-GBC-EU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GBC game was better.

>> No.9659869
File: 234 KB, 900x1366, 1354815230-0307697-www.nevsepic.com.ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why isn't as loved as the first one?
Well, in theory it should be, but when we look deeper into it, it becomes clear why it didn't happen. At 1st glance it seems to be an improvement in it, Spider-Man's costume is more detailed, while also adding a bunch more costumes, there are levels where you can actually walk through New York's streets, they even added a Lock-On mechanic and new combos... but that didn't cut it. When you actually sit down to play Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro, what you'll find is something that plays almost the same as the original, has a slight focus on stealth compared to the 1st one, and a darker atmosphere in both looks and OST... so it's all good, right? Not exactly, what makes a lot of people dislike it is a mediocre rogue gallery and many levels which were just too punishing and made players not bother, like the plane level, or Sandman's 1st boss... almost all bosses now that I think about it, the camera and level design just feel worse here.

>> No.9659945

Why don't you just shut up and enter electro

>> No.9659951

I've played them both, I actually beat Enter Electro first when I was a kid, and I think it's every bit as good as the original game. Shorter, but just as good.

>> No.9660063

Which makes the original PS1 game the defacto version.

>> No.9661043

what about its sequel on GBA?

>> No.9661170
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 1675369193504122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no atmospheric fog
>the plane level
>final fight takes place the two towers
>final boss is shitty electro
I also don't remember Venom being in the game

>> No.9661173

Also Beast from the X-men was doing the tutorial instead of Black Cat showing off her boobs

>> No.9661182

But then you can go to the Danger Room and enjoy Rogue's boobs.

>> No.9661196

Apparently there is a Prodigy costume? Fucking love the Slingers. Wish they had caught on.

>> No.9661581

>Apparently there is a Prodigy costume?
Yup, there were tons of costumes overall, Progidy included.

>> No.9661586

It also allowed you to customize costumes with up to three bonus powers.

>> No.9661673

X-Men are actually cool and Black Cat's just a shitty Catwoman soo

>> No.9662157
File: 179 KB, 800x795, 21161-spider-man-mysterio-s-menace-game-boy-advance-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say that it's even better aswell. Spider-Man: Mysterio's Menace (2001/GBA) is a weird one, because it's sort of a sequel to both Spider-Man duologies from that time, on PS1 and GBC, and it worked well for both. As for how it plays, it's 2D, just like both GBC installments, and takes elements from both, like the upgrades and overall open design from Vicarious Visions' 1st effort, while also having actual levels like Torus' sequel. While it isn't 3D, it clearly attempts to follow up on both PS1 installments, with its sprites and GUI/HUD clearly taken straight from it or at least inspired by it. All is good here, graphics are nice and make it look like a PS1 installment, OST is both catchy and atmospheric, level design is perfect for exploration while staying simple if you just want to go from start to finish. I'd say that you could struggle with some of its bosses, but unless you're playing on Super Hero difficulty then it shouldn't take too long for a strategy to become clear for you. I definitely recommend it, as it's everything a 2D Spider-Man video game should be.

>> No.9662162

Childhood favorite right here

>> No.9662701
File: 49 KB, 400x300, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, both are sexy, so I don't see the point of this discussion, you can't go wrong with either of them.

>> No.9663660

True, both the Dreamcast and PC versions came out later, while the N64 version didn't have the cutscenes, its clear that the PS1 version was the real deal, while everything else were just ports of it.

>> No.9663745

thanks mate, I'll givi it a try

>> No.9664050

I'm happy to hear, anon! Hopefully you can have a good time, make sure to post your impressions here when you can.